General MP
General MP
General MP
1. A moving iron ammeter coil has few turns of thick Measurements - Instruments Objective Questions
wire in order to have: Answers
a) High sensitivity b) Effective damping 1. ____ factor is the ratio of total flux to the useful flux
c) Low resistance and large current carrying capacity in a magnetic circuit:
d) Large scale C a) Form factor b) Leakage c) Utility d) Dispersion
2. Which of the set of torques is provided in 2. For eliminating the effect of earth capacitance from
deflection galvanometer: the bridge network we use:
a) Deflection and controlling b) Controlling and a) Wagner's earthing device b) High voltage at low
damping c) Deflecting and damping frequency c) Low voltage at high frequency d)
d) Deflecting, controlling and damping Campbell-maxwell device A
3. The most commonly used null deflector in a power
3. Which of the following is not an absolute frequency ac bridge is a:
instrument: a) Vibration galvanometer b) D'Arsanval galvanometer
a) Tangent galvanometer b) Rayleigh current balance c) Ballistic galvanometer d) Tachometer A
c) D'Arsonval galvanometer d) Absolute
electrometer C 4. For measuring emf of a standard cell we use:
a) Galvanometer b) Potentiometer c) Zener reference d)
4. Voltmeter should be of very high resistance so Electro-dynamic voltmeter B
a) Its range is high b) Its accuracy is high 5.Loss of charge method is used to measure:
c) It may draw current minimum possible a) Low R b) High R c) Low L d) High L B
d) Its sensitivity is high C 6. Megger is an instrument used for the measurement of:
a) High resistance and insulation resistance
5. The internal resistance for milli ammeter must be b) Medium resistance c) Low resistance d) Leakage
very low for: current A
a)High sensitivity b) High accuracy
c) Maximum voltage drop across the meter 7. Vibration reeds are employed in:
d) Minimum voltage drop across the meter D a) Frequency meter b) Power factor meter
6. Swamping of resistance is used to compensate c)Synchroscope d) Megger A
error due to:
a) Stray magnetic field b) Temperature variations 8. Kelvin double bridge is best suited for the
c) Large supply variations d) None of the above measurement of:
B a) Inductance b) Capacitance c) Low resistance
d) High resistance C
7.Which of the following instrument can be used for
both ac and dc 9. Introduction of dielectric:
a) PMMC type b) Induction type c) Moving-iron type a) Increases the capacitance b) Reduces the breakdown
d) None of the above C voltage c) Reduces the mechanical voltage d)
Increases the size of the capacitor A
8. Electrostatic instruments are mainly employed to 10. The material used to make standard resistance is:
measure: a) Manganin b) Aluminium c) Nichrome d) Platinum
a) Heavy currents b) Low currents c) Low voltages A
d) High voltages D 1. A moving iron ammeter coil has few turns of thick
9. Uniformity in the scale of an ammeter indicates wire in order to have:
that it is: a) High sensitivity b) Effective damping c) Low
a) Rectifier type b) PMMC type c) Moving iron resistance and large current carrying capacity d) Large
type d) Dynamo-meter type B scale C
10. A Dynamometer type wattmeter responds to the: 2. Which of the set of torques is provided in deflection
a) Average value of the active power galvanometer:
b) Average value of the reactive power a) Deflection and controlling b) Controlling and
c) Peak value of the active power damping c) Deflecting and damping d) Deflecting,
d) Peak value of the reactive power controlling and damping D
13. A Dynamometer type wattmeter responds to the: 5. The internal resistance for milli ammeter must be very
a) Average value of the active power low for:
b) Average value of the reactive power a)High sensitivity b) High accuracy c) Maximum
c) Peak value of the active power voltage drop across the meter d) Minimum voltage drop
d) Peak value of the reactive power across the meter D
6. Swamping of resistance is used to compensate error
14. Anderson bridge is used to measure of: due to:
a) Inductance b) Capacitance c) Time period a) Stray magnetic field b) Temperature variations
d) Resistance and capacitance A c) Large supply variations d) None of the above B
15. Campbell's bridge method is used to measure: 7.Which of the following instrument can be used for both
a) Copper loss ac and dc
b) Iron loss a) PMMC type b) Induction type c) Moving-iron
c) Both iron and copper loss type d) None of the above C
d) None of the above
8. Electrostatic instruments are mainly employed to
B measure:
a) Heavy currents b) Low currents c) Low voltages
d) High voltages D
Electronic Devices Objective Questions Answers
1. In a semiconductor the movement of holes is due 9. Uniformity in the scale of an ammeter indicates that it
to: is:
a) Movements of electrons in the conduction band a) Rectifier type b) PMMC type c) Moving iron type
b) Movement of holes in the conduction band d) Dynamo-meter type B
c) Movement of holes in the valence band
d) Movement of electrons in the valence band [1] Which of the following statements are correct?
