Recruitment Procedure 3.1 Classification of Posts
Recruitment Procedure 3.1 Classification of Posts
Recruitment Procedure 3.1 Classification of Posts
1 Classification of Posts: All members of the staff of the C-MET, except those paid from contingencies, are classified as under: Description of Posts Post carrying a pay or a scale of pay, with a maximum of not less than Rs 13,500. Post carrying a pay or a scale of pay, with a maximum of not less than Rs 9,000/- but less than Rs 13,500/-. Post carrying a pay or a scale of pay, with a maximum of not less than Rs 4,000/- but less than Rs 9,000. Post carrying a pay or a scale of pay, the maximum of which is Rs 4000/- or less. 3.2 CREATION OF POSTS A post, to be created, means a post carrying a definite rate of pay sanctioned without limit of time. Posts in regular scale of pay can be created only if the post is provided for either in SFC / EFC / PIB or when a specific proposal made by the C-MET for creation of a post is approved by the administrative ministry. The following guidelines shall be followed while making proposals for creation of posts: Classification of Posts Group A Group B Group C Group D
3.2.1. The C-MET shall maintain the ratio between scientists and other staff who are
not directly contributing to the R&D efforts, as 100 R&D Scientists/ Engineers: 35 support staff. 3.2.2. The C-MET shall make a proper assessment of the research plans for ensuing years; at least on a 10 year perspective, and decide on the optimum number of scientific staff to be on the regular scale of pay who would be supplemented by induction of research personnel on consolidated pay for duration of the project. 3.2.3. The number of posts created in regular scale of pay shall be in due consideration to the likely provision of funds that will be made in the budget for years to come.
3.2.4. The C-MET shall aim to maintain limited number of staff to provide support
functions, both technical and administrative. This would be possible by enlisting the services of specialist agencies for outsourcing support services to the maximum extent possible. Possible areas are: i) ii) iii) iv) Security Sanitation Canteen Horticulture -35-
Reprography Operation & maintenance of sub station, DG sets, AC Plants Equipment maintenance Data processing Library Vehicles
3.2.5. The Societies should heavily depend on paperless office concepts. Every official should be provided with a PC working on a LAN so that a high standard of efficiency is ensured. C-MET should identify agencies who are willing to take up the above work on contract basis. 3.2.6. C-MET should set up an Internal work-study unit for laying down norms for particular types of work and also for examining such proposals for staff reorganization or creation of posts. It will be the function of the Internal Work Study Unit3.2.6.1. To evolve standards of performance and norms of work relating to jobs peculiar to the C-MET. A total study of the C-MET as whole should be made, which should include inter alia, the posts currently existing, the workload of each post, the effect of implementation of the proposal for creation of new posts on the organizational pattern now and in future; When higher posts are created for a work of a long-term nature, the complement of personal staff should also be simultaneously projected. the activities of the C-MET from time to time in due consideration to the financial strength of the C-MET. The number of posts created shall be in the ratio of 100: 35 for Scientific posts vis--vis number of technical support and administrative posts. The Societies shall endeavor to maintain a lean set up for technical support and administrative services.
3.2.7. The Competent Authority shall sanction posts required to be filled up to conduct
3.2.8. Scientists
C-MET shall have flexibility in maintaining the ratio between Graduates, Post Graduates and Doctorates in Engineering/Science in different disciplines. In exercising this flexibility the C-MET shall maintain higher standards and the total sanctioned strength shall not be exceeded. 3.2.9. Technical This would largely consist of trade certificate holders, diploma/degree in Science holders who are engaged to provide technical support services to the C-MET and the Scientists in particular. Staff posted to Library shall also come under this category.
