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Switching and Routing Essentials
Individual Assignment

This assignment contributes 40% of the final marks

Intake : APU2F2202CS(CYB), APD2F2202CS(CYB)

Lecturer : Noris binti Ismail
Email : noris.ismail@staffemail.apu.edu.my


• CLO3: Propose WLAN concepts and configuration using WLC and Layer 2 security best
practices (A3, PLO9) – Configuration and Report

• CLO4: Demonstrate the strategies to implement switch security to mitigate LAN attacks
using appropriate tools (A3, PLO6) – Configuration and Report


PLO9 – Personal Skills:

Personal skills are life skills that learners are expected to use daily. They are normally portrayed
through enthusiasm for independent learning, intellectual and self-development; by
demonstrating confidence, self-control; social skills and proper etiquette; and commitment to
professionalism in the workplace. It also includes capability to plan for career development or
further education. Aspects of character such as honesty, punctuality, time management, keeping
to and maintaining deadlines that are important in a work environment are also important
personal skills.

PLO6 – Digital Skills:

Digital skills generally refer to the ability to use information/digital technologies to support work
and studies. The skills include sourcing and storing information, processing data, using
applications for problem solving and communication, as well as ethics in applying digital skills.


This individual assignment carries 40% of your total module assessment marks. The total word
count of the report should not exceed 5000 words. No marks will be awarded for the entire
assignment if any part of it is found to be copied directly from printed materials or from another
student. All submissions should be made on or before the due date. Any late submissions after
the deadline will not be entertained. Zero (0) mark will be awarded for late submission unless
extenuating circumstances are upheld.

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Cyber Networks Inc. is a networking company that has planned to expand their services and
location in several branches (Remote Office Branch) and (Remote Branch). The network
administrator has planned to replace the current configuration with new VLAN design to make
the network more efficient and to enhance the security of the network especially in HQ branch
located in KL. Apart from that, the Remote Office Branch (Server Farm) will be managed
remotely by the Management department in HQ. For the Remote Branch in Krung Thep.
Thailand, the network administrator has planned to deploy WLC WLAN to ease the
configuration of Wireless network and its access.

The company may be characterised by its departments. The names and locations of these
departments are as follows:
 Management - (HQ Site)
 Human Resource (HR) - (HQ Site)
 Design - (HQ Site)
 Delivery - (HQ Site)
 R&D - (Remote Branch)
 WLC Management - (Remote Branch)
 Server Farm - (Remote Office)

As a newly appointed network executive, you have been asked to work on the design and
prototype of the new network. You need to create the logical topology as stated in figure 1 below
and configure all devices using Cisco Packet Tracer as the simulator to evaluate the design.

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Figure 1: Logical Topology for Cyber Networks Inc.

There are some requirements in the above scenario that must be considered in this design.

1. Implement DHCPv4 to operate across multiple LANs.

2. Configure a WLC WLAN to use a VLAN interface, a DHCP server, and WPA2
authentication. – Remote Branch – VLAN 10 –, Management VLAN – and etc. Optional – Radius server.
3. Configure IPv4 static/dynamic routes.
4. Implement port security to mitigate LAN attacks.
5. Implement port security to mitigate MAC address table attacks.

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Each student is required to provide an individual report to justify the network topology and IP
addressing used in network plan. A written report should be completed based on the network
design and configurations implemented in Cisco Packet Tracer. Below are the proposed
guidelines for the report:

Guidelines for the Report [2 sections]:

Document the results of your work in a professional and systematic manner, in the form of a
computerized report. Your completed documentation should meet the following requirements:
Section A: [Report]
1. Table of contents for every detailed chapter/section.
2. Introduction
3. Proposed WLAN Architecture. Explanation and screenshots on configuration.
4. Types of Security Attacks on Layer 2
5. Layer 2 Security Deployment to Mitigate the Attacks
6. Conclusion
7. References
Section B: [Report and Packet Tracer] and video submission.
1. Table of contents for every detailed chapter/section.
2. Introduction
3. IP Addressing Table
4. Entire Network Layout – packet tracer
5. LAN and WAN configuration. Explanation and screenshots on configuration.
6. Layer 2 Security Mechanisms Deployment in configuration. Explanation and Screenshots
7. Conclusion
8. Appendices (network configurations and screen shots)
9. References
The report is to be written in a professional manner, paying due regard to the following aspects:
 The report is to be written in the 3rd person.
 The report should have a consistent layout and be divided into enumerated sections, sub-
sections, sub-sub sections etc.
 The report should be fully referenced using the University standard – APA style.

