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Village Accounts: B. Venkateswara Rao

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District Revenue Officer (Retd.)
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030.

• Land Records have a long history behind them, as long back
as history of Revenue Administration.
• Right from time of Manu Land Revenue has been a source
of income of Government.
• Process of Revenue Administration started by Sher Shah
Sur (1540-45) continued and improved by Todar Mal greatest
revenue expert under the reign of Moghal Emperor Akbar
• Revenue Administration was systematized scientifically
during British rule by introducing “permanent settlement” (by
Corn Wallis -1793) and Ryotwari system (by Lord Wlliam
Bentinck – 1862).
• Survey – Record of holdings in a Village.
• Settlement – Determination of Assessment basing on
the classification of soil.
• System of Survey in Andhra Area - In the early days,
seven systems were adopted. Latest one is diagonal
and off set method. The survey operations are being
conducted now on A.P. Survey & Boundaries Act,
• System of Survey in Telangana Area – The Bombay
Survey system was adopted till 1-8-1959. Thereafter
the survey operations are being conducted under A.P.
Survey & Boundaries Act, 1923 [A.P. Survey &
Boundaries (Extension & Amendment) Act,1958]
• Essential Principles of Settlement – Based on classification of soils – divided

into 14 classes in Andhra Area and 7 classes in Telangana Area.

• Sort – Class is divided into sorts with reference to chemical composition.

• Taram - Arranged in Groups with reference to productive or yielding


• Settlement in Andhra Area – Several systems of Settlement were tried in

different regions in India till 1817. After that, Ryotwari System of Settlement

was introduced by the Court of Directors. Under this system, every

registered holder of land is recognized as its proprietor and pay land

revenue direct to Government.

• Settlement in Telangana Area – It is based on soil classification.
- The object sought to be achieved is the determination of the
relative values of the fields into which the land is divided
during the process of measurement.
- The circumstances that affect the values of fields in a village,
where the climate is uniform, are their natural production
capabilities, their situation with reference to the village site
and source of irrigation such as tanks or canals etc., supply
of water for irrigation and other facilities for agricultural
- There are seven classes in the soil classification. The
relative values of these classes are expressed in terms of
annas such as 16, 15, 14, 11, 8, 5 and 3 annas.
• Role of Village Accounts prior to Independence:
- There were 38 Village Accounts in Andhra Area and 39
Village Accounts in Telangana Area.
- The purpose of maintenance of above accounts was mainly the
fixation of revenue demand and for watching revenue
collections as it was main source of income to the Government
in both the regions.
• Role of Village Accounts after Independence:
- The Land Revenue is no longer the source of revenue to the
Government, it used to be.
- Reduced Village Accounts from 39 to 22 in Telangana Area and
38 to 23 in Andhra Area in the year 1976 & 1979 respectively.
- The Account No.2 (Adangal) and Account No.3 (Pahani)
integrated in the year 1983.
- The new integrated Village Accounts (11) were adopted from
1-7-1992 i.e.,1402 Fasali.

• Village Map – it is a key to the field Atlas (FMB). Central Survey office,

Hyderabad printed and supplied to the Collector, RDO & old Taluk office,

Village Karanam and other Departments.

• Combined Sketch – It contains full Survey Nos. of Blocks.

• Field Measurement Book (FMB) – It contains pictorial representation of the

survey fields and sub-divisions recorded in the “A” Register.

• Printed Diglott or “A” Register/Sethwar Register – It is the authoritative

record for the settlement and revenue particulars of every survey field and

sub-division in the village.


• Village Account No.1 – Register showing Government Land and Land

on lease, Assignments, Alienations and Area available for Assignment

(Permanent Register). It contains 20 columns. (Corresponding

Accounts – Telangana – 2)
• Village Account No.2 - Register of changes in the Village (Annual
Register). The changes in the land caused due to classification or
sales etc., have to be recorded in this Account. It contains 12
columns. (Corresponding Accounts – Telangana-1, Andhra-3)
• Village Account No.3 – Statement of Occupation and Cultivation field
by field. It is a very important account. It contains 31 columns.
(Corresponding Accounts – Telangana-3, Andhra-2)
The columns in Account No.3 are divided into four parts as follows:
- Part-I Cols. 1 to 10 – Are meant for recording Survey No./Settlement
Bandoubust /Survey Nos. Sub-Division Nos.

