Walmart's Supply Chain
Walmart's Supply Chain
Walmart's Supply Chain
business success
Wal-Mart is the World’s
Largest Retail Company
Ranked first in the Global Fortune
500 list in 2001-2002 financial year
History of Wal-Mart…
Sam Walton, the founder of Wal
mart gave up his job and decided to
set up his own retail store.
Wal-Mart’s Procurement…
The company directly procured from
manufacturers, by passing all intermediaries.
Wal-Mart finalizes a purchase deal only when it
is fully confident that the products being bought
is not available else where at a lower price .
Wal-Mart spends a significant amount of time
meeting vendors and understanding their cost
By making the process transparent, the retailer
can be certain that the manufacturers are doing
their best to cut down costs.
Using EDI for Procurement
The computer systems of Wal-Mart were
connected to those of its suppliers.
Inventory Management…
(quick replenishment)
Since the floor area of any Wal-Mart
store varied between 40,000 to 200,000
square feet, movement of goods within
the store was an important part of logistics
RFID Technology
(Radio Frequency Identification)
In efforts to implement new technologies to
reduce costs and increase the efficiency, in
July 2003, Wal-Mart asked its top 100
suppliers to be RFID compliant by January,