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REPORT-Supply Chain and Logistics

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Submitted to: Submitted by:

Dr. Rajesh Sharma Ashish Singhal,
M.B.A (AB), 1st year


1 Introduction 3

2 Definition 4

3 Indian and Global scenario 4-5

4 Types and elements of supply chain 6

5 Supply chain in different sector 7-12

6 Agribusiness supply chain models 12-14

7 Case on ITC e chaoupal 15-16

8 Bull whip effect 16

9 Modes of logistics 17-18

10 Elements of logistics cost in India 19

11 3PL 19

12 Growth drivers 20

13 Major players 20-21

14 Government policies 21

15 Impact of WTO 21-22

16 Contemporary issue 22-23

17 References 24

To be successful in today¶s competitive environment, firms are required to coordinate well
with their suppliers and customers. An important driver for successful supply chain is infor-
mation sharing. Although there are many possible ways to share information among supply
chain members Increasing global competition and increasing customer demands motivate
every firm to work on products with new technology and advanced features, which shrinks
product/service life and gives less time for product developments. The requirement for new
or updated vehicle model is triggered by new technology developments, changing expectation
from customers, products offered by competitors, and the existing products having limitations
to withstand the Competition. To achieve the agile features of reacting quickly and effec-
tively, automotive manufacturers are investing time in reengineering
Manufacturing and product Development process. When a product, such as an agrochemical,
is dependent on its Supply chain operations, making the firm's process agile alone will not
produce the desired result of an agile manufacturing system.


Supply chain is a network of facilities and distribution that performs the functions of pro-
curement of material, transformation of these materials into intermediate and finished prod-
ucts and the distribution of these finished products to customers. Supply chain activities
transform natural resources, raw materials and components into a finished product that is de-
livered to the end customer. In sophisticated supply chain systems, used products may re-
enter the supply chain at any point where residual value is recyclable. Supply chains
link value chains.


Market liberalization and increasing consumer demand in OECD countries offer attractive
opportunities for agricultural exporters from developing countries. Trade in fishery products,
exotics, pre-cut products, organic products and off-season fresh fruits and vegetables extend
altogether new options for businesses. Yet, global market standards are stringent. Consumers
in these countries and in urban areas in developing and transition economies demand safe and
nutritional food, excellent quality and just-in-time delivery. This presents major challenges to
producers and countries that lack state-of-the-art technologies and infrastructure. Particularly
for producers in these countries, collaboration between trade partners has become increas-
ingly important for the success of cross-border trade in the competitive market. Supply chain
management is a powerful tool to achieve this collaboration. Through supply chains, produc-
ers in developing countries and emerging economies can access market information and
knowledge to hone their value-added activities. It is the integration of supply chain activities
through improved supply chain relationship to achieve and attain sustainable competitive
advantage. Supply Chain is a set of three or more companies directly linked by one or more
of the upstream and downstream flows of products, services, finances and information from
source to a customer.


Now a day maximum companies, whether they are Indian or global are adapting a supply
chain process .Here is some important aspect to perform these functions
= Improve operations:
= Optimizing transportation costs:
= Competitive advantage:
= Efficiency towards globalization:
= Increasing importance of e-commerce :
= Manage inventories:


This section gives an overview of the size of the global logistics industry and its current
status and prevailing dynamics. The annual cost of supply chain and logistics in the world is
$500 billion (2009) . USA constitutes 25 % of the global industry but spends only 9 % of its

GDP on suppl chain and logistics services while other countries spend li e Europe is 11%
Japan is 11.4 % and China is 16- 20 % .


This section gives an overview of the si e of the Indian logistics industry, its competitive dy-
namics and future prospects. almost 99% is accounted for by the unorgani ed sector (such as
owners of less than 5 trucks, affiliated to a broker or a transport company, small warehouse
operators, customs brokers, freight forwarders, etc.), and slightly more than 1% is contrib-
uted by the organi ed sector. So, one can see that the logistics industry in India is in a nascent
stage. Indian supply chain and logistics industry accounts for 2 % of the global supply chain
and logistics industry .India spends 13 % of its GDP on supply chain and logistics industry.
Logistics accounts for 15 ± 25 % of the cost of goods in India. About 65 ± 70 % of the prod-
ucts are still transported by road and 30 ± 35 % by rail.


