CH 102 Instructions
CH 102 Instructions
CH 102 Instructions
CH102/CH402/CH502/CH702/CH902 CB100 CH102
CB400 CH402
INSTRUCTION MANUAL CB500 CH502 """"-"" "" - "
CB700 CH702 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
CB900 CH902
In order to achieve maximum performance and ensure proper operation of
your new instrument, carefully read all the instructions in this manual. (1) Control action
Please place this manual in a convenient location for easy reference. F: PID action with autotuning (Reverse action)
D: PID action with autotuning (Direct action)
W: Heat/cool PID action with autotuning (Water cooling)
WARNING A : Heat/cool PID action with autotuning (Air cooling)
!An external protection device must be installed if failure of this (2) Input type, (3) Range code:
instrument could result in damage to the instrument, equipment or See “9. INPUT RANGE TABLE.”
injury to personnel.
!All wiring must be completed before power is turned on to prevent (4) First control output [OUT1] (Heat-side)
electric shock, fire or damage to instrument and equipment. M: Relay contact T: Triac V: Voltage pulse
!This instrument must be used in accordance with the specifications 8: Current (4 to 20 mA DC) G: Trigger (for triac driving)
to prevent fire or damage to instrument and equipment. (5) Second control output [OUT2] (Cool-side)
!This instrument is not intended for use in locations subject to No symbol: When control action is F or D. M: Relay contact
flammable or explosive gases.
!Do not touch high-voltage connections such as power supply T: Triac V: Voltage pulse 8: Current (4 to 20 mA DC)
terminals, etc. to avoid electric shock. (6) Alarm 1 [ALM1], (7) Alarm 2 [ALM2]
!We are not responsible if this instrument is repaired, modified or N: No alarm H: Process high alarm
disassembled by other than factory-approved personnel. A: Deviation high alarm J: Process low alarm
Malfunction can occur and warranty is void under these conditions.
B: Deviation low alarm K: Process high alarm with hold action
C: Deviation high/low alarm L: Process low alarm with hold action
CAUTION D: Band alarm
! This is a Class A instrument. In a domestic environment, this E: Deviation high alarm
instrument may cause radio interference, in which case the user with hold action
may be required to take adequate measures. F: Deviation low alarm
! This instrument is protected from electric shock by reinforced
insulation. Provide reinforced insulation between the wire for the with hold action
input signal and the wires for instrument power supply, source of G: Deviation high/low alarm with hold action
power and loads. (8) Communication function
! Be sure to provide an appropriate surge control circuit respectively
for the following: N: No communication function 5: RS-485 (2-wire system)
- If input/output or signal lines within the building are longer than 30 (9) Waterproof/dustproof
meters. N: No waterproof/dustproof 1: Waterproof/dustproof
- If input/output or signal lines leave the building, regardless the (10) Case color
N: White A: Black
! This instrument is designed for installation in an enclosed 1
No self-tuning function is provided in the W or A control action type.
instrumentation panel. All high-voltage connections such as power 2
Heater break alarm cannot be specified in case of ALM1. Also, it isn’t
supply terminals must be enclosed in the instrumentation panel to
possible to specify when control output is current output.
avoid electric shock by operating personnel. 3
As control loop break alarm, only either the ALM1 or ALM2 is selected.
! All precautions described in this manual should be taken to avoid
damage to the instrument or equipment. Check that power supply voltage is also the same as that specified
! All wiring must be in accordance with local codes and regulations. when ordering.
! All wiring must be completed before power is turned on to prevent
electric shock, instrument failure, or incorrect action. The power <Accessories>
must be turned off before repairing work for input break and output Mounting frame (CB100/CH102)
! : 1
failure including replacement of sensor, contactor or SSR, and all Mounting brackets (CB400/CB500/CB700/CB900): 2 *
wiring must be completed before power is turned on again. Instruction manual (IMCB25-E3): 1
! To prevent instrument damage of failure, protect the power line and *CB900 waterproof/dustproof option: 4 pieces
the input/output lines from high currents with a protection device
such as fuse, circuit breaker, etc.
! Prevent metal fragments or lead wire scraps from falling inside
instrument case to avoid electric shock, fire or malfunction.
! Tighten each terminal screw to the specified torque found in the
manual to avoid electric shock, fire or malfunction.
! For proper operation of this instrument, provide adequate
ventilation for heat dispensation.
