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The 8051 Assembly Language

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The 8051 Assembly Language

sweta tripathi EE/CS: Microprocessors and Microcontrollers

• Assembler directives
• Data transfer instructions
• Addressing modes
• Data processing (arithmetic and logic)
• Program flow instructions

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Instructions vs. Directives
• Assembler Directives
– Instructions for the ASSEMBLER
– NOT 8051 instructions
• Examples:
;cseg stands for “code segment”
cseg at 1000h ;address of next instruction
is 1000h

GREEN_LED equ P1.6 ;symbol for Port 1, bit 6

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Assembler Directives
– Used to define a name for memory locations
SP DATA 0x81 ;special function registers
MY_VAL DATA 0x44 ;RAM location

– Used to create symbols that can be used to represent
registers, numbers, and addresses
Registers, numbers, addresses

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Data Transfer Instructions
MOV dest, source dest  source
6 basic types:
MOV a, byte ;move byte to accumulator
MOV byte, a ;move accumulator to byte
MOV Rn, byte ;move byte to register of
;current bank
MOV direct, byte ;move byte to internal RAM
MOV @Rn, byte ;move byte to internal RAM
;with address contained in Rn
MOV DPTR, data16 ;move 16-bit data into data

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Other Data Transfer Instructions
• Stack instructions
PUSH byte ;increment stack pointer,
;move byte on stack
POP byte ;move from stack to byte,
;decrement stack pointer
• Exchange instructions
XCH a, byte ;exchange accumulator and
XCHD a, byte ;exchange low nibbles of
;accumulator and byte

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Addressing Modes
Immediate Mode – specify data by its value

mov a, #0 ;put 0 in the accumulator

a = 00000000
mov a, #0x11 ; put 11hex in the accumulator
a = 00010001
mov a, #11 ; put 11 decimal in accumulator
a = 00001011
mov a, #77h ; put 77 hex in accumulator
a = 01110111

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Addressing Modes
Direct Mode – specify data by its 8-bit address
mov a, 0x70 ; copy contents of RAM at 70h to a

mov 0xD0, a ; put contents of a into PSW

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Addressing Modes
Register Addressing – either source or
destination is one of R0-R7

mov R0, a

mov a, R0

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Play with the Register Banks

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Addressing Modes
Register Indirect – the address of the source or destination is
specified in registers
Uses registers R0 or R1 for 8-bit address:
mov 0xD0, #0 ; use register bank 0
mov r0, #0x3C
mov @r0, #3 ; memory at 3C gets #3
; M[3C]  3
Uses DPTR register for 16-bit addresses:
mov dptr, #0x9000 ; dptr  9000h
mov a, @dptr ; a  M[9000]

Note that 9000 is an address in external memory

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Exercise: Use Register Indirect to
access upper RAM block

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Learn about Include Files

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Addressing Modes
• Register Indexed Mode – source or
destination address is the sum of the base
address and the accumulator.
• Base address can be DPTR or PC
mov dptr, #4000h
mov a, #5
movc a, @a + dptr ;a  M[4005]

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Addressing Modes
• Register Indexed Mode
• Base address can be DPTR or PC
Addr cseg at 0x1000h
1000 mov a, #5
1002 movc a, @a + PC ;a  M[1008]
PC 1003 nop

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Table Lookup

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A and B Registers
• A and B are “accumulators” for arithmetic
• They can be accessed by direct mode as special
function registers:

• B – address 0F0h

• A – address 0E0h - use “ACC” for direct mode

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Address Modes
Stack-oriented data transfer – another form of register
indirect addressing, but using SP

mov sp, #0x40 ; Initialize SP

push 0x55 ; SP  SP+1, M[SP]  M[55]
; M[41]  M[55]
pop b ; b  M[55]

Note: can only specify RAM or SFRs (direct mode) to push or pop.
Therefore, to push/pop the accumulator, must use acc, not a:

push acc
push a

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stack pointer


Go do the stack exercise…..

