Inverter Powerflex 525 Introduction
Inverter Powerflex 525 Introduction
Inverter Powerflex 525 Introduction
3. Access I/O signals from terminal, DSI port, Ethernet port, power terminal
d. Control signal
connection position for
02 Digln TermBlk Forward Running Motor starting signal to forward(2-wire mode) /or Input signal P045, P046
02/Start/Run FWD P048, P050, A544, P062
03 Digln TermBlk Reverse Running Motor direction selection signal (3-wire mode) / Forward running T063
03/Start/Run FWD (2-wire mode) / or input signal
12 +10V DC -- Reference to the analog common pin. Voltage (0...10V) (eg for P047, P049
Variable resistor). The maximum output current is 15mA
13 +-10V in Not Active P047, P049, T062, T063, T065, T066, T093, A459,
15 4-20mA Not Active Input 4-20mA./ Internal Impedance 250Ω P047, P049, t062, t063,
t065, t066,A459, A471
16 Analog 0..10VDC The default analog outputs are 0-10V. To change to 4-20mA T088, T089
output analog output, change the Jumper position and set via
number T088
There are two methods for configuring the embedded EtherNet/IP adapter’s IP
1. BOOTP Server – Use BOOTP if you prefer to control the IP addresses of devices
using a BOOTP server. The IP address, subnet mask, and gateway addresses will then
be provided by the BOOTP server. This is enabled by default.
2. Parameters – Use parameters when you want more flexibility in setting up the IP
address, or need to communicate outside the control network using a gateway. The IP
address, subnet mask, and gateway addresses will then come from the parameters you
A437[DB Resistor Sel] Permit to disable external resistor brake and select resistance
protection level.
A410[Preset Freg0]….A425 Set inverter output frequency when selected (multiple speed
control for inverter output)
T062[Digln TemBlk]….T068 Function selection for digital input used (external push button
1. Fault Type