- Sr. Sales Assistant at ICAR Hqrs. to be brought into main cadre of Assistant.
- No future recruitment in this post.
36. Security Personnel:
- 39 isolated posts of Security Officer, Sr. Security Supervisor and Security
Supervisor to be phased out and their jobs got done through outsourcing.
37. Official Language:
- Director (OL) pay scale upgraded to Rs. 14300-18300.
- 2 posts of Dy. Director (OL) upgraded to Jt. Director (OL).
- 8 posts of Asstt. Director (OL) upgraded to Dy
- Sr. Sales Assistant at ICAR Hqrs. to be brought into main cadre of Assistant.
- No future recruitment in this post.
36. Security Personnel:
- 39 isolated posts of Security Officer, Sr. Security Supervisor and Security
Supervisor to be phased out and their jobs got done through outsourcing.
37. Official Language:
- Director (OL) pay scale upgraded to Rs. 14300-18300.
- 2 posts of Dy. Director (OL) upgraded to Jt. Director (OL).
- 8 posts of Asstt. Director (OL) upgraded to Dy
Original Description:
Cadre Review Proposal for Admin Staff of Prasar Bharati
- Sr. Sales Assistant at ICAR Hqrs. to be brought into main cadre of Assistant.
- No future recruitment in this post.
36. Security Personnel:
- 39 isolated posts of Security Officer, Sr. Security Supervisor and Security
Supervisor to be phased out and their jobs got done through outsourcing.
37. Official Language:
- Director (OL) pay scale upgraded to Rs. 14300-18300.
- 2 posts of Dy. Director (OL) upgraded to Jt. Director (OL).
- 8 posts of Asstt. Director (OL) upgraded to Dy
- Sr. Sales Assistant at ICAR Hqrs. to be brought into main cadre of Assistant.
- No future recruitment in this post.
36. Security Personnel:
- 39 isolated posts of Security Officer, Sr. Security Supervisor and Security
Supervisor to be phased out and their jobs got done through outsourcing.
37. Official Language:
- Director (OL) pay scale upgraded to Rs. 14300-18300.
- 2 posts of Dy. Director (OL) upgraded to Jt. Director (OL).
- 8 posts of Asstt. Director (OL) upgraded to Dy
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Indian Council of Agricultural Research
Krishi Bhawan, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road, New Delhi-110001
Report of the Cadre Review Committee 2008
HKP3MJI ICAR FOREWORD At the outset, I must thank Member(P), Prasar Bharti & Director General, All India Radio for entrusting this sensitive task of Cadre Restructuring to me and to a small but competent team of dedicated officers. I was overwhelmed by the affection and confidence reposed in me by everyone in the AIR system. This has given me an opportunity to recognize and acknowledge the sincerity, dedication and hard work which administrative and finance staff at different levels is required to put in. Unless these efforts are suitably encouraged and a positive atmosphere of general well being of the individual along with the well being of the organization is ushered in, the efficiency, effectiveness and productivity of delivery systems in the agricultural research will suffer. All efforts have been taken to suggest measures in conformity with the policies, procedures and practices adopted in Central Secretariat System and in autonomous. The timing of this Report at a stage when Prasar Bharati is seriously considering the cadre restricting of All India Radio and Doordarshan at all levels and among all cadres. I would like to place on record my sincere and deep sense of appreciation to each and everyone of the members of this Committee and also to all their supporting staff, the representatives of staff, Directors, Deputy Director Administration and all those who interacted with me and with members of this Committee for their valuable input, suggestions and guidance. I do hope that their well-intentioned endeavour has found fruition in this Report. (Rashid A Ansari) DDG(A), DG:AIR Chairman, Cadre Review Committee CONTENTS S.No. Sections Pages
Summary of Recommendations I X I. About the Committee 1-4 II. About the Organization 5-8 III. About the Problem 9-12 IV. About the Methodology/Approach 13-15 V. Extract of VI CPC - Recommendations relevant to ICAR 16-20 VI. Evolution of Norms and Guidelines for Administration and Finance Cadre 21-32 VII. Classification of Institutes and Staff Pattern- Existing and Proposed - Administration 33-37 VIII. Classification of Institutes and Staff Pattern- Existing and Proposed - Finance 38-42 IX. Other categories: Stenographers, Security and Official Language 43-45 X. Avenues of In House Candidates Higher Level Posts 46-47 XI. Human Resource Development 48-58 XII. (A) Concept of Corporate Pool of Posts (B) Implementation Plan (C) Financial Implications 59-67 XIII. Summary of Annexures 68 I
SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS 1. This is not a report on cadre review but it is an exercise for the restructuring of various administrative cadres of AIR . 2. For the first time of AIR scenario the committee has recommended an innovative approach of assessing the requirement of different categories of Institute/Units on a modular basis. Norms and Guidelines Administration cadre posts 3. Manpower requirements in various Stations/Units of AIR have been assessed on a review of various parameters such as last 3 years average budget expenditure, sanctioned strength of Officers of IB(P)S and IB(E)S, number of regional etc. Exceptions have also been individually identified and properly classified. 4. AIR and its Stations/Units have been classified into the following groups:- (i) Directorate Generals ..... 2 (ii) Training Institutes ............................................... 5 (iii) Engineering Zones .... 5 (iv) Administrative/Program Zones .... 15 (v) Major/Capital Stations/Kendras (vi) Metro stations/Kendras (vii) Stations/Kendras 5. Directorate General of AIR/doordarshan will continue to function as Secretariat of the AIR/Doordarshan. Hence the staffing pattern at these Directorate Generals will be strengthened to provide all necessary guidelines on administrative matters to stations/kendras. 6. Same level of Heads of Administration and Finance has been suggested for all the stations/kendras/units of DG:AIR. 7. Institutes under Category A are to be headed by CF&AO and CAO, Category B by SF&AO and SAO and Category C by F&AO and AO. F&AOs, AOs, AF&AOs and AAOs have been recommended on functional requirement basis. 8. Staff Training Institutes should have the posts of Dy Director(Admn.) and Regional Training Institutesr (Finance) each in the pay scale of Rs. 16400-20900 at par with other Universities and Institutes of higher learning like IITs. II
9. Two additional posts of Director (Admn.) and Director (Vig.) and one post of Director (Audit) each in the pay scale of Rs. 14300-18300 have been recommended at ICAR Hqrs., for strengthening of administration and internal audit. 10. Posts like LDC, UDC in administrative and JAO in finance should be phased out gradually except a few to be retained for some time to serve as promotional channels for existing staff. This is in keeping with the accepted recommendations of Brahma Committee for CSS and in line with VI CPC Recommendations. 11. Base level of posts in entire ICAR system shall be Assistant and AF&AO in Administration and Finance Cadre respectively. 12. Sections in Finance Division at ICAR Hqrs. may be headed by AF&AOs or the S.Os who have passed the ICAR Audit and Accounts Exam as far as possible. 13. Since AAOs/AF&AOs are important functionaries of the Institute; they should be made part of the combined cadre and their transfer/promotion etc. may be made by ICAR Hqrs. 14. Incentives like increments and promotional opportunities etc. have to be given after passing of ICAR Audit and Accounts Exam. 15. The Committee has tried to align its recommendations with the recommendations of VI CPC. 16. Different qualifying marks criteria for direct recruit AO and F&AO should be done away with. Stenographers 17. Entitlement of an officer at ICAR Hqrs. for stenographic assistance has been based on Central Secretariat Service pattern whereas for field based units of ICAR this has been recommended purely on functional basis. 18. A higher level of stenographic assistance in the pay scale of Rs. 1200016500 has been recommended for functionaries at senior most level at ICAR Hqrs. 19. DDGs, Members-ASRB, Jt. Secretary at ICAR Hqrs. have been recommended a higher level of stenographic assistance in the pay scale of Rs. 10000-15200. 20. Director, Dy. Secretary and ADG level posts at ICAR Hqrs., have been provided Pvt. Secretary (Rs. 6500-10500) or PA (Rs. 5500-9000). 21. Under Secretary, Pr. Scientists and other officers with equivalent functions have been provided with PAs (Rs. 5500-9000). 22. For ICAR institutes: Directors of Deemed Universities and NAARM have been III
provided with Pr. Pvt. Secretary (Rs. 10000-15200) whereas Director/Registrar and other officers of the various institutes have been provided with PSs (Rs. 6500- 10500) or PAs (Rs. 5500-9000). 23. Entry grade of Gr. 'D' stenographers in the pay scale of Rs. 4000-6000 has to be phased out and the existing incumbents have to be upgraded to the grade of PAs (Rs. 5500-9000) in a phased manner, as also recommended by VI CPC. 24. As per recommendations of VI CPC, the Stenographers Cadre and grade of Assistants have to be merged and designated as Executive Assistant. Further recruitment to this grade will be from those with graduation and with one year Diploma in Computers. The Executive Assistant will discharge the function presently carried out by Assistants and Private Secretaries. The existing Assistants and PAs may be given appropriate training. 25. Summary of the existing and proposed posts in Stenographer Cadre has been given at para 9.1. Legal Posts 26. The existing positions of Legal Adviser, ALA & LO will continue. However, any additional legal jobs may be got done only through outsourcing. 27. The post of Law Officer may be upgraded to the pay scale of Rs. 1000015200 to fill a gap in this cadre and open a channel for promotion of existing Law Officer (Rs. 8000-13500) and ALA (Rs. 6500-10500). 28. The post of JLO (Rs. 5500-9000) may be abolished as and when falling vacant. Sr. Sales Assistants 29. Sr. Sales Assistant at ICAR Hqrs. is an isolated post in administration (non- ministerial) and may be brought into the main cadre of Assistant as both these posts have been recommended on the same pay scale of Rs. 6500-16500. There should not be any future recruitment in this post. Security Personnel 30. The 39 posts like Security Officer, Sr. Security Supervisor and Security Supervisor are isolated posts at some of the Institute. These 39 posts may be phased out and their jobs got done by outsourcing. 31. The existing security personnel shall be getting benefits of higher pay scales and financial upgradation under ACP schemes, as recommended by VI CPC. IV
Official Language 32. As also recommended by VI CPC, the pay scale of Director (OL) may be upgraded to Rs. 14300-18300 from the existing scale of Rs. 12000-16500. 33. The two posts of Dy. Director (OL) (Rs. 10000-15200) in the ICAR system may be upgraded to Jt. Director (OL) in the pay scale of Rs. 12000-16500. 34. Out of 32 posts of Asstt. Director (OL) (Rs. 6500-10500), 8 posts may be upgraded to Dy. Director (OL) (Rs. 10000-15200) on functional basis. Other Isolated Posts 35. The 20 numbers of isolated posts like Gestetner Operator, Time Keeper, Data Machine Operator, Library Attendant etc., both at ICAR Hqrs., and in Institutes as detailed under para 6.21 have outlived its utility. All these posts may be abolished and incumbents may be suitably adjusted against the existing main cadre Group 'C' posts like LDC, UDC etc. Staff Pattern - Existing and Proposed 36. In the administrative and finance category, the recommendation of this Committee have been summarized as under:-
Summary : ICAR Hqrs. and Institutes (Admn.) Existing Proposed Addl. (+)/Savings (-) Joint Sec 0 1 +1 Director 1 4 +3 Registrar 0 5 +5 Dy. Sec. 8 12 +4 Under Secretary 12 30 +18 Section Officer 89 94 +5 CAO 8 16 +8 SAO 35 46 +11 AO 55 95 +40 AAO 312 431 +119 Asstt. 1253 2391 +1138 UDC 1310 509 -801 LDC 863 198 -665 Total A 3946 3832 -114 V
39. Recommendations on Official Language posts have been summarized as under:- Summary of the Positions with Pay Scales
Avenues for In-house Candidates Summary : ICAR Hqrs. and Institutes^ (Finance) Name of the Posts Existing Proposed Addl. (+)/Savings (-) Joint Secretary (Finance) 0 1 + 1 Dir (F)/ Dir (Audit) 1 2 + 1 Comptroller 0 5 +5 CFAO/DDF 5 16 +11 SF&AO 8 38 +30 FAO 37 81 +44 AF&AO 109 98 -11 JAO 39 0 -39 TOTAL 199 241 +42 38. In the Stenographer Cadre, recommendations of this Committee have been summarized as under:- S.No. Name of the Post For ICAR Hqrs. For Institutes Existing Proposed Existing Proposed 1. Sr. Principal Pvt. Secretary (Rs. 12000-16500)
Total 132 115 693 629 Name of the Posts Existing Proposed Addi. (+)/Savings (-) Director (OL) (Rs. 14300 - 1S300 0 1 1 Director (OL) Rs. 12000- 16500 1 0 -1 Joint Director (OL) Rs. 12000-16500 - 2 2 Deputy Director (OL) (Rs. 10000-15200) 2 S* 6 Assistant Director (OL) (Rs. 6500-10500) 32 22 -10 Total 35 33 -2 *10 Assistant Directors have already been placed in the pay scale of Rs. 10000-15200 under ACP VI
40. As available in other organization like CSIR, Central Secretariat etc., the deserving staff of ICAR who fulfill all the laid down criteria - qualification, experience etc., should also have access to a post of Jt. Secretary (Admn.) and Jt. Secretary (Fin.) filled by In house Administrative and Finance Cadre officers after reasonable length of service. 41. The higher level post of Jt. Secretary will bridge the gap between Director within the system and the Additional Secretary from the central staffing pool on functional requirement basis. 42. Since these posts at the level of JS at ICAR Hqrs., have been suggested to fulfill the career aspiration of ICAR Staff, it is essential that these should be earmarked and safeguarded for ICAR employees and not put in the General Pool to be manned by Central Staffing Pool. HRD Issues 43. The Committee has identified the problem such as low productivity, low capacity utilization, higher operational costs, redundancy and other related problems and suggested to overcome by: (a) Identifying areas for outsourcing like house keeping, office maintenance, guest house maintenance, security, farm labour, secretarial services (stenographic), medical assistance, event management, etc. (ii) Use of dictation software. (i) Additional manpower may be redeployed to more value adding activities after requisite training and multi-skilling. (ii) Job redesigning after measuring the actual manpower utilization as a last resort. 44. The Committee learns that with a view to prevent the outflow of experienced and qualified staff from Administration and Finance to other Govt. Departments/autonomous units, a decision has been taken to stop requests for deputation of officers from ICAR. In the context of need for developing rounded personality of the individual particularly through gaining experience by working in different working environment, it is very essential that ICAR officers and staff from both the Administration and Finance get sufficient exposure and working skills which will broaden their vision. Such an exposure is as necessary as training or skill enhancement measures under human resource development techniques. 45. One of basic deficiency contributing to the negative attitude and approach of the employees and also resulting in unwillingness of employees to modernise their work atmosphere is lack of vision and lack of exposure to modern techniques and working environment in other autonomous and VII
Govt. funded organizations and Departments of Govt. of India. The Committee strongly urges ICAR to review this decision and while implementing the recommendations of this Committee to multiskill employees, also provide a window of opportunity to deserving employees to go on deputation for two to three years and acquire additional skills/experience. 46. Recruitment of maximum number of young blood to the entry grade of Executive Assistants and AOs/ FAOs of the combined cadre of Administration and Finance has been recommended by the Committee. The Committee has also favoured the holding of ICAR Audit and Accounts Examination on regular basis for strengthening of Finance Cadre posts like AF&AOs etc. 47. New recruits must be given at least 3 days orientation training programme at NAARM and other suitable places. 48. The Committee has suggested a well prepared regular periodical inservice and off campus training and developmental programme for various level of officers and staff for at least 50 hours in a year to each individual. 49. The ICAR should also develop and groom its own training faculty who will be well conversant with the finer points of ICAR system. The guest faculty should be given befitting remuneration at par with faculties of other reknowned training institutions. Concept of Corporate Pool of Posts 50. ICAR as a whole has been facing the following serious problems in managing its manpower :- (i) Shortage of manpower in administrative category at smaller units (ii) Lack of reasonable promotional avenues due to unavailability of posts. (i) Lack of scope for inter-institutional transfers for addressing individual grievances as well as administrative requirement (ii) Difficulties in optimum utilization of manpower. 51. At certain institutes promotion is extremely fast whereas at many institutes a number of employees have been stagnating for years. Certain Institutes are facing acute shortage of manpower in administrative cadre whereas at many institutes it is more than adequate. Presently, there is no provision for adjustment of staff/posts in the overall administrative interest and efficiency. 52. Corporate Pool of the manpower on the pattern of DRDO and Railways could be a solution to these problems. 53. In Corporate Pool system, all the institutes/units of ICAR may be divided into a few zones say five (excluding ICAR Hqrs.) and a total number of posts in administrative and allied category may be decided for each zone and also for individual institutes/units. Recruitment and promotion may be made on zonal basis. ICAR Hqrs. will keep a control of all the posts. In the event of any VIII
requirement of additional posts for promotion or in the organizational interest, the individual posts may be transferred from one zone to another from and via Corporate Pool. 54. The total sanctioned strength for ICAR as a whole will remain unchanged but the sanctioned strength of a particular Institute or zone can change on a year to year basis depending on requirements and availability. The proposal does not involve any financial implications. Implementation Plan 55. The Committee has approached this task not as a Cadre Review exercise but mainly as a cadre restructuring exercise. This is particularly significant in the context of observations of VI CPC Report. 56. Since recommendations of this Committee and those by VI CPC both deal with employee's pay scales, promotion channels, policy for improvement of efficiency and productivity of the organization by multi-skilling, value addition etc., it is only appropriate that recommendation of both the reports are implemented simultaneously. 57. The participative approach of the Committee has led to wider consultations with the representatives of staff/union, Directors of the Institutes, DDGs and other interested stakeholders. This has given immense confidence in wider acceptability of the recommendations of this Committee. 58. Cadre restructuring as recommended by this Committee would bring a net reductions of 114 posts in administrative category and 80 posts in Stenographers cadre. Further, reduction of 39 posts of Security Personnel, 1 post of JLO and 20 isolated posts like Sr. Sales Asstt., Gestetner Operators, Library Attdt. etc., have been recommended. 59. However, 42 numbers of posts in Finance Cadre and up gradations of 8 posts in Official Language would involve additional expenditure. 60. The Committee also noted that a large number of existing personnel in various grades/posts have already been granted financial up gradations under ACP scheme, hence, the up gradation of posts as recommended by the Committee will not involve any substantial additional expenditure. 61. Summary of overall financial implications on account of recommendations of this Committee is as under:- IX
1.1 The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) vide Order No. 33(10)/2007-Estt.I dated 19 th September, 2007 constituted a Committee called Cadre Review Committee for review of posts in Groups 'A', 'B' and 'C' of the Administrative, Finance and allied non-technical services of the ICAR both at their Headquarters as well as in the different Research Institutes/National Research Centres/Project Directorates/National Bureaux etc., under the ICAR System. The formation of the committee was conveyed to the Chairman of the Committee by Additional Secretary, DARE and Secretary, ICAR through his D.O. No. 33(10)/2007-Estt.I dated 26 th Sept 2007 (Annexure I). 1.2 The Members of the Committee are as under:- 1. Shri N. Parthasarathy, ........... Chairman Former FA, DARE/ICAR 2. Shri M.K. Jain, ............ Member Sr. A.O., IARI 3. Smt. Rashmi R. Rao, ............ Member Sr. F&AO, NAIP 4. Shri Madan Sarup, ......... Member Under Secretary (Per.) 5. Shri Sanjay Gupta, ....... Member- Deputy Secretary (Admn.) Secretary 1.3 Consequent to the retirement of Shri Madan Sarup, Under Secretary (P), Shri Rajiv Mangotra, Under Secretary (Vig.) has been nominated in his place vide Office Order No. F. 33-10/2007-Estt. I dated 11 th January, 2008. Summary of Financial Implications (Rs. in lakhs per month) S.No. Category Additional implications on account of restructuring Savings on account of ACP/Abolition of Posts Net financial implication + represents addition - represents savings 1. Administration 35.45 30.05 5.40 2. Finance 7.62 1.08 6.54 3. Stenographers 1.40 22.41 (-) 21.01 4. Official language 0.21 -- 0.21 5. Legal -- 0.06 (-) 0.06 6. Security -- 2.71 (-) 2.71 7. Other isolated posts -- 0.72 (-) 0.72
Total 44.68 57.03 (-) 12.35 2
1.4 The terms of reference of the Committee are as follows:- (i) The Committee will take up the review of the existing cadre strength in all the administrative posts including Finance Cadre, Stenographic cadre and posts in Law Division (except scientific/technical/supporting staff posts) in the ICAR Hqrs., as well as in Institutes and recommend restructuring of cadres and refixing of cadre strength in different grades after taking into consideration the stagnation levels in the different posts in the light of the recommendations of the Brahma Committee for the CSS Cadre of the GOI. (ii) While recommending the strength in various cadres, the Committee will also assess the financial implication involved and recommend suitable matching savings. (iii) The Committee may also recommend appropriate changes in the Recruitment Rules for various posts in the light of its recommendations. (iv) As far as possible the Committee will undertake the cadre review and restructuring keeping in view the instructions laid down by the GOI/DOP&T for cadre review. It may also look into all aspects and patterns prevailing in departments like AFHQ, CSIR and ICMR. (v) The Committee will submit its report/recommendations within a period of three months from the date of issue of this order. (vi) The TA/DA of non-official members will be borne by the Council as per the Govt. of India Rules. 1.5 Subsequently, Dy. Secretary (Admn.) vide his D.O. letter No. 33(10)/2007- Estt-I dated 11 th Jan, 2008 informed the Chairman that tenure of this Committee has been extended up to 31.3.2008 vide ICAR Office Order dated 11 th Jan., 08 and that isolated posts such as Canteen employees and Medical Officers need not be considered by the committee. 1.6 When the Committee was in an advanced stage of finalizing its recommendations, the Report of the Sixth Pay Commission was submitted to 3
