Cisco Systems: Managing The Go-To-Market Evolution
Cisco Systems: Managing The Go-To-Market Evolution
Cisco Systems: Managing The Go-To-Market Evolution
M A N A G I N G T H E G O - TO - M A R K E T
Introduction – Cisco systems
Core competencies: • Classification – 1 to 7 layer continuum with
Product design, custom solutions increasing complexity
Channel Control
Teleservice providers One level, 25% sales
New structure
Negotiation/sales Negotiation/sales
closure closure
VAR partners
Fulfilment Fulfilment
VAR partners
Customer care Customer care
and support and support
Neutral to value engagement – gives a chance to the VARs to add their inputs/value to the product specifications/pricing
Positives and Negatives in Channel Evolution
Positives: Negatives:
Step by step improvement, adapting to market changes. Not strategizing much on route to market strategy
From direct selling to multiple channels (system (focused more on growth). Stimulus-response approach
houses, telecommunication, resellers) and "box pushing" model
Due to fast growth, needed value added and cost- Large number of VARs (6000 in 2000). Difficult to
effective channel partners apart from direct sales force. maintain control during uncertainties. Dissatisfaction
Eg: Reseller program among reseller during Telcom and dot-com crash
After telecom and dot-crash, shift from volume to Less margin for resellers due to high competition
value. Shift from standardized product to specialized (though cisco gave 40% discount, gross margin boiled
VARs/aggregators (IBM). Focus on customer satisfaction, down to 5%-18%)
certification and specialization
Rationalized the channels. Reduced number of channel Easy qualification of become gold
partners. Gold, silver and premier status awarded based partner. Dissatisfaction among higher tiers due
on goals, specialization to intense competition
Performance parameters to ensure satisfaction. Eg. Min Lesser ROI while pushing volumes
number of cisco-certified eng. staffs, customer surveys
Positives and Negatives in Channel Evolution
Positives: Negatives:
Value engagement model: Partners brought into sales Higher control requirement over VARs (especially w.r.t
cycle early in the process. Partners involved in future communication and solutions)
Service provider initiatives: Addressed Price erosion due Price parity among channels. Higher dissatisfaction
to teleservice providers by introducing bundled carrier among VARs when Cisco collaborated with Tele service
services providers
Diverse markets (home networking, VoIP, storage
networking). Diverse customers (enterprises, Small-
Medium-businesses, telecom service providers,
consumers market). Complex channels
Channel Conflicts and Possible Solutions
Channel Conflicts
1. Existing VARs are already familiar with the company's products and rules.
2. This is a great way to bundle products and thus drive sales of Cisco's core products
3. This would strengthen the relationship between Cisco and the VARs thus ensuring long-term
1. It is very hard to incentivize because the new product gives lower margins to the VARs
and cannibalizes their sales
2. It would take time to negotiate and enter a consolidated channel where relationships
are already strong
3. It might hamper the existing relationship with the data VARs which would take a hit on
the core business sales as well
• Cisco can focus on targeting big enterprises (A, B) via the data as well as voice channel since the
numbers are small. Encourage bundling the product with other options like routers so that the
VARs don't feel that the product will completely cannibalize their sales
• For customers in C, D, E of the pyramid, Cisco can utilize the traditional data VARs since the reach
is much wider and the data VARs have the expertise in handling different customer segments and
approaches. Bundling strategy can be utilized here as well to drive sales
Cisco Systems
Thank You
M A N A Abu
G I N G TMHSE– 2111402
Shahir G O - TO - M A R K E T
Mano Vignesh M – 2111405
Aditya Kanthraj – 2111325
Jeevanth D – 2111101
N Sameeksha Rai – 2111339