SCM is the integration and management of supply chain organi ations and activities through
cooperative organi ational relationships, effective business processes, and
high levels of information sharing to create high-performing value systems that provide
member organi ations a sustainable competitive advantage.

V A supply chain management is a much defined process. It starts from supplier of raw materi-
al. In reference to agriculture raw material is like pesticide, fertilizer, seed etc.
These raw materials are being supply through supplier to purchaser.
V Purchaser gets their raw material from supplier of raw material. In agriculture, purchaser is
farmer. They forward this material into production process.
V After production of finished goods like agriculture product they goes to consumers through
marketing channel and distribution process.




c  Basic Supply Chain V It consists of a company, an immediate supplier and an immediate
customer directly linked by one or more of the upstream and downstream flows of products,
services, finances and information.

K  Ultimate Supply ChainVIt includes all the companies involved in all the upstream and down-
stream flows of products, services, finances and information from the initial supplier to the
ultimate customer.

v  Partnerships or Alliances- Dyadic Relationships or Co-operative Relationships between two

companies that are distinct from supply chains, because this type of relationship does not in-
volve any one company in simultaneous upstream and downstream relationships.

TG V  

= Transfer of product from farmers to consumers:
A farmer whatever he is producing in production process finally it goes to ultimate users.
= Transfer of money from consumers to farmers:
A consumer gives money to farmer in exchange of a product.
= Transfer of ownership from farmers to consumers:
A farmer transferring his ownership through supplying their product.
= Transfer of information from consumers to farmers:
A consumer forwards some feedback about their product. This is important information for
farmer and suppliers.

T G   

A typical agriculture supply chain is a much defined process .It happen in a two way.

1. Assemble all of production factor and optimum utilization of resources. The production
process is may be a crop production, livestock, fisheries etc. they may go in storage form be-
fore going in production process or go directly in production process.

After production of finished goods these product go in storage form .then supplied to con-
sumer through marketing, sales, distribution and transport.

2. Another path is that assemble all of production factor and optimum utili ation of resources.
After production of finished goods these product go in storage form .then supplied to con-
sumer through marketing, sales, distribution and transport.


India has a huge opportunity to become a leading global food supplier if only it has the right
marketing strategies and of course agile, adaptive and efficient supply chain. India has diver-
sity in terms of its population with several religious groups with different food
Habits and culture. This diversity should be used to advantage to become the ³Halal Food
Hub´, the ³Organic food hub´, the ³Vegetarian food hub´ the ³Sea food hub´ amongOthers.
Food chain clusters (See Figure1) are formed with the participation of all stake holders such
as farmers, seed growers, merchants, transporters, wholesalers, retailers, financialinstitutions,
and insurance companies. Information sharing is essential for generating theefficiencies. The
Internet and mobile communications are used to enable information and financial transfer be-
tween the stake holders. In India, there are very few large food manufacturers. Amul, Ruchi
Soya, Nestle, MTR, ITC, Dabur, Britannia, HLL¶s food and beverages section, beverage
companies such as Coke and Pepsi are some of the big names. In poultry Godrej Agrovet,
Suguna, Pioneer and Venkateswara hatcheries are some of the companies integrating opera-

tion s end to end from breeding to ready to eat chicken foods. High taxes on processed food,
high import duties, nascent contract forming, make the profitability a big issue in India. There
are several regulatory changes that need to be made all along the supply chain so that they are
consistent and mutually reinforcing.

A supply chain for fruit and vegetable is a much defined process. It complete in a defined
1) Institution: An institution may be a agriculture university, krushi vighyan Kendra or any
other institute. They work in these area-
= According to need of a customer these institute produce a product on demand and utility.
= They procure and supply of raw material to farmer which are going to use in farming
= Some helping center like KVK provide some information to farmers.thy work with diffu-
sion of innovation.
2) Grower and production: they acquire a good agriculture practices and try to get a good
3) Distribution: there is a master schedule of a distribution process.
4) processing: processing center may be a different according to need of a product. in pro-
duction process here is a some safety and healthy measure like HACCP,ISO,OHSAS,SA
5) Consumer: consumer is a ultimate user of a product.