Government of India. Since this Report has a lot of impact on the career prospects of employees working in Government of India and other autonomous Government funded organizations it was deemed fit by ICAR that the Cadre Review Committee should give its recommendations having regard to the recommendations and suggestions contained in Sixth Pay Commission Report for similar categories. To enable this to be done, the tenure of the Cadre Review Committee was finally extended up to 31 st May, 2008. 1.7 The posts/structure of posts in the cadre of Admin/Finance and allied categories in ICAR Headquarters and Institutes that have been considered by the committee are as under:- AT ICAR Hqrs. I. Director (Personnel) II. Director (Finance) III. Deputy Secretary/Secretary, ASRB/ Controller of Exam, Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board IV. Combined cadre of Finance & Accounts Officer(Deputy Director (Finance)/Chief Finance & Accts. Officer/Senior Finance & Accounts Officer/Finance &Accounts Officer) V. Under Secretary VI. Section Officer/Desk Officer/Protocol Officer/Jr. Analyst VII. Assistants/Research Assistant Upper Division Clerks VIII. Lower Division Clerks IX. Posts (Legal Advisor/Law Officer/Junior Law Officer) in Legal Division XI. Posts such as Assistant Director (Official Language), Deputy Director (Official Language), Director (Official Language) in Official Language Division XII. Isolated posts like Sr. Sales Assistants, Library Attendant, Gestetner Operator, Sr. Gestetner Operator, Despatch Rider etc. XIII. Posts of Steno/PA/PS/SA to Chairman, ASRB XIV. Junior Finance &Accounts Officer / Assistant Finance &Accounts Officer In ICAR Institutes I. Combined Cadre of Administrative Officers (Administrative Officer /Senior Administrative Officer /Chief Administrative Officer /Joint Director, IARI) II. Combined Cadre of Finance &Account Officers (Finance & Accounts 4
Officer/Senior Finance & Accounts Officer /Chief Finance & Accounts Officer) III. Assistant Administrative Officers IV. Assistant Finance and Accounts Officers/ Junior Accounts Officer V. Assistants VI. Upper Division Clerks VII. Lower Division Clerks VIII. Posts of Stenographers/Personal Assistant/Private Secretary IX. Posts such as Assistant Director (Official Language) and Deputy Director (Official Language) in Official Language Division X. Security Personnel (Security Officer/Senior Security Supervisor/ Security Supervisor) XI. Isolated posts like Gestetner Operator, Record Keeper etc. 2.1 The Indian Council of Agricultural Research is an autonomous body registered as a Society under Society Registration Act, 1860 and is fully funded by the Govt. of India through the Ministry of Agriculture- Deptt. of Agriculture Research and Education 2.2 As per the Bye-Laws of the ICAR Society, except with regard to matters for which specific provisions have been made in the rules, bye-laws, regulations of the Society, orders made or issued by the Government of India and such other rules and orders issued by the Government of India shall apply mutatis-mutandis to the ICAR employees in regard to matters concerning their service conditions, allowances and pay scales etc. 2.3 Prior to 1966, the ICAR functioned as an attached office of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture. In the year 1966, the ICAR was re-organized and declared as an autonomous organization. In the process of reorganization all the Central Research Institutes under Government of India were brought under the Council. The Institutes like Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI), National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI), and Central Institute of Fisheries Education (CIFE) were declared as National Institutes and given the status of Deemed Universities. Other research institutes were also taken over and several new Institutes/Project Directorate/National Research Centres/Bureaux were set- up in the subsequent years. The ICAR also assumed the functions of the Central Commodities Committees dealing with the crops like cotton, oilseeds, coconut, lac, jute, tobacco, sugarcane, arecanut, cashewnut, spices etc. 2.4 At the time of re-organization of ICAR, the employees working in ICAR Hqrs. and in the Ministry of Food and Agriculture doing ICAR work were given option either to opt for ICAR service or remain in the services of the 5
Ministry of Food and Agriculture. In the option papers a commitment was made in consultation with Ministry of Finance, Home, Law and others which read as under:- "Grant of pay, leave, travelling and other allowances and other service conditions of the said staff shall be regulated mutatis mutandis in accordance with the Fundamental and Supplementary rules and such other rules and orders as are issued by the Government of India from time to time". 2.5 As on date, the ICAR has 103 units which comprises ICAR Hqrs., Deemed Universities, Central Research Institutes, Project Directorates, National Research Centres, National Bureaux, Zonal Coordinating Units spread all over the country. Headquarters of the Council is based in New Delhi. The Institutes/PDs/Bureaux are also having their Regional Stations/Centres all over the country. 2.6 According to the rules and bye-laws of the ICAR Society framed with the approval of the Government of India, the staff of the Council were initially
2.7 Subsequently, in the year 1995-96, it was decided to abolish the auxiliary category of posts and the existing posts in this category were put either under administrative (non-ministerial) category or under technical category depending on the nature of the post and the qualification prescribed there for. Individual employees were also given opportunity to exercise option. 2.8 All the ICAR Institutes/PDs/NRCs etc., are under the administrative control of the ICAR Secretariat commonly known as ICAR Hqrs., located at Krishi Bhawan and Krishi Anusandhan Bhavans -I & II, New Delhi which are functioning on the pattern of the Central Secretariat of the Government of India. 2.9 The Council functions through the following Subject Matter Divisions (SMD) :- 1. Crop Science Division 2. Animal Sciences Division 3. Horticulture Division
4. Natural Resource Management Division 5. Agricultural Education Division 6. Agricultural Engineering Division 7. Fisheries Division 8. Agricultural Extension Division Each Division is headed by a Deputy Director General (DDG), who is supported by Assistant Director Generals (ADG) and Scientists. For administrative support, DDGs are also assisted by some Group 'A' level administrative posts like Under Secretaries/Dy. Secretaries. 2.10 Apart from the SMDs, there are also following units at ICAR Hqrs.,:- 1. Administration 2. General Administration 3. Technical Coordination 4. Personnel 5. Finance 6. Directorate of Publication and Information/ Library Unit 7. Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board 8. Legal Cell 9. Hindi Unit 10. Media Unit 11. Work Study 12. Works Division 13. International Cooperation/Protocol Unit 2.11 In so far as the administrative support in the institutes under the Council is concerned, the administrative and finance units are headed by either a Group 'A' officer (AO, SAO, CAO and F&AO, SF&AO and CF&AO) or a Group 'B' officer (AAO and AF&AO). Recruitment to the cadres of AO/F&AO is made on All India basis by an open competitive exam through ASRB as well as by promotion from AAO/AF&AO. 2.12 Details of the categories and their number in the administrative and finance cadres presently in operation in ICAR institutes are as under:-
2.13 The work relating to the recruitment of agricultural scientists, which was earlier being done by the UPSC, was entrusted to the ICAR in 1966. Subsequently, on the pattern of UPSC, an independent body viz., Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB) was set up in 1973 by creating the post of Chairman and Member, ASRB for the recruitment and assessment of scientists of ICAR. 2.14 ICAR has total manpower strength of 29,115 which includes 6428 scientist posts, 7893 technical posts, 4814 administrative category posts and 9980 supporting category posts. 2.15 As regards the scientific and technical staff, the Council is having well- defined services viz., Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and Technical Service. Initially, incumbent of both these services were covered by flexible complementing system of promotion, but from the year 1986, UGC system of pay scales and promotion policies etc., were adopted for the ARS scientists. On the other hand persons covered under Technical Services Rules are still being governed under the flexible complementing scheme. 2.16 However, no such promotional avenues are available for the employees in administrative and finance cadre which has led to widespread discontent and frustration amongst the staff. 3.1 It was noted that there was widespread frustration and despondence among the staff due to stagnation in most of the administrative and finance cadre posts both at ICAR Institutes and at its Hqrs.
It was projected that a LDC gets promoted to the post of UDC only after 10 years against the normal eligibility of 5 years. Similarly, UDCs get promoted to Assistant posts at least after 10 years against the eligibility of 5 years. Assistants to Section Officer also take about 10-15 years against the criteria of 8 years of eligibility. Scenario is worst for the post of Section Officers who get promoted to the post of Under Secretary only after 16 to 18 years of service against the normal eligibility period of 8 years. Even directly recruited Section Officers (about 10 nos.) are presently stagnating and they are likely to get promoted to the post of Under Secretary only after 20 to 22 years of service as S.O. The ratio of sanctioned posts of S.O.s to Under Secretary is 1:0.14 which is the main reason behind the aforesaid stagnation level at ICAR 3.2 The ratio of administrative posts at different levels in ICAR Headquarters like LI DC, UDC, Assistant, S.O. and US is as unc er:-
LDC UDC Assistant S.O. US No. of posts sanctioned 94 188 164 89 12 Existing Ratios 1 : 2 LDC to UDC 10 : 9 UDC to Asst. 2 :1 Asst. to S.O. 7:1 S.O. to US
Hqrs. 3.3 Promotion from Under Secretary to Deputy Secretary is also highly delayed. This is because the 12 numbers of Hqrs. based Under Secretaries have a common seniority with 35 nos. of Institute based Sr. A.O.s and are considered for promotion to 16 number of posts of Dy. Secretary/CAO. 3.4 It was projected that promotional prospectus in the grade of stenographer cadre at ICAR Hqrs. is also not encouraging. The manpower position in this category of posts is as under:-
Movement from Steno Grade 'D' to PA normally takes 14-15 years against the eligibility period of 5 years. From PA to PS grade also takes about 1012 years against the eligibility period of 8 years. Since there is one post of SA to Chairman, ASRB in the pay scale of Rs. 10,000-15,200, the promotion prospects of P.S. is virtually nil. Hence, non-availability of higher level of posts in administrative cadre has led to blockage of chain effect of promotion and this has been causing widespread heavy stagnation in all the administrative cadre posts at ICAR Hqrs.
No overall ratio of posts from LDC to AAO can be drawn as no. of these posts varies from institute to institute and they are purely institute based posts. Promotional opportunities of employees vary from institute to institute. In some smaller and newly established institute/centres, where number of sanctioned posts are barely minimum, sometimes there is hardly any eligible person in the feeder grade posts to be promoted to the available higher posts. Whereas, in the case of some other smaller institutes when a person from comparatively lower age group is occupying a higher position and there is no scope for his upward movement, the person in the feeder grade has hence no option but to stagnate. For the larger institutes like IARI, IVRI etc. also,
Steno. Grade 'D' PA PS SA to Chairman No. of posts sanctioned 47 54 29 1 Ratios 8 : 9 Steno. Gr. D to PA 9 : 5 PA to PS 29 : 1 PS to SA to Chairman
3.5 For the Institute based posts also, the scenario is far from satisfactory. Presently, the posts like LDC, UDC, Assistants and AAOs are purely institute based.
LDC UDC Asst. AAO AO SAO Total No. of Posts Sanctioned 760 1177 1058 306 55 35 9
administrative cadre employees in all grades have been facing severe stagnation. LDCs normally get promotion to UDC in about 8 years, UDC to Assistant also takes 13-15 years, Assistants to AAO takes about 10-12 years and AAO to AO takes about 14-15 years. 3.6 Posts from AO onwards constitute All-India cadre with transferability in the institutes and are filled up to 60% by promotion of AAO and 40% by direct recruitment. Presently, there are 306 no. of AAO's posts in entire ICAR who compete for promotion to only 33 posts of AO (60% of total strength of 55 AO's posts). Due to this bottleneck, chain effect of promotion in most of the ICAR institutes is quite discouraging. Although, the ratio of posts between AO and Sr. AO is about 2:1, yet due to blockage of upward movement of Sr. AO. to CA.O., a directly recruited A.O. is presently spending not less than 9-10 years in the A.O.'s grade before getting promotion to Sr. A.O. 3.7 The position of stenographers in most of the institutes of ICAR is also not encouraging, due to small number of posts and irrational manner of creation of these posts. It is to be noted that Steno Gr. 'D' recruited in the pay scale of Rs. 4000-6000 gets first promotion to the post of P.A. (Rs. 5500-9000) and thereafter 2 nd promotion to the grade of P.S. (Rs. 650010500). Beyond this, there is no higher post in the stenographic cadre of ICAR institutes. They have been, therefore, given the 2 nd financial upgradation under ACP scheme merely into the pay scale of Rs. 750012000 (as per clarification received from DOP&T), only because institute based PSs have no opportunity for further promotion to the pay scale of Rs. 10000-15200. On the other hand, their counterparts at ICAR Hqrs. get 2 nd financial upgradation under ACP scheme in the pay scale of Rs. 1000015200 for the reason that Hqrs. based PSs have opportunity for promotion to the pay scale of Rs. 10000-15200 (for SA to Chairman, ASRB).
No meaningful ratio can be drawn as number of posts in these grades vary from institute to institute as all these are purely institute based. 3.9 Similarly, in the finance cadre also, there has been acute stagnation. The posts like Jr. Accounts Officer and AF&AOs are institute based posts. Recruitment to Jr. A.O. is normally made through Departmental Audit and Accounts Exam which has lost its charm. Employees now do not prefer to take this exam to become JAO as opportunity for upward movement in the finance 3.8 The position in the ICAR Institutes is as under:- Steno Gr. 'D' P.A. P.S. No. of posts sanctioned 184 425 84 10
cadre is meagre. There are total 109 nos. of AF&AOs in entire ICAR system who compete for 22 nos. of F&AO's post (60% of total sanctioned strength of 37 FAO's post). These 37 F&AOs further compete for promotion to only 8 posts of Sr. FAO. Hence, there has been heavy stagnation in the grade of FAO. Directly recruited FAO do not even get any financial benefit through ACP as the ACP scheme is presently limited to Gr. B, C & D posts only. 3.10 In the cadre of Official Language too the promotional prospects of Asstt. Dir. (OL) (Rs. 6500-10500) is not satisfactory and existing employees have been facing acute stagnation. Asst. Dir. (OL) is institute based but next
Lower grade posts like translator etc. under Official Language are in technical categories and hence are excluded from the purview of this Cadre Review Committee. 3.11 In a nutshell it may be seen that all the administrative/finance cadre posts of ICAR need to be rationalized and restructured so that employees get adequate promotional opportunity. This will also boost up morale of the employees, and lead to greater efficiency and productivity. 3.12 Such a bleak scenario in the prospects of administrative and finance cadre posts is mainly due to:- (i) ICAR is an isolated unit with no scope for horizontal or vertical movement of staff to other Ministries/Department. (ii) The subordinate staffs do not form part of central staffing scheme. (iii) Promotional avenues are practically non-existent as by their nature the research units/institutes do not expand vertically. (iv) Stagnation (v) Non-applicability of flexible complimenting scheme to this category of staff. SECTION - IV THE METHODOLOGY ADOPTED BY THE COMMITTEE 4.1 Cadre restructuring exercise for employees in an isolated organization who are not linked to the main line organization of Government of India and particularly when the frustration levels have reached very high is not only a promotional post Dy. Director (OL) (Rs. 10000-15200) has All India transferability. The sanctioned strength of official Language posts are as under :-
AD (OL) DD (OL) Director (OL) No. of posts sanctioned 32 2 1 Ratios 16 : 1 AD (OL) to DD(OL) 2 : 1 DD(OL) to Director (OL)
sensitive task but also a very difficult one. The members of Cadre Review Committee knew that their endeavour should not only be comprehensive but also be transparent and involving a substantial section of the staff. Any attempt to deal with the matter in a secretive and closed door approach would only make the outcome unacceptable even at the outset. 4.2 Having regard to the above, the Committee planned its activities meticulously in such a manner that the different sections of the staff and administration have adequate opportunities of interacting with the Chairman and Members of the Committee so that there is comprehensive exchange of views on all relevant matters. 4.3 In the very first meeting of Cadre Review Committee, the members of the staff council/representatives of staff unions were invited to project their grievances, give their suggestions and express their expectations keeping in view a practical approach to solving the problems without in anyway complicating the matters or creating fresh or additional problems/issues. They were also requested to give their suggestions in writing. 4.4 The Dy. Secretary (Admn.), Member Secretary of Cadre Review Committee supported by his team of dedicated staff took tremendous efforts through correspondence as well as personal contacts and through phones to get full details of staff in different categories in the different Institutes/Research Units/Bureaus/Deemed Universities etc., their career profile including the present stage of salary levels, vacancy position in the institutes etc., which will serve as the crucial data base for the exercise. This information was checked and counter checked for accuracy with the information available in the Council with both Administration and Finance wings, since the Committee felt that any exercise/suggested solution on incorrect data will only be an in fructuous exercise. 4.5 Similarly, Smt. Rashmi Rao, the representative from the Finance Wing, took painstaking efforts to verify with reference to budgetary documents, the year wise flow of funds to the Institutes/Research Units/Bureaus/Deemed Universities/Extension/Education Division etc., so that the year-wise activity levels and output of these institutes etc., could be viewed side by side with the staff strength. 4.6 The staffing pattern/norms adopted in CSIR, another autonomous research wing of Government of India was checked up. The contents and recommendations contained in Brahma Committee Report in respect of Central Secretariat Staff were looked into. The philosophy suggested for improving work culture and efficiency in Government organizations/Government funded organizations by successive Pay 12
Commissions/Administrative Reform Commission (including the Sixth Central Pay Commission whose Report was submitted to Central Government on 24 th March 2008) were examined and looked into. The Chairman of Cadre Review Committee also called on the Member Secretary of Sixth Central Pay Commission for an interaction to understand the appreciation the Members of the High Level Sixth Central Pay Commission had through their interaction with the staff and detailed visits to various field units. These steps and measures were considered very essential for ensuring the interests and welfare of ICAR staff whose qualification and recruitment criteria etc. were mutatis mutandis based on the pattern followed in the Central Government. 4.7 The details of the number of meetings held by the Cadre Review Committee members among themselves to discuss, analyze and sort out the data and examine the practical options available are contained in Annexure IX. 4.8 As a result of all these, the Cadre Review Committee arrived at certain norms of staffing for different types of Institutes/Research Units/National Bureaus/Deemed Universities etc., having regard to the staff strength, funding details, nature of work, number of scientists and extension centres/delivery points etc., operated by them etc. etc. Since this is a completely new initiative and is being attempted for a rational distribution of staff/cadre strength in Administration and Finance Wing, refining this process took sometime. Also in the light of the fact that the Report of the Sixth Central Pay Commission submitted to Central Government on 24 th
March, 2008 had made recommendations of elongated Pay scales with Pay Bands and incentive increments based on performance which more or less took care of the stagnation malice affecting the staff, what needed to be attempted was only a rational norm or approach to restructure the posts in such a manner that having regard to the nature of the organization and its desired output, effectiveness and spending levels, the human resource should be properly marshalled and redundant categories and unnecessary levels of administrative hierarchy should be dispensed with. It is the considered view of this Committee that this is the proper and correct approach as against the normal approach of creation of higher level posts to open up channels of career progression. Moreover, such an approach would only result in a cumbersome and lopsided organizational structure which would not contribute to or increase in the organizational efficiency. It is to be noted in this connection that the Sixth Pay Commission has also strongly recommended that field units/delivery mechanisms should be strengthened and their efficiency and effectiveness should be improved and distinctions between the field staff and Headquarters/Secretariat Staff should be done away with. 13