Headquarters, will be supported by Administrative Officer and Finance Officer in the Laboratories to carry out responsibilities assigned to them in these Rules. The Registrar of the C-MET shall be the Administrative Head of the CMET and he shall oversee the functions of Finance & Accounts, Purchase & Stores besides General Administration and Establishment Sections. He shall be assisted by one Administrative Officer in the next lower scale and the Chief Finance Officer. As for the strength of the supporting officers, the normal principle shall be that one supporting official in the next lower scale shall be given for each officer and this principle if applied would decide the total strength of administrative officers in the C-MET. There shall be no separate cadres for staff in Administration, Finance, Purchase, Stores, Personnel, etc. and vacancies shall be filled up by considering all the staff coming in the zone of consideration but selection shall purely be on individual merit/seniority. 3.3. 3.3.1. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE NORMS FOR RECRUITMENT Scientists The qualifications and experience norms for recruitment of Scientists & Engineers shall be as per Recruitment Rules of Chapter 19. Induction of Scientists & Engineers shall be normally in the scale of pay Rs.6500-10500 to 14300-400-18300. However, an outstanding Scientist/ engineer / technologist working in industry and with established reputation, and who has made significant contribution to research could be considered for appointment at higher levels. Such appointment should be made only sparingly and in extremely deserving cases with the approval Vice-Chairman, Governing Council.
Member Technical Support Staff The qualifications and experience norms for recruitment of Member Technical Staff shall be as per Recruitment Rules of Chapter 19. Induction of Technical staff holding trade certificate shall be normally in the scale of Pay Rs.3050-4590, for diploma holders/degree holders it will be Rs.4500-7000 and for PG degree in Sciences /Bachelor in Engineering it will be Rs.5500-175-9000. There shall be no induction at other levels of Technical Support Staff.
Administration The qualifications and experience norms for recruitment of Registrar, Chief Finance Officer, Administrative Officer and Finance Officer shall be as per Recruitment Rules of Chapter 19.
Administrative Support The qualifications and experience norms for recruitment of Accountant, Personal Assistant and Office Assistant shall be as per recruitment rules. -37-
Induction of Support administration shall be normally in the scale of Pay Rs.3050-75-3950-80-4590. There shall be no induction at other levels unless otherwise provided in the Recruitment Rules of Chapter 19. 3.4. 3.4.1. APPOINTMENT OF JUNIOR RESEARCH FELLOWS / SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOWS / RESEARCH ASSOCIATES These positions are to assist the scientists in their research. Junior Research Fellows / Senior Research Fellows and Research Associates shall be appointed at the C-MET on the following terms: Qualification: Qualifications that must be possessed by candidates for appointment shall be as follows: Designatio n Junior Research Fellow Senior Research Fellow Research Associate Qualifications PG degree with 55% in sciences or First Class Graduate degree in engineering disciplines and NET/GATE qualified. First Class PG degree in sciences with 2 years experience or First Class Post Graduate degree in engineering disciplines. PhD in Sciences/ Engineering or PG degree in Engineering Disciplines with 2 years exp Emoluments As per norms set by Department of Science and Technology, Government of India As per norms set by Department of Science and Technology, Government of India As per norms set by Department of Science and Technology, Government of India
The research staff (JRF/SRF/RA) will be paid a lumpsum amount as stipend as per norms of Government of India communicated through Department of Science and Technology. They shall be allowed to avail 8 days Casual leave and other types of leave shall not be available to them. However, 10 days of leave per year with full pay can be sanctioned on medical grounds for hospitalization and the leave application should be supported by medical certificate. In addition, they will be entitled for medical reimbursement of one months emoluments in a year on pro-rata basis for themselves and their dependents. The cadre of JRF/SRF/RA is temporary. All posts of JRF/SRF/RA shall be created against a specific proposal of research / development nature and an estimate of the time period for which the services of the JRF/SRF/RA are needed shall be decided at the time of creation of these temporary positions. After necessary approval, selection shall be made under normal recruitment procedure. The posts of JRF/SRF/RA created under Sponsored Project will be co-terminus with Project duration. The maximum tenure of engagement of JRF/SRF/ RA shall be for a period of 5 years for JRF and 4 years for SRF/RA with initial appointment for a period of one year. The annual report submitted by research staff -38-