- Part-II Cols. 11 to 15 – Are meant for recording ROR.

- Part-III Cols. 16 to 18 – Are meant for recording utilization of land for
- Part-IV Cols. 19 to 31 – Are meant for recording seasonal cultivation, area under
mixed crops, area utilized with water for irrigation and estimated yield of crop
in Kgs., and inspection reports of VAOs /MRI/MRO and other Officers and
remarks respectively.

Effective implementation of Land Administration Laws depends on the entries

recorded in this Register.
• Village Account No.3-A – Monthly Cultivation Register and Estimation of
Yield. It contains 14 columns. (Corresponding Accounts – Telangana–18,
Andhra-1, 1A.)
• Village Account No.4 - Register of holding and Land Revenue Demand
(Asamiwari) (Annual Register). It contains 32 columns. (Corresponding
Accounts–Telangana-4,5,6, Andhra-10(1), 10(2)
• Village Account No.4-A – Statement showing Water charges levied (Annual
Register). It contains 17 columns. (Corresponding Accounts – Telangana-
5, Andhra-6)
• Village Account No.4-B – Statement of Remissions (Annual Register). It contains
13 columns. (Corresponding Accounts–Telangana-5, Andhra-5)

• Village Account No.4-C – Government Lands Encroachment Register (Annual

Register). It contains 22 columns. (Corresponding Accounts – Telangana-B Memo,

• Village Account No.5 – Demand, Collection and Balance Register
(Assamiwari) (Annual Register). It contains 25 columns. (Corresponding
Accounts – Telangana–10, 11 Andhra-14)
• Village Account No.6 - Register of Daily Collections (Chitta) (Annual

Register). It contains 11 columns. (Corresponding Accounts–Telangana-13,

• Village Account No.7 - IRSALANAMA (Details of amount collected and remitted in
the Treasury). It contains 6 columns. (Corresponding Accounts–Telangana-12,
• Village Account No.8 - Register of Irrigation Sources. It contains 25 columns.
(Corresponding Accounts–Telangana-22, Andhra-8)

• Village Account No.8-A - Abstract of Irrigation Sources Register (Annual

Register). It contains 4 columns. (Corresponding Accounts–Andhra-8)
• Village Account No.9 – Register of L.R. Receipt. It contains 7 columns.

• Village Account No.10 - Register of Births during the year. It contains 19


• Village Account No.11 - Register of Deaths during the year. It contains 20 columns.

• Jamabandi – The objective of the Jamabandi as outlined in B.S.O 12 is for a

detailed scrutiny of Village and Mandal Accounts with an objective of ascertaining

whether all items of Land Revenue including the demand for permanently settled

Estates, Inam villages and Minor Inams have been properly determined and brought

to accounts. It contains 45 columns.

Important Mandal Accounts
• Permanent Register – A: It shows number, name and
description of village4s and hamlets in Taluk.
• Permanent Register – B: It shows area and revenue of
permanently settled estates, whole inam villages.
• Permanent Register – C: Land held on leases
• Permanent Register – D: Land held on long term leases and
of lands assigned under special conditions.
• Permanent Register – E: House sites acquired and assigned
to the depressed classes.
• Permanent Register – G: Lands Escheated to Government.
• Register No. - 1: Register of Monthly Cultivation for each Firka.
• Register No. – 2: Register showing the area cultivated and

irrigated under different crops.

• Register No. – 4: Current Register of Darkhasts.

• Register No.– 5: Current Register of Relinquishments

• Register No. – 6: Current Register of Transfer of Registry.

• Register No. – 7: Current Register showing changes in
• Register No. – 8A: Current Register of all changes involving
new fields and sub-divisions.
• Computerization of Village Accounts – The Government of
Andhra Pradesh has computerized the Pahanis / Adangls of
2003 and these are put on the web. As these records are
dynamic in nature, one-time computerization will be of total
The ultimate purpose of this computerization is to make the
land records available to the public, complete transparency by
putting the records on the web, giving a copy to each land
owner every year and giving them opportunity to get the record
corrected, by simplifying the procedure of corrections, and by
involving civil society and panchayats.

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