4.9 Since it is very essential that whatever norms are being developed for cadre structuring in the different institutes/Research Centres/National Bureaux/Deemed Universities etc., should also be workable, acceptable and easy of implementation, a series of meetings, interaction with the different DDGs of Subject Matter Divisions and a number of Directors and experts in charge of these organizations was also held wherein broad details of the approach being considered were shared with these DDGs/Directors etc. Fine tuning of the norms/proposals for restructuring the Institutes etc. was possible as a result of these exercises. 4.10 Before finalizing the Report one more meeting with the representatives of the staff, labour unions/staff council was held on 19.4.2008 so that further suggestion/proposal they may have in the context of the Report of Sixth Pay Commission could be projected by them for consideration of the Cadre Review Committee. These were also taken note of and kept in view while drafting this Report. SECTION - V EXTRACT OF VI CPC RECOMMENDATIONS RELEVANT TO ICAR 5.1 Para 1.2.20 - All the individual up gradations recommended by the Commission shall in no case take effect before 1.1.2006. This is because the Commission has no intention of rectifying these anomalies right from the time of their inception. This is relevant to take decision regarding revision of pay scales for Assistants, Sr. Sales Asstt. etc. 5.2 Para 3.7.0 - Functioning of the Government has become more complex. It, therefore, needs people with greater skills. The Government need not employ V th or VIII th class pass people when the need of the hour is to have multi- skilled employees who can perform a variety of jobs. All Gr. 'D' pay scales in the Government will stand upgraded to Group 'C'/alongwith the incumbents after suitable retraining wherever required) with no further recruitment in existing Gr. 'D' posts. The recruitment in this grade will be from amongst the candidates possessing minimum qualifications of either 10 or ITI or equivalent. Appropriate designations can be devised by individual departments for them. Alternatively, a common designation of Skilled Work Assistant can be extended to this category. This is relevant for ICAR as new jobs will have to be created for all those Gr. 'D' staff who will switch over from Gr. 'D' to Gr. 'C' grade. 5.3 Para 3.8.5 - The Accountants belonging to unorganized cadres have always sought parity with the posts in the organized accounts cadres. The personnel belonging to organized accounts cadres not only have different duties but their skill requirement is also higher. It is, therefore, not possible to draw any 14
comparison between the posts in organized accounts cadres and those outside it. The Commission is, consequently, unable to concede any parity between various posts in organized and unorganized accounts cadres. The various posts in unorganized accounts cadres, however, have parity with the ministerial posts and this parity will need to be maintained. This is relevant for the claim of higher pay scales for JAO/AFAO of ICAR at par with their organized accounts department. 5.4 Para 2.2.19 - Scales of Rs. 5500-8000, Rs. 5500-9000 and Rs. 6500-10500 have been merged to bring parity between field offices, the Secretariat, the technical posts and the workshop staff. In case it is not feasible to merge the posts in these pay scales on functional considerations, the posts in the scale of Rs. 5000-8000 and Rs. 5500-9000 should be merged with the post of in the pay scale of Rs. 6500-10500 being upgraded to the next higher grade in pay band PB-2 with grade pay of Rs. 4600 corresponding to the prerevised pay scale of Rs. 7450-11500. Besides, posts in the scale of Rs. 650010500 carrying minimum qualification of either degree in Engineering or a degree in Law should also be upgraded and placed in the scale of Rs. 7450-11500. . The scales belonging to Gr. 'D' (Rs. 2550-3200, Rs. 2610-3540, Rs. 2610-4000, Rs. 2650-4000) are merged with the entry grade in the pay band PB-I due to up gradation of Gr. 'D' (to Rs. 2750 - 4400, GR. 'C'). This will remove major anomaly in the pay scales being demanded for Assistants of ICAR Hqrs and hence for ICAR Instts as well who have been seeking parity in pay scales with the Assistants/PAs of CSS by asking for the pay scale of Rs 6500-10500. This is also relevant for the grant of higher pay scales to AAOs in ICAR institutes and JLOs at ICAR Hqrs. 5.5 Para 3.1.9 - The Commission recommends up gradation of the entry scale of Section Officers in all Secretariat Services (including CSS as well as non- participating ministries/deptts./organizations) to Rs. 7500-12000 corresponding to the revised pay band PB-2 of Rs. 8700-34800 alongwith grade pay of Rs. 4800. Further, on par with the dispensation already available in CSS, the Section Officer in other Secretariat offices which have always had an established historical parity with CSS/CSSS shall be extended the scale of Rs. 8000-13500 in Group 'B' corresponding on completion of four years service in the lower grade. This will ensure full parity between all Secretariat Offices. These recommendations shall apply mutatis-mutandis to the post of Private Secretary/equivalent in these services as well. This is relevant for ICAR as this will settle the claim of Section Officers of ICAR Hqrs., for the non-functional pay scale of Rs. 8000-13500 at par those with the S.Os of CSS. 5.6 Para 3.1.3 - Higher pay scales in the secretariat offices may have been justified in the past when formulation of proper policies was of paramount 15
importance. The present position is different. Today, the weakest link in respect of any Government policy is at the delivery stage. The field offices are at the cutting edge of administration and may in most cases, determine whether a particular policy turns out to be a success or a failure in terms of actual benefit to the consumer. Accordingly, the time has come to grant parity between similarly placed personnel employed in field offices and in the Secretariat. This parity will need to be absolute till the grade of Assistant. Beyond this, it may not be possible or even justified to grant complete parity because the hierarchy and career progression will need to be different taking in view the functional considerations and relativities across the board. This is relevant for ICAR on the question of seeking parity between S.O.s of ICAR Hqrs., and AAOs of ICAR institutes. 5.7 Para 3.1.10 - Presently, distinct stenographers cadres exist in the secretariat as well as in the field offices. Keeping in view the general principle envisaging multi-skilling and de-layering the Commission recommended for the entire Government; no justification exists for maintaining a distinct stenographer cadre in any Government office. The emphasis should be on recruiting multi- skilled personnel at Assistant level to be designated as Executive Assistants who will discharge the functions of present day Assistants besides performing all the stenographic functions. Keeping this objective in view where the secretariat and stenographers cadres would stand merged in future, there is a need for ensuring full parity between these two cadres right from this stage. 5.8 Para 3.1.12 - All future recruitment to CSS/CSSS/analogous Secretariat Stenographers cadres in non-participating Ministries/Organizations in the scale of Rs. 6500-10500 will be made as Executive Assistants minimum recruitment qualification for which would include graduation and one year diploma in computers. No recruitment should henceforth, be made in the grade of stenographers carrying the scale of Rs. 4000-6000. All the vacancies arising in the scales of Rs. 4000-6000 and in the scale of Rs.6500- 10500 (earlier Rs. 5500-9000) in CSS/analogous cadres would henceforth be filled by recruitment of Executive Assistants. These Executive Assistants will discharge the functions presently being carried out by Assistants as well as the Private Secretaries and in their case the cadres of CSS/CSSS and analogous cadres in other non-participating Ministries/organizations will be merged for promotional and all other purposes. In so far as the present incumbent to these cadres are concerned, they may continue as distinct cadres till the time the Administrative Ministry concerns evolves a procedure for their job enlargement/enrichment, retraining and re-deployment. Identical recommendations have also been made (under para 3.1.15) for the 16
field offices. This is also relevant for ICAR. 5.9 Para 2.5.8 - The Commission recommends introduction of a new performance based pecuniary benefit over and above the regular salary for the Government employees. The benefit will be called Performance Related Incentive Scheme (PRIS) and will be payable taking into account the performance of the employee during the period under consideration. It is based on the principle of differential reward for differential performance 5.10 Para 6.1.15 - The existing scheme of ACP may, in future, be continued with two financial upgradation. The scheme will be available to all posts also belonging to Gr. 'A' - whether isolated or not but not to organized Gr. 'A' services. Financial upgradation will, however, be available whenever a person has spent 12 years continuously in the same grade. 5.11 Para 6.1.17 - The Commission recommends that 10% of the vacancies hitherto filled by direct recruitment for all posts in Gr. 'B' and 'C' (apart from those in pay band PB-1 with G.P. of Rs. 1800) will now be filled by LDCE . All employees possessing minimum qualification prescribed for direct recruitment shall be eligible for this examination irrespective of their present grade and the period of incumbency therein. This will be over and above any existing scheme of LDCE for filling posts in various grades. This is also relevant for ICAR. 5.12 Para 6.2.7/5.1 - Payment of pension should be equal to 50% of the average emoluments/last pay drawn on completion of 20 years of qualifying service. 5.13 Para 6.2.10 - Employees seeking voluntary retirement on completion of qualifying service equal to or more than 15 years but less than 20 years should be paid one time, lump-sum, retirement benefit equal to 80 months salary last drawn or average salary, whichever is more beneficial, inclusive of benefits like service gratuity and DCRG that shall stand subsumed. 5.14 Para 6.3.5 - There should be decentralization and delegation of powers with clear accountability at each level of delivery combined with flatter management structures so that responsibility is pushed down to the operational level and to the employees who are close to the cutting edge. The centralized command and control systems that focused on process compliance and input control have not been effective in securing performance and often resulted in excessive micro-management. These will, therefore, need to be changed. Simultaneously, the definition of accountability has to be revised so that it is seen as the ability of the system to deliver timely results and quality services effectively and in a responsive manner. 17
5.15 Para 6.3.6 - The 'machine model' approach to jobs with the employee as a cog in the wheel and extreme division of work has to be replaced by 'learning organization approach' where employees are continually enhancing their capabilities and skills in high performance work cultures. A need also exists to increase representation of women, socially diverse groups, persons with disabilities in the bureaucracy for improved responsiveness and increased inclusiveness of these sections. 5.16 Para 6.3.10 - The Commission has recommended multi-skilling of the Government employees which would increase their operational efficiency while simultaneously optimizing the staff strength. It is, therefore, essential that the Government revise the Annual Direct Recruitment Plan (ADRP) in terms of which only one third of the vacancies can be filled up. New guidelines, where reduction in manpower and levels of fresh manpower intake would be assessed and prioritized by the individual Ministry or Department keeping its work processes, service delivery and functional requirements and budgetary savings at centre stage should, therefore, be issued. SECTION - VI EVOLUTION OF NORMS AND GUIDELINES FOR ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE CADRE A. Evolution of Norms 6.1 The Indian Council of Agricultural Research has to meet the demands of emerging global economic scenario. The Committee has looked into the methods that would improve the delivery mechanics, which will have direct bearing on the services provided by ICAR to various stakeholders. The Committee has made recommendations rationalizing the various structures with a view to improve delivery mechanism for providing services to all stakeholders. The Committee has restructured the various cadres in a manner, which will ensure quick decision- making and expedite delivery system. 6.2 The Committee has noted the fact that though the activity and number of Institutions in ICAR have increased manifold after V Plan period, but there has not been commensurate increase in different posts or there has not been any efforts for any cadre restructuring as such. The Committee noted down this fact and accordingly suggested restructuring of various cadres merely on the basis of functional requirements. 6.3 Keeping in view the rationale and objectives mentioned in Section V, an attempt has been made to look at the existing staffing pattern in the different ICAR institutions & its Headquarters. A detailed study was carried out regarding average budget/ expenditure during last 3 years i.e. from 2004-05, to 2006-07 and 18
sanctioned strength of the scientists excluding Research Management Position (RMP). Numbers of regional stations were also considered for this study to arrive at the extent of additional work involved and manpower requirements. (Statement at Annexure-II gives the list of Regional Stations). 6.4 As a result the following norms have emerged: - All the units of ICAR numbering 103 have been grouped in the following Categories:
6.5 Hqrs. of the ICAR shall continue to function as the Secretariat of ICAR and follow the same staffing pattern and service conditions for its personnel as in the Central Secretariat, as far as possible. 6.6 Other institutions numbering 89 have further been classified into 3 categories based on expenditure and scientific strength, which is as follows: -
6.7 As far as possible, the Committee has suggested posts at the same level of Heads of Administration & Finance in each unit so as to facilitate smooth functioning. 6.8 During the deliberation, it has been observed that at one point of time AAOs/AF&AOs were part of the combined cadre. However, under certain circumstances, these posts have been made the institute based. The Committee has observed that since AAOs/AF&AOs are important functionaries of the Institute they should be made part of the combined cadre and their transfer/promotion etc. may be made by ICAR Headquarters. However, to ensure that the employees in these cadres do not suffer more on account of their transferability, transfers shall be made within the zone only. This will also ensure the administrative (i) ICAR Hq - 1 (ii) Deemed Universities - 5
& National Institutions
(iii) Zonal Coordinating Units - 8 (iv) Other Institutions - 8 9 103 Category Average Expenditure During Last 3 years (Rs. In Crore) Range of Sanctioned Scientific Strength A Above 20.00 100-200 B 10.00-20.00 50-100 C Upto 10.00 Upto-50 19
convenience in distribution of minimum level of administrative functionaries at all the units of ICAR. This view was also supported by all the DDGs and other senior functionaries of ICAR with whom the Committee interacted. Guidelines 6.9.1 All the Institutes are categorized on two main parameters i.e. sanctioned strength of scientists and average expenditure during last 3 years as mentioned in para 6.6 above. 6.9.2 Some Institutes, however, were falling in different categories due to variation in either expenditure or number of scientists sanctioned. In such cases, the Committee has taken the view to consider such type of Institutes as falling under the next higher category. Thus 5 Institutes, which have higher sanctioned strength making them eligible to be provided with CAO, have also been provided with CF&AO. These 5 Institutes are IGFRI, Jhansi, CSWCR&TI, Dehradun, IASRI, New Delhi, CRRI, Cuttack and NBSS&LUP, Nagpur. 6.9.3 Two Institutes which have higher expenditure but lower scientific strength have been provided CAO on the basis of financial norms. These Institutes are CIAE, Bhopal & CRIDA, Hyderabad. 6.9.4 Four Institutes which were in category C on the basis of expenditure have been upgraded to category B and provided with the post of SF&AO on the basis of scientific strength. The Institutes are CIBA, Chennai, VPKAS, Almora, CARI, Port Blair and CTCRI, Trivandrum. 6.9.5 Further, 7 Institutes which were in category C as for scientific strength, but with higher expenditure have been provided with SAO to match with SF&AO post. These Institutes are NRCS, Hyderabad, CISH, Lucknow, DOR, Hyderabad, PDCSR, Modipuram, WTCER, Bhubaneshwar, NRC R&M, Bharatpur, NRCPB, New Delhi. 6.9.6 The following structure of posts is suggested for Institutes as a measure of policy: (i) Category A institutions to be headed by CFAO & CAO. (ii) Category B institutions to be headed by SFAO & SAO. (iii) Category C institutions to be headed by FAO & AO. 6.9.7 Other functionaries have been provided on the functional requirement basis. These posts are FAOs, AOs, AFAOs & AAOs. 6.9.8 To assist SFAO in Category B institutions, posts of F&AO/ AF&AO have been recommended (except CPCRI, Kasargod where in addition to AF&AOs one post of F&AO is also recommended). To Assist F&AO in Category C institutions, AF&AO has been provided where average expenditure 20
was more than Rs. 6:00 crore (except NRC Pig which is comparatively smaller in size). 6.9.9 Similarly, in administration, SAO will be assisted by AOs in those institutions of Category B, which have scientific strength of more than 75. Other remaining institutions in Category B will have AAOs. 6.9.10 Posts of AAOs / AFAOs have been provided on basis of functional requirements. 6.9.11 The Committee would suggest that the Deemed Universities & NAARM should have posts of Registrar (Admin) and Comptroller (Finance) each in the pay scale of Rs. 16,400-20,900 on functional basis for these Universities to be brought at par with other universities and institutions of higher learning like IITs. 6.9.12 The incumbents of these posts will be placed under Directors of respective institutions. In execution of their duties, they will be guided by the Joint Secretary (Admin)/ (Finance) at ICAR level. 6.9.13 Having regard to the functional need of strengthening internal audit mechanism emphasized by the then Finance Secretary, Deptt. of Expenditure in his D.O. No. 3(11)/06 (L&C) dated 4 th September, 2006 to DG/ ICAR (Annexure V), two additional posts of Director in Administration and Vigilance and one additional post in Finance Wing of Director (Audit) are proposed at ICAR Hq. in the pay scale of Rs. 14,30018,300. 6.9.14 The Committee would, in keeping with the policy outlined by Brahma Committee for CSS category and the VI th CPC for Secretariat Staff suggest that ICAR should also gradually phase out all posts of LDC, UDC and isolated posts like Sr. Sales Asstt., Gestetner Operator, Record Keeper, Library Attendant etc., from the Administration Cadre and posts of JAO from the Finance Cadre. Only minimum number of posts in LDC, UDC etc are suggested to be retained for some time since they serve as promotional channels for certain lower level categories as these categories should not be denied their channel. But once these lower categories are exhausted, the posts of LDC, UDC etc., should stand completely phased out. 6.9.15 The base level of post after the implementation of this report and recommendation of VI th CPC would be Asstt. in Administrative Cadre and AF&AO in Finance Cadre. 6.9.16 As far as possible, the post of Section In charge of finance wing at ICAR Head quarters may be headed by AFAOs failing which by Section Officers who have passed ICAR A&A examination previously but not have opted for finance cadre. 6.9.17 Those who pass ICAR A&A examination will be given four increments and will be eligible for the post of AF&AO after 3 years of service in Finance Division after 21
passing the exam. The person passing the exam shall be posted in Audit wing and will have a common seniority for ICAR system starting from the date/ year of passing exam and merit on marks obtained for that particular year. 6.9.18 75% of the UDCs are to be phased out at the first instance. Remaining 25% posts are to be retained as avenue for promotion from LDC, till the lower categories are completely extinguished. 6.9.19 75% of LDCs are to be phased out at the first instance. 25% posts are to be retained for promotion for existing supporting staff and then these will also be phased out. 6.9.20 All the 8 Zonal Coordinating Units need to be provided with F&AOs and AOs . 6.9.21 It is to be noted that to a very large extent, the committee has tried to align its recommendation with the recommendation of VI Central pay commission. 6.9.22 At present, a common examination is being conducted by ASRB for direct recruitment of F&AOs and AOs. Presently there is distinction in the qualification criteria of F&AOs and AOs. For administrative officers, the eligibility criteria for taking the exam is 50% marks in graduation while it is 55% in graduation for Finance & Accounts Officer. It is also seen that in all the national level Group 'A' recruitment competition, there is no bar of percentage and graduation is the eligibility criteria even for civil services exams. Accordingly, Committee is of the view that this qualifying marks criteria should be done away with and recruitment rules as modified be made applicable. Stenographers Cadre 6.10 Since the functioning of ICAR Hqrs., in the Department of Agricultural Research and Education is similar to the Ministry/Department of Government of India, the organizational structure of ICAR Hqrs., has, been based on the same pattern as in the Central Secretariat Services (CSS). Hence, the entitlement of stenographic assistance to officers in different grades of ICAR Hqrs., has been based on the Government of India norms on the stenographic assistance for the officers of CSS. For the field based units of ICAR, entitlement of an officer has been based purely on functional basis, viz., overall volume of administrative responsibilities of an officer, level of budget being handled by him, responsibility of handling confidential records etc. 6.11 Directors of Deemed Universities and National Institutes are in the same pay scales as for the Dy. Director General of ICAR. Hence they have been recommended a higher level of stenographic assistance in the pay scale of Rs. 22
