Supply Chain Management of Amul and Wal-Mart
Supply Chain Management of Amul and Wal-Mart
Supply Chain Management of Amul and Wal-Mart
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (branded as Walmart) is an American public corporation that runs a chain
of large, discount department stores. It is the world's largest public corporation by revenue,
according to the 2008 Fortune Global 500. The company was founded by Sam Walton in 1962,
incorporated on October 31, 1969, and listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 1972. Wal-
Mart is the largest private employer and the largest grocery retailer in the United States. It also
owns and operates the Sam's Club retail warehouses in North America.
Walmart operates in Mexico as Walmex, in the United Kingdom as Asda, in Japan as Seiyu, and
in India as Best Price. It has wholly-owned operations in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, and Puerto
Rico. Wal-Mart's investments outside North America have had mixed results: its operations
in South America and China are highly successful, while it was forced to pull out
of Germany and South Korea when ventures there were unsuccessful.
Conversely, others point out that Wal-Mart's rapid growth and logistical efficiency has enabled it
to bring lower prices to consumers and more low paying jobs and new small businesses to the
communities in which it operates.
Wal-mart always emphasized the need to reduce its purchasing costs and offer best prices to its
customers . The company procured goods directly from manufacturers bypassing all
intermediaries. wall mart was a tough negotiator on prices and finalized a purchase deal only
when it was fully confident that products being bought were not available else where at a lower
price. Wal-mart had over 40 distribution centers located at different geographical locations in the
US. Over 80000 items were stocked in these centers. Wal marts own warehouses directly
supplied over 85 % of the inventory as compared to 65% by competitors. Each distribution
center was divided into different sections on the basis of quantity of goods received. The
distribution center ensured a steady supply and consistent supply of products to support the
supply function.Wal mart used sophisticated bar-coded technology and hand held computer
systems, managing the center became easier and more economical. Every employee had access
to real time information regarding inventory levels of all products in the center.
Logistics management
An important feature of wal marts logistics infrastructure is that it was fast and responsive
transportation system. The distribution centers were serviced by more than 3500 company owned
trucks. This vast fleet allowed the company to ship goods from distribution centers to stores
within two days and replenishes the stores shelves twice a week. Wal mart generally moved the
merchandise loaded trailers from the distribution centers to the retail stores serviced by each
distributing center. Retail stores were considered as customers by the distribution centers. To
make the distribution process more efficient wal mart made use of a logistics technique known as
cross docking. In this system the finished goods were directly picked up from the manufacturing
plant of a supplier sorted out and directly supplied to customers. The system reduced handling
and storage costs.
Inventory management
Wal mart had developed an ability to cater to the individual needs of its stores . Stores could
choose from a number of delivery plans . For instance there was an accelerated delivery system
by which stores located within a certain distance of a geographical center would receive
replenishment within a day. Wal mart invested heavily in IT and communication systems to
effectively track sales and merchandise inventories in stores across the country . wal mart set up
its own satellite communication system in 1983 . wal mart was able to reduce unproductive
inventory by allowing stores to manage their own stocks, reducing pack sizes across many
product categories and timely price mark downs. Instead of cutting inventory across the board
wal mart made full use of its it capabilities to make more inventories available in case of items
customers most wanted while reducing overall inventory levels. Wal mart networked its suppliers
through computers. It also helped in identifying items which were low in stock and automated
ordering. It also made use of bar-coding and RFID to manage its inventories . it invested 4 billion
to build a retail link. By making efficient use of technology in all its operations wal mart
successfully provides uninterrupted service to its customers suppliers stock holders and trading
The benefits of an efficient supply chain management included reduction in lead time faster
inventory turnover accurate forecasting increased warehouse space reduction in safety stock and
better working capital utilization. It also helped in reducing the dependency on distribution
center management personnel resulting in minimization of training costs and errors. Stock outs
were also completely eliminated
AMUL is a dairy cooperative in the western India that has been primarily responsible, through its
innovative practices, for India to become the world’s largest milk producer. The distinctive
features of this paradigm involves managing a large decentralized network of suppliers and
producers, simultaneous development of markets and suppliers, lean and efficient supply chain,
and breakthrough leadership.
Every day Amul collects 447,000 litres of milk from 2.12 million farmers , converts the milk into
branded, packaged products, and delivers goods worth Rs 6 crore (Rs 60 million) to over
500,000 retail outlets across the country.