! Do not connect wires to unused terminals as this will interfere with 2.1 Mounting Cautions
proper operation of the instrument.
! Turn off the power supply before cleaning the instrument. (1) This instrument is intended to be used under the following
! Do not use a volatile solvent such as paint thinner to clean the environmental conditions. (IEC61010-1)
instrument. Deformation or discoloration will occur. Use a soft, dry [OVERVOLTAGE CATEGORY II, POLLUTION DEGREE 2]
cloth to remove stains from the instrument. (2) Use this instrument within the following ambient temperature and
! To avoid damage to instrument display, do not rub with an abrasive
material or push front panel with a hard object. ambient humidity.
! Do not connect modular connectors to telephone line. ! Allowable ambient temperature: 0 to 50 "C
! Allowable ambient humidity: 5 to 95 % RH
(Absolute humidity: MAX. W. C 29 g/m dry air at 101.3 kPa)
! This manual assumes that the reader has a fundamental knowledge
of the principles of electricity, process control, computer technology (3) Avoid the following when selecting the mounting location.
and communications. ! Rapid changes in ambient temperature which may cause
! The figures, diagrams and numeric values used in this manual are condensation.
only for purpose of illustration. ! Corrosive or inflammable gases.
! We are not responsible for any damage or injury that is caused as a
result of using this instrument, instrument failure or indirect damage. ! Direct vibration or shock to the mainframe.
! Periodic maintenance is required for safe and proper operation of ! Water, oil, chemicals, vapor or steam splashes.
this instrument. Some components have a limited service life, or ! Excessive dust, salt or iron particles.
characteristics that change over time. ! Excessive induction noise, static electricity, magnetic fields or noise.
! Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy of all information ! Direct air flow from an air conditioner.
contained herein. We makes no warranty expressed or implied, ! Exposure to direct sunlight.
with respect to the accuracy of the information. The information in
this manual is subject to change without prior notice. ! Excessive heat accumulation.
2.2 Dimensions 2.3 Mounting Procedures
CB100 Individual mounting
(Unit: mm) 1. Prepare the panel cutout as specified in 2.2 Dimensions.
45 0
2. Insert the instrument through the panel cutout.
25 45 0 25
48 9.2
3. Insert the mounting frame into the mounting from the rear of the
4. Push the mounting frame forward until the frame is firmly secured
Close horizontal mounting
to the panel. (Fig.1)
L1 0
5. Fix the instrument to the panel by using the two screws. (Fig.2)
45 0
When using the mounting
( !)
1* screws, only turn one full
L1=(48"n-3) revolution after the screw
8.2 100 Mounting
n Number of controllers (2 !n!6) touches the panel.
Individual mounting
CB400 +0.6
25 45 0
Fig.1 Fig.2
48 9.2
The waterproof/dustproof option on the front of the instrument
conforms to IP66 when mounted on the panel. For effective
30 waterproof/dustproof, the gasket must be securely placed
Close horizontal mounting
L1 0 damaged, please contact your sales office or the agent.
68 0
72 9.2
L1 0
When the instrument is mounted, always secure with two
L1 0 gasket must be securely placed between instrument and panel
without any gap. If gasket is damaged, please contact your
92 0
2 IMCB25-E3
3.1 Wiring Cautions
! For thermocouple input, use the appropriate compensation wire.
! For RTD input, use low resistance lead wire with no difference in resistance between the three lead wires.
! To avoid noise induction, keep input signal wire away from instrument power line, load lines and power lines of other electric
! If there is electrical noise in the vicinity of the instrument that could affect operation, use a noise filter.
- Shorten the distance between the twisted power supply wire Instrument power
Twist these leadwires
pitches to achieve the most effective noise reduction.
IN OUT Instrument
- Always install the noise filter on a grounded panel. Minimize Noise filter power
the wiring distance between the noise filter output and the terminals
Shorten distance between Minimize
instrument power supply terminals to achieve the most pitches distance
effective noise reduction.
- Do not connect fuses or switches to the noise filter output wiring as this will reduce the effectiveness of the noise filter.
! Power supply wiring must be twisted and have a low voltage drop.
! About four seconds are required as preparation time for contact output every time the instrument is turned on. Use a delay relay
when the output line, is used for an external interlock circuit.
! This instrument is not furnished with a power supply switch or fuses. Therefore, if a fuse or power supply switch is required, install
close to the instrument.
