GDS 101 Operator & Installation Manual
GDS 101 Operator & Installation Manual
GDS 101 Operator & Installation Manual
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1. INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................................5
System Summary.........................................................................................................................................................5
TRANSDUCERS. ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
OPERATOR PANEL................................................................................................................................................ 5
DATA ENTRY. ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
RECORDED DATA STORAGE. ................................................................................................................................ 5
Fig. 1.1 Main Display Unit Panel Layout..................................................................................................................6
Fig. 1.2 System Diagram............................................................................................................................................7
INTERFACING. ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
ALARMS. ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
HISTORY MEMORY .............................................................................................................................................. 8
OPTIONS. ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
Remote Sounding Control. .........................................................................................................................................8
Auto Range ..................................................................................................................................................................8
Sound Speed Calibration............................................................................................................................................8
GDS101 PRIMARY FUNCTIONS................................................................................................................. 9
2. OPERATION................................................................................................................................10
PARAMETER ENTRY ............................................................................................................................................ 10
Example of parameter entry. ................................................................................................................................... 11
OPERATION SCREENS ......................................................................................................................................... 11
Primary operation Screens.......................................................................................................................................12
Secondary operation screens....................................................................................................................................15
PRINCIPAL FUNCTIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 22
Bottom detection .......................................................................................................................................................22
Ping to Ping filtering .................................................................................................................................................22
Bottom Search Range ...............................................................................................................................................22
Power ON/OFF..........................................................................................................................................................22
FIXED KEY FUNCTIONS...................................................................................................................................... 23
Depth Range ..............................................................................................................................................................23
Picture Speed .............................................................................................................................................................23
Day / Night & Back light adjustment ......................................................................................................................23
SOFT KEY FUNCTIONS. ...................................................................................................................................... 24
Gain ............................................................................................................................................................................24
TVG ............................................................................................................................................................................24
Digital indication .......................................................................................................................................................24
Output Power ............................................................................................................................................................24
Draught ......................................................................................................................................................................24
External Printer Operation......................................................................................................................................24
Alarm settings............................................................................................................................................................25
Clock and Calendar Settings....................................................................................................................................25
History Memory ........................................................................................................................................................25
Status Screen..............................................................................................................................................................26
Oscilloscope Screen ...................................................................................................................................................26
Non-volatile Parameter Memory. ............................................................................................................................26
OPTIONS. ........................................................................................................................................................... 27
Remote Sounding Control. .......................................................................................................................................27
Auto Range ................................................................................................................................................................27
Sound speed calibration............................................................................................................................................27
External Printer ........................................................................................................................................................27
TRANSDUCER MAINTENANCE. ............................................................................................................................. 28
OPERATOR UNIT MAINTENANCE. ....................................................................................................................... 28
TYPICAL STATUS SCREEN (9) CONTENTS. ........................................................................................................... 30
TYPICAL OSCILLOSCOPE SCREEN (10) CONTENTS. ............................................................................................. 32
4. INSTALLATION .........................................................................................................................35
STANDARD SYSTEM SUPPLY................................................................................................................................ 35
TRANSDUCER INSTALLATION............................................................................................................................... 35
Installation Details. ...................................................................................................................................................35
TRANSDUCER JUNCTION BOX.............................................................................................................................. 37
OPERATOR UNIT INSTALLATION. ........................................................................................................................ 38
Back-up Battery Jumper ..........................................................................................................................................41
Power Indication and function LEDs......................................................................................................................42
INTERFACING. .................................................................................................................................................... 44
Alarm relay ................................................................................................................................................................44
External alarm reset function .................................................................................................................................44
Log Pulse input..........................................................................................................................................................45
Remote Transducer Selector FEEDB (Feedback)..................................................................................................45
Transmitter and Bottom Pulse outputs ...................................................................................................................45
Analogue interfaces...................................................................................................................................................45
NMEA interface.........................................................................................................................................................46
External Interface Ports ...........................................................................................................................................48
OPTIONS. ........................................................................................................................................................... 49
Remote Keyboard .....................................................................................................................................................49
Remote Sounding Control. .......................................................................................................................................49
System Summary.
GDS101 is a navigation sounder with a large, high resolution graphic LCD. The echosounder graphics are
continuously shown on the LCD along with complete navigational details.
The Color Bar : Weak Signal Light Purple Weak Signal Aqua
Green Green
Light Green Yellow
Day Vision Night Vision
Red Purple
Dark Red Red
Black Black
StrongSignal StrongSignal
It is possible to connect an external printer to the operator unit. The sounder contains a 24 hour history
memory. That can be printed out. Depth, time and all available navigation data are stored continuously so
that the last 24 hours of information is always available.
All this information may also be printed on the external printer. All IMO requirements are met or exceeded.