To implement their vision while retaining their focus on farmers, a hierarchical network of
cooperatives was developed, this today forms the robust supply chain behind GCMMF’s
endeavors. The vast and complex supply chain stretches from small suppliers to large fragmented
Management of this network is made more complex by the fact that GCMMF is directly
responsible only for a small part of the chain, with a number of third party players (distributors,
retailers and logistics support providers) playing large roles. Managing this supply chain
efficiently is critical as GCMMF's competitive position is driven by low consumer prices
supported by a low cost system of providing milk at a basic, affordable price.
Amul products are available in over 500,000 retail outlets across India through its network of
over 3,500 distributors. There are 47 depots with dry and cold warehouses to buffer inventory of
the entire range of products.
GCMMF transacts on an advance demand draft basis from its wholesale dealers instead of the
cheque system adopted by other major FMCG companies. This practice is consistent with
GCMMF's philosophy of maintaining cash transactions throughout the supply chain and it also
minimizes dumping.
Wholesale dealers carry inventory that is just adequate to take care of the transit time from the
branch warehouse to their premises. This just-in-time inventory strategy improves dealers' return
on investment (ROI). All GCMMF branches engage in route scheduling and have dedicated
vehicle operations.
from the very beginnFng, in the early 1950s, AMUL adopted the network as the basic model for
long-term growth.
• The network explicitly includes secondary services to the farmer-suppliers.
• Several of the entities in the network are organized as cooperatives linked in a
hierarchical fashion.
Customers: In comparison with developed economies, the market for dairy products in
India is still in an evolutionary stage with tremendous potential for high value products such as
ice cream, cheese etc. The distribution network, on the other hand, is quite reasonable with
access to rural areas of the country. Traditional methods practiced in western economies are not
adequate to realize the market potential and alternative approaches are necessary to tap this
Suppliers: A majority of the suppliers are small or marginal farmers who are often illiterate,
poor, and with liquidity problems as they lack direct access to financial institutions. Again,
traditional market mechanisms are not adequate to assure sustenance and growth of these
Third Party Logistics Services: In addition to the weaknesses in the basic infrastructure,
logistics and transportation services are typically not professionally managed, with little regard
for quality and service. In addition to outbound logistics, GCMMF takes responsibility for
coordinating with the distributors to assure adequate and timely supply of products. It also works
with the Unions in determining product mix, product allocations and in developing production
plans. The Unions, on the other hand, coordinate collection logistics and support services to the
member-farmers. In what follows we elaborate on these aspects in more detail and provide a
rationale for the model and strategies adopted by GCMMF.
Simultaneous Development of Suppliers and Customers: From the very early stages of the
formation of AMUL, the cooperative realized that sustained growth for the long-term was
contingent on matching supply and demand. The member-suppliers were typically small and
marginal farmers with severe liquidity problems, illiterate and untrained. AMUL and other
cooperative Unions adopted a number of strategies to develop the supply of milk and assure
steady growth. First, for the short term, the procurement prices were set so as to provide fair and
reasonable return. Second, aware of the liquidity problems, cash payments for the milk supply
was made with minimum of delay. This practice continues today with many village societies
making payments upon the receipt of milk. For the long-term, the Unions followed a multi-
pronged strategy of education and support. For example, only part of the surplus generated by
the Unions is paid to the members in the form of dividends
Coordination is one of the key reasons for the success of operations involving such an
extensive network of producers and distributors at GCMMF. Some interesting mechanisms exist
for coordinating the supply chain at GCMMF.
These mechanisms are:
Inter-locking Control
The objective for developing such an inter-locking control mechanism is to ensure that the
interest of the farmer is always kept at the top of the agenda through its representatives who
constitute the Boards of different entities that comprise the supply chain. This form of direct
representation also ensures that professional managers and farmers work together as a team to
strengthen the cooperative. This helps in coordinating decisions across different entities as well
as speeding both the flow of information to the respective constituents and decisions.
Its objective is to ensure that all milk that the farmers produce gets sold in the market either as
milk or as value added products and to ensure that milk is made available to an increasingly large
sections of the society at affordable prices
Their objective is to ensure that producers get maximum benefit and to resolve all their
problems. They manage the procurement of milk that comes via trucks & tankers from the VSs.
They negotiate annual contracts with truckers, ensure availability of trucks for procurement,
establish truck routes, monitor truck movement and prevent stealing of milk while it is being