- Fuse type: Time-lag fuse
- Recommended fuse rating: Rated voltage 250 V Rated current: 1 A
! For the current input specification, a resistor of 250 " (#0.02 % #10 ppm, 0.25 W or more) must be connected between the input
terminals. This resistor must be provided by the customer.
! Use the solderless terminal appropriate to the screw size.
- Screw size: M3 x 6
- Recommended tightening torque: 0.4 N m [4 kgf cm]
! For an instrument with 24 V power supply, supply power from a SELV circuit.
It is recommended that the host computer communication line be isolated from the power supply and earth.
IMCB25-E3 3
Power supply Alarm output
CB700 AC L DC $ AC L
1 1 1 1 10 10
CH702 24V 24V 100 to 240V 2 11 Alarm 2
2 % 2 2 3 12 11
Control output N N NO
4 13 Alarm 1 ALM1
Triac Voltage pulse Relay contact 5 14 12
OUT2 Current OUT2 6 15 (Option)
3 $ 3 3 7 16
Triac out OUT2 NO
Communication 8 17 CT input
4 % 4 4 9 18 Current
SG 7 transformer input
5 $ 5 5 RS-485
Triac out OUT1 NO
T/R(A) 8
6 % 6 6 15
T/R(B) 9
W, A action types
(Option) (Option)
Trigger Triac Voltage pulse Relay contact Input
OUT1 Current
T2 4 4 4 RTD input TC input Current input Voltage input
OUT1 Triac out OUT1 16 A 0 to 20 mA DC 0 to 5 V DC
T1 5 5 $ 5 5
4 to 20 mA DC 1 to 5 V DC
$ $ $
OUT1 NO 17 B 17 17 17
% 6 6 NO: Normally open TC
F, D action types 12 B 12 % 12 % 12 %
!"Specifications Performance:
Display accuracy (at the ambient temperature 23 &C # 2 &C):
Input type:
# (0.3 % of display value $ 1 digit) or # 2 &C [4 &F]
Thermocouple: K, J, R, S, B, E, T, N, PLII, W5Re/W26Re, U, L
Whichever is greater
Input impedance: Approx. 1 M"
R, S and B input: 0 to 399 &C [0 to 799 &F]
RTD: Pt100, JPt100
Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Voltage: 0 to 5 V DC, 1 to 5 V DC, 0 to 10 V DC (Z-1010)
T and U input: %199.9 to %100.0 &C [%199.9 to %158.0 &F]
Current: 0 to 20 mA DC, 4 to 20 mA DC
Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sampling cycle: 0.5 seconds RTD: # (0.3 % of display value $ 1 digit) or # 0.8 &C [1.6 &F]
Input range: See Input range table Whichever is greater
Control method: PID control # (0.3 % of span $ 1 digit)
ON/OFF, P, PI, or PD actions is available
Memory backup:
Control output: Backed up by Nonvolatile Memory
Relay contact output: Number of write times: Approx. 1,000,000 times
250 V AC, 3A (Resistive load) Data storage period: Approx. 10 years
Electrical life: 300,000 times or more (Rated load)
Voltage pulse output:
Power supply voltage:
0/12 V DC (Load resistance 600 " or more)
85 to 264 V AC (Power supply voltage range), 50/60 Hz
Current output: 4 to 20 mA DC (Load resistance 600 " or less) Rating: 100 to 240 V AC
Trigger output (for triac driving): 21.6 to 26.4 V AC (Power supply voltage range), 50/60 Hz
Zero cross method for medium capacity triac Rating: 24 V AC
driving (100 A or less) 21.6 to 26.4 V DC (Power supply voltage range)
Load voltage used: 100 V AC line, 200 V AC line Rating: 24 V DC
Load used: Resistive load Power consumption:
Triac output: 0.5 A (Ambient temperature: 40 &C or less) 7 VA max. (at 100 V AC) 10 VA max. (at 240 V AC)
5 VA max. (at 24 V AC) 160 mA max. (at 24 V DC)
Alarm output:
Relay contact output:
250 V AC, 1A (Resistive load)
Electrical life: 50,000 times or more (Rated load)
4 IMCB25-E3
CB100 / CH102 CB400/ CH402 CB500/ CH502 CB700, CB900/ CH702, CH902
(1) PV (1) (2)
SV (2) (1)
SET R/S (2)
CB100 CB500 SV
(4) (5) (6) (7) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
CB400 CB900
(1) Measured value (PV) display [Green] Control output lamps (OUT1, OUT2) [Green] (5) R / S (Shift & R/S key)
Displays PV or various parameter symbols. OUT1: Lights when control output is turned on.* Shift digits when settings are changed.
