Village Accounts: B. Venkateswara Rao
Village Accounts: B. Venkateswara Rao
Village Accounts: B. Venkateswara Rao
District Revenue Officer (Retd.)
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030.
• Land Records have a long history behind them, as long back
as history of Revenue Administration.
• Right from time of Manu Land Revenue has been a source
of income of Government.
• Process of Revenue Administration started by Sher Shah
Sur (1540-45) continued and improved by Todar Mal greatest
revenue expert under the reign of Moghal Emperor Akbar
• Revenue Administration was systematized scientifically
during British rule by introducing “permanent settlement” (by
Corn Wallis -1793) and Ryotwari system (by Lord Wlliam
Bentinck – 1862).
• Survey – Record of holdings in a Village.
• Settlement – Determination of Assessment basing on
the classification of soil.
• System of Survey in Andhra Area - In the early days,
seven systems were adopted. Latest one is diagonal
and off set method. The survey operations are being
conducted now on A.P. Survey & Boundaries Act,
• System of Survey in Telangana Area – The Bombay
Survey system was adopted till 1-8-1959. Thereafter
the survey operations are being conducted under A.P.
Survey & Boundaries Act, 1923 [A.P. Survey &
Boundaries (Extension & Amendment) Act,1958]
• Essential Principles of Settlement – Based on classification of soils – divided
different regions in India till 1817. After that, Ryotwari System of Settlement
• Village Map – it is a key to the field Atlas (FMB). Central Survey office,
Hyderabad printed and supplied to the Collector, RDO & old Taluk office,
record for the settlement and revenue particulars of every survey field and
Accounts – Telangana – 2)
• Village Account No.2 - Register of changes in the Village (Annual
Register). The changes in the land caused due to classification or
sales etc., have to be recorded in this Account. It contains 12
columns. (Corresponding Accounts – Telangana-1, Andhra-3)
• Village Account No.3 – Statement of Occupation and Cultivation field
by field. It is a very important account. It contains 31 columns.
(Corresponding Accounts – Telangana-3, Andhra-2)
The columns in Account No.3 are divided into four parts as follows:
- Part-I Cols. 1 to 10 – Are meant for recording Survey No./Settlement
Bandoubust /Survey Nos. Sub-Division Nos.
• Village Account No.5 – Demand, Collection and Balance Register
(Assamiwari) (Annual Register). It contains 25 columns. (Corresponding
Accounts – Telangana–10, 11 Andhra-14)
• Village Account No.6 - Register of Daily Collections (Chitta) (Annual
• Village Account No.7 - IRSALANAMA (Details of amount collected and remitted in
the Treasury). It contains 6 columns. (Corresponding Accounts–Telangana-12,
• Village Account No.8 - Register of Irrigation Sources. It contains 25 columns.
(Corresponding Accounts–Telangana-22, Andhra-8)
• Village Account No.11 - Register of Deaths during the year. It contains 20 columns.
whether all items of Land Revenue including the demand for permanently settled
Estates, Inam villages and Minor Inams have been properly determined and brought