1. Investments in real estate and cold chain infrastructure (100% FDI allowed).
2. Increasing role of third party logistics.
3. Incentives for setting up of processing plants in agri-export zones (100% FDI allows in
food processing industry).
4. Size of Indian retail industry (US$ 350 billion).

Seed supp cha :

A seed supply chain a is regulated through a government and private agencies. Here is a some
government agencies like SSC, NNSC, SFCI, SAI etc. on the requirement of breeder seed
they forward the information to government .then information forward to ICAR. ICAR for-
ward the information to ICAR institute and state agriculture institute.

On the demand of a breeder seed agriculture institute produce breeder seed and supply
through ICAR than GOI than state government. State government forward a breeder seed to
some specified agencies and after production of foundation seed these agencies forward these
seed to other specified agencies for producing a certified seed. Certification is done by a gov-
ernment agency in regulated process.


fertilizer supply chain is a simple and defined process.
In a fertilizer supply chain here is a two zone.
1. Primary zone-In this zone fertilizer produces and consumes in a place, where it produces.
Starting from a factory production, a factory produces a specified fertilizer. That goes firstly
to dealer and further forward to distributor. Finally fertilizer goes to farmers.

2. Secondary zone- when fertilizer forward to other place like in a other state, it goes to for
storage in warehousing. Then goes to dealer and distributor. Finally it goes to farmers.


A typical agro-chemical supply chain depend on these factors-
„ Campaign & Demonstration
„ Life Cycle of Pest & Disease
„ Climatic Factors
„ Mode of action of the chemical

A defined process start from suppliers of a raw material required for a chemical production.
After a production of a agro-chemical that supply to dealers and then suppliers. Finally goes
to farmers.



upply chain of a organic food fall in a much systematic manner-
= grower produce a organic food production
= growers groups collect all organic food through different growers
= these organic food forward to trader of origin, who are engaging in export of organic
food in different countries through a agent or a marketing chaneel.
= trader of exporting countries supplies it to wholesaler and than retailer.
= finally that goes to consumer

c  T V   #     V
Chaoupal Sagar is one of the first organized retail forays into the hinterland. It has opted for
self service, stocking its merchandise on shelves lining the neat aisles. It stocks a breadth of
products no supermarket can. It offers almost everything - from toothpastes to televisions,

hair oils to motorcycles, mixer-grinders to water pumps, shirts to fertilizers. It is just a very
sharply thought-out rural store. ITC is hoping to capture the rural folks' out-of-village shop-
ping. But the farmers will come here only after every harvest. To ensure that they keep com-
ing to Chaoupal Sagar even at other times, the company is offering a slew of other goodies.

K  G$  %G$&'V
Godrej Aadhaar is the India¶s first agri service cum rural retail venture of Godrej Agrovet.
The first issue that sustainable companies are focusing on is the design and production of the
product. Interface Corporation is a leading maker of materials for commercial interiors. In its
new Shanghi carpet factory a liquid had to be circulated through a standard pumping loop
similar to those used in nearly all industries.

v    (   ) %  'V
Three broad areas in which haryali perform-
= a.farm advisory
= b. rural retailing
= c. Farm produce linkage

(  TT(    

=  c Tata Kisan Kendra as a retailer of Agri-inputs
=   K Repositioning of Tata Kisan Kendra to Tata Kisan Sansar thereby considering
TKS as a µseed to produce¶ business.
=  v TKS as a solutions provider that helps farmer enhance his productivity and an
agent that changes the face of Indian farming

*     + +V
Mahindra Agribusiness integrates the agriculture and food chain from agri inputs right
through to agri commodities.

The Company's business is to establish agri centres in various districts of the country either
under the Mahindra Krushi Vihar franchisee model or directly as Mahindra Agribusiness.
Currently, the Company's operations cover about 100,000 acres across 8 states. Its primary
focus is on crops like basmati, maize, barley, cotton, lentils, soybeans, durum, hyola and oth-
er oilseeds such as sunflower and mustard.

Steps are also being taken to develop the high value segment of Indian high value segment of
Indian farming: contract farming of crops with organic cultivation, aromatic medicinal crops
like geranium, patchouli, etc. and other crops like pomegranates, grapes, gherkins, garlic,
onions, potatoes as well as crops destined for organised retail as well as for the Seed Industry. 