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Address Modes
Exchange Instructions – two way data transfer
XCH a, 0x30 ; a  M[30]
XCH a, R0 ; a  R0
XCH a, @R0 ; a  M[R0]
XCHD a, R0 ; exchange “digit”

a[7..4] a[3..0] R0[7..4] R0[3..0]

Only 4 bits exchanged

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Address Modes
• Bit-Oriented Data Transfer – transfers between individual bits.
• SFRs with addresses ending in 0 or 8 are bit-addressable. (80, 88, 90, 98, etc)
• Carry flag (C) (bit 7 in the PSW) is used as a single-bit accumulator
• RAM bits in addresses 20-2F are bit addressable

Examples of bit transfers of special function register bits:

mov C, P0.0 ; C  bit 0 of P0

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Bit Addressable Memory
2F 7F 78 20h – 2Fh (16 locations X
2E 8-bits = 128 bits)
Bit addressing:
mov C, 1Ah
28 mov C, 23h.2
23 1A
22 10
21 0F 08
20 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00

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SPRs that are Bit Addressable
Address Register
SPRs with addresses of 0xF8 SPI0CN

multiples of 0 and 8 0xF0

are bit addressable. 0xE0 ACC
0xD0 PSW

Notice that all 4 parallel SFRs

0xC8 T2CON
I/O ports are bit 0xB8 IP
addressable. Pink are 0xB0 P3
implemented in 0xA8 IE
enhanced 0xA0 P2
C8051F020 0x98 SCON
0x90 P1
0x88 TCON
0x80 P0
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Go Access the Port Bits….

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Part II

The 8051 Assembly Language

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Program Template

Use this template as a starting point

for future programs.

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Data Processing Instructions

Arithmetic Instructions
Logic Instructions

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Arithmetic Instructions
• Add
• Subtract
• Increment
• Decrement
• Multiply
• Divide
• Decimal adjust

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Arithmetic Instructions
Mnemonic Description
ADD A, byte add A to byte, put result in A
ADDC A, byte add with carry
SUBB A, byte subtract with borrow
INC A increment A
INC byte increment byte in memory
INC DPTR increment data pointer
DEC A decrement accumulator
DEC byte decrement byte
MUL AB multiply accumulator by b register
DIV AB divide accumulator by b register
DA A decimal adjust the accumulator

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ADD Instructions
add a, byte ; a  a + byte
addc a, byte ; a  a + byte + C
These instructions affect 3 bits in PSW:
C = 1 if result of add is greater than FF
AC = 1 if there is a carry out of bit 3
OV = 1 if there is a carry out of bit 7, but not from bit 6, or
visa versa.

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Instructions that Affect PSW bits

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ADD Examples
mov a, #0x3F • What is the value of
add a, #0xD3 the C, AC, OV flags
after the second
0011 1111 instruction is
1101 0011 executed?
0001 0010
C = 1
AC = 1
OV = 0

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Signed Addition and Overflow
0111 1111 (positive 127)
2’s complement: 0111 0011 (positive 115)
0000 0000 00 0 1111 0010 (overflow
cannot represent 242 in 8
… bits 2’s complement)
0111 1111 7F 127
1000 1111 (negative 113)
1000 0000 80 -128
1101 0011 (negative 45)
… 0110 0010 (overflow)
1111 1111 FF -1
0011 1111 (positive)
1101 0011 (negative)
0001 0010 (never overflows)

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Addition Example
; Computes Z = X + Y; Adds values at locations 0x78 and 0x79 and puts them in location 0x7A
$INCLUDE (C8051F020.inc)
X equ 0x78
Y equ 0x79
Z equ 0x7A
cseg at 0
ljmp Main
cseg at 100h
Main: mov 0xFF, #0DEh ; Disable watchdog timer
mov 0xFF, #0ADh
mov a, X
add a, Y
mov Z, a

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The 16-bit ADD example…..

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SUBB A, byte subtract with borrow


SUBB A, #0x4F ; A  A – 4F – C

Notice that there is no subtraction WITHOUT borrow. Therefore, if

a subtraction without borrow is desired, it is necessary to clear the C

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Increment and Decrement
INC A increment A
INC byte increment byte in memory
INC DPTR increment data pointer
DEC A decrement accumulator
DEC byte decrement byte

• The increment and decrement instructions do NOT

affect the C flag.

• Notice we can only INCREMENT the data

pointer, not decrement.