shall be sent to a committee constituted by the Executive Director for evaluation of the performance of the research staff. Based on the recommendation and approval of the CA, the tenure of the research staff shall be extended for one year at a time for the second, third and fourth year. One months notice is required for termination of the contract. 3.4.6 The selection procedure for appointing research personnel shall be in the same manner as for direct recruitment and shall be very rigorous, comprehensive and wide based so that all the potential research workers in the country are given an opportunity to be tested, in an objective manner, and only those who truly show an aptitude and competence for taking up a research career should be selected for appointment as research fellows. Similarly, during the oral interview, the candidates should be put through a rigorous interview which is expected to last for about 15 30 minutes and should test the candidate for his basic understanding, his knowledge in the subjects relevant to the proposed research programmes, his response to new ideas and his creative abilities and imagination which are important for pursuing a research career. INDUCTION OF FACILITATION TRAINEE With a view to provide on the job training to job seekers in different trades who might also fulfill the manpower needs of the C-MET there shall be a Scheme for induction of Facilitation Trainees. The demands over changing dimensions of facilitation support in C-MET would require persons with different aptitudes for shorter durations of time on immediate basis. In view of some of the short-term requirements of the C-MET and rapidly changing needs of the job, the C-MET might need to induct facilitation staff, which rapidly aids in the area of the need with specific skill set. There exist a large number of young, dynamic and talented persons who would like to attain short training and experience before getting better occupation in future. The Scheme ensures even a job for them rather than just the training, which they aspire to achieve. The objective of launching the Facilitation Trainees scheme is to attract fresh potential for adopting new skills and imbibing the unique work culture of the C-MET. This would help them to become the vanguards of the same in other R&D and commercial organizations they chose to join after completion of the training. As a part of the regular work, they will get the opportunity to learn several skills in the respective fields of their work. 3.5.2. Eligibility, Stipend and Tenure The following induction norms for the eligibility and the stipend Facilitation Trainees : Type Persons with qualifications Trainee Tradesman First class Trade certificate in respective branch Trainee First class diploma in engineering, or Technical/Scientific BSc in Science/Electronics Assistant Trainee First class PG degree in Science/ -39for the Stipend Rs 3050/Rs 4500/Rs
3.5. 3.5.1.
Electronics/ first class Graduate in 8000/engineering in the appropriate branch with a very good academic record throughout
Selection of Facilitation Trainees The procedure for recruitment shall be the same as for direct recruitment but the advertisement shall be released on a regional basis. The period of induction shall normally of one year and could be extended for a further period of one year. The trainees in no case shall be engaged for more than two years and the exception could be made only by the Executive Director of the C-MET for a maximum period of four years in total. The Facilitation trainees shall not be allowed any other allowances beyond the stipend and shall be eligible for 8 days Casual leave in a year pro rata. However, 10 days of leave per year with full pay can be sanctioned on medical grounds for hospitalization and the leave application should be supported by medical certificate.
APPOINTMENT ON CONTRACT: both technical and administrative. The C-MET shall heavily depend on paperless office concepts. C-MET shall identify agencies that are willing to take up such work on contract basis. As far as possible services of voluntary agencies viz. for promotion of minority communities, backward classes, women organisations, ex-servicemens welfare organisation should be enlisted.
3.6.1. The C-MET shall maintain limited number of staff to provide support functions
The C-MET shall also engage Project staff on contract for sponsored projects. Such persons shall be paid consolidated remuneration. The procedure for recruitment shall be the same as for direct recruitment but the advertisement shall be released on a regional basis. They shall not be allowed any other allowances beyond the consolidated remuneration and shall be eligible for 8 days Casual leave in a year pro rata. However, 10 days of leave per year with full pay can be sanctioned on medical grounds for hospitalization and the leave application should be supported by medical certificate. Such engagement shall normally be for a period of one year, which is extendable maximum upto the duration of the project. The extension on a year to year basis shall be based on an annual report submitted by the project staff with recommendation of the Project Investigator and on approval by the Competent Authority. One months notice is required for termination of the contract. The person engaged as project staff shall neither be allowed to take up another assignment on any of the other ongoing projects of the C-MET nor shall he be continued on expiry of the project duration. The consolidated remuneration of Project Staff will be as under: Persons with qualifications First class Trade certificate in respective branch First class diploma in Engineering, or B.Sc with Science/Electronics First class PG degree in Science/ Electronics/ first class Graduate in engineering in the appropriate branch with a very good academic record throughout 3.6.4 Remuneration Rs.3050/Rs.5000/Rs.8000/-
In addition to the consolidated remuneration, the project staff shall be entitled for medical reimbursement of one months remuneration per year on pro-rata basis for themselves and their dependents. MODE OF RECRUITMENT: Recruitment to the various posts shall be made by any of the following methods:
3.7.1. Direct recruitment from the open market through advertisement/Employment Exchange.
Release of Advertisement All posts in the C-MET including research personnel, Facilitation trainees and Project staff shall normally be filled by advertisement and the authority competent to make appointment to the post shall decide whether a particular post is to be filled by advertisement, by invitation, by circular, by promotion from amongst the members of the staff of the C-MET or by a deputationist. Where a post is to be filled by open recruitment, an advertisement is released to the newspapers in such a way that appropriate regions of the country are covered. A panel of such newspapers is approved by the authority competent to make appointment to the post from time to time. A minimum of 3 to 4 weeks time from the date of appearance of the advertisement should be given for receipt of applications. When advertisements are released, copies thereof are simultaneously sent to the Employment Exchange and the recognized organisations of the Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes and of Handicapped Persons, requesting them to sponsor suitable candidates for the vacant positions. To reduce expenditure on advertisement, an abridged notification could be released through newspapers with an advice to see complete details on C-METs website.
3.8.3. Age:
Maximum/Minimum age limit would be as per the Recruitment Rules of Chapter 19 for regular staff, 28 years for JRF, 32 years for SRF and 35 years for RA, short term project staff and facilitation trainees. The crucial date for determining eligibility for being considered would be the last date fixed for receipt of applications. Relaxation in age to SC, ST, OBC, etc. would be given as per instructions issued by Government from time to time. In exceptional cases the Appointing Authority shall have powers to relax the age with reasons to be recorded in writing.
Application fee for posts equivalent to Group A including research staff shall be Rs 100/- and Rs 50/- for other categories. No fee shall be charged from candidates belonging to SC/ST category.
Two experts in the relevant field of appropriate status. Executive Director or his representative It has to be ensured that one Member of the Selection Committee is from SC/ST. Efforts should also be made to associate a member of minority community and woman. 3.8.7. Arranging Written Test for the Candidates:
Administration Department shall make arrangements for conducting the written test (if required) to test the application of the knowledge, expected of the persons who apply for the advertised posts and those who qualify the written test may only be interviewed. For technical trades, practical test may also be held besides the written test if so deemed necessary.
The candidates recommended for interview shall normally be double the number of vacancies proposed to be filled up. The report of the performance of candidates in the tests is made available to the Selection Committee. The applicants should be required to submit attested copies of their educational certificates alongwith application and originals should be produced at the time of interview. Records of the written test, practical test or interviews held by the Selection Committee, along with the recommendations of the Committees should be preserved in the Administration for at least a period of 2 years or till the recruitment files are retained, whichever is later.
Note: The qualifying marks for selection will be 70% and not less than 50% in each of the stages given above. The Selection Committee thereafter makes its recommendations, the names of selected candidates being arranged in the order of merit. The Selection Committee also suggests the starting salary in the grade in each case. 3.8.9. Fixation of the Salary to be offered The starting pay of the employees on their appointment at the C-MET shall normally be at the minimum of the scale of pay. The authority competent to make appointment to the post has the power to fix, on recommendation of the Selection Committee, the initial pay of an incumbent at a stage higher than the minimum of scale in respect of the post, limited to a maximum of five increments. Approval of the Executive -44-
Director is to be obtained for sanctioning advance increments in the case of Group C posts. Where the Selection Committee considers that the starting pay of a candidate selected should be fixed at a stage higher than the minimum, it shall take into consideration the following factors and shall record detailed reasons for recommending such higher pay, which shall be specifically brought to the notice of the Appointing Authority while seeking approval to the minutes of the Selection: The qualifications possessed by the candidate in the relevant field over and above those prescribed for the post or those adopted for short listing the candidates; Any specialised knowledge/experience of which the candidate has a documentary evidence and which would be relevant to the duties and responsibilities attached to the post; Years of experience in a similar or higher category of work; Salary last drawn in the case of those coming from Government or Semi-Government Department/Institutions etc. Comparison with the pay drawn by the incumbents in the same grade/post.