Comprehensive interfaces are available including NMEA0183 inputs and outputs.
GDS101 is prepared for connection of the following transducers: 38, 50 and 200 kHz. One or more of the
transducers may be connected at the same time, and the desired transducer may be selected from the opera-
tor panel.
The operator unit contains a graphic dot-matrix supertwist LCD display and a keyboard with fixed keys, soft-
keys and a rotating encoder. The function of each soft-key button depends on the active screen, and the buttons
are labelled on the lower rim of the LCD. The display is backlit, and contrast and backlight intensity may be
adjusted by the user. The echo-gram is normally displayed continuously on the LCD and stored in the 24 hour
history memory. An optional external printer is used if hard-copy documentation is required. The operator
unit is normally flush mounted. Power supply options are 115/230V AC or 24V DC. The power consumption
is appx. 70 Watts at 115/230V AC or 50 Watts at 24V DC.
Several screens may be selected to enter various settings and calibration parameters. Each screen has a
selection of soft-key buttons.
Screens 1 through 3 are primary operation screens with appropriate operator controls. Screens 4 through
10 are calibration set-up and system supervision screens.
The various screens will be described in detail later.
The displayed echogram and other navigational data is continuously stored in the 24 hour history
A standard printer type Hewlett Packard may be connected for paper copy, Ask Skipper Electronics for
Since the printer is only required when hard copy documentation is absolutely necessary, the paper con-
sumption is expected to be limited under normal conditions.
The bottom line shown on the GDS 101 screen is a synthetic signal, made by the sounder`s computer.
Fig. 1.1 Main Display Unit Panel Layout
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Shallow and deep alarms may be selected from Screen 1. A potential free relay contact is provided in
GDS101 for interface to external alarm systems.
GDS101 has a 24 hour history memory. Depth, time and all available navigation data are stored continu-
ously so that the last 24 hours of information is always available, and may be printed if an external printer is
Graphic CRT or LCD display or digital depth slave repeaters may be connected to the system. Along with
the graphic display repeaters there may also be installed remote keyboards.
This option lets the GDS101 being controlled remotely in synchronised, burst or single ping modes.
Auto Range
This option will automatically adjust the depth range to maintain the bottom contour within the middle
half of the screen.
This option will enable adjustment of the sound speed value used for the depth calculations.
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2. Operation
When the installation is complete, and power is connected to the Operator Unit, the system is switch one-off
by power switch
When the inside cabinet.
installation is complete, and power is connected to the Operator Unit, the system is
switched on by pressing any button. The unit is switched off by pressing the "SYSTEM off" soft
key button
PARAMETER on Screen 2.
fixed functionentry
buttons and the soft key buttons of the various screens along with the rotating encoder,
The fixed entry of parameters,
function setpoints
buttons and and
the soft other
key data.ofThe
buttons thefollowing flow chart
various screens illustrates
along with the the procedure for
encoder, settings and entering
facilitates entry of data. The various
parameters, screens
setpoints and are shown
other detail
The in the Operation
following flow chartSection.
illustrates the procedure for changing settings and entering data. The various screens are shown in
detail in the Operation Section.
Advances to next
fixed state or
Any valid fixed or
soft key
10 20001123sw503
Example of parameter entry.
Let us say you want to enter a value of 800 m for the depth range.
Press the Depth Range button several times and observe the depth range sequencing through the standard
values 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000 m. Press till the range is 500 m. Then press the Range button again and
keep it pressed while you turn the encoder clockwise. Observe the depth range increase to 800 m, let go
of the encoder and release the depth range button. You could also have started from the standard value
1000 m and decreased to 800 m by turning the encoder counter-clockwise.
Buttons with less than 6 possible states or values can be operated without using the encoder at all.
Each of the operation screens contains a graphic picture and a selection of up to 6 soft key buttons. The vari-
ous screens are selected by keeping the “Menu” button pressed and rotating the encoder in either direction.
Turning the encoder clockwise cycle the screens in the sequence 1 to10, and counter clockwise rotation cycles
the screens in the sequence 10 - 1. Screens no. 1 - 3, covering the primary functions, may also be cycled by
repeatedly pressing the “Menu” button.
The screen layouts are outlined in Fig. 2.2 through 2.11. The various Soft Key button functions are described
with each screen.
Primary operation Screens.
This screen shows the main graphic echo-gram. Left hand digital indication may be enabled from screen 2.
The currently selected Transducer ( Frequency ) is indicated at the bottom of all screens
along with optional Transducer position, e.g. 200kHz/FWD.
(DRT0.00m and 200kHz/FWD are switching 1 sec. interval.)
Fig. 2.3 Screen 2, 2nd Operation screen.
This screen shows the main graphic echo-gram. Left hand digital indication may be enabled from screen 2.
Fig. 2.4 Screen 3, 3rd Operation screen.