10,000-15,200. 6.12 In consonance with the recommendation of VI CPC, the entry level of Gr. 'D' Steno's posts (Rs. 4000-6000) has been phased out. There shall not be any future recruitment in this grade. All the vacancies arising in the scale of Rs. 4000-6000/- and Rs. 5500-9000/- in the grade of Assistants and Stenographers Cadres would henceforth be filled up by recruitment of Executive Assistant with minimum qualification of graduation with one year diploma in computers. These Executive Assistants will discharge the functions presently being carried out by Assistants as well as the Private Secretaries. Both these cadres will be merged for promotional and all other purposes. In so far as the present incumbent to these cadres are concerned, they may continue as distinct cadres till the time the ICAR evolves a procedure for their job enlargement/enrichment, retraining and re-deployment. 6.13 Having regard to these, the following norms would be applicable:-
For ICAR Hqrs. S.No. Category of Officers Category of Stenographers No. of Posts 1. DG, ICAR/ Secretary, ICAR and Chairman, ASRB (i) Sr. Principal Pvt. Secretary (Sr. PPS) (Rs.12000-16500) (ii) Steno. Gr. 'C' (PA) (Rs. 5500-9000) 01 01 2. DDGs/Members, ASRB (i) Principal Pvt. Secretary (PPS) (Rs. 10000-15200) (ii) Steno. Gr. 'C (PA) (Rs. 5500-9000) 01 01 3. Directors and Dy. Secretary level posts, ADGs Pvt. Secretary (Rs. 6500-10,500) or PA (Rs. 5500-9000) 01 4. Under Secretary/ Desk Officers/ Principal Scientists and equivalent officers PA (Rs. 5500-9000) 01 23
Legal Posts 6.14 Presently, one post each of Legal Advisor (LA) (Rs. 12000-16500), Law Officer (LO) (Rs. 8000-13500) (transferred from IARI), Asst. Legal Advisor (ALA) (Rs. 6500- 10500) and Jr. Law Officer (Rs. 5500-9000) are available at ICAR Hqrs., to monitor a large number of legal cases of entire ICAR. The legal unit has also been entrusted with the duties of advising DG & Secretary, ICAR in all kind of legal matters. One post of ALA (Rs.6500- 10500) is also available in IARI, New Delhi. 6.15 Presently, there is no post in this cadre in the pay scale of Rs. 10000-15200 which is causing blockage for promotional avenues of junior level officers. Hence, the post of L.O. needs to be upgraded to the pay scale of Rs. 1000015200. Two ALA's at ICAR Hqrs. and at IARI may be made eligible for promotion to the upgraded L.O. (Rs. 10000-15200) after 8 years of services in the grade. The existing L.O. (Rs. 8000- 13500) may be made eligible for promotion to the upgraded post of L.O. (Rs. 10000-15200) after 8 years combined service in the grade of Rs.8000-13500 and Rs.6500-10500. The existing post of JLO (Rs. 5500-9000) may be abolished as and when it is vacated by the existing incumbent. Committee feels that though there has been manifold increase in the work of Legal Cell, there should not be any addition of posts in Legal Cell and all the additional jobs relating to the legal matters may be got done through outsourcing, possibly by keeping law firms on retainership basis in the panel. The existing workforce will supervise the work in legal section with the help of outsourced legal firms. Official Language 6.16 As also recommended by VI CPC, the pay scale of Director (OL) to be upgraded to For ICAR Institutes S.No. Category of Officers Category of Stenographers No. of Posts 1. Directors of Deemed (i) Principal Pvt. Secretary (PPS) (Rs. 01
Universities and NAARM,
Hyderabad. (ii ) Steno. Gr. 'C' (PA) (Rs. 5500- 9000) 01 2. Directors of other (i) Pvt. Secretary (Rs. 6500-10,500) 01
Institutes depending on
budget level and
manpower strength
PA (Rs. 5500-9000) 01 3. Other Group 'A' (i) Pvt. Secretary (Rs. 6500-10,500) 01
Officers/Scientists in ICAR
Institutes on functional
PA (Rs. 5500-9000) 01 24
Rs. 14300 - 18300 from existing scale of Rs. 12000-16500. Pay scale of Deputy Director (OL) to be upgraded to Rs. 12000-16500 from existing scale of Rs. 10000- 15200 and re-designated as 'Joint Director' (OL) at ICAR HQ. 6.17 Out of 32 Posts of Assistant Director (OL) in the pay scale of Rs. 650010500, 8 posts to be upgraded to Deputy Director (OL) in the pay scale of Rs. 10000-15200 on functional basis. Posts of Deputy Director (OL) to be provided as follows: ICAR HQ - 2 Deemed Universities - 4 NAARM - 1 ICAR Research Complex for NEH, Barapani - 1 Total - 8 Two posts of Assistant Director (OL) in IVRI to be abolished. Isolated Posts Sr. Sales Assistants 6.18 Sr. Sales Assistants were recruited in the pay scale of Rs. 5000-8000 (revised) in Auxiliary category. When Council took decision to abolish the Auxiliary Category posts from ICAR in 1994-95, this post was reclassified as administrative (non- ministerial) and the existing incumbents (3 nos.) were given option either to remain in Auxiliary Category or to switch over to the administrative (non- ministerial) category. Presently, only 2 Sr. Sales Assistants in auxiliary category are in position with no promotional avenues, except benefits under ACP Scheme. 6.19 The Committee is aware of the demand of existing incumbent either for bringing them under Technical Services or treat them at par with Assistants with retrospective date (from the date of their appointment). It was felt that it would not be possible for this Committee to recommend for bringing these posts under technical category. However, the Committee felt that since the VI CPC has recommended a single pay scale of Rs. 6500-10500 for both Assistants (Rs. 5500- 9000) and those in the pay scale of Rs. 5500-8000, hence the existing Sr. Sales Assistants may be put into the main cadre of Assistant with pay scale of Rs. 6500- 10500, from a date VI CPC recommendations are implemented. They may be given all consequential benefits viz., promotion to the post of Section Officer at ICAR Hqrs., by adjusting their seniority with other Assistants suitably, as far as possible without affecting the seniority of existing incumbents of Assistants. They may be made eligible for appearing in the Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for the post of Section Officer on the basis of length of their services 25
in the grade of Sr. Sales Asstt. taking it at par with Asstt. for this purpose only. Library Attendant/Despatch Rider/Record Keeper/Sr. Gestetner Operator 6.20 The Committee observed that a small number of isolated Group 'C' posts as detailed below also exist in ICAR system:-
Incumbents of all these posts have almost no promotional avenues and hence have been stagnating since long. Most of these posts are filled by promotion of existing Gr. 'D' employees. It has been seen that all these 20 posts (Gr. 'C') have already outlived its utility and hence may be phased out. Incumbents of these posts may be suitably adjusted against the existing vacancies under administrative cadre viz., LDCs, UDCs etc. Security Personnel 6.21 As per existing practice in the offices of Government of India, security jobs have to be got done through outsourcing. Hence, the Committee is inclined to take a view that security jobs of all the units of ICAR should be got done only through outsourcing. 6.22 It was observed that only a handful Institutes of ICAR have 16 nos. of Security Officer (Rs. 6500-10500), 2 nos. of Sr. Security Supervisor (Rs. 5500-9000) and 21 nos. of Security Supervisor (Rs. 4500-7000). Institute wise distribution of these posts is as under:- S.No. Name of the Post and Pay Scale No. of Posts available At ICAR Hqrs. In ICAR Institute Total 1. Despatch Rider (Rs. 3050 -4590) 1 - 1 2. Sr. Gestetner Operator (Rs. 3250 - 4000) - 1 1 3. Gesterner Operator (Rs. 3050 - 4590) 2 6 8 4. Library Attendant (Rs. 2750 - 4400) 2 - 2 5. Record Keeper (Rs. 2750 - 4400) 1 - 1 6. Time Keeper (Rs. 3200 - 4000) - 2 2 7. Jr. Gestetner Operator (Rs. 2750 - 4400) - 1 1
TOTAL 6 14 20 26
6.23 Existing staff members in this category have been facing heavy stagnation as there is hardly any promotional avenues for them. Since all these posts are Institute based and adequate posts in various category of Security Personnel are not available at most of the Instts, the Committee, feels difficulty in rationalizing of all these posts and creating promotional avenues for them also with functional justification. The Committee further feels that their grievances will be met to some extent through the recommendations of VI CPC and they all will get a higher revised pay scales and benefits under ACP Scheme. The Committee recommends that there shall not be any future recruitment in the grade of Security Officer/Supervisors etc. Financial Implications 6.24 The posts that can be outsourced should be abolished and savings can be shown towards up gradation of posts. 6.25 While calculating matching savings, it should also be seen that incumbents of the existing posts are already drawing higher pay scale through financial up gradations under ACP Schemes. S.No. Name of the Institute Sanctioned Strength Security Officer (Rs. 6500-10500) Sr. Security Supervisor (Rs. 55009000) Security Supervisor (Rs. 4500-7000) Total 1. CARI, Port Blair 1 - - 1 2. NBPGR, New Delhi 1 - 1 2 3. IARI, New Delhi 1 - 8 9 4. IGFRI, Jhansi 1 - - 1 5. IISR, Lucknow 1 - - 1 6. CRRI, Cuttack 1 - 3 4 7. NRCG, Junagarh - - 1 1 8. IVRI (HSADL), Bhopal 2 - - 2 9. NDRI, Karnal 1 - 1 2 10. CSWRI, Avikanagar 1 - 1 2 11. CIRG, Makhdoom 1 1 - 2 12. CARI, Izatnagar - - 1 1 13. CSWR&TI, Dehradum - - 1 1 14. IISS, Bhopal - - 1 1 15. CAZRI, Jodhpur 1 - - 1 16. NIRJAFT, Barrackpore - 1 - 1 17. ILRI, Ranchi 1 - - 1 18. IASRI, New Delhi 1 - - 1 19. CIAE, Bhopal - - 1 1 20. CIFA, Bhubneswar 1 - - 1 22. IIHR, Bangalore - - 2 2
TOTAL 16 2 21 39 27
SECTION - VII CLASSIFICATION OF INSTITUTES AND STAFF PATTERN EXISTING AND PROPOSED : ADMINISTRATION 7.1 As already brought out in Section VI, the ICAR institutes have been divided into various categories on the basis of their average expenditure during the last three years and the sanctioned scientific strength and their number of Regional Station/Centres Category A 7.2 Under Category A, thirteen institutions have been identified having an average expenditure above Rupees 20 crores and sanctioned scientific strength between 100 to 200. These institutions are:
7.3 Each of these institutions has been recommended to be headed by a Chief Administrative Officer (as per norms) and to be assisted by Senior Administrative Officers, Administrative Officers and Assistant Administrative Officers - provided on functional basis. The details are given in Annexure - III. 7.4 The total financial implication in respect of this category A works out to Rs. 4.71 lakhs per mensum at the present payscales. These implications are approximate and will significantly reduce with the implementation of the VIth CPC. i) CAZRI Jodhpur viii) ICAR, NEH Barapani ii) CIAE Bhopal i x ) IASRI New Delhi iii) CMFRI Cochin x) IGFRI Jhansi iv) CPRI, Shimla, x i) IIHR,Bangalore v) CRIDA Hyderabad xii) NBPGR New Delhi vi) CRRI Cuttack xiii) NBSS& LUP Nagpur vii) CSWCR & TI Dehradun
7.5 Under category B, thirty two institutions have been identified having an average expenditure between Rupees 10 crores to 20 crores and sanctioned scientific strength between 50 to 100. These institutions are: Category B 28
7.6 Each of these institutions has been recommended to be headed by a Senior Administrative Officer (as per norms) and to be assisted by Administrative Officers and Assistant Administrative Officers - provided on functional basis. The details are given in Annexure -III. 7.7 The total financial implication in respect of this category B works out to Rs. 5.78 lakhs per mensum at the present pay scales. These implications are approximate and will significantly reduce with the implementation of the VIth CPC. Category C 7.8 Under Category C, forty four institutions have been identified having an average expenditure of up to Rupees 10 crores and sanctioned scientific i) CICFRI, Barrackpore xvii) CTCRI, Trivandrum ii) CRIFAJ, Barrackpore xviii) DOR, Hyderabad iii) CARI, Port Blair xix) DRR, Hyderabad iv) CARI, Izatnagar xx) DWR, Karnal v) CIBA, Chennai xxi) ICAR, Eastern Region, Patna vi) CIRG, Makhdoom xxii) IIPR, Kanpur vii) CICR, Nagpur xxiii) IISS, Bhopal viii) CIFT, Cochin xxiv) IISR, Lucknow i x ) CIFA, Bhubhaneswar xxv) IIVR, Varanasi x) CIRCOT, Mumbai xxvi) NRC, R&M, Bharatpur x i) CISTH, Lucknow xxvii) NRCPB, New Delhi xii) CIPHET, Ludhiana xxviii) NRC Sorghum, Hyderabad xiii) CPCRI, Shimla xxix) PDCSR, Modipuram xiv) CSWRI, Avikanagar xxx) SBI, Coimbatore xv) CSSRI, Karnal xxxi) VPKAS, Almora xvi) CTRI, Rajahmundry xxxii) WTC, ER, Bhubaneswar strength up to 50. These institutions are: 29
7.9 Each of these institutions has been recommended to be headed by a Administrative Officer (as per norms) and to be assisted by Assistant Administrative Officers - provided on functional basis. The details are given in Annexure - III . 7.10 The total financial implication in respect of this Category C works out to Rs. 3.89 lakhs per mensum at the present pay scales. These implications are approximate and will significantly reduce with the implementation of the VIth CPC. Zonal Coordinating Units 7.11 Apart from the above categories, the 8 Zonal Coordinating Units of ICAR, (ZCU-I to ZCU-VIII), are recommended to have a position of Administrative Officer and Assistant Administrative Officer(s). This is felt essential in view of the fact that their average expenditure including releases made by them exceeds Rupees 20 crores in each case and involves the entire financial management of the entire zone. i) CIRB, Hissar xxiii) NRC, Grapes, Pune ii) CIAH, Bikaner xxiv) NRC, Groundnut, Junagarh iii) CITH, Srinagar xxv) NRC, Litchi, Muzaffarpur iv) DMR, New Delhi xxvi) NRC, M&AP, Anand v) DSR, Mau xxvii) NRC, Mithun, Nagaland vi) ICAR, Res. Complex,Goa xxviii) NRC, Oilpalm, Pedavegi vii) IISR, Calicut xxix) NRC, Camel, Bikaner viii) ILRI, Ranchi xxx) NRC, Equines, Hissar i x ) NBAIM, Mau xxxi) NRC, Meat, Hyderabad x) NBAGR, Karnal xxxii) NRC, Pig, Guwahati x i) NBFGR, Lucknow xxxiii) NRC, Onion & Garlic, Pune xii) NCAP, New Delhi xxxiv) NRC, Orchid, Pakyong xiii) NCIPM, New Delhi xxxv) NRC, Pomegranate, Solapur xiv) NIANP, Bangalore xxxvi) NRC, Seed Spices, Ajmer xv) NIRJAFT, Kolkatta xxxvii) NRC, Soyabean, Indore xvi) NRC, CWF, Bhimtal xxxviii) NRC, Yak, Dirang xvii) NRC, Agroforestry, Jhansi xxxix) NRC, WS, Jabalpur xviii) NRC, Banana, Trichy xL) PD, ADMAS, Bangalore xix) NRC, Cashew, Puttur xLi) PDFMD, Mukteshwar xx) NRC, Citrus, Nagpur xLii) PD, Cattle, Meerut xxi) NRC, Mushroom, Solan xLiii) PDBC, Bangalore xxii) NRC, WA, Bhubhaneswar xLiv) PDP, Hyderabad 30
7.12 In this case, there would be a net saving of Rs. 1.54 lakhs per mensum approximately on the present pay scales. Deemed Universities
7.14 As the mandate of these national level institutions involves management at higher levels, including facilitation of macro level Research and Development and imparting higher level education, these institutions are recommended to be headed by Registrar (as per norms) and to be assisted by Chief Administrative Officer(s), Sr. Administrative Officer(s), Administrative Officer(s), Assistant Administrative Officer(s) - provided on functional basis. The details are given in Annexure -III. This proposed structure will bring these institutions at par with the university system/ IITs. 7.15 The total financial implication in respect of this Category works out to Rs. 18.00 lakhs per mensum at the present pay scales. These implications are approximate and will significantly reduce with the implementation of the VIth CPC. ICAR Headquarters 7.16 The headquarters establishment, besides dispensing functions as any other functional unit, is also the corporate headquarters for the organization as a whole. This necessitates a functional need for budget at two different levels - firstly, to dispense for the rest of the organization and two, to carry out its own needs and requirements headquartered in New Delhi. 7.17 For the over all financial management of the ICAR, one position of Joint Secretary (Admin) has been proposed, the detailed justification in respect of which is given in Section X. 7.18 Joint Secretary (Administration) will be assisted by Directors designated as Director (Admin), Director (Pers) and Director (Vig). Accordingly suitable numbers of post at the level of Dy. Secretaries, Under Secretaries and Section officers have been provided as per Annexure III. Post of assistants have also been increased and corresponding reduction at the level of UDCs and LDCs 7.13 Under this category, five institutions have been identified, which are: i) IARI, New Delhi ii) IVRI, Izatnagar iii) NDRI, Karnal iv) CIFE, Mumbai v) NAARM, Hyderabad 31
have been made. 7.19 The total financial implication in this respect works out to Rs. 3.83 lakh per mensum at the present pay scales. These implications are approximate and will significantly reduce with the implementation of the VIth CPC. SECTION - VIII CLASSIFICATION OF INSTITUTES AND STAFF PATTERN EXISTING AND PROPOSED : FINANCE 8.1 As already brought out in Section VI, the ICAR institutes have been divided into various categories on the basis of their average expenditure during the last three years, their sanctioned scientific strength and their number of Regional Stations/Centres. Category A 8.2 Under Category A, thirteen institutions have been identified having an average expenditure above Rupees 20 crores and sanctioned scientific strength between 100 to 200. These institutions are:
8.3 Each of these institutions has been recommended to be headed by a Chief Finance & Accounts Officer (as per norms) and to be assisted by one Finance & Accounts Officer each and Assistant Finance & Accounts Officers - provided on functional basis. The details are given in Annexure- IV. 8.4 The total financial implication in respect of this category A works out to Rs. 1.10 lakh per mensum at the present payscales. These implications are approximate and will significantly reduce with the implementation of the VIth CPC. i) CAZRI Jodhpur viii) ICAR, NEH Barapani ii) CIAE Bhopal ix ) IASRI New Delhi iii) CMFRI Cochin x) IGFRI Jhansi iv) CPRI, Shim la, xi ) IIHR, Bangalore v) CRIDA Hyderabad xii) NBPGR New Delhi vi) CRRI Cuttack xiii) NBSS& LUP Nagpur vii) CSWCR & TI Dehradun
8.5 Under category B, thirty two institutions have been identified having an average expenditure between Rupees 10 crores to 20 crores and sanctioned scientific strength between 50 to 100. These institutions are: Category B 32
8.6 Each of these institutions has been recommended to be headed by a Senior Finance & Accounts Officer (as per norms) and to be assisted by Assistant Finance & Accounts Officers - provided on functional basis. However, CPCRI, Kasargod being comparatively a larger establishment having large number of Regional Stations/Centre has been recommended to have one position of a Finance & Accounts Officer as well. The details are given in Annexure - IV. 8.7 The total financial implication in respect of this category B works out to Rs. 1.99 lakh per mensum at the present pay scales. These implications are approximate and will significantly reduce with the implementation of the VIth CPC. i) CICFRI, Barrackpore xvii) CTCRI, Trivandrum ii) CRIFAJ, Barrackpore xviii) DOR, Hyderabad iii) CARI, Port Blair xix) DRR, Hyderabad iv) CARI, Izatnagar xx) DWR, Karnal v) CIBA, Chennai xxi) ICAR, Eastern Region, Patna vi) CIRG, Makhdoom xxii) IIPR, Kanpur vii) CICR, Nagpur xxiii) IISS, Bhopal viii) CIFT, Cochin xxiv) IISR, Lucknow ix) CIFA, Bhubhaneswar xxv) IIVR, Varanasi x) CIRCOT, Mumbai xxvi) NRC, R&M, Bharatpur xi ) CISTH, Lucknow xxvii) NRCPB, New Delhi xii) CIPHET, Ludhiana xxviii) NRC Sorghum, Hyderabad xiii) CPCRI, Shimla xxix) PDCSR, Modipuram xiv) CSWRI, Avikanagar xxx) SBI, Coimbatore xv) CSSRI, Karnal xxxi) VPKAS, Almora xvi) CTRI, Rajahmundry xxxii) WTC, ER, Bhubaneswar 33
8.9 Each of these institutions has been recommended to be headed by a Finance & Accounts Officer (as per norms) and to be assisted by Assistant Finance & Accounts Officers - provided on functional basis. The details are given in Annexure - IV. 8.10 The total financial implication in respect of this Category C works out to Rs. 2.31 lakh per mensum at the present pay scales. These implications are approximate and will significantly reduce with the implementation of the VIth CPC. Zonal Coordinating Units 8.11 Apart from the above categories, the 8 Zonal Coordinating Units of ICAR, (ZCU-I to ZCU-VIII), are recommended to have a position of Finance & Accounts Officer which at present are headed by Assistant Finance & i) CIRB, Hissar xxiii) NRC, Grapes, Pune ii) CIAH, Bikaner xxiv) NRC, Groundnut, Junagarh iii) CITH, Srinagar xxv) NRC, Litchi, Muzaffarpur iv) DMR, New Delhi xxvi) NRC, M&AP, Anand v) DSR, Mau xxvii) NRC, Mithun, Nagaland vi) ICAR, Res. Complex,Goa xxviii) NRC, Oilpalm, Pedavegi vii) IISR, Calicut xxix) NRC, Camel, Bikaner viii) ILRI, Ranchi xxx) NRC, Equines, Hissar i x ) NBAIM, Mau xxxi) NRC, Meat, Hyderabad x) NBAGR, Karnal xxxii) NRC, Pig, Guwahati x i) NBFGR, Lucknow xxxiii) NRC, Onion & Garlic, Pune xii) NCAP, New Delhi xxxiv) NRC, Orchid, Pakyong xiii) NCIPM, New Delhi xxxv) NRC, Pomegranate, Solapur xiv) NIANP, Bangalore xxxvi) NRC, Seed Spices, Ajmer xv) NIRJAFT, Kolkatta xxxvii) NRC, Soyabean, Indore xvi) NRC, CWF, Bhimtal xxxviii) NRC, Yak, Dirang xvii) NRC, Agroforestry, Jhansi xxxix) NRC, WS, Jabalpur xviii) NRC, Banana, Trichy xL) PD, ADMAS, Bangalore xix) NRC, Cashew, Puttur xLi) PDFMD, Mukteshwar xx) NRC, Citrus, Nagpur xLii) PD, Cattle, Meerut xxi) NRC, Mushroom, Solan xLiii) PDBC, Bangalore xxii) NRC, WA, Bhubhaneswar xLiv) PDP, Hyderabad 8.8 Under Category C, forty four institutions have been identified having an average expenditure of up to Rupees 10 crores and sanctioned scientific strength up to 50. These institutions are: Category C 34
Accounts Officer. This is felt essential in view of the fact that their average expenditure including releases made by them exceeds Rs. 20 crores in each case and involves the entire financial management of the entire zone. 8.12 In this case, there would be a net saving of Rs. 0.26 lakh per mensum approximately on the present pay scales. 8.13 The position of the Jr. Accounts Officers, where ever in existence, is proposed to be done away with. Deemed Universities/National Institutes 8.14 Under this category, five institutions have been identified, which are:
8.15 As the mandate of these national level institutions involves management at higher levels, including facilitation of macro level Research and Development and imparting higher level education, these institutions are recommended to be headed by Comptrollers (as per norms) and to be assisted by Sr. Finance & Accounts Officer(s)/ Finance and Accounts Officer(s)/Assistant Finance & Accounts Officer(s) - provided on functional basis. The details are given in Annexure - IV. This proposed structure will bring these institutions at par with the university system/ IITs. 8.16 The total financial implication in respect of this Category works out to Rs. 0.69 lakh per mensum at the present pay scales. These implications are approximate and will significantly reduce with the implementation of the VIth CPC. ICAR Headquarters 8.17 The headquarters establishment, besides dispensing functions as any other functional unit, is also the corporate headquarters for the organization as a whole. This necessitates a functional need for budget at two different levels - firstly, to dispense for the rest of the organization i) IARI, New Delhi ii) IVRI, Izatnagar iii) NDRI, Karnal iv) CIFE, Mumbai v) NAARM, Hyderabad 35