OUT2: Lights when cool-side control output is Select the RUN/STOP function.
(2) Set value (SV) display [Orange] turned on.*
Displays SV or various parameter set values (or * Lamp indication becomes as follows for (6) (DOWN key)
CT input value). current output. Decrease numerals.
For an output of less than 0 %: Extinguished
(3) Indication lamps For an output of more than 100 %: Lit (7) (UP key)
Alarm output lamps (ALM1,ALM2) [Red] For an output of more than 0 % but less than Increase numerals.
ALM1: Lights when alarm 1 output is turned on. 100 %: Dimly lit.
ALM2: Lights when alarm 2 output is turned on.
Autotuning (AT) lamp [Green] (4) SET (Set key) To avoid damage to the
Flashes when autotuning is activated. (After Used for parameter calling up and set value instrument, never use a
autotuning is completed: AT lamp will become registration. sharp object to press keys.
5.1 Operation Menu
Power ON Parameter Setting Mode
This mode is used to set the parameters such as alarms, PID constants, etc. (See page 6.)
Input type and Input range Display The following parameter symbols are displayed as the SET key is pressed.
Automatically (in 4 sec)
Autotuning (AT) Heat-side proportioning
PV/SV Display Mode (ATU) (T) cycle
SET key SET key
The controller will display the measured Press NOTE: Not all the parameters
value (PV) and the set value (SV). the SET key are installed in some models Self-tuning (ST) Cool-side proportioning
The controller can be switched to RUN or for 2 seconds. (STU) (Pc)
STOP mode (Factory set value: RUN). SET key SET key
Proportional band Deadband
PV PV/SV monitor
(P) (db)
SV (RUN mode) Press
SET key SET key
the <R/S key
Press the <R/S key for 1 second. Integral time Cool-side proportioning
pressing the (I) (t)
STOP character display
(STOP mode) SET key. SET key SET key
SV Alarm 1 set value
Derivative time PV bias
Press the SET key (AL1) (D) (Pb)
SET key SET key SET key
SV Setting Mode Alarm 2 set value Anti-reset windup Set data lock
This is the mode used to set the SV. (ALM2)
(AL2) (Ar) (LCK)
SET key SET key SET key
Return to the first parameter
SV SV setting
Factory set value: 0 C [ F] or 0.0 C [ F] Parameters which are not related to existing functions on the controller are not displayed.
IMCB25-E3 5
5.2 Parameter List
Parameter symbols which are not related to existing functions on the controller are not displayed.
Proportional Temperature input: Set when PI, PD or PID control is performed. Temperature input:
band 1 (0.1) to Heat/cool PID action: Proportional band 30 (30.0)
span or 9999 (999.9) C [ F] setting on the heat-side.
Voltage/current inputs: Voltage/current inputs:
ON/OFF action control when set to 0 (0.0).
0.1 to 100.0 % of span 3.0
ON/OFF action differential gap:
Temperature input: 2 (0.2) C [ F ]
Voltage/current inputs: 0.2 % of span
Integral time 1 to 3600 seconds Set the time of integral action to eliminate 240
(0 second: PD action) the offset occurring in proportional control.
Derivative time 1 to 3600 seconds Set the time of derivative action to improve 60
(0 second: PI action) control stability by preparing for output
Anti-reset 1 to 100 % of heat-side proportional Overshooting and undershooting are 100
windup (ARW) band restricted by the integral effect.
(0 %: Integral action OFF)
Heat-side 1 to 100 seconds Set control output cycle. Relay contact output: 20
proportioning (Not displayed if the control output is Heat/cool PID action: Voltage pulse output/
cycle current output.) Heat-side proportioning cycle Trigger output for triac
driving/Triac output: 2
Cool-side 1 to 1000 % of heat-side proportional Set cool-side proportional band when 100
proportional band. heat/cool PID action.
Deadband Temperature input: Set control action deadband between 0 or 0.0
"10 to +10 C [ F] or heat-side and cool-side proportional bands.
"10.0 to +10.0 C [ F] Minus (") setting results in overlap.
