QB Kee-201t Set-5
QB Kee-201t Set-5
QB Kee-201t Set-5
1. The power factor of a DC circuit is always
a) 0
b) unity
c) less than Unity
d) more than Unity.
5. Nodal analysis and mesh method of network analysis can be applied to:
a) Independent voltage source
b) Independent current source
c) Independent and dependent, voltage and current source
d) all of these
9. In superposition theorem:
a) Only voltage and current sources are removed
b) Only voltage sources are removed
c) Only current sources are removed
d) Only one voltage or current source is considered at a time.
7. If impedance of an RLC series circuit is given by A + j B, then condition of resonance occurs when
a) A = 0
b) B = 0
c) A = 0, B = 0
d) A ≠ 0, B ≠ 0
8. The resonance curve is drawn in between.
a) voltage and current
b) voltage and frequency
c) current and frequency
d) none of these.
9. At the time of series resonance the current flowing in the circuit will be
a) minimum
b) maximum
c) either maximum or minimum
d) neither maximum nor minimum
10. If P is the true power, Q is the reactive power. And S is the apparent power. Then the power
factor is given by:
a) P/S
b) Q/S
c) P/Q
d) Q/P
11. If the full load copper loss is 800 watt, at half load the copper loss will become :
a) 200 W
b) 400 W
c) 600 W
d) 800 W
3. Self-excitation depends on
a) Electromagnet
b) Residual magnetism
c) Self-magnetism
d) None of these
4. The number of parallel paths (A) in the case of lap and wave winding is respectively
a) 2, P
b) P, P
c) P, 2
d) 2, 2
1. The ...................cable is best suited for the transmission of voltages from 33 kV to 66 kV.
a) Screened cables
b) Belted cables
c) Pressure cables
d) None of these
3. On which factor does not depend upon the capacitance of the cable?
a) Area of the cable
b) Length of cable
c) Ratio of sheath diameter and core diameter.
d) Relative permittivity of dielectric used in cable.
7. An ELCB is always connected at the ......... end after the energy meter to protect the supply
under ...........condition respectively.
a) Supply, short circuit
b) Supply, ground fault
c) Load, short circuit
d) Load, ground fault
9. A 130Ah battery took 13 ampear current to charge a battery and 5 ampear current to
discharge a battery, what is discharging and charging time required a battery respectively:
a) 10 hr, 26hr
b) 26 hr, 10hr
c) 10hr, 16 hr
d) None of these
10. The typical range of watt-hour efficiency and ampear-hour efficiency of a lead cell batteries
between repectively:
e) 90 to 95%, 70 to 80%
f) 70 to 80%, 90 to 95%,
g) 70 to 80%, 80 to 90%,
h) 80 to 90%, 70 to 80%,