±  , - .
Today it has resulted in a network of 35,000 entrepreneurs reaching 100 million rural con-
sumers in 1-lakh villages. HLL aims to reach 600 million consumers in five-lakhs villages
through one-lakhs entrepreneurs by 2010. The basic objective of Project Shakti is to econom-
ically empower underprivileged rural women by creating income-generating capabilities and
providing a sustainable micro-enterprise opportunity in addition to improving rural living
standards through health and hygiene awareness. ³It is both a sales and a distribution initia-
tive that delivers growth and a communication medium in the form of Shakti Vani, a pro-
grammed that spreads awareness of health and hygiene and builds brands. With the purpose
of increasing penetration and market shares for HUL brands, Project Shakti is already ac-
counting for 15 per cent of HUL's rural business.


Currently, supply chain management argues that a company needs to develop a strategy to
meet its industrial and social environment in a globalized world with severe competition and
great uncertainty.

r & V Environment mainly refers to industrial and social environ-

ment of the company. One important aspect of the industrial environment is
clock-speed, the speed of change in the industry Social environment is related
to governmental policy and socioeconomic condition. A country with probusi-
ness economic policies, good infrastructure, and highquality labor forces
would be a natural candidate for outsourcing and becomes part of the supply
chain of a multinational corporation.

r   V Current strategy in supply chain management is based on

the balance between cost and customer service. The basic strategy a firm can
take is either cost, differentiation, or a combination of cost and differentiation
in a competitive market. In supply chain management, cost strategy is seeking
internal cost efficiency, and differentiation strategy is to improve the customer
service and design better products /services to meet customers¶ needs.

A Green supply chain can be defined in this perspective-

= The process of using environmentally friendly inputs.
= Products can improve or be recycled and improved.
= Outputs that can be reclaimed and re-used at the end of their life-cycle thus, creating a
sustainable supply chain.



A supply chain is not a advantageous in all way but here is a some negative point, which is
essential to considering here-
' Uneconomic scale of operation
' Lack of consistency in supply and quality
' Inadequate and inappropriate storage and distribution infrastructure
' Lack of technical support for the agro-industrial sector



Before re-engineering in supply chain of a special commodity like soyabean farmer directly
sell their product in mandies on a discovered price. Then a mandi forward to ITC or other
buyer. Finally ITC forward it for production of ultimate product or intermediate product.

In reengineering processed farmers directly sell their product to ITC through a inter mediator.
Inter mediator is E-CHAUPAL. E-CHAUPAL is a place where a sanchalak is competent to
operate computer through internet. He broadcast required information to desired farmerswho
want know about a product price, whether condition etc. then ITC purchased agri-product
from farmers on a reasonable price.


' Small changes in consumer demand result in large variations in orders placed upstream
' Dramatic order size variation
' Amplification of order size variation as one moves up the supply chain

Logistics is the management of the flow of goods and services between the point of origin
and the point of consumption in order to meet the requirements of customers. Logistics in-
volves the integration of information, transportation, inventory, warehousing, material han-
dling, and packaging, and occasionally security. Logistics is a channel of the supply
chain which adds the value of time and place utility. Today the complexity of production lo-
gistics can be modelled, analyzed, visualized and optimized by plant simulation soft ware.
Logistics management is increasingly becoming a topic of interest among academicians and
practitioners since it may lead to reduced operational costs, improved delivery performance
and increased customer satisfaction levels. The global logistics industry is estimated to be
worth USD 300 billion. Though most of the large service providers are headquartered in
Europe, the biggest market is the US, which captures about one-third of the world market.
The global logistics industry is characterized by high costs of operations, low margins, short-
age of talent, infrastructural bottlenecks, demand from clients for investing in technology and
providing one-stop solutions to all their needs, and consolidation through acquisitions, merg-
ers and alliances.
Though, in India, the industry is still in its infancy, there is immense potential for growth.
The Indian logistics industry is currently plagued with low demand, poor infrastructure, high
costs, government regulations etc. However, it is going to turn around on the back of robust
GDP growth, globalization, FDI in logistics and increasing government support

 G T 



' India has the second highest largest road network of 3.3 million km.
' US have the largest road network with 6.4 million km & China 1.8 million km.
' National Highways-2% of total road length.
' But carry 40% of goods traffic of India.

