Activity 2.0: 1.goose Eleusine Indica
Activity 2.0: 1.goose Eleusine Indica
Activity 2.0: 1.goose Eleusine Indica
1. Summarize the impact of weeds to crop production using mind mapping tool (please
proceed to (10 pts)
2. In matrix form compare the different weed classification. Elaborate its characteristics and
give specific example (30pts).
2.Crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis) is an annual in the crabgrass -
grass family (Poaceae). Leaves are flat, measuring Digitaria spp.
0.75-6 inches long and up to 0.5 inches wide, with a
prominent mid-rib and pubescent on both sides.
Crabgrass have membranous ligules that are truncated
and have a jagged appearance
3. Crowfoot
grass -
3.Egyptian crowfoot grass (Dactyloctenium aegyptium
m aegyptium
(L.) Willd.) is a tufted, slightly stoloniferous annual or
short-lived perennial grass, up to 75 cm high. It is much 4.
branched. The stems are slender, erect or geniculate, Malvastrum -
and ascending. Malvastrum
4.Malvastrum coromandelianum is an erect plant or
subshrub. The main stem is straight and hairy, the root
is a taproot. The leaves are alternate, simple, 5. Purple
elongated, slightly covered with hair at 4 points nutsedge -
associated in pairs, and strongly serrated. Cyperus
2.Crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis) is an annual in the crabgrass -
grass family (Poaceae). Leaves are flat, measuring Digitaria spp.
0.75-6 inches long and up to 0.5 inches wide, with a
prominent mid-rib and pubescent on both sides.
Crabgrass have membranous ligules that are truncated
and have a jagged appearance
3. Crowfoot
grass -
3.Egyptian crowfoot grass (Dactyloctenium aegyptium
m aegyptium
(L.) Willd.) is a tufted, slightly stoloniferous annual or
short-lived perennial grass, up to 75 cm high. It is much
branched. The stems are slender, erect or geniculate,
and ascending. 4.
Malvastrum -
4.Malvastrum coromandelianum is an erect plant or
subshrub. The main stem is straight and hairy, the root
is a taproot. The leaves are alternate, simple,
elongated, slightly covered with hair at 4 points
associated in pairs, and strongly serrated. 5. Purple
nutsedge -
5. Purple nutsedge is a colonial, herbaceous, perennial,
with fibrous roots. It typically grows from 7-40 cm tall
and reproduces extensively by rhizomes and tubers.
The rhizomes are initially white and fleshy with scaly
leaves, and become fibrous, wiry, and very dark brown
with age.
3.thick; scales brown, ovate, puberulent, tipped with a maritimus
recurved awn 2-4 mm. long, bristles shorter than the
achene; stamens 3; achene orbicular-obovate, cuneate
at the base, smooth, somewhat shining, about 3 mm.
4.Purple nutsedge is a colonial, herbaceous, perennial, rotundus.
with fibrous roots. It typically grows from 7-40 cm tall
and reproduces extensively by rhizomes and tubers.
The rhizomes are initially white and fleshy with scaly
leaves, and become fibrous, wiry, and very dark brown
with age.
5. Quack grass is a perennial plant with flat, somewhat
hairy leaves and erect flower spikes. The plant may
grow from 30 to 100 cm (about 12 to 40 inches) high
and spreads rapidly with long yellowish-white rhizomes.
The plant is difficult to eradicate and must be
completely dug up to prevent rhizome fragments from
generating new plants.
5. Cleome
4. Lantana camara is a perennial, erect sprawling or rutidosperma
scandent, shrub which typically grows to around 2 m
tall and form dense thickets in a variety of
environments. In the right conditions though, it can
scramble up into trees and can grow to 6 metres tall.
Make a REFLECTION of what you learned in the lessons presented in this Module. Summarize
the highlights of the lessons based on your own understanding. Describe the organization
structure of plants. How important are the different organs of plants relative to their normal
growth and development? (20 points). The blank space is intended for your reflection
What I have learned based on my understanding of the lesson in this unit is learning. Studying it
made me understand how the knowledge we have and can learn can benefit us. gives me the
opportunity to expand and grow my knowledge and understanding. The topics we discussed
were very relevant to me. It gives me more excitement and it makes me interested. The topics
we discussed made me realize that we still have a lot to learn.