and two, to carry out its own needs and requirements headquartered in New Delhi. 8.18 For the over all financial management of the ICAR, one position of Joint Secretary (Finance) has been proposed, the detailed justification in respect of which are given in Section X. 8.19 Apart from the above, one position of Director (Audit) is proposed in addition to the existing position of Director (Finance) on the basis of the necessity of strengthening the internal audit mechanism of the ICAR as brought out by the then Finance Secretary (Department of Expenditure) vide his DO letter number 3(11)/06(L&C) dated 4 th September 2006 to the Director General, ICAR. (Annexure - V). The Director (Audit) will be assisted by a team of one Deputy Director (Audit) and five Finance & Accounts Officers and five Assistant Finance & Accounts Officers, each of whom shall be handling the different institutions of ICAR located in the Northern, southern, Eastern and Western regions of the country and the headquarters. 8.20 The ICAR headquarter will be headed by Director (Finance) who will be assisted by two Deputy Directors (Finance), three Senior Finance & Accounts Officers (one for Education Division), five Finance & Accounts Officers and nine Assistant Finance & Accounts Officers. These officials will carry out all the functions of ICAR budgeting, release, audit, internal finance, compilation of accounts, liaison with C & AG, Ministry of Finance, attending to Parliament questions and other financial activities of ICAR. As has already been brought out in the norms, it is also proposed that all the finance sections of ICAR Headquarters may be headed by Assistant Finance & Accounts Officers or the Section Officers who have passed the ICAR Audit and Accounts Examination as far as possible. 8.21 The total financial implication in this respect works out to Rs. 1.75 lakhs per mensum at the present pay scales. These implications are approximate and will significantly reduce with the implementation of the VIth CPC. OTHER CATEGORIES Stenographers 9.1 As per norms explained under Section VI of this recommendations, the existing and proposed level of stenographers post both for ICAR Hqrs., and for all the Institutes of ICAR has been given in the Annexure VI. A summary of all these posts has also been given as under 36
For promotion to the 3 posts of Sr. PPS at ICAR Hqrs., the PPS both posted at ICAR Hqrs and in ICAR Institutes shall be eligible. Recruitment rules for the posts of Sr.PPS may be prepared accordingly. Official Language 9.2 As per norms explained under Section VI of this recommendations, the existing and the proposed level of posts in Official Language category, both for ICAR Hqrs and for various Instts of ICAR has been summarized as under:- S.No. Name of the Post For ICAR Hqrs. For Institutes Addl.(+)/Sav in g s (-)
Legal Posts 9.3 As per detailed position explained under Section VI, the Committee recommends that since there has been large gap between the post of Legal Advisor (Rs 12000-16500) and Law Officer (Rs 8000-13500), the existing post of Law Officer should be upgraded to Rs 10000-15200. This will also pave channel for the career progression of existing ALA/JLO. The Committee further recommends that there should not be any additionality of Legal posts and all the jobs relating to the legal matters may be got done by outsourcing. The post of JLO (Rs. 5500-9000) may be abolished as and when it is vacated by existing incumbents. Summary of recommendations is as under :-
Existing Proposed Addl.(+)/ Savings (-) Director (OL) (Rs. 14300 - 18300 0 1 +1 Director (OL) Rs. 12000-16500 1 0 -1 Joint Director (OL) Rs. 12000- 16500 - 2 +2 Deputy Director (OL) (Rs. 10000-15200) 2 8* +6 Assistant Director (OL) (Rs. 6500-10500) 32 22 -10 Total 35 33 -2 *10 Assistant Directors have already been placed in the pay scale of Rs. 10000-15200 under ACP S.No. Name of the Post Sanctioned Proposed Addl.(+)/Savings (-) 1. Legal Advisor (Rs.12000-16500) 1 1 0 2. Law Officer (Rs. 10000-15200) - 1 +1 3. Law Officer (Rs. 8000-13500) 1 - -1 4. Asst. Law Advisor (Rs. 6500-10500) 2 2 0 5. Jr. Law Officer (Rs. 5500-9000) 1 - -1
Other Isolated Posts 9.4 The posts like Gestetner Operator, Sr. Gestetner Operator, Record Keeper Library Attendant, Despatch Riders in the Gr. 'C' pay scales of Rs. 2750 - 4400/Rs. 3050-4590/ Rs. 3200 -4000 as detailed under para 6.38 etc., may be phased out and the existing incumbents of these posts may be suitably adjusted in the main administrative cadre of LDC, UDC etc., subject to individual's qualification, experience etc. Security Personnel 9.5 Under the present scenario, the security jobs in entire Govt. system is being got done by outsourcing. In ICAR also, as already explained under Section - VI, the Committee recommends that this job can be got done purely by outsourcing and there should not be any further recruitment in this grade. For the present incumbents of the various posts as detailed under para 6.40, it is proposed that they may be adjusted against existing vacancies available in the various administrative posts at the Institute suitably subject to their qualifications/experience etc. While doing so, seniority of existing incumbents in the posts has also to be safeguarded. Senior Sales Assistant 9.6 As already observed by the Committee under Section VI of this report, the existing 2 Sr. Sales Assistants may be brought into the mainstream post of Assistant and be made eligible for appearing in the LDCE for the post of Section Officer. There should not be any difficulty in it as the VI CPC has already recommended the same pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 for both Assistants and Sr. Sales Asstts w.e.f. 1.1.2006. There shall not be any further recruitment in the post of Sr. Sales Asstts. The posts as and when vacated by existing incumbents shall be abolished. AVENUES FOR IN-HOUSE CANDIDATES FOR HIGHER LEVEL POSTS 10.1 In the course of various discussions held / interaction with officers and staff working in similar organizations like CSIR, CSS etc. a point which was focused for our attention related to the promotional avenues for employees who have been recruited directly for Administration / Finance. It was felt 39
that graduates and above who get into the ICAR system through competitive examinations, have very restricted career growth. While candidates with similar qualification who join CSS, CSIR etc. have opportunities to reach up to posts at the Joint Secretary levels at the top end of the cadre, in the ICAR system, it is only up to Director level posts in both Administration and Finance Cadre that the entrant can hope to reach. It is seen that in CSS, the avenue is open even up to Additional Secretary level with certain earmarked quota/ number of posts for CSS officers at J.S. and A.S. level. Brahma Committee has also recognized this. This Committee feels that this situation needs to be rectified and deserving personnel of ICAR who fulfill all the laid down criteria- qualification, experience etc. - as their counterparts in CSIR, Central Secretariat etc. should also have access to a post of JS ( Admn.) and JS( Fin), filled by in-house Admn. & Finance Cadre officers. 10.2 There should be reasonable prospect of an outstanding officer from within the ICAR cadres in Administration and Finance Wing to climb up to the ladder of Joint Secretary. The normal eligibility criteria for Joint Secretary in organized central services now a days is only about 20-22 years. 10.3 At ICAR presently, both under Administration and Finance side, the higher level of supervision and assistance to DG is at the level of Additional Secretary drawn from Central Staffing Pool. These in turn draw upon the assistance and guidance of Directors in the ICAR system working in the respective Divisions. There is thus a sufficient and significant gap between the Director from within the system and the Additional Secretary from the Central Staffing Pool. Hence there is a functional need for bridging this gap with a post of Joint Secretary - one each in Administration and Finance Cadres. It is relevant to note that creation of such posts besides acting as a channel for the fulfillment of career aspirations of ICAR employees would also give scope for stability in administrative and finance functions in matters of policy and monitoring. In the present system Additional Secretary in Administration and Additional Secretary in Finance have to take considerable pains to cull out and understand the policies if any from the staff at lower levels namely at Director level. This becomes strenuous and difficult also due to the fact that persistent stagnation and non availability of adequate number of posts in both these cadres, staff at the fag end of their service with barely 2-3 years of service to retirement get to occupy the existing top position of Directors. There is no incentive for such persons to strengthen the Administration and Finance Divisions in matters relating to policies and procedures. Ensuring SECTION X 40
provision of a Joint Secretary post for ICAR employees would take care of this essential need and give scope for adoption of uniform, rational, and non- discriminatory policies and procedure. 10.4 Since these posts at the level of Joint Secretary are mainly suggested to fulfill the career aspirations of ICAR staff, it is essential that these should be earmarked and safeguarded for ICAR employees and not put in the General Pool to be manned by Central Staffing Pool. The qualifications, eligibility criteria etc. should however be fully in conformity with whatever is prescribed for the Secretariat staff in the CSS system. Suggested recruitment rules and qualification criteria are indicated in Annexure VII. HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT/RECRUITMENT, TRAINING AND MODERNIZATION FOR IMPROVING PRODUCTIVITY, RATIONALIZATION OF WORK AND WORK CULTURE Human Resource Development 11.1 Human Resource Development encompasses the whole gamut of recruitment, orientation training, motivation and value enhancement of staff on a continuous basis. A lot of emphasis has been given on essential inputs to value addition in any activity. In the context of globalization, liberalization 41
and competition, there has been a growing recognition even in the governmental circles to the need for proper HRD policies. 11.2 The external environment or the business environment of an organization necessarily influences the strategic planning of that organization. The structure of the organization is evolved based on the strategy formulated. The design of organizational structure in turn affects the procedures and processes. The employees' behavior is regulated by the organizational procedures and processes apart from the shared values; and is a major determinant of organizational performance. The organizations are always looking for an alignment with the external environment through internal alignment of processes relating to technology development, finance, operational processes, maintenance, information technology and material management including human resource management. 11.3 It is however being observed that even in reputed organizations the thrust to human resource development and its alignment with the organizational strategy is weaker as compared to other internal processes. This is partly due to the reason that return on investment on human resources is not quantifiably measurable. Weak human resource (HR) planning and development; lack of training and skill development these are responsible for problems like low productivity, low capacity utilization, higher operational costs, redundancy and other related problems. These problems can be overcome by:- (i) Identifying areas for outsourcing like house keeping, office maintenance, guest house maintenance, security, farm labour, secretarial services (stenographic), medical assistance, event management, etc. (ii) Use of dictation software. (iii) Additional manpower may be redeployed to more value adding activities after due training and multi-skilling. (iv) Job redesigning after measuring the actual manpower utilization as a last resort. 11.4 One of the major factors, which is likely to play a significant role in the ability to survive in the competition and on ever changing business scenario, is the effective management of human resources. The fact that human resource is one of the most critical factors in competitiveness and provides a competitive 42
advantage to the organization should form part of the value - system at the organizational level. Reward and Performance Management System 11.5 Victor Vroom (1964) developed one of the most comprehensive theories of motivation. According to Vroom, the strength of a tendency to act in a certain way will depend on the strength of an expectation that the act will be followed by a given outcome, and an attractiveness of that outcome to the individual. This theory highlights the crucial linkages of performance on the job with reward on the one hand, and effort on the other. The major force which is behind the performance of an individual is his belief that performing at a given level will bring him the desired outcome he is looking for; and his perception that exerting a given amount of effort will result in performance which is sufficient to achieve the outcome. The above theory clearly suggests the need to measure performance and monitor the effort, which should be necessary to bring out the expected level of performance and that reward should be related to the effort exerted by the employee. This, in other words, means that if the employee perceives that he can get the outcome (reward) he is in search of, without exerting the required amount of effort he would certainly choose that option, which would necessarily lower his level of performance. Equally important is the fact that employees at all levels also want to experience a sense of equity in their work context. As Robert Veechio (1984) put it, employees perceive what they get from a job situation (outcome) in relation to what they have put into it (input) and then compare their input- income ratio with the input-outcome ratio of relevant others, these relevant others are either colleagues inside the organization or comparable others outside the organization. Recruitment: 11.6 As also recommended by VI CPC, all the vacancies arising in the scale of Rs. 4000-6000 and Rs. 5500-9000 in the grade of Assistants and Stenographers cadre henceforth need to be filled up by recruitment of Executive Assistants with minimum qualification of graduation with one year diploma. There should not be any recruitment in the grade of Gr. 'D' post and LDCs. S.O.'s post can be filled up by promotion and LDCE. Posts of A.Os and F&AOs may continue to be filled up on direct recruitment. ICAR Audit and Accounts Examination should be held on regular basis for the strengthening of finance cadre posts like AF&AOs. Orientation: 43
11.7 Whenever a person joins ICAR service, he/she will be directed to attend a 3 days orientation programme to be conducted by NAARM, Hyderabad which is a well reputed training academy under ICAR. The initial training is given so that the candidates are well acquainted with the rules/ regulations/ policies and priorities and role of ICAR. They will also come to know the structure and research set up of the ICAR as a whole. Training: 11.8.1 In this fast changing world of knowledge economy and information society, the role and need for continuous training/learning cannot be exaggerated. Organization competence has become the most important parameter for survival and success in the highly competitive and globalized environment. Organizational capability to change and adapt is a function of a learning organization, which depends on the learning and unlearning process of its members. 11.8.2 Training refers to the acquisition of knowledge, skills and competencies as a result of the teaching of vocational or practical skills and knowledge that relates to specific useful skills. It is recognized today that there is need to continue training beyond initial qualifications to maintain, upgrade and update skills throughout working life. 11.8.3 A person must be aware of the need to develop and be motivated to develop; which requires a fairly accurate self assessment of a persons strengths and development needs. Enhancement of a competency requires Awareness, Attention and Application. Forward thinking organizations strive to enhance the value of every employee. With the development of individual employees, the organization realizes a geometric growth in productivity and quality. 11.8.4 The machine model approach to jobs with the employee as a cog in the wheel and extreme division of work has to be replaced by a learning organization approach where employees are continually enhancing their capabilities and skills in high performance work cultures. Incentivising and rewarding innovation, creativity and responsive administration with inclusive outcomes on the part of employees have to be at the core of the new growth in productivity of services. 11.8.5 There has been a growing realization that aligning HR Management with the Corporate Strategies is the major challenge before the organization, which can be tackled by the appropriate training and change in mindsets. 11.8.6 Job performance of an employee is linked to his/her (a) ability; (b) willingness (Motivation); (c) organizational support in the form of opportunities to perform. The role of HR professionals is critical as they help in getting right people with right skills; developing the personnel; identifying and differentiating the performance (appraisal system); encouraging knowledge building and management; and counseling for leveraging human potential. 44
11.8.7 Strengthening training faculty by attracting the best talent available, with provision of very good infrastructure and resources is important given the growing importance of this sector with provision of not only induction level training but life-long learning through mid-career in-service training at various points during the career progression. Value Enhancement on continuing basis: 11.9 Regular, periodical in-service and off-campus training programme to cover different categories of staff. a. Extensive facilities and opportunities of training in all possible areas of establishment and finance like reservations, strategy compliances, on-line training, pay and allowances, staff loans leave applications, service books, medical reimbursement bills, GPF and pension matters, archiving of important records, stores management. b. Senior Officers: Joint Secretary (Admn.)/Joint Secretary (Fin.)/ Registrar/Comptroller/Directors/ Deputy Secretaries/ Chief Administrative Officers/ Chief Finance & Accounts Officers/ Deputy Directors/ Under Secretaries/ Senior Administrative Officers/ Senior Finance & Accounts Officers. c. Middle Level Officers: Administrative Officers/ Finance & Accounts Officers/ Assistant Administrative Officers/ Assistant Finance & Accounts Officers/ Section Officers/ Private Secretaries/Accounts Officers/ Assistants/Personal Assistants. d. Junior Level Officials: Stenographers/ UDCs/ LDCs. Senior Officers are being deputed for attending training programmes being organized by: (a) Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad (b) Indian Institute of Management, Indore/ Ahmedabad/ Lucknow/ Calcutta/ Calicut/ Bangalore (c) Management Development Institute, Gurgaon (d) National Productivity Council, New Delhi (e) ISTM, New Delhi (for some courses designed for Senior Officers) (f) National Institute for Financial Management, Faridabad (g) Institute of Government Accounts & Finance (INGAF), New Delhi (h) National Academy of Agricultural Research Management (NAARM), Hyderabad NAARM: In ICAR which is a Scientific organization Human Resource Development is accorded a high priority. Scientists are being sent for foundation-cum- orientation training programme for a period of four months at NAARM, 45
Hyderabad. For the off campus programme of NAARM, we may develop specific programmes for officers at all levels for multiskills & orientations change the work ethos and improve delivery orientation. Middle Level Officers: Middle Level Officers are being deputed for attending rule based training programmes being organized by ISTM, New Delhi and some training programmes designed for Middle Level Officers being conducted by other training institutions viz. NIFM, NPC, NIC etc. Most of the programmes are meant for one week. Junior Level Officials: Junior Level Officials are being deputed for skill based training programmes specifically designed for these officials by ISTM viz. Computer training programmes/Type writing/Shorthand training programmes for Stenographers. They may also be deputed for specific trainings. For them specific training may also be organized at NAARM, Hyderabad; ASCI, Hyderabad; NPC, New Delhi Policy for deployment on training 11.10 The officers/staff are being deputed for training programmes, keeping in view their job assignments. Before nomination of officer/staff, due care is to be taken to ensure that the contents of the training programmes are relevant to the present assignment of the nominated officer. The objectives behind nomination of officer are to enhance their professional knowledge, understanding and skill as also to widening professional outlook. Future Plan: 11.11.1 As training is a continuous process, Council has planned that every year 500 officers and staff of ICAR Headquarters and its Institutes may be sent for attending various training programmes and as far as possible each employee is being given 50 hours of training in a year. Further it has been planned that in order to develop a core faculty of ICAR for imparting inhouse trainings to the staff, around 20 officers from ICAR Hqrs./ Instts. may be selected who are capable to impart trainings to staff members and they may first be sent for undergoing trainers development programmes. It has also been decided to explore the possibility of finding out other reputed training organizations, apart from the existing ones, so that Council can have a wider choice. Moreover, appointment of quality faculty may be made on contract for project, R&D and capacity building to enable them to fill vacant positions meant for trainers for one year or the life of the project, whichever is earlier, extendable up to three years by a committee chaired by the Head of the Department. The remuneration with appropriate incentives may be linked to 46