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Example: Increment 16-bit Word
• Assume 16-bit word in R3:R2

mov a, r2
add a, #1 ; use add rather than increment to affect C
mov r2, a
mov a, r3
addc a, #0 ; add C to most significant byte
mov r3, a

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When multiplying two 8-bit numbers, the size
of the maximum product is 16-bits
FF x FF = FE01
(255 x 255 = 65025)

MUL AB ; BA  A * B

Note: B gets the HIGH byte, A gets the LOW byte

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Go forth and multiply…

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Integer Division
DIV AB ; divide A by B

A  Quotient(A/B), B  Remainder(A/B)

OV - used to indicate a divide by zero condition.

C – set to zero

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Decimal Adjust
DA a ; decimal adjust a

Used to facilitate BCD addition. Adds “6” to either high or low

nibble after an addition to create a valid BCD number.

mov a, #0x23
mov b, #0x29
add a, b ; a  23 + 29 = 4C (wanted 52)
DA a ; a  a + 6 = 52

Note: This instruction does NOT convert binary to BCD!

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Logic Instructions
Bitwise logic operations (AND, OR, XOR, NOT)

Logic instructions do NOT affect the flags in PSW

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Bitwise Logic
ANL – AND 00001111
ANL 10101100
ORL – OR 00001100

XRL – eXclusive OR
CPL – Complement ORL 10101100

XRL 10101100

CPL 10101100

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Address Modes with Logic
ANL – AND a, byte
ORL – OR direct, reg. indirect, reg, immediate
XRL – eXclusive oR
byte, a

byte, #constant

CPL – Complement a ex: cpl a

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Uses of Logic Instructions
• Force individual bits low, without affecting other bits.
anl PSW, #0xE7 ;PSW AND 11100111
anl PSW, #11100111b ; can use “binary”

• Force individual bits high.

orl PSW, #0x18 ;PSW OR 00011000

• Complement individual bits

xrl P1, #0x40 ;P1 XRL 01000000

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A bit part for you….

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Other Logic Instructions
• CLR - clear
• RL – rotate left
• RLC – rotate left through Carry
• RR – rotate right
• RRC – rotate right through Carry
• SWAP – swap accumulator nibbles

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CLR – Set all bits to 0
CLR byte (direct mode)
CLR Ri (register mode)
CLR @Ri (register indirect mode)

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• Rotate instructions operate only on a

rl a

mov a, #0xF0 ; a 11110000

rl a ; a 11100001

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Rotate through Carry

rrc a

mov a, #0A9h ; a  A9
add a, #14h ; a  BD (10111101), C0
rrc a ; a  01011110, C1

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swap a

mov a, #72h
swap a ; a  27h

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Bit Logic Operations
Some logic operations can be used with single bit
ANL C, bit ANL C, /bit
ORL C, bit ORL C, /bit
CLR bit
CPL C “bit” can be any of the bit-addressable RAM
locations or SFRs.
CPL bit
SETB bit

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Rotate and Multiplication/Division

• Note that a shift left is the same as

multiplying by 2, shift right is divide by 2

mov a, #3 ; A 00000011 (3)

clr C ; C 0
rlc a ; A 00000110 (6)
rlc a ; A 00001100 (12)
rrc a ; A 00000110 (6)

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Shift/Multiply Example
• Program segment to multiply by 2 and add

clr c
rl a ;multiply by 2
inc a ;and add one

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Be Logical…..

Logical Operations Exercise – Part 2

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Program Flow Control
• Unconditional jumps (“go to”)
• Conditional jumps
• Call and return

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Unconditional Jumps
• SJMP <rel addr> ; Short jump, relative
address is 8-bit 2’s complement number, so jump can be
up to 127 locations forward, or 128 locations back.
• LJMP <address 16> ; Long jump
• AJMP <address 11> ; Absolute jump to
anywhere within 2K block of program memory
• JMP @A + DPTR ; Long indexed jump

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Infinite Loops

Start: mov C, p3.7

mov p1.6, C
sjmp Start

Microcontroller application programs are almost always infinite loops!