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 Your report must be typed using Microsoft Word with Times New Roman font and size 12.
Expected length is 5,000 words (excluding diagrams, appendixes, and references). You need
use to include a word count at the end of the report and it should be in 1.5 spaces.
 Every report must have a front cover with the following details:

o Name
o Intake code.
o Subject.
o Project Title.
o Date Assigned (the date the report was handed out).
o Date Completed (the date the report is due to be handed in).

Submission Requirements:

Students are required to hand in their assignment (softcopy only) on time to the Online
Submission System (Moodle – Turnitin Assignment). In addition, demo / presentation of the
network design will be scheduled for all students before submission date.

LINK to check your Similarity report: Self Enrolment:


Submission of report and video Week 12 [29th May 2022].

Presentation Date: - Video submission Week 12 [in Moodle – Walk through the .pkt files] –
3-5 min. duration.

The submission includes:

 2 Reports in PDF (assessed in Criteria A and Criteria B)

 Softcopy of network design (Cisco Packet Tracer diagram) – Criteria B

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Assessment Criteria: Marking Scheme (Overall 100%)

Criteria A: CLO3: Propose WLAN concepts and configuration using WLC and Layer 2 security best
practices (A3, PLO9) – Personal Skills [100 Marks]

Marking 1 2 3 4 5
Criteria (Fail) (Marginal (Pass) (Credit) (Distinction)

Poor proposal Inadequate The justification The justification The justification on

on WLAN justification on on the proposed on the proposed the proposed
architecture the WLAN WLAN WLAN WLAN architecture
were provided architecture architecture and architecture and and its security
(Not feasible). and its its security its security mechanisms has
security mechanisms mechanisms are good 6
mechanisms are clearly comprehensive, rationalizations
written with sufficient and critical
rationalizations. discussion

Poor Inadequate The justification The justification The on the

justifications justification on on the security on the security security attacks
Security on the security the security attacks and attacks and and security
attacks and attacks and attacks and security security mechanisms
security security security mechanisms mechanisms deployment on
mechanisms to mechanisms mechanisms deployment on deployment on Layer 2 has good
be deployed deployment on deployment on Layer 2 are Layer 2 are rationalizations 4
Layer 2 were Layer 2 clearly written comprehensive, and critical
(20%) provided with sufficient discussion
(Not feasible). rationalizations.

Poor research Inadequate Well research Very well Poor research and
and research and and analysis and investigation of the
investigation of investigation investigation are investigation of problem. Poor
the problem. of the done. Good the problem. evaluation of the
Poor problem. Poor evaluation of Outstanding requirement.
evaluation of evaluation of the evaluation of the
Research &
the the requirements requirements
requirement requirement. with proper with proper
reasoning with reasoning.
proper project Outstanding
planning and project planning
management. and management
with the
screenshots of
used tools.

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Marking 1 2 3 4 5
Criteria (Fail) (Marginal (Pass) (Credit) (Distinction) Weightage
No in-text Minimal in-text Enough Recent source of Very good quality
citation and citation and references and references used, of references
very minimal references citation in the with proper used, with proper
references. used. Minor report. No issue reference list. citation and
Major issues in issues in the in the Limited in-text reference list for
Referencing the referencing referencing referencing citation in the all facts and
format. format. format report diagrams used 4
(20%) Referencing Not able to Able to fully Good utilization Proficient in using
was done fully utilize the utilize the of the referencing the referencing
manually, referencing referencing features in features in
without using features in features in Microsoft Word Microsoft Word,
Microsoft Word Microsoft Microsoft Word without error
features Word

No table of Table of Table of content Good structure Very good

content and content exist included with and flow of structure and flow
page but without proper page documentation of documentation,
numbering, page numbering, with appropriate with very good
font size and numbers, standardized header & footer appearance
type are not report report structure
standardized structure not & headings.
alignment and Able to show Good personal Very good and
spacing) sufficient skills in utilizing proficient personal
Not able to personal skills features in skills in utilizing 2
show personal Able to show in utilizing Microsoft Word features in
skills in some personal features in to produce good Microsoft Word to
utilizing skills in Microsoft Word formatting produce
features in utilizing to produce good standard without outstanding
Microsoft Word features in formatting any issue. formatting
to produce Microsoft standard, with standard
good Word but has minor issues.
formatting major issues
standard in formatting