market conditions and last package drawn linked to the candidate expertise, qualification, publications etc., in order to attract highly qualified experts and practitioners with a flexible pay package. 11.11.2 The Committee have recommended multiskilling of the employees, which would increase their operational efficiency while simultaneously optimizing the staff strength. Payment of fee and honorarium: 11.12 The remuneration, fees and honorarium structure payable to experts/ eminent persons coming as Guest Faculty may be made flexible with the upper limit being raised to Rs.4,000/- per session with full delegation of powers to the Head of Departments within the budget ceilings. The pattern followed by the DOP&T and LBSNAA may be made applicable to all other central training establishment for group 'A' Officers. Instructions under FR 46 B, which provide for a ceiling of Rs.5,000/- for honorarium to Government employees, may be amended for in-service training resource persons to provide for a ceiling of up to 30 days or 60 sessions in a year, whichever is lower, for this category. Foreign Training: 11.13 As Indian economy is integrating with Global economy, it is necessary for our officers to have a Global Mindset and they have to keep pace with the latest development happening at the level of Macro economy. As Human Resource Management and Corporate Leadership is a multi task and juggling of various activities, the foreign exposure of our officers leads to the growth of our organization in terms of quality. For this purpose, it would be in the interest of Council to send its officers for the training programmes to be conducted by Management Development Institute (MDI), Gurgaon, Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI), Hyderabad and Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmedabad/ Indore/ Bangalore etc. which involves study tour abroad/ Overseas Learning Programme. Efforts are also being made to rope in the services of few reputed International Universities like Harvard Business School, Oxford University, George Mason University and Syracuse University, USA for bestowing on our officers a mindset which is receptive and to keep pace with global economy. It has also been in vogue that Council nominate Administrative Officers at the level of Under Secretaries and above working at ICAR Hqrs. and its Institutes to various Diploma Programmes/ training programmes in the field of "Public Policy and Management" for enhancing creativity for better administration so that our Administrative Officers are equipped with knowledge for better delivery of services. It also leads to enrichment of knowledge and enhancement of quality of the officers. It also widens the horizons of the 47
trained officers. Such type of programmes are being sponsored by MDI, Gurgaon, ASCI, Hyderabad, IIM, Ahmedabad/ Bangalore & IIPM, New Delhi. Apart from this, DOP&T is also sponsoring the training of the Administrative Officers of the various Departments of Govt. of India in various reputed International Organization spread across the world. A brief account is given at Appendix 1/2/3. The Council should encourage sending of its various eligible and competent officers for further training in that reputed organizations. Information on International Training Appendix - 1 48
S.No. Specific area of training List of host institution(s) Approximate duration Level of participant 1. Certificate programme in Public Administration University of Syracuse, USA 128 days Dir/ DS/ CAO 2. Leadership in Public Services AIT, Thailand 12 days Dir/ DS/ CAO 3. Modernizing Human Resource Management RIPA, London 12 days Dir/ DS/ CAO 4. Executive Development Seminar: Leading Change WMDC/ EMDC, USA 12 days Dir/ DS/ CAO 5. Project and Programme Management RIPA, London 12 days Dir/ DS/ CAO 6. Management Development Seminar EMDC, USA 12 days Dir/ DS/ CAO 7. Change Management RIPA, London 19 days Dir/ DS/ CAO 8. Governance, Democratization and Public Policy ISS, Hague 72 days Dir/ DS/ CAO 9. Strategic Human Resource Management Australian National University 12 days Dir/ DS/ CAO 10. Public Financial management JFK School, Harvard 19 days Dir/ DS/ CAO 11. Leadership Management and Governance in the public sector Australian national University 19 days Dir/ DS/ CAO 12. Public Sector Reform: Modernizing Government RIPA, London 12 days Dir/ DS/ CAO 13. Modernizing the H.R. Function RIPA, London, UK 12 days Dir/ DS/ CAO 14. E-Governance for Decision Makers AIT, Thailand 12 days Dir/ DS/ CAO 15. Public Finance Management GTC, Surrey, UK 12 days Dir/ DS/ CAO 16. Managing the training development functions CTC, Surrey, UK 12 days Dir/ DS/ CAO 17. Effective Human Resource Dev. & Strategic Planning GTC, Surrey, UK 12 days Dir/ DS/ CAO 49
18. Leadership and Change Management GTC, Surrey, UK 12 days Dir/ DS/ CAO 19. Public/ Private Partnership and Public Procurement GTC, Surrey, UK 12 days Dir/ DS/ CAO 20. Public Administration Seminar Galillee College, Israel 12 days Dir/ DS/ CAO RIPA : Royal Institute of Public Administration, London AIT: Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand ISS: Institute of Social Studies, Hague, The Netherlands JFK: John F. Kennedy School, Harvard ANU: Australian National University, Australia Information on International Training Appendix-2 50
RIPA : Royal Institute of Public Administration, London AIT: Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand S.No. Specific area of training List of host institution(s) Approximate duration Level of participant 1 Training Delivery Skills RIPA, London 12 days US/ SAO 2 Planning and Administering Good Governance AIT, Thailand 12 days US/ SAO 3 Training of Trainers AIT, Thailand 19 days US/ SAO 4 ICT Applications in Management AIT, Thailand 12 days US/ SAO 5 Effective Mgmt. Skills & Technique AIT, Thailand 12 days US/ SAO 6 Effective Training Implementation & Management AIT, Thailand 19 days US/ SAO 7 Management of Training Centres AIT, Thailand 19 days US/ SAO 8 Outsourcing, Partnerships and Privatisation: A practical approach RIPA, London 12 days US/ SAO 9 Managing and Leading Strategic Change RIPA, London 12 days US/ SAO 10 Corruption and anti- corruption Australian National University 12 days US/ SAO 11 Skills for Effective Training Delivery GTC, Surrey, UK 12 days US/ SAO 12 Obtaining & Managing Resources RIPA, London, UK 12 days US/ SAO 13 Managing & Leading Strategic Change GTC, Surrey, UK 12 days US/ SAO Appendix - 3 Information on International Training 51
AIT: Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand CONCEPT OF CORPORATE POOL OF POSTS/ IMPLEMENTATION PLAN/ FINANCIAL IMPLICATION (A) Concept of Corporate Pool of Posts 12.1 ICAR has got 103 National Institutes/NRCs/PDs/ZRCs including 4 Deemed Universities and ICAR Headquarters spread all over India. A large number of these institutes have also got their Regional Stations/Centres/Project Units etc., again located in different parts of the country. Mandates of various Instts./NRCs/PDs have also been reviewed from time to time, resulting in amalgamation/bifurcation of number of its units. By these efforts where ICAR has successfully steered its research programmes it has been facing serious problems in addressing the manpower issues relating to administrative category posts especially at its smaller units. There has not been any serious problem in managing scientific category of manpower whose cadres are centrally controlled and are covered by the time bound S.No. Specific area of training List of host institution(s) Approximate duration Level of participant 1 Project Monitoring and Evaluation AIT, Thailand 26 days SO/ AO/AAO/ PS 2 Human Resource Management AIT, Thailand 12 days SO/ AO/AAO/ PS 3 Management and Implementation of Development Projects AIT, Thailand 19 days SO/ AO/AAO/ PS 4 Organisational Finance and Budgeting Australian National University 12 days SO/ AO/AAO/ PS 5 Leadership and Management of Organisational Change AIT, Thailand 12 days SO/ AO/AAO/ PS 6 Public Admn. & Civil Service Mgmt. Galillee College, Israel 12 days SO/ AO/AAO/ PS 52
promotional avenues under UGC schemes. Technical category employees are also covered under the flexible complementing scheme and there has been large variation and dissimilarities in their duties and functions depending on the mandates of Instts./NRCs/PDs etc. For administrative categories of employees, there are number of issues which have been posing serious problems for the controllers of administration at ICAR Hqrs. Few of these can be listed as under:- (i) Shortage of manpower in administrative category at smaller units (ii) Lack of reasonable promotional avenues due to unavailability of posts. (iii) Lack of scope for inter-institutional transfers for addressing individual grievances as well as administrative requirement (iv) Difficulties in optimum utilization of manpower. 12.2 It has been observed in ICAR that in a number of Instt./NRCs there has been heavy stagnation in administrative category of posts as they have fewer number of posts available for promotion. On the other hand, at some Instts./NRCs/PDs, promotions are very fast. Sometimes, even no eligible candidates are available in the feeder cadre. Some of the smaller Instts.,/NRCs/PDs are suffering from acute shortage of staff, whereas a few have more than adequate number of staff. Of late, efforts have been made to rationalize the requirement of staff through ADRP, but there has been general tendency amongst the Institutes not to allow transfer of their posts to other institutes even if the same have not been filled up for long periods of time. Otherwise also, due to loss in seniority and dislocation of place, sometimes to a distant place, individual employees are not ready to move from their institutes. There are also occasions when ICAR due to some administrative requirements, need to move an individual officer to another institute which have sanctioned strength for lower or higher level of post but cannot do it as the matching sanctioned post is not available at that institute. 12.3 During the interaction with DDGs, it was forcefully argued by some of the DDGs including DDG (Hort.) that ICAR and Agricultural Research is a live and vibrant function and not a stagnant unit or function. Certain sectors get sudden fillip and enhanced importance and attention in the context of globalization, free trade competition, liberalization etc. etc. This would necessitate change of priority and fluctuating fund flow to different sectors and Institutes. For instance, Horticulture has suddenly emerged as a predominant focus area in the last few years. Hence, whatever norms and guidelines are now being evolved 53
and model staffing patterns are arrived at to-day, may require review and revision after 2-3 years. Similarly, some sectors may contract or lose their attention due to diversion of resources from that sector to some other focus sector. In such an eventuality staff adjustment and posts adjustment may be one of the administrative facility in the overall administrative interest and efficiency. 12.4 To address these and similar other administrative difficulties in managing manpower, this Committee would suggest ICAR to seriously consider creation of a Corporate Pool of manpower at its Headquarter, on the pattern of DRDO. Efforts were made by the Committee to obtain the DRDO's guidelines on Corporate Pool of Manpower. This was not possible due to the limited time available to the Committee. However, lot of information has been gathered after a detailed discussion with person concerned in DRDO. It is understood that Ministry of Railways is also managing such a Corporate Pool for meeting urgent requirements of railway units in different parts of the country. 12.5 On the pattern of DRDO, all the Instts./NRCs/PDs of ICAR can be divided into various zones depending upon the cluster of units in a particular zone. Total number of administrative and allied categories of posts may be fixed for each institute (as already existing) and also for each zone. Recruitment and promotion of institute level posts may be made on zonal basis involving administrative authorities from all the Institutes under that zone. Director of the institute functioning as Zonal Hqrs. shall be the chairman of DPC/Rectt. Zone. This can be even rotated amongst a few competent institutes. This will facilitate promotion of an employee of a particular institute; even if vacancy is at other institute of the same zone. The moment individual employee is promoted against the vacant post at other Institute in the zone, the post vacated by him will be transferred to his original institute of posting. In case of any major distortion of posts, the individual may also be shifted (on promotion) from one institute to another within the zone. ICAR Hqrs., will monitor the accounts of the posts at central level and it can transfer posts from one zone to another or even from Corporate Pool at Hqrs. to any zone depending on requirement in order to manage administration or to facilitate promotion in a particular zone. 12.6 ICAR Hqrs. will keep records/details of all the sanctioned posts in administrative and allied categories both institute-wise and zone-wise. Since, DG, ICAR is presently competent to move various posts from one institute to another, hence any change in allotment of sanctioned posts for different institutes or zones can be done with the approval of DG, ICAR. Hence, where the total sanctioned strength for ICAR as a whole will remain unchanged, the sanctioned strength of a particular institute or zone can change on a year to year basis depending on requirements and availability. This will help the Council to remove constraints that a particular institute cannot be provided with a particular level of post only because that post has not been sanctioned for it. For 54
example, if CTCRI, Trivandrum has a sanctioned post of A.A.O. but due to subsequent increase in Institute activities a higher level of administrative functionary like A.O is required there and the same is available at other Institute, in that case the post of A.A.O. can be taken out from CTCRI and A.O's post can be made available to it for the required period. A.A.O.'s post can be given to other institute, as per requirement. 12.7 To make the above system operative in ICAR, it is proposed that all the Instts./NRCs/PDs/ZRCs of ICAR may be grouped into the following five zones:- North Zone with Zonal Hqrs. at IARI South Zone with Zonal Hqrs., at IIHR, Bangalore Central Zone with Zonal Hqrs., at CIAE, Bhopal or NAARM, Hyderabad Eastern Zone with Zonal Hqrs., at CRIJAF, Barrackpore Western Zone with Zonal Hqrs., at CIFE, Mumbai ICAR Hqrs. at New Delhi will continue to function as the Secretariat of ICAR. 12.8 The proposal does not involve any financial implications. However, since this will involve changes (even temporary one) in the manpower strength sanctioned originally for various institutes through EFC memo, such changes may, require concurrence of the Internal Finance or even from the Ministry of Finance (Deptt. of Expenditure) for the adoption of this concept. However, since DG, ICAR has been recently empowered to approve transfer of various posts from one Institute of ICAR to another one, there should not be any technical difficulty in obtaining the necessary approvals for this approach. (B) Implementation Plan 12.9 As has been mentioned else where, the Committee has approached this task not as a Cadre Review exercise but mainly as a Cadre Restructuring exercise. This is particularly significant in the context of observations of VIth CPC Report. There has been a significant difference in the approach of this committee from the normal Cadre Review mechanisms undertaken in other departments. This committee has adopted an innovative approach and has tried to assess functional needs. 12.10 The recommendations of this committee are now given at a time when Government of India is already seized of this matter in the form of VI CPC Report. Since both Reports deal with employees' scale of pay, promotion channels, policy, improvement of efficiency and productivity of the organization by multiskilling, value addition through enhancement of skills, etc. it is only appropriate that recommendations of both the Reports are implemented simultaneously. 55
12.11 The person who gets promoted to new post should be imparted training for one or two weeks. He should not be given any assignment of the new job without such training. 12.12 Moreover, the appropriate competent levels of the Council have also to take certain policy initiatives which have been recommended by this Committee, such as phasing out LDCs, UDCs, JAOs, doing away with the distinction between Headquarters staff, field staff, bringing in certain mobility between Institute and Headquarters, etc. But since all of these are already prevalent in Govt. of India and other Departments and bring only parity between ICAR and the Governmental pattern which even otherwise is justified on mutatis- mutandis, the Committee does not anticipate any major hurdle or difficulty. 12.13 This Report will provide an enabling framework for desired changes towards innovative, effective and responsive delivery mechanisms to stakeholders in the ICAR in sustainable manner. 12.14 The participative approach which the Committee has adopted with the representatives of staff/Union, Directors of the Institutes and Dy. Director Generals etc. and other interested stakeholders gives confidence that there will be a general and positive gesture from all concerned in accepting the recommendations and keenness shown in implementing these recommendations at the earliest. ( C ) Financial Implications Administrative Cadre 12.15 In short, the various cadre restructuring recommendations given in Sections VII & VIII result in a position as under : 56
12.16 There is thus a net manpower reduction of 114. At the gross level, this would result in an additional financial implication of Rs. 35.45 lakhs per Category- Existing Manpower Proposed Manpower Difference Joint Secretary 0 1 +1 Director 1 4 +3 Registrar 0 5 +5 Dy. Secretary 8 12 +4 Under Secretary 12 30 +18 Section Officer 89 94 +5 CAO 8 16 +8 SAO 35 46 +11 AO 55 95 +40 AAO 312 431 +119 Asstt. 1252 2391 +1138 UDC 1380 509 -871 LDC 863 198 -665 Total 3946 3832 -114 month. But this financial implication stands further reduced in view of the following facts 57
1. Approximately 17 Assistants have been granted financial upgradation to the next higher scale of Rs. 6500-10500 under ACP Scheme. This has resulted in savings of Rs. 1.45 lakh. 2. Approximately 177 UDCs have been granted financial upgradation to the next higher scale of Rs. 5500-9000 under ACP Scheme. This has resulted in savings of Rs. 12.83 lakhs. 3. Approximately 62 UDCs have been granted Ilnd financial upgradation to the next higher scale of Rs.5500-9000 under the ACP Scheme. This has resulted in savings of Rs. 4.50 lakhs. 4. Approximately 161 LDCs have been granted financial upgradation to the next higher scale of Rs.4000-6000 under the ACP Scheme. This has resulted in savings of Rs. 8.05 lakhs. 5. Approximately 30 AAOs have been granted financial upgradation to the scale of Rs. 8000-13500 under the ACP scheme. This has resulted in savings of Rs. 3.22 lakhs. Thus, there is a net additional financial implication of Rs. 5.40 lakhs per month in this category after adjusting the total savings of Rs. 30.05 lakhs. Finance Cadre 12.17 The summary of the proposal for upgradation of various posts in the finance cadre is as follows:-
12.18 There is thus a net manpower increase of 42. At the gross level, this would result in an additional financial implication of Rs. 7.62 lakhs per 1. Approximately 10 AF&AOs have been granted financial upgradation to the next higher scale Rs.8000-13500 under ACP Scheme. This has resulted in savings of Rs. 1.08 lakh. Thus, there is a net additional financial implication of Rs. 6.54 lakhs per Category Existing Manpower Proposed Manpower Difference Joint Secretary (Finance) 0 1 +1 Director (Audit) 1 2 +1 Comptroller 0 5 +5 CFAO/DDF 5 16 +11 SF&AO 8 38 +30 F&AO 37 81 +44 AF&AO 109 98 -11 JAO 39 0 -39 Total 199 241 +42 month. But this financial implication stands further reduced in view of the following facts 58
month in this category after adjusting the total savings of Rs. 1.08 lakh. Stenographer Cadre 12.19 The summary of the proposal for restructuring of various posts in the Stenographer Cadre is as follows :-
12.20 There is thus a net manpower reduction of 80. At the gross level, this would result in an additional financial implication of Rs. 1.40 lakhs per month. But this financial implication stands further reduced in view of the following facts :- (i) About 42 PS have been granted financial up gradation to the next higher scale of Rs. 7500-12000 & 7 PS to the next scale of Rs.10000- 15000. This has resulted in savings of Rs. 4.78 lakhs. (ii) About 129 PAs have been granted financial up gradation to the next higher scale of Rs.6500-10500. This has resulted in savings of Rs. 10.96 lakhs. S.No. Name of the Post For ICAR Hqrs. For Institutes Addl(+) Savings(-) Existing Proposed Existing Proposed 1. Sr. Principal Pvt. Secretary (Rs. 12000-16500)
(iii) About 92 Stenos have been granted financial up gradation to the next higher scale of Rs. 5500-9000. This has resulted in savings of Rs. 6.67 lakhs. (iv) Thus, there is a net financial savings of Rs.21.01 lakhs per month in this category after adjusting the additional requirement of Rs. 1.40 lakh. Official Language Cadre 12.21 The up gradations under this category of posts as detailed under para 9.2 would involve an additional expenditure of Rs. 0.21 lakhs. Legal Posts 12.22 Up gradation of one post of Law 0fficer(Rs8000-13500) to Rs 10000-15200 and abolition of one post of JLO (Rs.5500-9000) under this category will bring a saving of Rs. 0.06 lakhs. Security Personnel 12.23 Abolition of all the 39 posts under this category as detailed under para 6.40 will bring a saving of Rs. 2.71 lakhs. Isolated Posts 12.24 Abolition of all these 20 posts as detailed below will bring a saving of Rs. 0.72 lakh.
S.No. Name of the Post and Pay Scale No. of Posts available At ICAR Hqrs. In ICAR Institute Total 1. Despatch Rider (Rs. 3050 -4590) 1 - 1 2. Sr. Gestetner Operator (Rs. 3250 - 4000)
12.26 Conclusion: It can be seen that there is a net saving of Rs. 12.35 lakhs per month after this cadre restructuring. This is only approximate. The real saving would be much higher financially once the 6th CPC recommendations are implemented. But most of all there can be no measure of quantifying the goodwill and overall satisfaction of administration and financial staff who have been waiting for so long patiently for such a relief. SECTION - XIII SUMMARY OF ANNEXURES List of Annexure used in the recommendations of this Committee is as under:- 12.25 Summary of Financial Implications (Rs. in lakhs per month) Sl. No. Category Additional implications on account of restructuring Savings on account of ACP/Abolition of Posts Net financial implication + represents addition - represents savings 1. Administration 35.45 30.05 5.40 2. Finance 7.62 1.08 6.54 3. Stenographers 1.40 22.41 (-) 21.01 4. Official language 0.21 -- 0.21 5. Legal -- 0.06 (-) 0.06 6. Security -- 2.71 (-) 2.71 7. Other isolated posts -- 0.72 (-) 0.72
Total 44.68 57.03 (-) 12.35 61
13.1 ICAR D.O. letters No. 33 (10)/2007-Estt. I dated 26 th September, 2007 and Office Order No. 33 (10)/2007-Estt. I dated 11 th January, 2008 Annexure - I 13.2 List of Institutes that have Regional Station/Centres and their details Annexure - II 13.3 Details of Posts in Administration : Existing, Proposed and Difference Annexure - III 13.4 Details of Posts in Finance : Existing, Proposed and Difference Annexure - IV 13.5 Finance Secretary's (Deptt. of Expenditure) D.O. letter No. 3 (11)/06 (L&C) dated 4 th September, 2006 to Director General, ICAR Annexure - V 13.6 Details of Stenographers Posts : Existing and Sanctioned Annexure - VI 13.7 Recruitment Rules and Qualification Criteria proposed for various Posts Annexure - VII 13.8 Minutes of the Meetings of the Committee Annexure - VIII Annexure - I