This screen shows the main graphic echo-gram. Left hand digital indication may be enabled from screen 2.
Secondary operation screens.
This screen shows the main graphic echo-gram. Left hand digital indication may be enabled from screen 2.
Fig. 2.6 Screen 5, Language and units of measure Setup.
This screen shows the main graphic echo-gram. Left hand digital indication may be enabled from screen 2.
Soft Key 1. SET LOW 24/28/30/33/38KHz Adjust indicated frequency of lower frequency channel.
(see chapter 5. Low frequency indication )
Soft Key 2 LANGUAGE English etc. Screen language selection.
Soft Key 3 DEPTH m etc. Unit of measurement for depth.
Soft Key 4 PICT.SPEED m:s/div etc. Unit of measurement for picture speed.
Soft Key 5 VESSEL SPEED knots etc. Unit of measurement for vessel speed.
Soft Key 6 SOUND SPEED m/s etc. Unit of measurement for sound speed.
Fig. 2.7 Screen 6, Interface Setup screen.
This screen shows the main graphic echo-gram. Left hand digital indication may be enabled from screen 2.
Fig. 2.8 Screen 7, History Memory Control Screen.
This screen shows the main graphic echo-gram. Left hand digital indication may be enabled from screen 2.
Fig. 2.9 Screen 8, NMEA Control Screen.
This screen shows list of received NMEA messages and half screen echo-gram.
Fig. 2.10 Screen 9, System Status Screen.
Soft Key 2 PRINTER HP DeskJet / Epson (Lq300+) / Epson D88 / Built-in thermal printer.
Select type off printer that are connected.
Fig. 2.11 Screen 10, Oscilloscope Screen.
This screen shows oscillator program of receiver output versus time and half screen echo-gram.
Soft Key 3 LOCATION Pos?,not installed, (Pos? is default setting) If “NOT installed” is selected
for one of the Frequenses it will not be available in
screen 2,soft key 2.
Bottom detection
GDS101 employ a bottom detection algorithm that will try to extract the bottom signal from all kinds of
noise and secondary echoes. When GDS101 is tracking the bottom normally, a thick black line is shown,
and below that, a ribbon with a hatched pattern. This pattern has two levels of hatching. The darkest rep-
resent strong and unambiguous bottom echoes. The lighter hatching represents weaker signals possibly
occasional detection misses. If the software can detect no bottom for several pings, the hatched ribbon
During normal bottom tracking, a digital value is shown by the bottom contour at the right side of the
screen. If the software algorithm losses track of the bottom altogether, a warning beep is heard and the
black line and hatching band disappears. A warning message: “Lost bottom” is shown in the screen’s
lower right corner.
Part of the bottom detection algorithm is the ping to ping filtering. The next bottom is searched for in a
time and strength window based on the strength and timing of the previous bottom echoes. This proce-
dure reduces the probability of tracking schools of fish or secondary echoes as bottom.
If no bottom is detected in the calculated window, the window is gradually increased in size until the full
time and strength window is used.
The FIX RANGE function in Screen 9 is used to control the search range for the bottom detection algo-
rithm. When this function is on, bottom is only searched for within the selected display range. When the
function is off, bottom is searched for within the entire functional range of the echo sounder.
Power ON/OFF
During normal daily operation, the system may be switched off from Screen 2. This operation does not
disconnect the system from the power supply, but all power consuming components are switched off. The
system may be switched on again by pressing any button.
Do not run the sounder for a long time without a submerged transducer connected.
Alarm acknowledgement.
When the depth alarm is activated, the alarm may be acknowledged by pressing any button.
Depth Range
The Depth Range button can be used to set the depth limit between 10 and 1600 m. Standard values
available by repeatedly pressing the button are 10, 50, 100, 500 and 1000m.
Picture Speed
Picture speed may be referred to either time or Vessel speed. If no speed log is connected, Picture Speed
will always be referred to time. (“mm:ss/div”).
Time referenced Picture Speed may be selected between 20 Seconds per division and 5 minutes per divi-
Vessel Speed referenced Picture Speed may be selected between 0.04 nm per division and 5 nm per divi-
If a speed log is connected, it is possible to select a “speed/div” unit in Screen 5.
The ping-rate range depends on the Depth Range, and the fastest ping rate at shallow depths is about 5
pings per second.
The menu button facilitates selection of one of the 10 screen and soft key layouts. The 3 primary opera-
tion screens may be cycled by repeatedly pressing the MENU button. Access to the remaining screens
is through encoder operation. The screens are cycled in an endless, bi-directional loop, e.g. turning the
encoder counter-clockwise, will activate Screen 10 after Screen 1.
Back light may be continuously controlled by means of the appropriate buttons and the encoder. Press
either button and rotate the encoder until a satisfactory setting is obtained, then release the button.
