DXN 2 Qen
DXN 2 Qen
DXN 2 Qen
the switchgear, and clip the buckles back onto each VPIS Voltage indicator DXN2-Q --- Product name and model
Instructions for Use side to secure VPIS on the switchgear. CK+/CK- --- Interlocking signal input
Model: DXN2-Q Assemble one end of each cable to interlocking signal inputs on back cover, red cable to NO-COM-NC --- Interlocking signal output
CK+, green cable to CK-; assemble the other ends of cable with three-core plug to the AC/DC 110V/220V or DC24V or DC48V --- Power input
DXN2-Q Voltage Presence interlocking indicator, an interlocking signal output element, is This indicator requires power supply for work. Connect extra power supply according to Frequency : 50Hz/60Hz
label on back cover of the indicator. Contact point NO-COM-NC is for interlocking signal
used assortively with VPIS/DXN2-T to send signal of “lock” or “unlock” to interlocking Assorted VPIS : DXN2-T
output: when “lock” signal is received, NO-COM is disconnected and NC-COM connected;
device on the switchgear at the same time of VPIS indication of “voltage present” Power supply : see back cover label
and vice versa when “unlock” signal is received.
or ”voltage absent”. “Lock” signal is maintained when there’s “voltage present” in one of Capacity at interlocking contact point : 10A/250VAC, 10A/30VDC
the L1/L2/L3 phases. The indicator’s performance is ensured in the nominal range Operating temperature range : -25℃~+40℃
according to Standard DL/T 538-2006. Under extra bright illumination, it might be Operating humidity range : ≤95% at temperature +40℃
LOCK Voltage indicator DXN2-Q
CK+ CK- NO COM NC 110V 220V
necessary to improve the visible perceptibility by additional means, for example to 高压带电强制闭锁装置DXN2-Q + +/~ /N +/~
2. Model
DXN 2 - Q
Interlocking type
Main circuit
1) “LOCK” lamp on: Add: Building 58, Siming Park, Tong’an Industrial Zone, Xiamen, 361100, P. R. China
Output “lock” signal. Contact point NO-COM is disconnected and NC-COM Indicating element Tel: 0086 (0)592 3102888 Fax: 0086(0) 592 3170066 E-mail: ade@cnade.net
Output “unlock” signal. Contact point NO-COM is connected and NC-COM Figure 2
See figure 1 for the dimensional characteristics of the indicator. It adopts plug-in design LOCK --- Lock indication
for assembly. It’s size for mounting is 91.5(W)*43.5(H) mm. Remove the buckles on VPIS Label on Back cover:
Edition: 2009-06