' The Indian Railways boasts of being the world¶s 2nd largest rail network spread over 81,511
km and covering 6896 stations.
' The freight segment accounts for roughly two thirds of railway¶s revenues.
' The tone/kilometer costs for Indian rail freight at three times that of China.

' 12 major pots
' 187 minor ports
' 7517 km coastline
' Major ports± 76 % of traffic
' West coast ports- 70% of traffic

! T 

' The size of the world air cargo market is estimated at 27 million tonnes valued at $200
' India accounts for meagre 3% of the global air cargo market - garments, pharmaceuticals,
dyes, chemical, perishables [fruit, vegetables, flowers, fish and meat].



cc v


V V 


Th d Party  st cs (3P :
Use of outside company to perform all or part of company¶s materialmanagement and distri-
bution function is termed as Third-party Logistics. 3 PL is one of the Paradoxes of Business
in Logistics as a framework for Strategic Alliances to Perform World Class Business. It pro-
vide a company to focus on company¶s particular area of expertise, leaving the logistic exper-
tise to the logistic companies.

= China & India -- 13-15%

= U.S. -- 57%
= Europe -- 30-40%
= Japan -- 80%


ù Focus on core competencies

ù Best practices
ù Enhanced technological capabilities

ù 3PL in the country could touch $90million by 2012, current $58 million.

G:T   !

= General growth of the Indian economy
= Manufacturing boom-for exports as well as for domestic market
= Expected rise in International trade from India
= MNC¶s setting up manufacturing in India-Nokia, Flextronics
= Implementation of VAT will lead to growth in warehousing business
= Opening of organized retail sector -attracting retail chains like Wal-Mart and Carrefour in
addition to Indian players like Pantaloon and Reliance.


T T !

U The Indian government is making great efforts by -
= Privatizing ports and airports
= Increasing the number of gateway ports
= Investing in highway projects
= Streamlining customs and excise procedures
= Improving the rail network
= The government planned to invest $17 bn in transport infrastructure between 2006-2010
= Establishing free trade & warehousing zones (FTWZ)

T 0 T
= Amend in the National Highway Act to expedite land acquisition, permit private financing
and allow tolling.
= Improvement in rural access by launch of the Prime Minister¶s Rural Roads Program.
= Reduction of congestion on rail corridors and improvement of port connectivity by launch of
National Railway Development Program.
= Up gradation of infrastructure and connectivity in the country's twelve major ports by initiat-
ing the National Maritime Development Program.
= Establishment of Tariff Authority for Major Ports to regulate tariffs.


= Adani group
= National bulk handling corporation (NBHC)
= National collateral management services ltd (NCMSL)
= Global agri. system
= TCI group
= Shree Subham logistic limited(SSLL-Kalptaru)

G T   T %'
= Adani Logistics Limited (ALL) provides integrated logistics solutions for movement of
commodities. Adani has secured an all-India license to manage container train operations on
Indian Railways. In order to provide pan-India multi-modal-logistics services, Adani Logis-
tics Limited, has developed the facilities for movement of goods in containers by train, road
and sea.
= Adani Logistics offers comprehensive end to end logistics solutions for handling a wide
range of cargo including containers, break bulk dry and liquid cargo, perishables and project
cargo, in the form of full train load, full container load and less than container load.



Food and Agriculture are important national activities and affect the well being of its
population of every country. In formulating the policies of farming, production, processing,
distribution and retailing and also in financing these activities the Governments play leading
role. This becomes all the more important in view of the globalization of the food industry.
Allowing foreign operators for food production, distribution and retailing is a decision of na-
tional importance.
The Government of India (GOI) has accorded high priority to the establishment of cold
chains and encourages major initiatives in this sector.
1. Scope of exemptions from Excise Duty enlarged to include equipments needed for storage
and warehouse facilities on agricultural produce.
2. In FY 2012 40 lakhs tones storage capacity .
3. In FY 2012 -24 new cold storage projects sanctioned .
4. Full exemption from basic Customs Duty to bio-asphalt and specified machinery for applica-
tion in the construction of national highways.
5. Indian Infrastructure spending to be up by 23%.
6. Rs 30,000 crores tax-free infrastructure bonds for Railways.
7. Exemption from Import Duty for spares and capital goods required for ship repair .
8. Two Committees set up for greater transparency and accountability in procurement policy
and for allocation, pricing and utilization of natural resources.