1. Thyristor is current driven device 2. GTO is current
D driven device 3. GTR is current driven device
4. SCR is a pulse triggered device
2. The forbidden energy gap of germanium is: A.1 and 2 B.1, 2, 3 C.All D.4 only Ans:C
a) 0.3 eV b) 3.5 eV c) 0.72 eV d) 1.1 eV
[2] Which of the following statements are correct?
C GTO is a pulse triggered device
MOSFET is uni-polar device
3. Conduction of electrons will have more mobility SCR is a bipolar device
than the holes because they: Continuous gate signal is not required to maintain the
a) Have negative charge SCR to be in ON state
b) They need less energy to move them A. 1, 2, 4 only B.1, 2 only C. 4 only D.All
c) They are lighter Ans: D
d) Experience collisions less frequently
[3] Which of the following is not a fully controlled
B semiconductor device?
4. Which one of the following material is not a Ans: D . Only turn on of the SCR can be controlled
semiconductor material: whereas in other devices we can control both turn on and
a) Silica b) Germanium c) Selenium d) Gallium turn off
Arsenide A
[4] Which of the following is not associated with p-n
5. In an Intrinsic semi conductor, the mobility of junction
electrons in a conduction band is: A. junction capacitance
a) Zero B. charge storage capacitance
b) Less than the mobility of holes in the valence band C. depletion capacitance
c) Equal to the mobility of holes in the valence band D. channel length modulation
d) Greater than the mobility of holes in the valence
band Ans: D
[5] In a p-n junction diode under reverse bias, the
6. The conductivity of semiconductor depends on: magnitude of electric field is maximum at
a) Number of current carriers present per unit volume A. the edge of the depletion region on the p-side
b) The mobility of current carriers B. the edge of the depletion region on the n-side
c) Both (a) and (b) C. the p-n junction
d) None of the above D. the center of the depletion region on the n-side
Ans: C
7. On increasing the temperature of the intrinsic
semiconductor: [6] An n-channel JFET has IDSS=2mA, and Vp=-4V. Its
a) Resistance of the semiconductor increases transconductance gm=(in mA/V) for an applied gate to
b) Energy of the atom increases source voltage VGS=-2V is
c) Holes are created in the conduction band A. 0.25 B. 0.5 C. 0.75 D. 1
d) Atomic radius is reduced B Ans: B
8. Higher the electric field intensity [7]The MOSFET switch in its on-state may be
a) Lower will be the mobility considered equivalent to
b) Higher will be the mobility A. resistor B. inductor C. capacitor D. battery
c) Mobility remains the same Ans: C
d) First increases upto 105 V/m and then decreases
A [8] The effective channel length of a MOSFET in a
saturation decreases with increase in
9. Which is the pair of acceptor elements: A. gate voltage B. drain voltage C. source voltage
a) Arsenic and boron b) Antimony and indium D. body voltage Ans:B
c) Phosphorous and aluminium d) Gallium and
[9] The early effect in a bipolar junction transistor is
10. For N-type semiconductor material the doping caused by
material is: A. Fast turn - on
a) A tetravalent impurity b) A pentavalent impurity B. Fast turn - off
c) A trivalent impurity d) Germanium B C. Large collector - base reverse bias
D. Large emmiter - base forward bias
11. The temperature coefficient of an intrinsic
semiconductor is: Ans: C
a) Zero b) Poitive c) Negative d) None of the above
C [10] MOSFET can be used as a
A. Current controlled capacitor