Voltage/current inputs:
"10.0 to +10.0 % of span
Cool-side 1 to 100 seconds Set control cool-side output cycle for Relay contact output: 20
proportioning (Not displayed if the control output is heat/cool PID action. Voltage pulse output/
cycle current output.) Triac output: 2
PV bias Temperature input: Sensor correction is made by adding bias 0 or 0.0
"1999 to +9999 C [ F] or value to measured value (PV).
"199.9 to +999.9 C [ F]
Voltage/current inputs:
"span to +span
Set data lock Performs set data change enable/disable. 0000
(LCK) Parameters other than SV and Alarms
0: Unlock 1: Lock
0: Unlock 1: Lock
0: Unlock 1: Lock
Initialization mode
0: Lock 1: Unlock
6 IMCB25-E3
5.3 Changing Parameter Settings
!Please Note
Procedures to change parameter settings are shown below.
The column below only applies to CB 900/CH 902
To store a new value for the parameter, always press the SET
key. The display changes to the next parameter and the new
1 value will be stored.
Heater Break Alarm (HBA) function
The HBA function monitors the current flowing through the load "! A new value will not be stored without pressing SET key after
by a dedicated current transformer (CT), compares the measured the new value is displayed on the display.
value with the HBA set value, and detects a fault in the heating "! After a new value has been displayed by using the UP and
circuit. DOWN keys, the SET key must be pressed within one minute,
or the new value is not stored and the display will return to the
Low or No current flow (Heater break, malfunction of the PV/SV monitor screen.
control device, etc.):
When the control output is ON and the current transformer input
value is equal to or less than the heater break determination point
for the preset number of consecutive sampling cycle, an alarm is Change the set value (SV)
Change the set value (SV) from 0 #C to 200 #C
Over current or short-circuit:
1. Select the SV setting mode
When the control output is OFF and the current transformer input
value is equal to or greater than the heater break determination Press the SET key at PV/SV monitor screen until SV setting
point for the preset number of consecutive sampling cycle, an screen is displayed.
alarm is activated.
Precaution for HBA setting:
! Displayed only for when HBA is selected as Alarm 2. SV SV
! HBA is not available on a current output. AT OUT1 OUT2 ALM1 ALM2 AT OUT1 OUT2 ALM1 ALM2
! Set the set value to approximately 85 % of the maximum SET R/S SET R/S
CB100 CB100
reading of the CT input.
PV/SV monitor display SV setting display
! Set the set value to a slightly smaller value to prevent a false (PV/SV display mode) (SV setting mode)
alarm if the power supply may become unstable.
! When more than one heater is connected in parallel, it may be 2. Shift the high-lighted digit
necessary to increase the HBA set value to detect a single
Press the <R/S key to high-light the hundreds digit.
heater failure.
The high-lighted digit indicates which digit can be set.
! When the current transformer is not connected, the HBA is
turned on.
Control Loop Break Alarm (LBA) function
The LBA function is used to detect a load (heater) break or a SV SV
failure in the external actuator (power controller, magnet relay, AT OUT1 OUT2 ALM1 ALM2 AT OUT1 OUT2 ALM1 ALM2
etc.), or a failure in the control loop caused by an input (sensor) SET R/S SET R/S
break. The LBA function is activated when control output reaches CB100 CB100
0 % (low limit with output limit function) or 100 % (high limit with
output limit function). LBA monitors variation of the measured 3. Change the set value
value (PV) for the length of LBA time. When the LBA time has
Press the UP key to change the number to 2.
elapsed and the PV is still within the alarm determination range,
the LBA will be ON.
! No control loop break alarm can be used at heat/cool PID AT OUT1 OUT2 ALM1 ALM2 AT OUT1 OUT2 ALM1 ALM2
on or off at inappropriate times or not turning on at all. SET R/S SET R/S
CB100 CB100
IMCB25-E3 7
!All mounting and wiring must be completed before the power is turned on. If the input signal wiring is disconnected or
short-circuited (RTD input only), the instrument determines that burnout has occurred.
"! Displays:
Upscale: Thermocouple input, RTD input (when input break)
Downscale Thermocouple input (specify when ordering), RTD input (when short-circuited), Voltage input (1 to 5 V DC),
Current input (4 to 20 mA DC)
For the voltage (0 to 5 V DC, 0 to 10 V DC*) or current (0 to 20 mA DC) input, the display becomes indefinite (display of about
zero value).