Day / Night vision see chapter 1. INTRODUCTION System Summary for Color bar explanation.
Day / Night vision may be changes by means of pressing the Day / Night Button. ( see fig. 1.1 )
The settings are maintained in the non-volatile memory, and the last settings are restored on power up.
It is also possible to cycle through 3 standard backlight / picture settings by repeatedly pressing the
brightness button. The 3 settings are:
Gain may be adjusted from 0 to 100% to allow for optimal echo levels from bottom and other objects.
The GAIN setting affects signals from all depths.
Time Variable Gain may be adjusted from 0 to 100 % to allow for detailed echo control from the 0 - 50
m depth range.
A low setting will reduce the gain in the area near the surface to suppress noise and unwanted echoes
from this area.
Digital indication
On the operation screens, two sizes of large digital depth indicators may be selected from Screen2.
“Small” digits occupy approximately 40% of the net echo-gram screen width.
“Large” digits occupy approximately 55% of the net echo-gram screen width.
Output Power
Power may be adjusted from 10 to 100 % in case of difficult shallow water conditions. Too high power in
such cases will possibly saturate the receiver or cause detection of unwanted secondary bottom or surface
When a range of 10m is selected, Output Power is automatically limited to 10%.
Draught may be compensated to allow real depth from surface to be shown on the screen and printout.
Negative draught values may be entered to compensate for transducers fitted above the keel.
This setting also affects the NMEA transmitted values.
Draught compensation is indicated on the screen by a flashing number to alert the operator to the fact that
the shown depth value is adjusted.
The optional external printer is started and stopped by the Print buttons. The printer may be used for
continuous printing over a period of time or the current screen contents may be dumped to the printer for
reference if something interesting is observed.
The Print buttons switch continuous printing on and off.
The Mark buttons will write a line mark on the paper if it is pressed whenever the printer is running.
If the Mark button is pressed when the printer is off, this will initiate a screen dump of the present screen
If printer is switched of, or Not connected print button is “Dimmed”.
Alarm settings
Depth alarm settings are performed from Screen 1. Alarm limits are referred to the indicated depth.
The local alarm buzzer may be disabled from screen 9, but the external alarm relay will always operate.
The only way to disable the alarms completely, is to reduce the shallow alarm to zero depth and increase
the deep alarm to maximum range.
An active shallow alarm limit must be less than an active deep alarm limit. Alarm limits are enforced
with hysteresis.
A depth alarm may automatically start the optional printer if this function is enabled on Screen 4.
Manual Clock and Calendar adjustments are carried out in Screen 4. If a Satellite navigator giving UTC
messages is connected to the NMEA input, the clock and calendar will be automatically updated and
manual adjustment is not required.
History Memory
GDS101 has a 24 hour history memory. Depth, time and all available navigation data are stored continu-
ously so that the last 24 hours of information is always available.
The history memory is controlled from Screen 7.
The normal history modes are “on” and “recording”. New depth information is continuously stored in the
memory while the oldest samples are discarded. Only bottom information is stored along with time and
whatever navigational information is available in the GDS101 (Position, Speed, Heading).
By switching history “off”, the stored 24 hours will be kept in the memory and no new samples will be
written. As a warning that the memory is not recording, “History off” is flashing at the bottom of the
History modes “on” and “playback” will start playing the contents of the history memory on the screen
and on the optional printer if it is running. As a warning that the displayed bottom contour is from the
memory and not real time, “History” is flashing at the bottom of the screen.
The “history hours” and “history minutes” buttons used with the encoder, will enable positioning within
the 24 hour memory to observe the desired part of the time frame during playback.
The GDS101 contains a built in simulator to exercise the screen and various interface signals. The simu-
lator may be switched on and off on Screen 9.
When the simulator is operating, “Demo” is flashing at the bottom of the screen.
Status Screen
The Status screen, Screen 9 shows a list of various system parameters useful for documenting system
set-up and system operating status. The contents of this screen will be valuable information in situations
where manufacturer support is required.
Oscilloscope Screen
The Oscilloscope screen, Screen10 is useful when monitoring transceiver performance. The oscillogram
shows the signal returned from the transceiver plotted against time and will enable service personnel to
evaluate system performance and facilitate any troubleshooting.
The system contains non-volatile memory to maintain installation and user parameters like Language and
unit of measurement selection, Contrast and Backlight settings, etc.
These parameters are kept in EEPROM memory and are automatically restored on power up. If the user
parameters have never been set, default values are used.
Graphic display or digital depth slave repeaters may be connected to the system. Along with the graphic
display repeaters there may also be installed remote keyboards.
This option lets the GDS101 being controlled remotely in synchronised, burst or single ping modes. If
installed, this option is accessible on Screen 3.
