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Electro Convulsive Therapy: by Ms. Deepika.K, M.SC (N) - I Year, Dept of Psychiatric Nursing, KGNC

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Electro convulsive therapy

Ms. Deepika.K,
M.Sc (N)- I Year,
Dept Of Psychiatric Nursing,

 ECT is a type of somatic treatment in which

electric current is applied to the brain through
electrodes placed on the foreheads of the patients.
 ECT is the artificial induction of a grandmal
seizure through the application of electrical
current to the brain.

In 1938, Italian psychiatrist UgoCarletti and

Lucio Bini, Rome for the first time administered
ECT to a man of 39 years old man.

 Major severe depression

 Severe catatonic stupor
 Severe psychosis
 Mania
 Schizophrenia
 Schizo-affective
 Postpartum psychosis
 Organic mental disorders.

Increased intra cranial pressure


Severe hypertension
Recent myocardial infarction

Cerebro vascular accident

Severe pulmonary disease

Retinal detachment

Brain tumors


Person with pacemaker



Direct ECT
Absence of muscular relaxation and general
anesthesia, other than this all the procedures are
Indirect ECT(Modified ECT)
ECT is modified by drug induced muscular
relaxation and general anesthesia.

Bilateral ECT:
 In bilateral ECT electrodes are placed on each

side one inch above the midpoint of an imaginary

line connecting the outer canthus of the eye and
tragus of the ear.
Unilateral ECT:
 The electrodes are placed only on one side of the

head, usually non- dominant side (right side of

head in right handed individual and vice versa).
Unilateral ECT is safer with much fewer side
effects particularly those of memory impairment.

 Memory impairment
 Drowsiness, confusion and restlessness
 Poor concent6ration, anxiety
 Headache, weakness/fatigue, backache, muscle
 Dryness of mouth, palpitation, nausea, vomiting.
 Unsteady gait
 Tongue bite and incontinence
 It is usually administered in hospitals, clinic or in nursing

 It is usually administered in the morning hours.

 Informed consent for ECT must be obtained from patients,

preferably in writing.
 If patient’s psychological state does not permit, thus consent

may be obtained from patient’s legal guardian.

Parameters of electrical current applied
 Voltage: 70 to 120 volts

 Duration: 0.7 to 1.5 seconds

Types of seizure produced
 Grandmal seizure- tonic phase lasting for 10 to 15 seconds
 Clonic phase lasting for 30-40 seconds

Frequency and total number of ECT

 Frequency: 3 times per week or as indicated.
 Total number: 6 to 10; up to 25 may be preferred as

Treatment facilities
 A pleasant, comfortable waiting room- pre ECT room.
 ECT room which should be fully equipped.

 A well-equipped recovery room.

 ECT machine
 ECG machine
 Anesthetic instruments such as boyle’s apparatus
 Laryngoscope and suction apparatus
 Pulse oximeter
 Defibrillator
 Beds with side rails
 Monitor and Addition cables and electrodes
 Electrode jelly
 Bite blokes
 Assorted airways
 Masks
 Psychiatrist
 Anesthetist
 ECT nurses
 Trained attenders

 Sodium penthanol 1-5 mg/kg body weight (150-200mg)

 Suucinyl choline 0.75 mg/kg body weight (30-50 mg)
 Anti-cholinergic drug- inj. atropine sulphate 0.6 mg
 IV fluids such as NS, RL, etc,
 Tourniquet
 Autoclaved syringes and needles
 Spirit swab
Pre ECT Preparation
 Check the record for recent physical examination and a routine
laboratory work.
 Check for signed consent form
 Involve the family as much as possible to inform them and about
their fears and anxieties.
 Communicated positive feelings about the procedure to the family
and patient
 Discourage cigarette smoking just before the procedure to avoid
increased difficulty in managing pulmonary secretions during
 Ensure the liquid and solids are not taken 6 hours before treatment
 Remove dentures, metal hair clips, glasses, jewelries from the
patient and dress them in loose clothing.
 Have client evacuate bowel and bladder.
 Fitness for ECT is evaluated by the anesthetist before
the procedure
 Withhold anticonvulsants before ECT
 Cerebral dominance is decided by the preferred hands,
legs and eyes.
 Lithium should be stopped before ECT to prevent
cognitive morbidity.
 Patient should be advised to keep the scalp oil free.

 The patient lies supine on the table. The clothing is

loosened; oxygen (100%) is given through a face mask.
 The anesthetic agents (thiopentine 3-5mg/kg body
weight) and atropine are injected followed by muscle
relaxant using separate syringes.
 During anesthesia, oxygenation is maintained by
intermittent positive pressure ventilation until
resumption of spontaneous and regular respiration.
 A bite block is inserted prior to situation, to protect the
 The chin of the patient is held up to keep the jaw tight
against the bite block.
 Vital signs should be monitored.
 Pulse oximeter helps to determine adequate ventilation
and oxygenation before and after the procedure.
 Excessive secretion should be cleared by suction.
 The patient is then shifted to the recovery room and
should be remain under observation till the patient is

Pre-treatment evaluation
 Detailed medical and psychiatric history,

including history of allergies.

 Assessment of patient's and family's knowledge

of indications, side-effects, therapeutic effects

and risks associated with ECT.
 An informed consent should be taken. Allay any

unfounded fears and anxieties regarding the

 Assess baseline vital signs.
 Patient should be on empty stomach for 4-6hours

prior to ECT.
 With hold night doses of drugs, which increase seizure
threshold like diazepam, barbiturates and
anticonvulsants, Withhold oral medications in the
 Head shampooing in the morning since oil causes
impedance of passage of electricity to brain.
 Any jewelry, prosthesis, dentures, contactless, metallic
objects and tight clothing should be removed from the
patient's body.
 Empty bladder and bowel just before ECT.
 Administration of 0.6 mg atropine IM or SC30 minutes
before ECT, or Adjust before ECT.

 Place the patient comfortably on the ECT table in supine

 Stay with the patient to allay anxiety and fear.
 Assist in administering the anesthetic agent(thiopental
sodium 3-5 mg/kg body weight)and muscle relaxant
(1mg/kg body weight ofsuccinylcholine).
 Since the muscle relaxant paralyzes all muscles including
respiratory muscles, patent airway should be ensured and
ventilator support should be started.
 Mouth gag should be inserted to prevent possible tongue
 The place(s) of electrode placement should be cleaned
with normal saline or 25 percent bicarbonate solution, or
a conducting gel applied.
 Monitor voltage, intensity and duration of electrical
stimulus given.
 Monitor seizure activity using cuff method.
 100 percent oxygen should be provided.
 During seizure monitor vital signs, ECG ,oxygen
saturation, EEG, etc.
 Record the findings and medicines given in the patient's

 Monitor vital signs.

 Continue oxygenation till spontaneous respiration starts.
 Assess for post-Ictal confusion and restlessness.
 Take safety precautions to prevent injury (side lying
position and suctioning to prevent aspiration of
secretions, use of side rails to prevent falls).
 If there is severe post-Ictal confusion and restlessness,
IV diazepam may be administered.
 Reorient the patient after recovery and stay with him
until fully oriented.
 Document any findings as relevant in the patient's

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