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Re-locatable Code
Memory specific (NOT Re-locatable)
cseg at 8000h
mov C, p1.6
mov p3.7, C
ljmp 8000h
cseg at 8000h
Start: mov C, p1.6
mov p3.7, C
sjmp Start

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Conditional Jumps
These instructions cause a jump to occur only if a
condition is true. Otherwise, program execution
continues with the next instruction.

loop: mov a, P1
jz loop ; if a=0, goto loop,
; else goto next
; instruction
mov b, a

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Conditional jumps
Mnemonic Description
JZ <rel addr> Jump if a = 0
JNZ <rel addr> Jump if a != 0
JC <rel addr> Jump if C = 1
JNC <rel addr> Jump if C != 1
JB <bit>, <rel addr> Jump if bit = 1
JNB <bit>,<rel addr> Jump if bit != 1
JBC <bit>, <rel addr> Jump if bit =1, clear bit
CJNE A, direct, <rel Compare A and memory,
addr> jump if not equal
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Conditional Jumps for Branching
if condition is true condition
goto label
goto next instruction

jz led_off
setb C
if a = 0 is true mov P1.6, C
send a 0 to LED sjmp skipover
else led_off: clr C
mov P1.6, C
send a 1 to LED skipover: mov A, P0

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More Conditional Jumps
Mnemonic Description
CJNE A, #data <rel addr> Compare A and data, jump if
not equal
CJNE Rn, #data <rel addr> Compare Rn and data, jump if
not equal
CJNE @Rn, #data <rel addr> Compare Rn and memory,
jump if not equal
DJNZ Rn, <rel addr> Decrement Rn and then jump
if not zero
DJNZ direct, <rel addr> Decrement memory and then
jump if not zero

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Iterative Loops
For A = 0 to 4 do For A = 4 to 0 do
{…} {…}

clr a mov R0, #4

loop: ... loop: ...
inc a ...
cjne a, #4, loop djnz R0, loop

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Branch and Jump

Fun with the LED

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Call and Return
• Call is similar to a jump, but
– Call instruction pushes PC on stack before branching
– Allows RETURN back to main program

Absolute call
acall <address ll> ; stack  PC
; PC  address 11
Long call
lcall <address 16> ; stack  PC
; PC  address 16

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• Return is also similar to a jump, but
– Return instruction pops PC from stack to get
address to jump to

ret ; PC  stack

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call to the subroutine

Main: ...
acall sublabel
... the subroutine


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Initializing Stack Pointer
• The Stack Pointer (SP) is initialized to 0x07. (Same
address as R7)
• When using subroutines, the stack will be used to store the
PC, so it is very important to initialize the stack pointer.
Location 2F is often used.

mov SP, #0x2F

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Subroutine - Example
$include (c8051f020.inc)
GREEN_LED equ P1.6
cseg at 0
ljmp Main reset vector
cseg at 0x100
Main: mov WDTCN, #0DEh

mov WDTCN, #0ADh

orl P1MDOUT,#40h
mov XBR2, #40h
clr GREEN_LED main program
Again: acall Delay
sjmp Again
Delay: mov R7, #02
Loop1: mov R6, #00h
Loop0: mov R5, #00h

R5, $
R6, Loop0
djnz R7, Loop1


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Subroutine – another example
; Program to compute square root of value on Port 3 (bits 3-0) and
; output on Port 1.
$INCLUDE (C8051F020.inc)
cseg at 0
ljmp Main
reset vector
Main: mov P3MDOUT, #0 ; Set open-drain mode
mov P3, #0xFF ; Port 3 is an input
mov P1MDOUT, #0xFF ; Port 1 is an output
mov XBR2, #40h ; Enable crossbar
loop: mov a, P3 main program
anl a, #0x0F ; Clear bits 7..4 of A
lcall sqrt
mov P1, a
sjmp loop
sqrt: inc a
movc a, @a + PC
squares: db 0,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3 data

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Why Subroutines?
• Subroutines allow us to have "structured"
assembly language programs.
• This is useful for breaking a large design
into manageable parts.
• It saves code space when subroutines can be
called many times in the same program.

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Timeout for Subroutines....