While all the above five points should be considered together as a whole, maximum weightage should be given to the comparison with the pay drawn by the incumbents in the same grade/post so that the new appointments do not create imbalance in the salary structure of the existing incumbents in the same post and in the same grade. 3.8.10. Reports of Selection Committees The reports of the Selection Committee shall be signed by all the members present. Approval of recommendations of Selection Committee Recommendations of Selection Committee are approved by the authority competent to make appointment to the post As regards such recommendations for the posts of which Council is the appointing authority, the Council has authorized its Chairman to approve the recommendations of the Selection Committee and obtain ratification by the Council subsequently. Cases where the recommendations of Selection Committee are not unanimous are to be referred to the Council for decision. For any other case, the Chairman may exercise his discretion whether or not to refer the same to the Council for decision. The recommendations of the Selection Committee approved by the Chairman should be submitted to the Council for ratification in the following meeting. 3.8.11. Offer of Appointment Offers of appointment are issued on approval of the recommendations of the Selection Committee. The offer of appointment indicates the salary offered, the rates of allowances, the duration of the appointment and -45-
other terms and conditions of service as applicable from time to time, and prescribes the date by which acceptance of offer is to be communicated by the candidate. A candidate who is offered an appointment in the C-MET should join within three months, if in India; and within six months, if abroad, from the date of the offer. However, the authority competent to make appointment to the post may extend the joining time on request, up to six months from candidates in India; and one year for candidates abroad. The candidate will be directed to get himself examined for physical fitness by the prescribed Medical authority. On production of a satisfactory certificate of physical fitness, the offer of appointment becomes operative.
3.8.13. Validity of Panel/Waitlist The recommendations of a Selection Committee will remain valid only for a period of one year from the date of approval by the competent authority. During this period, if a vacancy arises in one of the areas advertised for selection, for any reason including a selected candidate declining the offer or not joining by the prescribed date, the offer could be made to the next candidate on the panel. However, if a candidate is placed on the waiting list against a particular candidate, the waiting list shall automatically lapse on the date the particular candidate joins the C-MET, or one-year limitation, whichever is earlier. 3.8.14. Contribution to Travel Expenses: For Interview The candidates called for interview for the post of Director/ Executive Director shall be reimbursed single first class / II AC railway fare both -46-
ways at actuals. SC/ST candidates shall also be extended assistance in accordance with Govt. instructions on the subject. For Joining the Post: Scientists appointed to posts in the C-MET in the scale of pay Rs 1430018300 and above will be entitled to reimbursement of actual expenses incurred on traveling by air/rail/bus for self and family and transportation of personal effect from the place (within India only) from which they came over to the C-MET at actuals limited to Rs 10,000/-. Scientists The reimbursement will be allowed subject to the condition that the undertake to remain with the C-MET for a minimum period of two years. If the Scientist leaves the C-MET before completing service for two years, the amount paid to him will have to be refunded before he is relieved. A condition to this effect shall be incorporated in the offer of appointment. However, those who are joining the C-MET from the Central Government, State Government, Autonomous Bodies, PSUs/Statutory Body, etc., shall be paid TA&DA, transfer incidentals, joining time pay, etc., as in the case of transfer.