Auto Range
This option will automatically adjust the depth range to maintain the bottom contour within the middle
half of the screen height. If installed, this option is accessible on Screen 3.
When the optional printer is started, Auto Range is automatically disabled, and the present depth range is
selected as fixed.
This option will enable adjustment of the sound speed value used for the depth calculations. The standard
value is 1500 m/s, but the user may set values from 1400 to 1550 m/s to accommodate accurate propaga-
tion speed in known water conditions. If installed, this option is accessible on Screen 3.
External Printer
Printer for endless paper or inkjet printer for single sheets ( ask for actual type) may be connected
for hardcopy requirements.
The transducers are virtually maintenance free, but occasional cleaning may be necessary depending on sea
water conditions.
The operator unit contains no user serviceable parts, and requires no maintenance apart from occasional
cleaning of the front panel. Please use a soft cloth and no chemicals except cleaning alcohol.
Trouble Shooting
The status Screen (9) contain information that will faciliate analysis and correction of several problems.
A printout of the Status and Oscilloscope Screens should be sent by fax with any report about functional
Disturbance. This will greatly facilitate remote failure Analysis.
If it is at all possible to cycle through the screens and observe this information, several assumptions may
be made regarding operation of the GDS101 System. Although some of the subsystems necessary for this
basic system operation may still suffer from minor or intermittent operation disorders, the fact that it is
If it is at to
possible allselect
cycle through the screens
this screen, indicateand observe
correct this information,
operation several
of the following assumptions
GDS101 Subsys-
tems: be made regarding operation of the GDS101 System. Although some of the subsystems
necessary for this basic system operation may still suffer from minor or intermittent operation
disorders, the fact that it is possible to select and observe this screen, indicate correct operation of
the following GDS101 The Computer
Subsystems:is operating.
2. The Screen Interface (VGA) Board is working.
3. 1. The Computer
The Keyboard is interface
operating.Board with Backlight and LCD power supplies is working.
4. 2. The Screen Interface (VGA)
The Keyboard Interface Board
Part is I/O
of the working.
Board is working.
3. The Keyboard interface Board with Backlight and LCD power supplies is working.
5. 4. TheThe Power Supplies
Keyboard InterfaceonPart
the I/Oboard
Boardare basically working.
is working.
5. The Power Supplies on the terminal board are basically working.
Main Voltages out of Range Defective Power Supply Replace Terminal Board.
The other information on the Status screen is a collection of information which may be observed
and manipulated with the various screen softkey selections. As a reference, it will often be more
convenient to observe the various settings together on this screen than to cycle from screen to
screen to check on the softkey texts.
The other information on the Status screen is a collection of information which may be observed and
manipulated with the various screen softkey selections. As a reference, it will often be more convenient
to observe the various settings together on this screen than to cycle from screen to screen to check on the
softkey texts.
32 20001123sw503
Leading front
Minimum amplitude
Symptom Cause Remedy
Basic Functionality
34 20001123sw503 33
Symptom Cause Remedy
NMEA Interface etc.
NMEA input signals are not Wrong Polarity input Swap NMEA0183 Input wires
listed in the NMEA Screen (8). Signals
NMEA input signals are listed in GDS101 Initialisation Cycle GDS101 power after
the NMEA Screen (8), but not NMEA Connection is
accepted by the GDS101 established.
Irregular Message
Mnemonic Check Remote (Talker) Setup.
NMEA output signals are not Remote (Listener) Setup Verify correct Remote
accepted by the remote system (Listener) Setup.
Analogue output malfunctions. Incorrect Range Setting. Verify upper & lower Limits
in Screen 6.
Pulse output malfunctions Incorrect Pulse Frequency Verify Pulse Setting in Screen
Setting. 6.
35 20001123sw503 34
A Basic GDS101 system consists of the following units. See Fig. 4.1:
Pos. Description
Single transducers are normally installed in the foreship. Larger vessels are often fitted with two trans-
ducers, one fore and one aft.
Optimal system operation is achieved by fitting the transducer as deep as possible on the hull.
The transmitting surface of the transducer must be installed horizontal. On vessels with a deep keel, if the
transducer must be fitted higher than the keel, it should be fitted towards the side, as far from the keel as
possible to avoid false keel echo.
Do not mount transducers close to the propeller or aft of other hull installations (outlets, vents or other
protruding details).
It is of course necessary to select a part of the hull that is submerged under all load and speed conditions,
and to avoid positions where air is trapped in heavy weather.
If a flat, horizontal section is not available for transducer fitting, the shipyard must construct a suitable
Protect the active element of the transducer and do not paint the surface.
Transmission in the air must be avoided! This may cause mechanical damage of the element.
Installation Details.
Refer to SKIPPERs standard installation procedures in the appendix regarding tank installation, welding,
Cable glands etc.
2 x 2.5 sq. mm.