* Z-1010 specification
"! Outputs:
Control output: OFF (Heat/Cool control: the control output on both heat-side and cool-side is turned off)
Alarm output: Both of the Alarm 1 and Alarm 2 outputs of this instrument are turned on when burnout occurs regardless of any
of the following actions taken (High alarm, low alarm, etc.). In addition, when used for any purposes other than
these alarms (event, etc.), specify the Z-124 specification (not to be forcibly turned on).
!A power failure of 20 ms or less will not affect the control action. When a power failure of more than 20 ms occurs, the
instrument assumes that the power has been turned off. When power returns, the controller will retain the conditions that
existed prior to shut down.
!The alarm hold action is activated when not only the power is turned on, but also the SV is changed.
Parameters in the Initialization mode should be set according to the application before setting any parameter
related to operation. Once the Parameters in the Initialization mode are set correctly, those parameters are not
necessary to be changed for the same application under normal conditions. If they are changed unnecessarily,
it may result in malfunction or failure of the instrument. We will not bear any responsibility for malfunction or
failure as a result of improper changes in the Initialization mode.
CB100 PV
unlocked locked.
6. Press the SET key to store the new set value. The display
goes to the next parameter, and the Initialization mode is
The parameter displayed
unlocked. AT OUT1 OUT2 ALM1 ALM2
varies on the instrument
PV CB100 specification.
CT1 input value display
Cod SL1 (Input type selection) See P. 10 Alarm1 type selection Decimal point
0000 SL2 (Temperature unit and cooling type selection) See P. 10 (PGdP)
Alarm2 type selection
SL4 (Alarm 1 type selection) See P. 10
SL5 (Alarm 2 type selection) See P. 10 SV alarm type selection To PV/SV
SL11 (SV alarm type selection) See P. 11 display mode
IMCB25-E3 9
7.4 Input Type Selection (SL1) 7.6 Alarm 1 [ALM1] Type Selection (SL4)
When any parameter setting is changed in the Initialization Alarm 2 [ALM2] Type Selection (SL5)
Mode, check all parameter set values in SV Setting Mode
and Parameter Setting Mode. If the alarm function is not provided with the instrument when
shipped from the factory, no alarm output is available by changing
Factory set value varies depending on the input type.
SL4 and/or SL5.
Set value Input type
0000 K SL4 is set to 0000 in the following cases.
0001 J "# When the instrument does not have ALM1 output
0010 L "# When Control Loop Break Alarm (LBA) is provided and
0011 E assigned to ALM1
0100 N "# When the SV alarm is provided and assigned to ALM1
0111 R Thermocouple 1
SL5 is set to 0000 in the following cases.
1000 S (TC)
"# When the instrument does not have ALM2 output
1001 B4
"# When Control Loop Break Alarm (LBA) is provided and
1010 W5Re/W26Re 4
assigned to ALM2
1011 PL II
"# When the SV alarm is provided and assigned to ALM2
0101 T
"# When the Heater Break Alarm (HBA) is provided
0110 U
1100 Pt100 (JIS/IEC)
"# When the instrument has Z-168 specification
1101 JPt100 (JIS) Factory set value varies depending on the instrument specification.
1110 0 to 5 V DC Set value Details of setting
1110 0 to 10 V DC 2 Voltage 1
Control type between Heat Only and Heat/Cool cannot be Deviation high/low alarm
changed by this parameter. ON OFF ON
Low High
Factory set value varies depending on the instrument specification. Band alarm
Description OFF ON OFF
Set PV
Temperature Low High
value Cooling type selection Process high alarm
0000 !C Air cooling (A type) or Heat only type (F, D type) PV
Low High
0001 !F Air cooling (A type) or Heat only type (F, D type) Process low alarm
0010 !C Water cooling (W type) ON OFF
Low High
0011 !F Water cooling (W type)
Change Settings
! Change Settings
Example: Change the temperature unit of the Heat only type Example: Change the ALM1 type from “Deviation high alarm
from “!C (0000)” to “!F (0001)” (0001)” to “Deviation low alarm (0101)”
1. Press the SET key until SL2 is displayed. 1. Press the SET key three times at SL1 until SL4 is displayed.
2. Press the UP key to change the number to 1. 2. Press the <R/S key to high-light the hundreds digit.
PV PV 3. Press the UP key to change the number to 1.
3. Press the SET key to store the new set value. The display
goes to the next parameter. 4. Press the SET key to store the new set value. The display
goes to the next parameter.