Total Marks (Criteria 1) /100

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Criteria B: CLO4: Demonstrate the strategies to implement switch security to mitigate LAN attacks using
appropriate tools (A3, PLO6) – Digital Skills [60 Marks]

Marking 1 2 3 4 5 Weightage
(Fail) (Marginal Fail) (Pass) (Credit) (Distinction)

Network Feasible Good network Good quality / Excellent quality /

design is not network design, design showing complexity of complexity of
Network Design clear. Minor meeting the complete setting network network design.
issues in minimum of the network design.
network design requirement of a Good justification 4
(not feasible). network. for the diagrams
with citation (if

LAN and WAN Incomplete LAN Feasible LAN and Feasible LAN Good quality /
Configuration and WAN WAN and WAN complexity of
not clear. configuration. configuration with configuration LAN and WAN
minimum to configuration.
Major issues in requirement for demonstrate Extra effort
configuration the selected the selected shown to create
Configuration No (some parts are technique. technique a good design.
Techniques configuration 4
unable to ping).
found. Minimal issues in Successful Successful LAN
configuration – not LAN and and WAN
fully working WAN configuration
according to the configuration (able to ping to
network design. (able to ping all devices).
to all
Layer 2 Feasible layer 2 Good layer 2 Good quality / Excellent quality /
security security security complexity of complexity of
mechanisms mechanisms mechanisms layer 2 layer 2 security
implemented is implemented, implemented, security mechanisms
not clear. meeting the showing complete mechanisms implemented.
Layer 2 Security
minimum coverage on the implemented.
None or only requirement of a security setting of Very good choice
Deployment in
one network. the network Good number of relevant
mechanism of relevant mechanisms
deployed. (Not Satisfactory mechanisms good justification
feasible). number of provided in for the diagrams
relevant the network with citation (if
mechanisms plan needed)
provided in the
network plan

Not showing Hardly able to Putting effort in Complete Very good quality
any progress. show the providing the work showed. of work showed.
progress on progress on time However, Well prepared,
Timeline time. but showing work need and not doing
Incomplete work incomplete work. some last minute work 2
(10%) as working far Need major changes and
behind the modifications to modifications
expected the work done for
timeline. improvement.

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Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 Marks
(Fail) (Marginal Fail) (Pass) (Credit) (Distinction)
Hardly able to
Utilization of use packet Least use of Satisfactory use of Good use of Excellent use of
tools for tracer packet tracer packet tracer packet tracer packet tracer
network design simulation tool simulation tool simulation tool simulation simulation tool 4
in providing providing providing network tool providing providing
(20%) network network design. design. network network design.
design. design.
Not submitting Able to show Show good Very good Outstanding
for project minimal understanding in understandin configuration
demonstration. understanding configuration but g in skills
on the can be improved configuration demonstrated,
Poor configuration in technical and IP and IP exceeding the
[Video understanding done addressing addressing expectation.
Submission- on the scheme scheme 2
content] configuration. knowledge. deployed. Able to explain
Not very good in Able to configuration and
(10%) explaining explain excellent
technical technical verification
configuration and configuration commands.
average and good
verification verification
commands. commands.

Total Marks (Criteria 2) /100

Final Marks Calculation

Criteria 1 (16%) Criteria 2 (24%) Grand Total (40%) Final Assignment
Marks (100%)
X / 100 X / 100 A+B (C)/40 * 100

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HQ Network – KL:

1. HR –
2. Design –
3. Delivery –
4. Management –
5. BlackHole [Unused Ports]
6. Native

1. ServerFarm –
2. BlackHole [Unused Ports]
3. Native

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Remote Branch Network – Krung Thep:

1. RBMgmt –
2. R&D-Wireless –
3. BlackHole [Unused Ports]

WAN Connections:

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WAN Connections:
1. WAN 1 –
2. WAN 2 –
3. WAN 3 –
4. WAN 4 –
5. WAN 5 –

Level 2 Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation 2022

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