The globalization of business is perhaps the most significant development in the field of sup-
ply chain management during the last 30 years. GLOBALIZATION HAS penetrated all fac-
ets of business to include banking, insurance, patent and trademark protection, environmental
responsibility, immigration/labour law, and information technology. Each of these areas is
important to continued expansion.

1. A reduction in tariffs allows for wider access to foreign markets, making less expensive
products available to a larger customer base.

2. Removal of non-tariff trade barriers²import license requirements, inspections, and move-
ment of product.
3. The removal of tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade has encouraged direct investment by
foreign companies in both existing and emerging markets.
4. While companies once exported and imported through agents or distributors, globalization
compelled many organizations to establish their own offices in foreign markets.


c   %     '1   V There are a growing number

of software suites that can help companies maximize efficiencies in their supply chain. Enter-
prise resource planning (ERP) software has been implemented by a large number of Fortune
500 companies in the last twenty years. The common database and real-time processing has
allowed companies to benefit from reacting to situations in the supply chain that would not
have been possible without ERP software. The market leader in ERP software is the German
company, SAP.

K       & 2c""     3   V India aims to invest 4.52 trillion
rupees ($100 billion) by 2020 to build new ports and develop its shipping industry in a bid to
boost trade, Shipping Minister G.K. Vasan said. The investment will likely more than triple
India¶s annual port handling capacity to 3.2 billion tons, Mr. Vasan said.

v  T   +   1 V

The Rs.3.2 trillion Tata group, with 90 firms spread across businesses ranging from salt to
software and tea to telecom, plans to consolidate all its logistics arms into one unit, a move
that would enable it to service companies that are increasingly farming out functions such as
³The process has started and it will take a while (to take shape),´ one of the two senior offi-
cials familiar with the development said. Both requested anonymity pending a formal an-

  India's logistics sector worth $125bn by 2010- The Indian logistics industry is set to become
a $125 billion industry by 2010, an increase of about 17 percent on the current level, accord-
ing to industry body Assocham.

  India targets more links in Africa¶s food supply chainV Currently India is South Africa¶s
sixth-largest Asian trading partner, with total trade between the two countries reaching $4.4
billion in 2008, thanks to rise in both exports & imports of agriculture, food and technology
based products.

  Many large Indian corporate such as Tata and Reliance Industries have been attracted by the
potential of this sector and have established logistics divisions.

È  Large express cargo and courier companies such as Transport Corporation of India (TCI) and
Blue Dart have also started logistics operations.
ß  Indian shippers are gradually becoming more aware of the benefits of logistics outsourcing.
  The Indian government has focused on infrastructure development.
c In India, 100% FDI is allowed in logistics whereas in China foreign investment was not
allowed in domestic logistics.


! : TT

Tayur & Ganeshan & Michael (1999) has mentioned that supply chain management is a
much important and defined process. Here is a different supply chain model which shows a
strong network with farmers. Green supply chain is a very important process proving envi-
ronmentally friend.

Ganeshan & Harrison (2010) has stated that a supply chain is not only in a general sector like
automobile, but it is as important as in agri-supply chain. Here is a different agri-supply chain
model like seed supply chain, fertilizer supply chain etc.

talib & rahaman (2010) has mentioned that logistic is a part of a supply chain. Here is a
specified modes through a transportation going on. Defined a relationship between farmers
and consumers.

banerjee (2011) has mentioned that supply chain is important but there is a some limitation in
supply chain. here a important mentioned a case study on e-chaupal.

mentioned a major player which are engaged in supply chain management, mentioned a gov-
ernment policies and impact of WTO.


banerjee, rahul(2011). Importance of supply chain and agriculture. Financial express, pp12

Ganeshan, Ram & Harrison, Terry(2010). a            
Disha publication, volume-4, pp4-8


talib, faisal& rahaman, zisupllur, qureshi(2010). Total quality management and supply chain
management.Volume 3, pp 10-15

Tayur, Sridhar& Ganeshan, Ram& Magazine, Michael (1999). Quantitative Models for Sup-
ply Chain Management. Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp 45-53

= www.ilfsindia.com
= www.tcil.com
= www.indianrail.gov.in
= www.nhai.org
= www.ipa.nic.in
= www.aai.aero

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