Dear Shri Parthasarathy, It is my privilege to inform you that you have been nominated as Chairman of the Committee constituted to conduct the cadre review of the posts and cadres in the Administrative cadre at ICAR. A copy of the office order issued in this connection is enclosed herewith for your kind information. On behalf of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, I heartily welcome you. I am sure your vast experience and profound insight into the functioning of ICAR will ensure the successful completion of the task. I assure you of all cooperation in the matter and look forward to hearing from you soon. With regards, Sh. A.K. Upadhyay Addl. Secretary, DARE & Secretary, ICAR GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ND EDUCATION KRISHI BHAVAN, NEW DELHI - 110 001
Shri N. Parthasarathy, Former Financial Advisor, DARE / ICAR Flat No.605-606 VI Floor, Jasmine Building Neelkanth Gardens Bhakta Kavi Shivji Bhai Devshi Road GOVANDI MUMBAI - 400 068. D.O. No.33(10)/2007-Estt.I Dated the 26 th September, 2007 Yours sincerely, Sd/- (A.K. UPADHYAY) INDIAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH KRISHI BHAVAN : NEW DELHI
No. 33-10/2007-Estt. I Dated : September 19, 2007 OFFICE ORDER The Competent Authority in the Indian Council of Agricultural Research has been pleased to constitute the undermentioned Cadre Review Committee for review of posts and cadres in Group A, B & C on the Administrative cadre at the ICAR Headquarters and Research Institutes/NRCs/Project Directorates/National Bureaux etc. under the ICAR system : 1. Shri N. Parthasarathy, .......... Chairman Former FA, DARE / ICAR 2. Shri M.K. Jain, Sr. AO, IARI ......... Member 3. Smt. Rashmi R. Rao, Sr. F&AO, NAIP ......... Member 4. Shri Madan Sarup, Under Secretary (Per.), ICAR........ Member 5. Shri Sanjay Gupta, .......... Member Deputy Secretary (Admn.), ICAR Secretary The terms of reference of the committee would be as follow :- 1. The committee will take up the review of the existing cadre strength in all the administrative posts including Finance Cadre, Stenographic cadre and posts in Law Division (except scientific/technical/supporting staff posts) in the ICAR Hqrs. as well as in Institutes and recommend restructuring of cadres and re- fixing of cadre strength in different grades after taking into consideration the stagnation levels in the different posts in the light of the recommendations of the Brahma Committee for the CSS Cadre of the GOI. 2. While recommending the strength in various cadres, the Committee will also assess the financial implications involved and recommend suitable matching
savings 3. The Committee may also recommend appropriate changes in the Recruitment Rules for various posts in the light of its recommendations. 4. As far as possible the Committee will undertake the cadre review and restructuring keeping in view the instructions laid down by the GOI/DOP&T on cadre review. It may also look into all aspects and patterns prevailing in department like AFHQ, CSIR and ICMR. 5. The Committee will submit its report/ recommendations within a period of three months from the date of issue of this order. 6. The TA/DA of non-official members will be borne by the Council as per the Govt. of India Rules. Sd/- (K.N. Choudhary) Under Secretary (Admn.) Distribution : 1. Chairman and Members of the Cadre Review Committee (by name). 2. Sr. PPS to DG, ICAR / PPS to Secretary, ICAR / PS to FA (DARE/ICAR) / PA to Director (Per.) / PA to Director (Fin.) 3. Secretary (Staff Side), CJSC / Secretary (Staff Side), HJSC. 4. Cash I / Audit I Sections, ICAR. 5. Dr. P.C. Sarkar, Sr. Scientist, Media Unit, ICAR for placing this order on Councils Website. INDIAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH KRISHI BHAVAN : NEW DELHI
No. 33-10/2007-Estt. I Dated the 11 th January, 2008 OFFICE ORDER A Cadre Review Committee for review of posts and cadres in Group A, B and C in the Administrative cadre was constituted vide orders of even number dated 19.9.2007. The Competent Authority in the Indian Council of Agricultural Research has been pleased to extend the term of this Committee upto 31.3.2008. Further, consequent upon the retirement of Shri Madan Sarup, Under Secretary the Competent Authority has been pleased to nominate Shri Rajiv Mangotra, Under Secretary as Member of the Committee in place of Shri Madan Sarup. The terms of reference of the Committee as indicated in the orders of even number dated 19.9.2007 remain unchanged. The TA/DA of non-official members will be borne by the Council as per the Govt. of India Rules. Sd/- (K.N. Choudhary) Under Secretary (Admn.) Distribution : 1. Chairman and Members of the Cadre Review Committee (by name). 2. Shri Madan Sarup, Ex- Under Secretary, ICAR. 3. Sr. PPS to DG, ICAR / PPS to Secretary, ICAR / PS to FA (DARE/ICAR) / PA to Director (Per.) / PA to Director (Fin.) 4. Secretary (Staff Side), CJSC / Secretary (Staff Side), HJSC. 5. Cash I / Audit I Sections, ICAR. 6. Dr. P.C. Sarkar, Sr. Scientist, Media Unit, ICAR for placing this order on Councils website. No. 33-10/2007-Estt. I Dated the 19 th March, 2008 OFFICE ORDER A Cadre Review Committee for review of posts and cadres in Group A, B and INDIAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH KRISHI BHAVAN : NEW DELHI
C in the Administrative cadre was constituted vide orders of even number dated 19.9.2007 and 11.1.2008. The Competent Authority in the Indian Council of Agricultural Research has been pleased to extend the term of this Committee upto 31.5.2008. The terms of reference of the Committee as indicated in the orders of even number dated 19.9.2007 remain unchanged. The TA/DA of non-official members will be borne by the Council as per the Govt. of India Rules. Sd/- (K.N. Choudhary) Under Secretary (Admn.) Distribution : 1. Shri N. Parthasarathy, Former FA, DARE / ICAR .................... Chairman of the Committee, Flat No.605-606, VI Floor, Jasmine Building, Neelkanth Gardens, Bhakta Kavi Shivji Bhai Devshi Road, GOVANDI, MUMBAI - 400 068. 2. Shri M.K. Jain, Sr. AO, IARI, New Delhi ............. Member 3. Smt. Rashmi R. Rao, Sr. F&AO, NAIP, New Delhi ....... Member 4. Shri Rajiv Mangotra, Under Secretary (Vig.), ICAR ....... Member 5. Shri Sanjay Gupta, Deputy Secretary (Admn.), ICAR.... Member Secretary 6. Sr. PPS to DG, ICAR / PPS to Secretary, ICAR / PS to FA (DARE/ICAR) / PA to Director (Per.) / PA to Director (Fin.), ICAR / PA to Director (Fin.), NAIP. 7. Secretary (Staff Side), CJSC / Secretary (Staff Side), HJSC. 8. Cash I / Audit I Sections, ICAR. 9. Dr. P.C. Sarkar, Sr. Scientist, Media Unit, ICAR for placing this order on Councils website. Annexure-II
s2 NRCWA, Bhubanehswar o 2 1 3 o 1 e o o 6 e -2 -1 3
ss NRCWS, JabalPur s 1 2 6 1 1 e o o 6 s -1 -2 0
s4 NRCY,Dirang 1 1 1 3 o 1 e o o 6
-1 -1 3
s PD on Cattle, Meerut 2 s 2 7 o 1 e o o 6 4 -s -2 -1
se PD on FMD, Muketshwar 1 o o 1 o 1 e o o 6
o o 5
s7 PD on Poultry, Hyderabad 2 2 s 7 1 1 e o o 6 4 -2 -s -1
ss PDADMAS, Bangalore 1 o 2 3 o 1 e o o 6
o -2 3
sg PDBC, Bangalore 1 1 1 3 1 1 e o o 6
-1 -1 3
Sub Total 110 105 117 332 16 60 311 47 11 369 201 -58 -106 37
Existing Total Proposed Total Difference Total
Sl.No. Name of the Institute Asstt. UDC LDC
Asstt. UDC LDC
1 ZCU-I 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 o o 2 1
-1 -1
2 ZCU-II o 1 1 2 1 1 2 o o 2 2
-1 0
s ZCU-III o 1 1 2 1 1 2 o o 2 2
-1 0
4 ZCU-IV o 1 1 2 1 1 2 o o 2 2
-1 0
ZCU-V o 1 o 1 1 1 2 o o 2 2
o 1
e ZCU-VI o 1 1 2 1 1 2 o o 2 2
-1 0
7 ZCU-VII o 1 1 2 1 1 2 o o 2 2
-1 0
s ZCU-VIII 1 1 o 2 1 1 2 o o 2 1
o 0
Sub Total 2 8 6 16 8 8 16 0 0 16 14 -8 -6 0
Existing Total Proposed Total
Sl.No. Name of the Institute Asstt. UDC LDC
Asstt. UDC LDC
1 IARI, New Delhi 1S4 iso 52 366 S 50 260 50 22 332 126 -1S0 -so -34 2 IVRI, Izatnagar 1S6 12S SS 352 6 2S 160 so is 203 24 -gs -l5 -149 S NDRI, Karnal 42 6g SS 149 2 16 so 15 l 102 SS -54 -Si -47 4 CIFE, Mumbai 14 16 iS 43 1 S 40 S 4 52 26 -s -g 9 5 NAARM, Hyderabad l 14 0 21 1 4 20 4 2 26 is -10 2 5 Sub Total 333 407 19 1 931 18 106 560 107 48 715 227 -300 -143 -216 TOTAL Institutes 1089 1192 76 9 3050 91 436 2051 457 173 2681 962 -735 -596 -369 ICAR Hqrs. Existing Total Proposed Total Difference Total 1 ICAR HQrs Asstt. UDC LDC AF&AO SO Asstt. UDC LDC Asstt. UDC LDC
Sub Total 164 118 g4 376 14 g4 S40 52 25 525 1l6 -66 -6g 41 Summary
Grand Total Existing Total Proposed Total Difference Total Asstt. UDC LDC
Asstt. UDC LDC
Asstt. UDC LDC
125S 1S10 S6S 3426 2sgi 5og igs 3098 11SS -801 -665 -328 Category A Existing Staff Total Proposed Staff Total Difference Total Sl.No. Name of the Institute Scientists CAO SAO AO AAO CAO SAO AO AAO CAO SAO AO AAO 1 CAZRI, Jodhpur 144 0 1 1 l 9 1 1 1 11 14 1 0 0 4 5 2 CIAE, Bhopal 98 0 1 0 4 5 1 0 2 6 9 1 -1 2 2 4 S CMFRI, Cochin 173 0 1 1 g 11 1 1 1 14 17 1 0 0 5 6 4 CPRI, Shimla 109 0 1 1 10 12 1 0 2 14 17 1 -1 1 4 5 5 CRIDA, Hyderabad 67 0 1 0 4 5 1 0 0 5 6 1 -1 0 1 1 6 CRRI, Cuttack 119 0 1 1 g 11 1 0 2 11 14 1 -1 1 2 3 l CSWCR&TI, DEhradun 130 0 1 2 6 9 1 0 2 14 17 1 -1 0 S 8 S IASRI, New Delhi 130 1 1 0 s 10 1 1 1 S 11
0 1 0 1 g ICAR Res. Barapani 192 0 1 1 16 18 1 1 1 is 16 1 0 0 -S -2 10 IGFRI, Jhansi 145 0 1 1 l 9 1 0 1 10 12 1 -1 0 S 3 ii IIHR, Bangalore 150 0 1 1 4 6 1 1 1 l 10 1 0 0 S 4 12 NBPGR, New Delhi 123 0 1 0 2 3 1 0 2 S 11 1 -1 2 6 8 is NBSS&LUP, Nagpur 100 0 1 1 l 9 1 0 2 g 12 1 -1 1 2 3 Sub Total
1 13 1 0 93 117 13 5 1 8 130 166 12 -8 8 37 49 Category B Existing Staff Total Proposed Staff Total Difference Total
Sl.No. Name of the Institute Scientists CAO SAO AO AAO
14 CARI, Izatnagar 5G G G 1 1 2 G 1 G S 4 G 1 -1 2 2 15 CARI, Port Blair 56 G G 1 2 3 G 1 G S 4 G 1 -1 1 1 16 CIBA, Chennai 65 G G 1 1 2 G 1 G S 4 G 1 -1 2 2 17 CICR, Nagpur 8G G G 1 2 3 G 1 G 4 5 G 1 -1 2 2 18 CIFA, Bhubaneshwar 78 G G 1 5 6 G 1 1 6 8 G 1 G 1 2 19 CIFRI, Barrackpore 95 G 1 G 5 6 G 1 1 8 10 G G 1 S 4 2G CIFT, Cochin 95 G 1 1 6 8 G 1 1 6 8 G G G G 0 21 CIPHET, Ludhiana 76 G G 1 1 2 G 1 G 2 3 G 1 -1 1 1 22 CIRCOT Mumbai 5G G G 1 4 5 G 1 G 5 6 G 1 -1 1 1 2S CIRG, Makhdoom 5G G G 1 S 4 G 1 G S 4 G 1 -1 G 0 24 CISH, Lucknow 46 G G 1 1 2 G 1 G 2 3 G 1 -1 1 1 25 CPCRI, Kasargod 84 G 1 1 7 9 G 1 2 8 11 G G 1 1 2 26 CRIJAF, Barrackpore 74 G 1 G S 4 G 1 G 5 6 G G G 2 2 27 CSSRI, Karnal 79 G 1 G 4 5 G 1 1 6 8 G G 1 2 3 28 CSWRI, Avikanagar 9G G 1 1 6 8 G 1 1 8 10 G G G 2 2 29 CTCRI, Trivandrum 5G G G 1 1 2 G 1 G S 4 G 1 -1 2 2 SG CTRI, Rajahmundry 7G G 1 G 6 7 G 1 G 7 8 G G G 1 1 S1 DOR, Hyderabad 42 G 1 G 1 2 G 1 G 2 3 G G G 1 1 S2 DRR, Hyderabad 71 G G 1 2 3 G 1 G 4 5 G 1 -1 2 2 SS DWR, Karnal 56 G G 1 2 3 G 1 G 4 5 G 1 -1 2 2 S4 ICAR Resh., Patna 92 G G 1 1 2 G 1 1 S 5 G 1 G 2 3 S5 IIPR, Kanpur 82 G G 1 2 3 G 1 G S 4 G 1 -1 1 1 S6 IISR, Lucknow 8S G 1 G 4 5 G 1 1 5 7 G
1 1 2 S7 IISS, Bhopal 56 G G 1 G 1 G 1 G S 4 G 1 -1 S 3 S8 IIVR, Varanasi 62 G G G 1 1 G 1 G S 4 G 1 G 2 3 S9 NRC PBT, New Delhi SS G G G 1 1 G 1 G 2 3 G 1 G 1 2 4G NRC R&M, Bharatpur S4 G G G 1 1 G 1 G 2 3 G 1 G 1 2 41 NRC S, Hyderabad 48 G G 1 2 3 G 1 G S 4 G 1 -1 1 1 42 PDCSR, Modipuram S8 G G 0 1 1 G 1 G S 4 G 1 G 2 3 4S SBI, Coimbatore 79 G 1 G 2 3 G 1 G 5 6 G
G S 3 44 VPKAS, Almora 6G G G G 2 2 G 1 G S 4 G 1 G 1 2 45 WTCER. Bhubaneswar S6 G G G 1 1 G 1 G 2 3 G 1 G 1 2 Sub Total
Existing Staff Total Proposed Staff Total Difference Total Sl.No. Name of the Institute Scientists CAO SAO AO AAO CAO SAO AO AAO CAO SAO AO AAO 42 CIAH, Bikaner S1 G G 1 2 3 G G 1 2 3 G G G G 0 4S CIRB, Hissar 4G G G 1 S 4 G G 1 S 4 G G G G 0
Existing Staff Total Proposed Staff Total Difference Total Sl.No. Name of the Institute Scientists CAO SAO AO AAO
0 0 0 0 o 0 0 1 i 2 0 0 1 1 2 2 ZCU-II
0 0 0 0 o 0 0 1 i 1 0 0 1 1 2 S ZCU-III
0 0 0 0 o 0 0 1 i 1 0 0 1 1 2 4 ZCU-IV
0 0 0 0 o 0 0 1 i 1 0 0 1 1 2 ZCU-V
0 0 0 0 o 0 0 1 i 1 0 0 1 1 2 6 ZCU-VI
0 0 0 0 o 0 0 1 i 1 0 0 1 1 2 l ZCU-VII
0 0 0 0 o 0 0 1 i 1 0 0 1 1 2 s ZCU-VIII
0 0 0 0 o 0 0 1 i 1 0 0 1 1 2 Sub Total
o o o o o o o a a g o o a a 16
Existing Staff
Tota l Proposed Staff Tota l Difference
Tota l Sl.N o. Name of the Institute Scientist s Registr ar CA O SA O A O AA O Registr ar CA O SA O A O AA O Registr ar CA O SA O AO AA O 1 IARI, New Delhi 611 0 S
s 42 5a 1 2 4 s 0 65 1 -1 -1 0 s l 2 IVRI, Izatnagar SS4 0 2 S
l 1 0 1 1 s 11 1 0 0 0 S 4 NAARM, 40 0 1 0 0 2 s 1 0 0 1 4 6 1 -1 0 1 2 s Sub Total
o l 11 15 a4 11l 5 s g 16 1o 6 1sg 5 -4 -2 1 22 22 TOTAL Institutes
o a s4 55 s12 4og 5 16 46 g5 4s1 5gs -s -1a -g 21l 22 -225
Existing Total Porposed Total Difference Total 1 ICAR HQrs
JS Director DS US SAO SO JS Director DS US SAO SO JS Director DS US SAO SO
Sub Total
0 1 s 12 1 s9 111 1 4 12 SO 0 94 141 1 3 4 is -1
+ represents additional requirements and - represents savings / surrenders Summary Existing Proposed Difference Joint Sec 0 1 1 Director 1 4 3 Registrar 0 5 5 Dy. Sec. 8 12 4 Under Secretary 12 30 18 Section Officer 89 94 5 CAO 8 16 8 SAO 35 46 11 AO 55 95 40 AAO 312 431 119 Asstt. 1253 2391 1138 UDC 1310 509 -801 LDC 863 198 -665 Total A 3946 3832 -114
Annexure-IV Details of Posts in Finance : Existing, Proposed and Difference
S.N o Name of the Agency Average Expendit ure (Rs in crore)
+ represents additional requirements and - represents savings / surrenders , Existing Staff TOT Proposed Staff Tot Difference T Average Expenditure above 20 crore CF&A O SF&A O F&A O AF&A O JA O AL CF&A O SF&A O F&A O AF&A O JA O al CF&A O SF&A O F&A O AF&A O JA O 0 ta 1 1 Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur 21.83 1 3 1 5 1 1 2 4 1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 2 Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal 21.34 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 0 0 0 -1 0 3 Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Cochin 33.02 1 4 5 1 1 4 6 1 -1 1 0 0 1 4 Central Potato Research Institute, Shimla 21.47 1 2 3 1 1 1 3 1 -1 1 0 0 5 Central Research Institute of Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad 26.68 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 0 0 1 -1 1 6 Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack 17.63 1 2 3 1 1 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 7 Central Soil and Water Conservation Research & Training Institute, Dehradun 18.93 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 0 0 1 0 2 8 ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Barapani 28.50 1 4 5 1 1 2 4 1 0 0 -4 -1 9 Indian Agricultural Statistical Research Institute 15.12 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 10 Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute, Jhansi 15.27 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 -1 1 0 0 11 Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore 27.58 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 -1 1 -1 0 12 National Bureau of Plant Genetics Resources, New Delhi 20.54 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 0 0 1 -1 1 13 National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, Nagpur 17.58 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 -1 1 1 -1 1 Sub Total 189.41 0 6 7 15 10 38 13 0 13 16 0 42 13 -6 6 1 -10 4 Cat B Existing Staff TOT Proposed Staff Tot Difference T Average Expenditure between 10 to 20 crore CF&A O SF&A O F&A O AF&A O JA O AL CF&A O SF&A O F&A O AF&A O JA O al CF&A O SF&A O F&A O AF&A O JA O 0 ta 1 14 Central Inland Capture Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore 18.62 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 1 -1 0 0 0 15 Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibres, Barrackpore 19.12 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 0 1 -1 0 -1 -1 16 Central Agricultural Research Institute, Port Blair 8.53 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 -1 1 0 1 17 Central Avian Research Institute, Izatnagar 11.57 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 18 Central Institute Brackishwater Aquaculture, Chennai 8.01 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 -1 1 0 1 19 Central Institute for Research on Goats, Makhdoom 11.14 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 1 -1 1 -1 0 20 Central Institute of Cotton Research, Nagpur 16.07 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 -1 1 0 1 21 Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, Cochin 15.49 2 2 1 1 2 0 1 0 -1 0 0 22 Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Bhubneshwar 12.72 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 1 -1 1 -1 0 23 Central Institute of Research on Cotton Technology, Mumbai 11.50 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 1 -1 1 -1 0 24 Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow 10.86 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 25 Central Institute on Post harvest Engineering and Technology, Ludhiana 15.94 2 2 1 1 2 0 1 0 -1 0 0 26 Central Plantation Crops Research Institute, Kasargod 18.15 1 2 1 4 1 1 4 0 1 0 -1 0 27 Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute, Avikanagar, Rajasthan 15.11 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 1 -1 1 -1 0 28 Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Karnal 12.60 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 -1 0 29 Central Tobacco Research Institute, Rajamundry 16.76 1 2 3 1 1 2 0 1 -1 -1 0 -1 30 Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Trivandrum 9.11 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 -1 0 31 Directorate of Oilseed Research, Hyderabad 10.73 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 1 -1 1 -1 0 32 Directorate of Rice Research, Hyderabad 15.50 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 -1 0 33 Directorate of Wheat Research, Karnal 10.69 2 2 1 1 2 0 1 0 -1 0 0 34 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna 10.07 1 2 1 4 1 2 3 0 1 -1 0 -1 -1 Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kanpur 19.96 1 2 o
11.45 1 2 o o o Indian Institute of Soil Sciences, Bhopal 15.29 Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow 1 2 o o o 11.14 1 2 o o o Indian Institute of Vegetable Research, Varanasi NRC - Rapeseed & Mustard(NRCRM), Bharatpur 10.94 2 2 o o o 14.48 1 2 o o o NRC Plant Biotechnology , New Delhi 12.96 1 2 o o o NRC Sorghum, Hyderabad 12.74 1 2 o o o Project Dte. on Cropping SystemResearch, Modipuram SBI, Coimbatore 11.59 2 2 o 6.98 2 2 2 o o Vivekananda Parvitya Krishi Anusandhan Sansthan, Almora Water Technology Centre for Eastern Region, Bhubaneshwar 10.77 1 2 o o o Sub Total 416.56 o 1 14 29 13 57 o 32 34 o 67 o 31 -13 5 Total Tot al Cat C Existing Staff Proposed Staff Difference CF&A O SF&A O F&A O AF&A O JA O Average Expenditure between 5 to 10 crore CF&A O SF&A O F&A O AF&A O JA O CF&A O SF&A O F&A O 9.64 1 2 o o o Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes, Hissar Central Institute of Arid Horticulture, Bikaner 5.61 2 2 o o 2.93 1 o o Central Institute of Temperate Horticulture, Srinagar Directorate of Maize Research, New Delhi. 9.14 1 2 o o o 7.37 1 2 o o o Directorate of Seed Research, Mau ICAR Research Complex Goa 4.o6 1 o o 6.67 2 2 2 o o Indian Institute of Spices Research, Calicut Indian Lac Research Institute, Ranchi 6.13 2 2 o o National Bureau of Agril. Important Micro-organisms, Mau 8.o9 o 2 o o 6.11 2 2 o o o National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources, Karnal 6.76 National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources, Lucknow 1 2 o o o National Centre for Agril. Economics & Policy Research, New Delhi 3.27 o o 2.17 o o National Centre for Integrated Pest Management, New Delhi 6.59 2 o o o National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology National Institute of Research on Jute & Allied Fibre Technology, Calcutta 6.73 2 o o o National Research Centre on Cold Water Fisheries, Nainital 3.o5 o o NRC Agroforestry Jhansi 9.92 2 o o o 3.18 o o NRC Banana, Trichi 3.45 o o NRC Cashew, Puttur 4.22 o o NRC Citrus, Nagpur NRC for Mushroom, Solan 3.99 o o 1.70 o o NRC for Women in Agriculture, Bhubaneswar 3.42 o o NRC Grapes, Pune NRC Groundnut, Junagarh 6.41 o o 1.70 o o o NRC Litchi, Muzaffarpur 5.76 NRC Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Anand o o 2.75 o o NRC Mithun, Medziphema, Nagaland NRC Oil Palm, Pedavegi, A.P. 5.43 o o 4.16 o o NRC on Camel, Bikaner 5.75 o o NRC on Equines, Hisar 3.13 o o NRC on Meat and Meat Products Technology, Hyderabad 6.68 o o NRC on Pig NRC Onion and Garlic, Pune 2.68 o o o o 1.90 1 o o NRC Orchids, Pakyong 2.27 o o o o NRC Pomegranate, Solapur Summary
+ represents additional requirements and - represents savings / surrenders Summary Existing Proposed Difference Joint Secretary (Finance) 0 1 1 Dir (F)/ Dir (Audit) 1 2 1 Comptroller 0 5 5 CFAO/DDF 5 16 11 SF&AO 8 38 30 FAO 37 81 44 AF&AO 109 98 -11 JAO 39 0 -39 TOTAL 199 241 42 Existing Tot al Proposed Tot al Difference TO TA Joi Dir(F)/Audi Com DD(F CF& S F&A AF& JAO Joi Dir(F Com DD(F CF SF& F&A AF&A JA Jo Dir(F Com DD(F CF SF F& AF&A JA L nt t ptolle )/Aud AO F O AO/A nt )/Aud ptroll )/Aud &A AO O O/AFA O int )/Aud ptroll )/Aud &A &A A O/AFA O Se r it & FAO Sec it er it O O Se it er it O O O O c A Audit (F) Audit c Audit (F) O (F )
DO. No.3 (11)/06 (L&C) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT OF EXPENDITURE New Delhi, the September 04, 2006 Dr. Adarsh Kishore Finance Secretary Dear Dr. Rai, Our financial management system rests on a well evolved architecture of Rules, Regulations, Orders, Codes and Manuals rather than being codified into a single, comprehensive legislation on Public Financial Management. 2. The General Financial Rules, as existing since 1963; were comprehensively revised in July, 2005, to incorporate some of the challenges before public finance management in the context of a growing, robust and liberal economy. One of the principal features of the new GFR is vesting considerable responsibility to the Chief Accounting Authority Rule 64 of the new General Financial Rules, 2005 lists out the following:- 3. The Secretary of a Ministry / Department who is the Chief accounting Authority of the Ministry / Department shall (i) be responsible and accountable for financial management of his Ministry / Department. (ii) ensure that the public funds appropriated to the Ministry of Department are used for the purpose for which they are meant. (iii) be responsible for the effective, efficient, economical and transparent use of the resources of the Ministry or Department in achieving the stated project objectives of that Ministry or Department, whilst complying with performance standards. (iv) appear before the Committee on Public Accounts and any other Parliamentary Committee for examination. (v) review and monitor regularly the performance of the programmes and projects assigned to his Ministry to determine whether stated objectives are achieved. (vi) be responsible for preparation of expenditure and other statements relating to his Ministry or Department as required by regulations, guidelines or directives issued by Ministry of Finance. (vii) Shall ensure that his Ministry of Department maintains full and proper records of financial transactions and adopts systems and procedures that will at all times afford internal controls.