10 IMCB25-E3
7.7 SV Alarm Type Selection (SL11) Factory set value varies depending on the instrument specification.
For ALM1 setting, the first digit from the right is set to “0” Setting range
in the following cases. Input type Setting limiter Setting limiter
"# When the instrument does not have ALM1 output. [high] [low]
"# When the ALM1 output is used for process/deviation/ U SLL to 600.0 !C $199.9 to SLH !C
band alarm or Loop Break Alarm (LBA). TC SLL to 999.9 !F $199.9 to SLH !F
L SLL to 900 !C 0 to SLH !C
For ALM2 setting, the third digit from the right is set to “0”
SLL to 1652 !F 0 to SLH !F
in the following cases.
RTD Pt100 SLL to 649.0 !C $199.9 to SLH !C
"# When the instrument does not have ALM2 output.
JPt100 SLL to 999.9 !F $199.9 to SLH !F
"# When the ALM1 output is used for process/deviation/
Voltage 0 to 5 V DC
band alarm, Heater Break Alarm (HBA) or Loop Break
0 to 10 V DC * SLL to 9999 $1999 to SLH
Alarm (LBA).
1 to 5 V DC (Programmable (Programmable
"# When Z-168 is specified.
Current 0 to 20 mA DC scale) scale)
To make SV alarm setting effective, set SL4 to “0000” 4 to 20 mA DC
when using ALM1 for SV alarm, or set SL5 to “0000” when * Z-1010 specification
using ALM2 for SV alarm. SL4 and SL5 have priority to
SL11 setting. Change Settings
Factory set value varies depending on the instrument specification. Example: When the display range is scaled to 0.0 to 400.0 for
Alarm Details of setting a voltage input of 1 to 5 V DC.
0 SV alarm not provided 1V 5V
Alarm 1 1 SV alarm provided
[ALM1] 0 SV high alarm Factory set value 0.0 100.0
Scaling 0.0 400.0
1 SV low alarm
0 SV alarm not provided 1. Set Cod to 0001, and press the SET key. The display will go
Alarm 2 1 SV alarm provided to SLH.
[ALM2] 0 SV high alarm PV PV
1 SV low alarm
SV alarm action type
( : Alarm set value) Initialize code selection display Setting limiter [high] display
SV high alarm
OFF ON 2. The high-lighted digit indicates which digit can be set. Press
Low High
SV low alarm
<R/S key to high-light the first digit from the left.
Low High
Change Settings
Example: Change the SV alarm type of the ALM1 from “SV high 3. Press the UP key to change the number to 4.
alarm (0001)” to “SV low alarm (0011)” PV
1. Press the SET key ten times at SL1 until SL11 is displayed.
2. Press the <R/S key to high-light the tens digit. Next, press
the UP key to change the number to 1.
4. Press the SET key to store the new set value. The display
goes to SLL.
SV SV 5. Set SLL to 0.0.
High-light 6. Press the SET key to store the new set value. The display
3. Press the SET key to store the new set value. The display goes to the next parameter.
goes to the initialize code parameter.
IMCB25-E3 11
Error display
RAM failure (Incorrect set data write, etc.) Turn off the power once. If an error occurs
after the power is turned on again, please
contact your sales office or the agent.
Overscale and Underscale
Measured value (PV) PV is outside of input range.
To prevent electric shock, always
PV is above the high input display range limit. turn off the power before replacing
[Flashing] the sensor.
Underscale: Check input type, input range, sensor and
PV is below the low input display range limit. sensor connection.
#!To prevent electric shock or instrument failure, only qualified personnel should be allowed to pull out the internal
#!To prevent electric shock or instrument failure, always turn off the power before pulling out the internal assembly.
#!To prevent injury or instrument failure, do not touch the internal printed wiring board.
Lock (upper) Apply pressure very carefully when removing internal assembly
to avoid damage to the frame.
To conform to IEC61010-1 requirements for protection from electric
shock, the internal assembly of this instrument can only be removed
with an appropriate tool.
Recommended tool: Unlocking points (marked with “"”) depend on the model as follows:
Blade screwdriver
(Blade width:
6 mm or less)
Lock (lower)
Unlock using such a blade screwdriver.
Gently press down on handle for the upper lock and
lift up for the lower lock.
The first edition: DEC. 2002 [IMQ00]
The third edition: AUG. 2004 [IMQ00]