Yard Supply
Junction Box Hull
1 pair each
2.5 mm
Yard Supply Steel
(Yard Supply)
Transducer Tank
37 20001123sw503
The standard cable fitted on the transducer is 25 m and may be shortened or extended. The junction box is
used to interconnect the transducers fixed cable to a yard supply extension cable if the total required cable
length is longer than the standard cable. It is recommended to run the standard cable in a steel protecting
Special requirements apply in areas with Ex conditions. The junction box must always be mounted outside
such areas.
Interconnect the transducer pair and its screen in the junction box,but do not ground the screen here.
136 [5.354]
6 [0.236]
107 [4.195]
(0.472 - 0.590)
87 [3.425]
111 [4.370] 48 [1.870]
55 [2.146]
Cable diam.: 10 - 15
PG 16
Printer interface
External VGA CRT or LCD interface
External NMEA interface
Console mounting
135 (5.315) 30 (1.181)
Mounting bracket
21 (0.826)
Mounting bracket
320 (12.598)
59 (2.323)
Remember to leave room in front of the unit to open the door a full 90 degree.
If the AC power system is 115V, GDS101 may be prepared for 115V AC by re-connecting the connectors
J102, J103 as shown in Fig. 4.4
This diagram also shows position of fuses for 230/150 VAC and 24 V DC. These fuses are normal 5 x 20
mm glass fuses.
When the installation is complete, and power is connected to the Operator Unit, the appropriate power
switch by the power terminals is switched on. For daily operation, these switches may stay on and the unit
is switched off by pressing the “SYSTEM off” button on Screen 2. The unit is switched on by pressing any
Both 230/115 VAC and 24V DC power may be connected and switched on at the same time. If one of these
supplies shuts down, changeover is automatic.
AC Voltage Selection:
Fuses: J102
230V AC:
FS100, FS101 0.5A J103
115V AC:
FS100, FS101 1A FS101
24V DC FS102
FS102 3.15A
SW101 SW100
+24VDC 115/230VAC
Power Power
Terminal Board
JP101 is marked
History Memory
J103 on some
Battery, JP101
After installation is complete and system power is applied, it is necessary to connect the history memory
battery to provide power to the History Memory during system power failure. Refer to Fig. 4.5 for the
correct setting of the History Memory battery jumper “ON” position. This jumper should be set to the
“OFF” position only during extended unit storage periods. The onboard battery is loaded only when no
power is applied to the power terminals.
42 20001123sw503
Tranceiver Board
LD400: +5V
LD401: +12V
LD402: +24V
LD403: +48V
I/O Board
Terminal Board
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1 � A230VAC 1
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� B230VAC
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Fig. 4.7
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������� ��
������� �� ������������������������ Remote Keyboard
4 ����������� �� SCREEN 4
����� �� B50kHz
����� �� A50kHz ������ �������� ���� ��
����������� �� SCREEN ��������� �� �������
����� �� B38kHz ����������������������������
����� �� A38kHz
�� SCREEN ������� ��
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������ � � B200kHz
������ � � A200kHz Xducer Cabeling:
Xmit Pulse
Btm Pulse +5V
Video Out
XMIT C IR201-8 Input Circuit for
Connection of
Transmitter Pulse and
Bottom Pulse
Alarm relay
An alarm relay is provided for interconnection to external alarm systems. This relay is normally ener-
gised, and is released by alarm conditions or power failure/power off. See Fig. 4.7.
Alarm relay
The terminals
An alarm have
relay the following
is provided significance: to external alarm systems. This relay is normally
for interconnection
energised, and is released by alarm conditions or power failure/power off. See Fig. 4.7.
ALCOM Common Terminal.
The terminals have the following significance:
ALNC Normally closed Contact (Normal = “No alarm” condition)
ALCOM Normally
Common open Contact
ALNC Normally closed Contact (Normal = "No alarm" condition)
To comply with MED Normally
rules, open Contact to connect this output to an audible alarm system.
it is mandatory
Log Pulse
External input
alarm reset function
See Fig. 4.7 and 4.8.
External alarm reset function.
Can beinput terminals
connected are as follows:
at Key+/Key-, possibly in parallel with external keyboard.
External reset will disengage alarm relay and reset audio alarm (if enabled).
Visual alarm (blinking digital depth indication) is not affected and must be reset locally,
by pressing any key on the panel. 45 20001123sw503
Analogue interfaces
GDS101 is equipped with analogue outputs to supply analogue repeaters or other equipment with ana-
logue inputs. The signals are galvanically connected to the GDS101. Standard range is 0 - 10V or 4 -
20mA corresponding to Shallow Max, Deep Max Settings. These settings may be accessed on Screen 5.
See Fig. 4.7.