Where it is considered expedient to fill up a post on deputation basis, nominations shall be obtained of prospective candidates holding analogous posts from Govt. organisations initially for a period not more than two years. The period of deputation shall be for a maximum period of four years. Pay Fixation: The deputationist shall have the option to draw pay and allowances drawn in his parent department + deputation allowance @ 10% subject to a maximum of Rs 1000/-, where headquarters is outside the place of posting or 5% of basic pay subject to a maximum of Rs 500/-, where HQrs of the deputationist is same station, or he may opt for C-METs scale of pay and allowances. Where C-METs scale of pay is opted the pay will be fixed in such a manner that the basic + DA in both the organisations are almost at the same level. The C-MET will pay the leave salary and pension contributions to the Govt. of India or any other organization, as the case may be, in respect of persons appointed in the C-MET on Foreign Service terms (Deputation). The rates of such contributions shall be in accordance with the rates prescribed by the Government from time to time.
Permanent Absorption With a view to attract experienced and talented persons and to maintain continuity of such employees, the C-MET may offer appointment to employees of Govt. organisations on permanent absorption basis at the time of their initial selection or at a later date while they are on deputation with the C-MET whenever they exercise their option for permanent absorption in the C-MET.
RESERVATIONS AND CONCESSIONS IN APPOINTMENTS Reservation for SCs/STs Definition of SC/ST: - A person should belong to a Caste or a Tribe declared by the Central Government to be a Scheduled Caste (SC) or a Scheduled Tribe (ST) for the area of which he/she is a resident. Further, a person claiming to be SC should profess either the Hindu or the Sikh or the Buddhist Religion. A person of the Scheduled Tribe may profess any religion. A person not belonging to SC/ST by birth will not be deemed to be a member of SC/ST by virtue of marriage with a person belonging to SC/ST. Similarly; a person belonging to SC/ST by birth will continue to belong to that category even after marriage with a person not belonging to SC/ST. If an SC person converted to a religion other than Hinduism / Sikhism/ Buddhism reconverts himself back to these religions, he will be deemed to have reverted to his original SC status, if he is accepted by the members of that particular caste as one among them.
Certificate to be produced: - A person claiming to belong to SC/ST should produce a certificate in the prescribed form signed by the following authorities: i) District Magistrate / Additional District Magistrate / Collector / Deputy Commissioner / Additional Deputy Commissioner / Deputy Collector/ I Class Stipendiary Magistrate / Sub-Divisional Magistrate / Taluka Magistrate / Executive Magistrate / ExtraAssistant Commissioner. Chief Presidency Magistrate / Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate / Presidency Magistrate. Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tahsildar. Sub-Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate and/or his family normally resides.
ii) iii)
3.9.4. Reservation in Direct Recruitment: Sl. No Method of Recruitment Direct Recruitment on All India basis by Open Competition Direct Recruitment on All India basis other than by Open Competition Direct Recruitment normally attracting candidates from a locality or a region % of reservation / Roster 15% for SC, 7- % for ST - 200 point post-based roster. 16 2/3 % for SC, 7 1/2 % for ST120 point post-based roster Percentages applicable to the respective States- 100 point post-based roster
Note: In small cadres of upto 13 posts, model rosters followed in Government shall be adopted. Extent of application: Applicable to all appointments viz. regular scale of pay, research personnel, Project staff, facilitation trainees except casual appointments and consultants. Will also apply to Scientific / Technical personnel in respect of posts up to and including lowest grade equivalent to Group 'A' '. Not applicable to posts filled by deputation. But eligible SC/ST candidates should be duly considered; if the number of posts is fairly substantial, a fair percentage should be filled by SC/ST subject to availability.
Reservations in Promotions: - The promotions wherever applicable are the All India basis by open competition. promotion in all grades and services -49-
percentage of reservations in same as for direct recruitment on Reservations are applicable for in which the element of direct
Relaxations/Concessions admissible to SC/ST in direct recruitment. (i) (ii) Age: - Maximum age-Iimit up to five years, for all posts. Minimum standard in Examination/interview: - If adequate number of SC/ST candidates satisfying the minimum standard is not available, short- fall will be adjusted by relaxing the minimum standard, provided they are not considered unsuitable. There will be no relaxation in qualification and/or minimum number of marks /grade. Less than minimum standard: - In the case of non-technical and quasi-technical Groups 'C' and 'D' filled by direct recruitment instead of through written examination, if SC/ST candidates are not available even under relaxed standards, shortfall will be adjusted by appointment of the best among the remaining SC/ST candidates with minimum educational qualifications. Exemption from fee: - Candidates are fully exempted from fees for admission to any examination for recruitment/selection. Separate interviews: - For direct recruitment against reserved vacancies, separate interviews will be held for SC/ST candidates so that they are not adjudged along with general candidates.