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mov a, #2
mov b, #16
mul ab
mov R0, a
Program Execution

mov R1, b interrupt

mov a, #12 ISR: orl P1MDIN, #40h
mov b, #20
mul ab orl P1MDOUT,#40h
add a, R0 setb P1.6
mov R0, a here: sjmp here
mov a, R1 cpl P1.6
addc a, b reti
mov R1, a return

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Interrupt Sources
• Original 8051 has 5 sources of interrupts
– Timer 1 overflow
– Timer 2 overflow
– External Interrupt 0
– External Interrupt 1
– Serial Port events (buffer full, buffer empty, etc)
• Enhanced version has 22 sources
– More timers, programmable counter array, ADC, more
external interrupts, another serial port (UART)

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Interrupt Process
If interrupt event occurs AND interrupt flag for that
event is enabled, AND interrupts are enabled,
1. Current PC is pushed on stack.
2. Program execution continues at the interrupt
vector address for that interrupt.
3. When a RETI instruction is encountered, the PC
is popped from the stack and program execution
resumes where it left off.

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Interrupt Priorities
• What if two interrupt sources interrupt at
the same time?
• The interrupt with the highest PRIORITY
gets serviced first.
• All interrupts have a default priority order.
(see page 117 of datasheet)
• Priority can also be set to “high” or “low”.

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Interrupt SFRs

Interrupt enables for the 5 original 8051 interrupts:

Timer 2
Serial (UART0)
Timer 1
Global Interrupt Enable – External 1
must be set to 1 for any Timer 0
interrupt to be enabled 1 = Enable
External 0
0 = Disable

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Another Interrupt SFR

Comparator 1 rising edge Program Counter Array

Comparator 1 falling edge ADC0 Window Comparison

Comparator 0 rising edge System Management Bus

Comparator 0 falling edge SPI Interface

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Another Interrupt SFR

External ADC 1
source Serial Timer 4
Valid (UART) 1 ADC 0
7 External 6 Timer 3

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External Interrupts
• /INT0 (Interrupt 0) and /INT1 (Interrupt 1)
are external input pins.
• Interrupt 6 and Interrupt 7 use Port 3 pins 6
and 7:
INT 6 = P3.6
INT 7 = P3.7
These interrupts can be configured to be
– rising edge-triggered
– falling edge-triggered

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External Interrupts

Interrupt flags: Interrupt Edge Configuration:

0 = no falling edges 0 = interrupt on falling edge

detected since bit cleared
1 = interrupt on rising edge
1 = falling edge detected

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Example Configuration
Configure Port 3, bit 7 (the pushbutton switch)
to interrupt when it goes low.

anl P3MDOUT, #0x7F ; Set P3.7 to be an input

setb P3.7
mov XBR2, #40h ; Enable crossbar switch
mov P3IF, #0 ; Interrupt on falling edge
mov EIE2, #020h ; Enable EX7 interrupt
mov IE #80h ; Enable global interrupts

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Interrupt Vectors
Each interrupt has a specific place in code
memory (a vector) where program
execution (interrupt service routine) begins
External Interrupt 0: 0x0003 Note that there are
Timer 0 overflow: 0x000B only 8 memory
locations between
External Interrupt 6: 0x0093 vectors.
External Interrupt 7: 0x009B

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Interrupt Vectors
To avoid overlapping Interrupt Service routines, it is
common to put JUMP instructions at the vector
address. This is similar to the reset vector.
cseg at 009B ; at EX7 vector
ljmp EX7ISR
cseg at 0x100 ; at Main program
Main: ... ; Main program
EX7ISR:... ; Interrupt service routine
... ; Can go after main program
reti ; and subroutines.

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Example Interrupt Service Routine
; EX7 ISR to blink the LED 5 times.
; Modifies R0, R5-R7, bank 3.
ISRBLK: push PSW ; save state of status word
mov PSW, #18h ; select register bank 3
mov R0, #10 ; initialize counter
Loop2: mov R7, #02h ; delay a while
Loop1: mov R6, #00h
Loop0: mov R5, #00h
djnz R5, $
djnz R6, Loop0
djnz R7, Loop1
cpl P1.6 ; complement LED value
djnz R0, Loop2 ; go on then off 10 times
pop PSW
mov P3IF, #0 ; clear interrupt flag

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Key Thinks for ISRs
• Put the ISR vector in the proper space using
a CSEG assembler directive and long jump
• Save any registers/locations that you use in
the routine (the stack is useful here)
• Clear the interrupt flag (unless it is cleared
by hardware)
• Don’t forget to restore any saved
registers/locations and to put the RETI at
the end!
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Practice Interrupting…

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