NMEA interface
The NMEA outputs provides NMEA0183 format depth information for other equipment with
NMEA0183 inputs. Baud rate is 4800 or 9600, 8 bit, No parity. Several messages may be selected on
Screen 7 and the enabled messages are transmitted every second.
The NMEA inputs accept position, speed, heading and UTC time messages from various navigators,
compasses or speed logs.
The two inputs provided may be connected to different talkers, and both data streams will be received.
There are two outputs that will drive each minimum of 10 standard NMEA0183 inputs
The NMEA0183 outputs and inputs are available on the J303 9-pin connector according to the diagram
in fig. 4.9.
See Section 5, Start-up and system adaptation, for a complete list of transmitted and received mes-
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Fig. 4.9
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External Interface Ports
Graphic CRT(VGA) or LCD displays or digital depth slave repeaters may be connected to the system.
Along with the graphic display repeaters there may also be installed remote keyboards.
The graphic repeaters require the installation of line driver units dependant on the distance between the
main system and the repeater.
See Fig. 4.7 and 4.9.
Remote Keyboard
This option lets the GDS101 being controlled remotely in synchronised, burst or single ping modes. If
installed, these options are accessible on Screen 3.
See Fig. 4.7 and 4.8.
From Screen 6 it is possible to set number of pulses per nautical mile (100or200or400) for the log pulse
Shallow and deep range limits for the analogue output may also be set, e.g.
From Screen 5 it is possible to select different languages and units of measure for the screen and printer
character strings.
The available languages are: English, French, Spanish, Russian, German and Norwegian.
When the 38 KHz transceiver channel has been modified to a different frequency, it is possible from
screen 5 to adjust indicated value. Softkey SET LOW has five preset values (24/28/30/33/38 KHz) and
encoder must be used to set any other value in the range of 10-200 KHz, when desired. Note that the
38KHz channel must be activated first (Screen 2, button “FREQUENCY”).
Also, note that after Master Reset procedure the value is reset to factory default, and should be re-
entered, if the actual value is different.
NMEA Setup
Screen 8 is used for verification of received NMEA messages and control of transmitted NMEA depth
messages. Two digital communication channels are provided: primary NMEA 0183 (J303, RCV1A/B-
XMT1A/B) and secondary RS232C/NMEA 0183, available on J303 (NMEA: RCV2A/B-XMT2A/B) and
J303 (RS232C). Each channel can be programmed individually with respect to the baud rate and scope
of transmitted messages. Before configuring of the required channel, it must be selected by the mean of
softkey IN/OUT. Primary channel is called NMEA, while secondary - RS232. Note, that text window
will represent information, which corresponds to the currently selected channel. The type of displayed
messages - received from external talker (if connected) or transmitted by the sounder is selectable by the
mean of softkey DISPLAY. For more easy analysis of the window contents, display can be prevented
from continuous update, if “DISPLAY off” is selected. The baud rate may be set to 4800 or 9600, 4800
being the more common.
Transmitted messages are enabled individually by the mean of pair of softkeys MESSAGE and STATUS.
To enable/disable particular message, select it from the list by pressing MESSAGE button until required
message is appeared on the same button and then select the status of this message (on/off) by pressing
STATUS button. It is advisable at this stage to set display in “output” mode, to be able to observe current
scope of transmitted messages.
Transmitted talker identifier is SD, Sounder Depth. The following NMEA 0183, v3.0 messages may be
In case of multiple transducers installation the following SKIPPER proprietary sentence must be
CHECK SUM possible to turn (on/off see screen 8)
Transducer location *
Echosounder channel number (0-99)**
Bottom echo strength (0,9)
Maximum range scale in use, meters
Offset from transducer, meters
Water depth relative to transducer, meters.
* Text string, indicating transducer position : FWD/AFT/PORT/STB. If position is not preset by operator,
empty field is provided.
** = 1 - 38KHz
= 2 - 50KHz
= 3 - 200KHz
The following messages are accepted for input to GDS101 and interpreted by the program. The talker
identifier is ignored:
Universal Time ZZU,xxxxxx
Universal Time & Local ZLZ,xxxxxx,xxxxxx,-xx
Day, Month, Year ZDA,xxxxxx,xx,xx,xxxx,-xx
The following messages may be transmitted (Selected from Screen 7 and dependant on the DRAUGHT
setting). The messages are enabled individually. Transmitted talker identifier is SD, Sounder Depth:
The only calibration activity necessary is when the Sound Speed option is installed. In this case, set the
required sound Speed value in Screen 3.
When this option is installed, transmitter operation may be controlled by the external INHIBIT signal.
The active polarity of this signal may be set on Screen 6. The following function options are available on
Screen 3:
Transducer, 38 kHz H*W*L 101 * 206 * 255 mm
Mounting Tank
Cable length 40m
Weight appx. 20 kg
Protection IP 68
Adjustments and repairs should only be performed by qualified service engineers, and
Unqualified repair attempts will void the warranty.