(iv) (v)
Relaxations/Concessions in promotions: (i) (ii) Age: - Where an upper age Iimit not exceeding 50 years is prescribed for promotion, it should be relaxed by five years. Departmental Competitive Examination: - SC/ST candidates who have not acquired the general qualifying standard should also be considered for promotion, if they are not considered unfit for such promotion, by relaxing the qualifying standards in their favour. Departmental qualifying examination: Suitable relaxation in the qualifying standard in such examinations should be made in the case of SC/ST candidates.
Mandal Commission Report and the State Governments ' lists. A list of such common categories has been brought out by the Ministry of Welfare. However, from this list, certain persons/sections will be excluded. The rest will be entitled for reservation. Certificate: - Any candidate claiming to belong to the OBC should obtain a certificate in the prescribed form signed by any of the specified authorities. No other certificate will be accepted. The authority should also certify that the candidate does not belong to anyone of the Creamy Layers. Reservations only in Direct recruitment: - 27% in all direct appointments upto and including lowest grade of Group A are reserved for OBCs. No reservation in promotions. EXEMPTIONS: - Scientific/technical posts for conducting, organizing, guiding and directing research, which are above the lowest grade of Group. A ' are exempted from the purview of reservations. 3.10. GUIDELINES FOR RECRUITMENT OF CASUAL LABORERS Casual laborers as a rule should not be engaged by the C-MET. In exceptional cases, casual laborers may be engaged for carrying out emergent work. Casual laborers should not be engaged for work of regular nature, but only for work of casual or seasonal or intermittent nature or not of full-time nature, for which regular posts cannot be created. The casual laborers shall be paid the minimum wage as notified by the State Government / UT as per the Minimum wages Act, 1948. There shall be a complete ban on engagement of casual workers for duties of posts equivalent to Group C. Payment to casual laborers shall be regulated as follows: Weekly off One paid weekly off after six days of continuous work. National Holiday- Daily wage is admissible for a National Holiday falling on a working day for them. No payment for other days of absence Except on weekly off days and a National holiday, no payment is admissible when duty is not performed.
ENGAGEMENT OF CONSULTANTS: The C-MET may engage Consultants in exceptional circumstances and on merits of each case. Various types of engagements are as follows: -
Part-time Visiting Scientist / Specialist / Expert: For various reasons including non-availability of C-METs own staff in a given area, such appointments are made for a specified period of time for carrying out a specific assignment. Part-time visiting Scientist / Specialist / Expert are paid an honorarium for the assignment in accordance with guidelines approved by the Council and are not deemed as regular employees of the C-MET. -51-
Whole-time Visiting Scientist / Specialist / Expert: Distinguished research workers and specialists permanently attached to other institutions may be invited to serve as whole-time Visiting Scientist / Specialist / Expert. During their tenure at the C-MET, their duties and privileges are the same as that of the permanent employees of the CMET at comparable levels. Appointments are made up to a maximum of 2 years on a level-to-level basis with the approval of the competent authority.
3.11.3. Honorary Visiting Scientist / Specialist / Expert Eminent and distinguished Scientists/ engineers working in industry and research institutions may be invited to interact with the C-MET in the capacity of Honorary Visiting Scientist / Specialist / Expert on a part-time basis. Such appointments are made for tenure of 2 years, extendable for further periods of 2 years at a time, with the approval of the ViceChairman, Governing Council on the recommendations of the Executive Director of the C-MET. Honorary Visiting Scientist / Specialist / Expert are expected to contribute to scientific work at the C-MET for which they may be given an honorarium at rates, prescribed by the Committee from time to time. In addition to the honorarium the C-MET bears the traveling/conveyance expenses in connection with their visit to the CMET. The Criteria for appointment of an Honorary Visiting Scientist / Specialist / Expert is as under: He should have good academic qualifications; He should have held a responsible position in a Research Organisation or an eminent position in industry with active participation in R & D work; He should be actively engaged in the profession indicative of interest in research work.
