FPGA and PLD Survey
FPGA and PLD Survey
FPGA and PLD Survey
Sandeep Srivastava
• The process of designing digital hardware has changed
dramatically over the past few years prompted by the
development of FPDs
• Unlike previous generations of technology, in which
board-level designs included large numbers of SSI chips
containing basic gates, virtually every digital design
produced today consists mostly of high-density devices.
• This applies not only to custom devices like processors
and memory, but also for logic circuits such as state
machine controllers, counters, registers, and decoders.
• There are three main categories of Field
Programmable Devices:
• Simple PLDs (SPLDs)
• Complex PLDs (CPLDs)
• Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs).
• The advantages of FPDs are –
– instant manufacturing turnaround
– low start-up costs, low financial risk
– since programming is done by the end user, ease
of design changes.
Definition of Field Programmable Device