( Valid for GDS 101u with connection for external printer and PCA-6135 type CPU
with Flash RAM installed.)
1. Hardware.
Jumpers on the CPU board must be set as follows: JP1: 1-2, JP 4: 1-2, JP 9: 2-3,
JP14: 1-2, JP15: 2-3.
Remaining jumpers JP 2, JP 3, JP 5, JP 6, JP 7 are not applicable.
Jumpers JP 8, JP 10, JP 12, JP 13 are connectors.
Check that 1 SIMM board ( 4M RAM ) has been properly inserted in the “SIMM 1”
bank, and locked.
2: Software.
K. Select in menu “Advanced CMOS Setup”.
L. Press “Enter” once.
M. Use same method as “H” and “I” to modify parameters.
N. Set “Advanced CMOS Setup” parameters as follows.
- 1st Boot Device: Disabled.
- 2nd Boot Device: Disabled.
- 3rd Boot Device: Disabled.
- 4th Boot Device: Disabled.
- Boot from Card BIOS: No.
- Try other Boot Devices: Yes.
- S.M.A.R.T. for Hard Disks: Disabled.
- Boot Up Num Lock: On.
- Floppy Drive Swap: Disabled.
- Floppy Drive Seek: Disabled.
- Floppy Access Control: Normal.
- HDD Access Control: Normal.
- System Keyboard: Absent.
- Primary Display: VGA/EGA.
- Password Check: Setup.
- System BIOS Cacheable: Enabled.
- C000,32K Shadow: Disabled.
- C800,32K Shadow: Disabled.
- D000,32K Shadow: Disabled.
- D800,32K Shadow: Disabled.
- E000,32K Shadow: Disabled.
- E800,32K Shadow: Disabled.
Switch off the GDS 101u, using the internal toggle switch and wait for 20 seconds.
Then press down and keep pressed the softkey to the far right and far left ( No. 1 and 6.) in the upper row
on the GDS101u keyboard.
Turn the GDS101u ‘’on’’ and keep the two softkeys pressed down until the screen shows the normal picture.
This may take as long as approx. 30 seconds.
You should normally hear 4 ‘’beeps’’ at the end of the procedure.
Check screen 9. IC 1, 2 and 3 should now indicate OK.
Check screen 7. HISTORY should now start counting from Zero.
8. APPENDIX Miscellaneous Installation Drawings
96 [3,780]
24 [0,945]
Grounding Label
14 [0,551]
96 [3,780]
Turned 180°
82 [3,228]
Stud M4 x 12
60,9 [2,398]
46 [1,811]
70 [2,756]
60 [2,362]
Tab size 6.3 x 0.8
Washer DIN 6797 (2x)
Form A
Drilling holes Ø 4.5 (0.177)
Nut M4
62(2.441) 144 [5,669]
The drilling holes diam. depends on thickness and material in the Console.
Washer DIN 6797 (2x) ft
Nut M4 M
144 [5,669]
Ground stud 4M x 12
Tab size 6.3 x 0.8
70(2.736) Cable length: 1.5m. (4.9 ft.)
125 [4,921]
Cut out
96 [3,780]
125 [4,921]
Power consuption: 24 VDC/ 3W
Protection code: IP56
Console mounting order:
A. Make a cut out in the Console (1) 125 x 125 (4.921 x 4.921)
B. Remove the mountingbracket (2)
C. Unscrew the 4 screws in the frame (3) (one in each corner) and remove the frame.
D. Put the Monitor(4) in the cut out and mark the 4 centerpoints for the Drill in the Console(1) BLUE NMEA IN+ GREY DIMKEY
(The drilling holes diam. depends on thickness and material in the Console.)
E. Use Panh. screws DIN 7981 Diam. 2.9 (0.114). Length depends on the Console thickness. DIM+
F. Finally put on the frame (3). Make sure that the screwheads correspond with the cut outs in the frame. DIM- DIMMER
Console mounting, IP56 protection.
1. Before fixing the monitor (4) in the cut out area in console (1), apply sufficient amount of water sealant GROUND WITH GROUND STUD
compound between the monitor (4) and console (1).
2. Before the frame (3) is remounted, apply sufficient amount of amount of water sealant compound in the
inner area of frame and on the edges of the monitor (4), to ensure that water can not penetrate into the
monitor (4).
The front panel of the monitor is waterproof.
Washer DIN 6797 (2x)
Tab size 6.3 x 0.8
Form A
96 [3,780] Stud M4 x 12
Nut M4
96 [3,780]
46 [1,811]
60,9 [2,398]
Turned 180°
82 [3,228]
24 [0,945]
60 [2,362]
Grounding Label 70 [2,756]
14 [0,551]