3.11.4. Appointment of non-Indians The appointment of non-Indians should be made only in very exceptional circumstances and then also only on contract for the minimum period necessary. Whenever it is proposed to appointment of non-Indians, suitable steps should be taken simultaneously to train Indians to fill such posts. The orders on the subject issued by the Central Government from time to time setting out the general policy in this regard will have to be followed. It is also necessary to examine from the security point of view whether the non-Indian is suitable for such appointment. Non-Indians have to take an Oath of Allegiance before they join. The Oath should state the name of the candidate, nationality, and solemnly swear that they will be faithful to India and to the Constitution of India for the duration of their service. The Oath should also affirm that the candidate would carry out the duties of his office loyally, honestly and impartially. Previous permission from the administrative ministry and local police authorities is essential. 3.11.5. Appointment of expatriate Indians -52-
Expatriate Indians may be appointed on contract basis if their services are required. These persons may be paid lump sum cash emoluments. 3.11.6. Broad guidelines on terms and conditions of appointment are as follows: Criteria and limitations: Consultants may be engaged to undertake specific jobs of a specialized nature or for attending to specific and time-bound jobs like preparation of Project Reports, etc., and not for routine day-to-day work. In exceptional cases where a consultant is engaged for regular work, the post earmarked for such work should be kept vacant till the work is completed. Consultants can be engaged on full-time or part-time basis. Full-time Consultants will not be allowed to take up any other assignments during the period of consultancy. No such restriction for part-time Consultants. Strength of Consultants should be restricted to 5% of the total number of posts of the C-MET. Number of retired employees should not exceed 2% at any time. Proposals for engagement beyond this limit in exceptional cases should be submitted for approval of the Vice-Chairman of the Governing Council. Consultants shall be engaged for a maximum period of two years and if extension beyond is inescapable, proposal shall be put up for consideration of the Vice-Chairman of the Governing Council. Age-limit: - Up to a maximum of 65 years for meritorious scientists / specialists and 62 years for others. Fee: Consolidated fee will be decided in each case by the Executive Director on the recommendations of Director in consultation with the Registrar and Chief Finance Officer after taking into account all the relevant factors, including the level of the post last held subject to the ceilings of Rs.26,000/- p.m. for Full time and Rs.13, 000/- p.m. for Part-time experts. DA/CCA/HRA or any other relief not admissible in addition. Fee should be fixed at an appropriate amount and not routinely at the maximum. Fee plus pension should not exceed last pay drawn for full time consultants and for part-time consultants. The fee should not exceed 50% of last pay drawn. Approval of the Vice-Chairman, Governing Council is necessary if fee is proposed higher than these limits. Payment of fee on a lumpsum basis or in 2 or 3 installments can also be considered, keeping in view the quantum of work handled. Consultants on full time shall be allowed Casual leave only
-53- T.A./D.A: - As per normal rules applicable to any serving officer of an equivalent rank in the C-MET. Telephone Facilities: - Not entitled. Transport: - Not entitled. However, reimbursement of conveyance charges allowed on the same terms and conditions admissible to other employees of equivalent rank. Use of staff car for private purposes and also for journeys between residence and office not permissible. Half-yearly Return: - Details of the Consultants employed in the C-MET shall be reported to the Governing Council for their review. 3.12. INTERPRETATION Persons already engaged by the C-MET shall not automatically be offered revised terms given above for any type of employment. They would be at liberty to respond to advertisements that may be released in the future and there shall be no special consideration on prescribed criteria as regards age, qualifications etc and the standards fixed for selection. In the event of non-selection they shall continue on existing terms till the date of present engagement and their period shall not be extended under any circumstances. Executive Director of the C-MET may however consider exceptions. ********************************************************************************