Growing Dahlias: Dahlia Types
Growing Dahlias: Dahlia Types
Growing Dahlias: Dahlia Types
‘Kenora Sunset’
Ray florets curl underneath lengthwise
for less than half their length. ‘Kenora
The top color of the ray florets roll under
‘Taratahi Lilac’
to form a point. To be classified a cactus
type, the ray floret must curl more than
half its length. ‘Taratahi Lilac’
‘Al Almand’
fringed effect. ‘Al Almand’
by James Romer
Dahlias are native to the mountainous region of Mexico. Ray florets curl upward to form a tube.
‘Puget Joy’
The 3-inch specimens discovered by Swedish botanist Individual flowers are rounded. Blooms
Anders Dahl most likely consisted of one row of ray range from 3½ inches across and up.
florets—mistakenly termed petals—surrounding yellow ‘Puget Joy’
center disc florets. While this single type dahlia is still
grown today, the flowers now range up to 16 inches Miniature Ball
across and are available in many colors except green, Same characteristics as the ball, only
‘Alloway Candy’
B____________________ 6 to 8 inches
BB___________________4 to 6 inches Ray florets are narrow and roll upwards
Miniature____________ 2 to 4 inches with a slight recurve to the stem.
Ball _________________ Over 31 ⁄ 2 inches ‘Alloway Candy’
Miniature Ball _______ 2 to 31 ⁄ 2 inches
Pompon______________Up to 2 inches Waterlily
‘Cream Beauty’
Mignon Single________Up to 2 inches Florets cup upwards just as true
waterlilies do. ‘Cream Beauty’
‘Powder Gull’
flower forms or types. rows of ray florets, but the yellow disc
florets are showing. ‘Powder Gull’
Formal Decorative
‘Formby’s Perfection’
Relatively flat ray florets are uniformly A distinctive dahlia having one row of ray
‘Alpen Blaze’
placed in the same direction forming a florets surrounding elongated disc florets.
hollow globe. ‘Formby’s Perfection’ ‘Alpen Blaze’
Informal Decorative A row of ray florets with a collar of
‘Ivory Palaces’
Wavy or twisted ray florets have a petaloids, or half petals, surrounding the
random placement. ‘Ivory Palaces’ yellow disc flowers in the center. ‘Mars’
damaged. To plant tubers, dig a hole about 6 to 8 inches
Mignon Single deep on either side of the support. Place the tuber hori-
Similar in form to the single but on a zontally in the ground. Then place soil back in the hole.
much shorter plant (12 to 24 inches) The dahlias should emerge in about 2 weeks.
with smaller flowers. ‘Rembrandt’
Novelty Fully Double straw, or pine needles conserves moisture and keeps the
Additional types of dahlias that do not fit developing tubers cooler. Use a soaker hose for efficient
into any established categories. These cultivars should watering.
have no yellow disc florets showing at peak stage. ‘Akita’
To get the best bloom, remove two sets
Planting tips of axillary buds located beneath the main
Dahlias perform best in full sun and well-drained soil; bud on either side of the stem where
they may rot in wet, poorly drained soils. Tuberous roots the leaves meet. If left on the plant, the
radiate out from the dahlia crown like the spokes of a axillary buds will develop and flower.
wagon wheel. Viable tubers must have an eye originating However, the quality of the bloom is
from the crown portion, plus a neck that connects the reduced and weaker stems result. Dead-
crown to the body of the tuberous root. For earlier heading by removing spent blooms also
blooming, plant dahlia tubers in 8-inch standard pots in promotes additional flowering.
Fall care
After a killing frost, remove the brown
foliage and stems but leave the tuberous
roots in the soil an additional 1 to 2
weeks to “cure.” Dig with a potato fork
or sand shovel and label each clump. improves blooms
Wash off as much soil as possible and remove the rest
early April. Fill pots about half-full with a commercial, of the stalk down to the crown. Washing helps keep
sterilized potting mix or make your own by combining the storage media clean and reduces the risk for insect
equal amounts of sphagnum peat, perlite, and sterilized damage. Let the tubers sit until they are dry to the touch
soil. Place the tuber horizontally on the soil mix and (usually about one day), then place clumps upside down
cover with 1 to 2 inches of soil mix; water thoroughly. in boxes and cover with vermiculite, sphagnum peat, or
When growth emerges, place pot in full sun.Plants can wood shavings. Store the boxes in the coolest part of the
remain in pots or be transplanted to the garden. house, preferably between 40° and 55°F.
‘Lavender Ice’
‘Gay Princess’
Tips for showing dahlias
• Fill containers with water the day before show.
“Dayold” water is closer to air temperature and also loses
some fluoride that may be present in tap water.
• Include two sets of leaves with flower.
• Position the stem in a narrow-necked container so
the bloom shows at a 45° angle. Plastic wrap, wooden
wedges, newspaper strips, Styrofoam, or other materials
can help anchor the stem in the bottle neck.
• Stem length should be in proportion to flower size;
thus miniatures are shown with shorter stems and larger
flowers are shown with longer stems. Sources JS Dahlias
57295 CR 35
Alpen Gardens
• If growing a variety specifically for show, consider 12010 N.E. Flett Road Middlebury, IN 46540
Gaston, OR 97119 (574) 825-5132
removing misshapen buds because they will develop into
(503) 662-3951
misshapen flowers.
Mingus Dahlias
Arrowhead Dahlias 7407 N.E. 139th Street
P.O.Box 814 Vancouver, WA 98662
Platteville, CO 80651 (360) 573-2983
(970) 785-6014 mingus/index.htm