12. Electron volt is the unit of: B. Voltage controlled capacitor
a) Power b) Work c) Potential d) Charge C. Current controlled inductor
D. Voltage controlled inductors
Answers Solved Objective Questions from Measurements &
1. The Covalent bond is formed by: Instrumentation:
a) Transfer of electrons between the atoms [1] An oscilloscope cannot be used to indicate
b) Sharing of electrons between the atoms A. Frequency
c) Sharing of variable number of electrons by a B. Peak signal voltage
variable number of atoms C. Energy
d) Removing the electrons completely D. Wave shape
5. Tunnel diode is a: A
a) Power diode b) Has light doping c) Has heavy
doping d) Is a reverse recovery diode 2. In spring control instruments, controlling torque:
C a) can be adjusted easily
b) cannot be adjusted easily
6. Zener diode is used as the main component in dc c) remains the same
power supply for: d) varies with the load
a) Rectification b) Voltage regulation c) Filter action
d) Both (a) and (b) B
3. Chemical effect is used for the operation of:
7. Reverse resistance of a diode is of the order of: a) voltmeter
a) Milli ohm b) Ohm c) Kilo ohm d) Mega ohm b) ammeter
D c) ampere hour meter
8. LEDs are fabricated from: d) kWh meter
a) Silicon b) Germanium
c) Si or Ge d) Gallium arsenide C
9. Schottky barrier diode can be used as: 4. The deflection torque can be produced by:
a) Low noise amplifier a) gravity control b) spring control c) air friction
b) Variable capacitance device d) magnetically
c) Power supply rectifier D
d) Low level detector
5. Moving coil instruments are:
a) permanent magnet type
10. The arrow head of transistor symbol always b) dynamometer type
shows the direction of: c) induction type
a) Electron flow in emitter region d) permanent magnet and dynamometer type
b) Conventional current flow D
c) Majority carrier flow in the emitter region 6. For increasing the range of an ammeter, connect:
d) Minority carrier flow in the emitter region a) a high value resistance in series with the ammeter coil
B b) a high value resistance in parallel with the ammeter
Instrumentation MCQ Objectives coil c) a low value resistance in parallel with the
1. A thermo-couple instrument can be used for the ammeter coil d) a low value resistance in series with the
measurement of: ammeter coil C
a) Direct current only 7. A galvanometer can be used for measuring current and
b) Alternating current only voltage of a circuit by:
c) Both direct current and alternating current a) shunt only
d) dc/ac voltage only b) connecting high value of resistance in series only
C c) shunt for measuring current and high resistance in
2. Electrostatic type instruments are mainly used for series for voltage
measurement of: d) without shunt and series resistance
a) Heavy currents b) Low currents c) Low voltages d)
High voltages D C
3. The instrument which is cheapest for dc 8. Most commonly used watt meter is:
measurement is: a) induction type
a) Moving iron b) PMMC c) Hot-wire d) Electro- b) electrostatic type
dynamo A c) dynamometer type
d) moving iron type
4. Measurement range of a voltmeter can be extended
by using: C
a) High current resistance b) High series resistance
c) Low shunt resistance d) Low series resistance B 9. The energy meter used for measuring energy of a dc
circuit is:
5. Which of the following voltmeter have least power a) ampere hour meter
consumption: b) induction type
a) Moving iron b) Hot-wire c) Electrostatic d) c) electrostatic type
Induction type C d) dynamometer type