(viii) shall ensure that his Ministry or Department follows the Government procurement procedure for execution of works, as well as for procurement of services and supplies and implements it in a fair, equitable, transparent, competitive and cost- effective manner: (ix) shall take effective and appropriate steps to ensure that the Ministry of Department :- (a) collects all money due to the Government, and (b) avoids unauthorized, irregular and wasteful expenditure. 4. I reproduce the above in order to draw your personal attention to the need of reviewing and revamping the current system within your Ministry / Department of internal checks, internal controls and internal audit. 5. This matter has assumed significance and urgency in vie of the growing outlays on social sector schemes and the need for developing infrastructure at the desired pace. Consequently; infrastructure and social sector projects of considerable value, inherently incorporating enhanced delegation of financial powers to shorten time-lines and achieve the intended results within the mandated time-frames have been taken up for implementation, involving a large number of implementing agencies. 6. Internal audit gives the top management the required assurance and reassurance in regard to the adherence to the architecture of sound financial management. Statutory auditors and external agencies can also likewise focus on macro issues rather than routine checks. 7. Traditionally, internal audit wings in the Ministries have focused on the accuracy and integrity of accounts and other financial records and compliance to the organizational procedures and policies. I however, would like to share with you a possibility that internal audit in its widest sence may be used appropriately to act as an institutional mechanism to raise alarms against all kinds of risks, financial or operational. 8. Evolving internal experience of internal audit structure in large organizations, suggests an increasing attention to identification of risks and in built systemic responses to mitigate risks. Some of the risks arise out of outright active collusion, lack of knowledge and skills, lack of communication / coordination etc. Top managers need to have an internal oversight mechanism to alert them to potential areas of concern. 9. I thought I would share these thoughts with you while requesting you to kindly suitable strengthen the internal audit mechanism in your Ministry / Department in the context of the growing responsibilities being discharged by you in the clear, efficient and value adding implementation of the growing size of Plan and non-Plan allocation and schemes throwing up better outcomes. ANNEXURE-VII
10. While Ministry of Finance would be glad to provide any assistance required in this regard, this is expected to be essentially an exercise to be undertaken under your leadership. Regards,
Yours sincerely, Sd/- (Adarsh Kishore) Dr. Mangal Rai, Secretary, Department of Agricultural Research and Education, New Delhi. Annexure-VI
1 Name of the Post Joint Secretary (Administration) 2 Classification Administrative Group A 3 Scale of Pay Rs.18400 -500-22400 4 Whether selection post or nonselection post. Selection 5 Age limit for direct recruitments N.A. 6 Educational and other qualification required for direct recruitment N.A. 7 Whether age and qualification required for direct recruits will apply case of promotees N.A. 8 Period of Probation, if any N.A. 9 Method of recruitment whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation / absorption and percentage of vacancies to be filled by various modes. 1) By promotion 2) Failing which by deputation 10 In case of recruitment by promotion/ deputation / absorption, grades from which promotion / deputation / absorption is to be made. By Promotion of a) Registrar with two years regular service in the grade b) failing which by promotion of Director (Admn.)/ (Personnel)/ (Vigilance) with three years regular service in the grade c) failing which by promotion of Deputy Secretary / CAO / LA and equivalent posts in administration with eight years regular service in the grade d) Failing which by deputation of officers under the Central or state Government or Union territories or Autonomous Bodies. (i) Holding analogous posts or regular basis in the parent Cadre/Deptt. Or (ii) With two years regular service in the scale of Rs. 16,40020,000/-
Or (iii) With three years regular service in scale of Rs. 14,300- 18,300/2) Possessing 15 years administrative experience. 11 Period of deputation Three years extendable up to five years. 12 If a Departmental Promotion Committee exists, what is its composition 1) DG, ICAR-Chairman 2) Chairman, ASRB-Member 3) Outsider expert - Member Nominated by the DG 4) Financial Advisor, DARE/ICAR - Member 5) Secretary, ICAR-Member Secretary 13 Remarks
1 Name of the Post Joint Secretary (Finance) 2 Classification Administrative Group A 3 Scale of Pay Rs.18400 -500-22400 4 Whether selection post or nonselection post. Selection 5 Age limit for direct recruitments N.A. 6 Educational and other qualification required for direct recruitment N.A. 7 Whether age and qualification required for direct recruits will apply case of promotees N.A. 8 Period of Probation, if any N.A. 9 Method of recruitment whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation / absorption and percentage of vacancies to be filled by various modes. 1) By promotion 2) Failing which by deputation 10 In case of recruitment by promotion/ deputation / absorption, grades from which promotion / deputation / absorption is to be made. By Promotion of a) Comptroller with two years regular service in the grade b) failing which by promotion of Director (Finance)/ (Audit) in the pay scale of Rs.14300-18300 with three years regular service in the grade c) failing which by promotion of Deputy Director (Finance) / (Audit) / Chief Fin.& Accounts Officer in the pay scale of Rs.12000-16500 with eight years regular service in the grade d) Failing which by deputation of officers under the Central or state Government or Union territories or Autonomous Bodies. (i) Holding analogous posts or regular basis in the parent Cadre/Deptt. Or (ii) With two years regular service in the scale of Rs. 16,400-
20,000/ Or (iii) With three years regular service in scale of Rs. 14,300- 18,300/2) Possessing 15 years Financial; Management/Accounts Management experience. 11 Period of deputation Three years extendable up to five years. 12 If a Departmental Promotion Committee exists, what is its composition DG, ICAR-Chairman Chairman, ASRB-Member Outsider expert - Member Nominated by the DG Financial Advisor, DARE/ICAR- Member Secretary, ICAR-Member Secretary 13 Remarks
THE TNDTAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH 1. Name of the post LEGAL ADVISOR 2. Classification Administrative Group A 3. Scale of Pay Rs.12000-375-16500 4. Whether Selection Post or Non-selection Post Selection 5. Age limit for direct recruitment 45 years (The upper age is relaxable for SC/ST/OBC as per the Government of India rules) 6. Educational & other qualifications required for direct recruitment Essential i) Atleast second class Bachelors degree in Law from a recognized Indian University. ii) Ten years active practice in a Court in India or 5 years experience as a Judicial Officer or 8 years experience as a Law Officer and / or Assistant Legal Advisor in any Government / Autonomous Body office. Desirable Masters degree in Law from an Indian or Foreign University. 7. Whether age & educational qualification required for direct recruits will apply in case of promotees No 8. Period of Probation, if any. Two years 9. Method of recruitment whether by Direct Recruitment or by promotion or by deputation / absorption & percentage of vacancies to be filled by various modes. 100% by promotion failing which by deputation failing which by direct recruitment 10. In case of vacancies filled by promotion / absorption; grades / sources from which promotion / absorption is to be made. (a) 100% by Promotion from amongst the Law Officer in the grade of Rs.10000-15200 having not less than 5 years of regular service in that grade (b) failing (a) above by deputation of officers holding analogous posts in the
12. Government Departments / Autonomous Bodies / Government Undertakings. The period of deputation will ordinarily be for a period of three years. (c) failing (a) and (b) above by direct recruitment as per the prescribed qualifications by Interview of the shortlisted candidates. 11. If a DPC/Selection Committee exists what is its Composition.
Remarks DG, ICAR or his nominee Chairman Chairman, ASRB Member Secretary, ICAR Member An outside expert nominated by DG, ICAR Member An Officer not lower in status than officers under consideration belonging to SC/ST community nominated by DG, ICAR Member Director (P) or an equivalent officer nominated by DG, ICAR Member Secretary PROPOSED RECRUITMENT RULES FOR THE POST OF LAW OFFICER AT THE INDIAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH
1. Name of the post LAW OFFICER 2. Classification Administrative Group A 3. Scale of Pay Rs. 10000-325-15200 4. Whether Selection Post or Non-selection Post Selection 5. Age limit for direct recruitment Not applicable 6. Educational & other qualifications required for direct recruitment Not applicable 7. Whether age & educational qualification required for direct recruits will apply in case of promotees Not applicable 8. Period of Probation, if any. Two years(Not applicable for existing incumbent of the post of Law Officer) 9. Method of recruitment whether by Direct Recruitment or by promotion or by deputation / absorption & percentage of vacancies to be filled by various modes. 100% by promotion 10. In case of vacancies filled by promotion / absorption; grades / sources from which promotion / absorption is to be made. By Promotion from amongst the Law Officer in the grade of Rs.8000-13500 having not less than 8 years of regular combined service in the grade of Rs.8000-13500 and Rs.6500- 10500 or Assistant Legal Advisor in the grade of Rs.6500-10500 having not less than 8 years of regular service in the grade 11. If a DPC/Selection Committee exists what is its Composition.
Remarks than officers under consideration nominated by Secretary, ICAR
An outside expert not lower in status than officers under consideration nominated by Secretary, ICAR Member An Officer not lower in status than officers under consideration belonging to SC/ST community nominated by Secretary, ICAR Member DS(Admn.) Member Secretary
1. Name of the post ASSISTANT LEGAL ADVISOR 2. Classification Administrative Group B 3. Scale of Pay Rs. 6500-200-10500 4. Whether Selection Post or Non-selection Post Not applicable 5. Age limit for direct recruitment 24 to 35 years (The upper age is relaxable for SC/ST/OBC as per the Government of India rules. The upper age is also relaxable upto 45 years in the case of serving regular employees of ICAR in the administrative (ministerial) category) 6. Educational & other qualifications required for direct recruitment A Bachelors degree in Law from a recognized University. Candidate should be an Advocate as defined in the Advocates Act 1961 (25 of 1961) who has practiced as such for five years or should have worked in Central Government / State Government / Autonomous Organizations in the Legal Department for at least five years or both dealing with legal matters. 7. Whether age & educational qualification required for direct recruits will apply in case of promotees Not Applicable 8. Period of Probation, if any. Two years 9. Method of recruitment whether by Direct Recruitment or by promotion or by deputation / absorption & percentage of vacancies to be filled by various modes. 100% by direct recruitment 10. In case of vacancies filled by promotion / absorption; grades / sources from which promotion / absorption is to be made. By direct recruitment as per the prescribed qualifications by Interview of the shortlisted candidates.
12. 11. If a DPC/Selection Committee exists what is its Composition.
Remarks Deputy Secretary (Admn.), ICAR Chairman An officer not lower in status than US nominated by Secretary, ICAR Member An outside expert not lower in status than US nominated by Secretary, ICAR Member An Officer not lower in status than officers under consideration belonging to SC/ST community nominated by Secretary, ICAR Member US(Admn.) Member Secretary
1 Name of the Post Registrar 2 Classification Group A 3 Scale of Pay Rs.16400 -450-20900 4 Whether selection post or nonselection post. Selection 5 Age limit for direct recruitments N.A. 6 Educational and other qualification required for direct recruitment N.A. 7 Whether age and qualification required for direct recruits will apply case of promotees N.A. 8 Period of Probation, if any N.A. 9 Method of recruitment whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation / absorption and percentage of vacancies to be filled by various modes. By promotion of Director (Administration) / Personnel / Vigilance / Deputy Secretaries / Chief Administrative Officers of ICAR failing which by deputation from CSS or All India Services. 10 In case of recruitment by promotion/ deputation / absorption, grades from which promotion / deputation / absorption is to be made. Director (Administration) / Personnel / Vigilance having two years of regular service in ICAR in scale of Rs. 14300-400- 18300; failing which Deputy Secretaries / Chief Administrative Officers of ICAR with seven years of regular service in the scale of Rs. 12000-375-16500 11 Period of deputation Three years extendable up to five years. 12 If a Departmental Promotion Committee exists, what is its composition 6) DG, ICAR or his nominee - Chairman 7) Member, ASRB-Member 8) Outsider expert - Member Nominated by the DG 9) Director (S) of the concerned institute (S) -Member 10) Secretary, ICAR-Member. 11) An officer not lower in status than officers under consideration belonging to SC/ST community nominated by DG, ICAR- Member 12) Joint Secretary (Admn.), ICAR- Member Secretary.
1 Name of the Post Comptroller 2 Classification Group A 3 Scale of Pay Rs.16400 -450-20900 4 Whether selection post or nonselection post. Selection 5 Age limit for direct recruitments N.A. 6 Educational and other qualification required for direct recruitment N.A. 7 Whether age and qualification required for direct recruits will apply case of promotees N.A. 8 Period of Probation, if any N.A. 9 Method of recruitment whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation / absorption and percentage of vacancies to be filled by various modes. By promotion of Director (Finance) / (Audit) / Deputy Director (Finance) / (Audit) / Chief Finance and Accounts Officers of ICAR failing which by deputation from organized A&A service 10 In case of recruitment by promotion/ deputation / absorption, grades from which promotion / deputation / absorption is to be made. Director (Finance) / (Audit) having two years of regular service in ICAR in scale of Rs. 14300-400-18300; failing which Deputy Director (Finance) / (Audit) / Chief Finance and Accounts Officers of ICAR with seven years of regular service in the scale of Rs. 12000-375-16500 11 Period of deputation Three years extendable up to five years. 12 If a Departmental Promotion Committee exists, what is its composition (1) DG, ICAR or his nominee - Chairman (2) Member, ASRB-Member (3) Outsider expert - Member Nominated by the DG (4) Director (S) of the concerned institute (S) - Member (5) Secretary, ICAR-Member. (6) An officer not lower in status than officers under consideration belonging to SC/ST community nominated by DG, ICAR- Member (7) Joint Secretary (Finance), ICAR- Member Secretary.
PROPOSED RECRUITMENT RULES FOR THE POSTS OF DIRECTOR (Vigilance / Administration/ Personnel 1 Name of the Post Director (Vigilance / Administration/ Personnel 2 Classification Administration - Group "A 3 Scale of Pay Rs. 14300-400-18300 4 Whether selection post or nonselection post. Selection 5 Age limit for direct recruitments NA 6 Educational and other qualification required for direct recruitment NA 7 Whether age and qualification required for direct recruits will apply case of promotees NA 8 Period of Probation, if any NA 9 Method of recruitment whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation / absorption and percentage of vacancies to be filled by various modes. By promotion failing which by deputation 10 In case of recruitment by promotion/ deputation / absorption, grades from which promotion / deputation / absorption is to be made. By promotion of Deputy Secretaries/ Chief Administrative officers / Secretary ASRB/ LA, ICAR in the pay scale of Rs. 12000- 16500 having five years of regular service in the grade. Failing which by deputation of officers of all India services and central civil services including CSS services whose names appear in the panel for Directors and officers holding analogous posts in state government / autonomous bodies / PSUs 11 Period of deputation Two year extendable up to three years. 12 If a Departmental Promotion Committee exists, what is its composition (1) DG, ICAR or his nominee - Chairman (2) Member ASRB-Member (3) Outsider expert - Member Nominated by the DG (4) Secretary, ICAR-Member. (5) An officer not lower in status than officers under consideration belonging to SC/ST community PROPOSED RECRUITMENT RULES FOR THE POSTS OF DIRECTOR (AUDIT)/DIRECTOR(FINANCE)
nominated by DG, ICAR- Member (6) Joint Secretary (Administration), ICAR- Member Secretary. 13 Remarks
1 Name of the Post Director (Audit) / Director (Finance) 2 Classification Administration - Group "A 3 Scale of Pay Rs. 14300-400-18300 4 Whether selection post or nonselection post. Selection 5 Age limit for direct recruitments NA 6 Educational and other qualification required for direct recruitment NA 7 Whether age and qualification required for direct recruits will apply case of promotees NA 8 Period of Probation, if any NA 9 Method of recruitment whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation / absorption and percentage of vacancies to be filled by various modes. By promotion failing which by deputation 10 In case of recruitment by promotion/ deputation / absorption, grades from which promotion / deputation / absorption is to be made. By promotion of Deputy Director (Finance/Audit) / Chief Finance & Accounts Officer in the pay scale of Rs. 12000-16500 having five years of regular service in the grade. Failing which by deputation of officers of all India services and central civil services including CSS services whose names appear in the panel for Directors and officers holding analogous posts in state government / autonomous bodies / PSUs 11 Period of deputation Two year extendable up to three years. 12 If a Departmental Promotion Committee exists, what is its composition (1) DG, ICAR or his nominee - Chairman (2) Member ASRB-Member (3) Outsider expert - Member Nominated by the DG (4) Secretary, ICAR-Member. (5) An officer not lower in status than officers under consideration belonging to SC/ST community PROPOSED RECRUITMENT RULES FOR THE POSTS OF DIRECTOR (AUDIT)/DIRECTOR(FINANCE)
nominated by DG, ICAR- Member (6) Joint Secretary (Finance), ICAR- Member Secretary. is Remarks
1 Name of the Post Assistant Finance & Accounts Officer 2 Classification Administrative Group -B 3 Scale of Pay Rs. 6500-200-10500 4 Whether selection post or nonselection post. Selection 5 Age limit for direct recruitments 21-30 years (the upper age is relax able for SC/ST/OBC as per the Government of India rules. The upper age is also relaxable upto 45 years in the case of serving regular employees of ICAR in the administrative (ministerial) category 6 Educational and other qualification required for direct recruitment Graduation from recognized university. DESIRABLE 1. Experience of Finance & Accounts work in the Central or state Government Deptt/ Autonomous Bodies / Public Sector Undertaking MBA Degree and Knowledge of Computerized Accounting 7 Whether age and qualification required for direct recruits will apply case of promotees NA 8 Period of Probation, if any Two years 9 Method of recruitment whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation / absorption and percentage of vacaneis to be filled by various modes. 100% by promotion, failing which by deputation and direct recruitment. 10 In case of recruitment by promotion/ deputation / deputation / absorption, grades from which promotion / deputation / absorption is to be made. (a) By promotion of Assistants/ UDCs/ LDCs having passsed ICAR Audit and Accounts examination after having rendered three years regular service in Finance/Accounts after passing A&A examination. (b) Failing (a) above by deputation of suitable SAS passed officers from organized Audit and Accounts Departments and Services PROPOSED RECRUITMENT RULES FOR THE POST OF JOINT DIRECTOR (OFFICIAL LANGUAGE) AT INDIAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH
having rendered 3 years of continuous and regular service in the grade of Rs. 5500- 9000. Note:- Those who pass ICAR A&A examination will have a common seniority for ICAR system starting from the date/year of passing exam and merit on marks obtained for that particular year. (c) Failing (a) and (b) above by direct recruitment as per the prescribed qualification by interview at the concerned institute level. 11 If a Departmental Promotion Committee exists, what is its composition 1. Dy Secretary (Admn) ICAR - Chairman. 2. An Officer not lower in status than US/SF&AO nominated by Secretary, ICAR- Member 3. An outside expert not lower in status than US nominated by Secretary, ICAR-Member 4. An Officer not lower in Status than US belonging to SC/ST community nominated by Secretary, ICAR- Member 5. US(Admn.)- Member Secretary At the Institutes 1. Registrar/CAO (in absence of such Officer and Officer of equivalents status nominated by Director )- Chairman 2. CF&AO/SFAO/F&AO or his representative - Member 3. SAO (in absence of such officer an officer of equivalent status nominated by Director- Member 4. An outside expert not lower in status than AO nominated by Director -Member 5. An officer not lower in status than AO belonging to SC/ST community nominated by Secretary ICAR.- Member 6. AO(in absence of such officer an officer of equivalent status nominated by Director - Member Secretary. 12 Remarks
1. Name of the post Joint Director (Official Language) 2. Classification Administrative Group 'A' 3. Scale of Pay Rs.12000-375-16500 4. Whether Selection Post or Non- selection Post Selection 5. Age limit for direct recruitment Not applicable 6. Educational & other qualifications required for direct recruitment Not applicable 7. Whether age & educational qualification required for direct recruits will apply in case of promotees Not applicable 8. Period of Probation, if any. Not applicable 9. Method of recruitment whether by Direct Recruitment or by promotion or by deputation / absorption & percentage of Vacancies to be filled by various modes. 100% by promotion, failing which by deputation from Central / State Govts. 10. In case of vacancies filled by promotion / absorption; grades / sources from which promotion / absorption is to be made. By promotion of Deputy Directors (Official Language) of the ICAR system in the pay scale of Rs.10000- 15200 having rendered at least 5 years service in the grade. Failing above by deputation of officers the Central Govt./State Govt. who are working on analogous posts on regular capacity 11. If a DPC/Selection Committee exists what is its Composition.
DG, ICAR or his nominee Chairman
Remarks Chairman, ASRB Secretary, ICAR An outside expert nominated by DG, ICAR An Officer not lower in status than officers under consideration belonging to SC/ST community nominated by DG, ICAR Member Member Member Member Director (P) or an equivalent officer nominated by DG, ICAR Member Secretary PROPOSED RECRUITMENT RULES FOR THE POST OF DIRECTOR (OFFICIAL LANGUAGE) AT INDIAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH
1. Name of the post Director (Official Language) 2. Classification Administrative Group 'A' 3. Scale of Pay Rs.14300-400-18300 4. Whether Selection Post or Non- selection Post Selection 5. Age limit for direct recruitment Not applicable 6. Educational & other qualifications required for direct recruitment Not applicable 7. Whether age & educational qualification required for direct recruits will apply in case of promotees Not applicable 8. Period of Probation, if any. Not applicable 9. Method of recruitment whether by Direct Recruitment or by promotion or by deputation / absorption & percentage of Vacancies to be filled by various modes. 100% by promotion, failing which by deputation from Central / State Govts. 10. In case of vacancies filled by promotion / absorption; grades / sources from which promotion / absorption is to be made. By promotion of Joint Director (Official Language) of the ICAR system in the pay scale of Rs.12000- 16500 having rendered at least 5 years service in the grade. Failing above by deputation of officers the Central Govt./State Govt. who are working on analogous posts on regular capacity 11. If a DPC/Selection Committee exists what is its Composition.
DG, ICAR or his nominee Chairman
An outside expert not lower in status than Deputy Secretary nominated by DG, ICAR Member
An Officer not lower in status than Deputy Secretary belonging to SC/ST community nominated by DG, ICAR Member
Director (P) or an officer nominated by DG, ICAR Member Secretary
12. Remarks - -
1. Name of the post SENIOR PRINCIPAL PRIVATE SECRETARY 2. Classification Administrative Group A 3. Scale of Pay Rs.12000-375-16500 4. Whether Selection Post or Non-selection Post Selection 5. Age limit for direct recruitment Not applicable 6. Educational & other qualifications required for direct recruitment Not applicable 7. Whether age & educational qualification required for direct recruits will apply in case of promotees Not applicable 8. Period of Probation, if any. Not applicable 9. Method of recruitment whether by Direct Recruitment or by promotion or by deputation / absorption & percentage of Vacancies to be filled by various modes. 100% by promotion 10. In case of vacancies filled by promotion / absorption; grades / sources from which promotion / absorption is to be made. By promotion of Principal Private Secretaries of the ICAR system in the pay scale of Rs.10000-15200 having rendered at least 5 years service in the grade. 11. If a DPC/Selection Committee exists what is its Composition.
An Officer not lower in status than officers under consideration belonging to SC/ST community nominated by DG, ICAR Member Director (P) or an equivalent officer nominated by DG, ICAR Member Secretary PROPOSED RECRUITMENT RULES FOR THE POST OF PRINCIPAL PRIVATE SECRETARY AT INDIAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH
1. Name of the post PRINCIPAL PRIVATE SECRETARY 2. Classification Administrative Group A 3. Scale of Pay Rs. 10000-325-15200 4. Whether Selection Post or Non-selection Post Selection 5. Age limit for direct recruitment Not applicable 6. Educational & other qualifications required for direct recruitment Not applicable 7. Whether age & educational qualification required for direct recruits will apply in case of promotees Not applicable 8. Period of Probation, if any. Two years 9. Method of recruitment whether by Direct Recruitment or by promotion or by deputation / absorption & percentage of Vacancies to be filled by various modes. 100% by promotion 10. In case of vacancies filled by promotion / absorption; grades / sources from which promotion / absorption is to be made. By promotion of Private Secretaries of the ICAR system in the pay scale of Rs.6500- 10500 having rendered at least 8 years service in the grade. 11. If a DPC/Selection Committee exists what is its Composition.
Secretary, ICAR or his / her nominee Chairman An officer not lower in status than Deputy Secretary nominated by Member PROPOSED RECRUITMENT RULES FOR THE POST OF PRIVATE SECRETARY UNDER INDIAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH
Remarks Secretary, ICAR
An outside expert not lower in status than Deputy Secretary nominated by Secretary, ICAR Member An Officer not lower in status than officers under consideration belonging to SC/ST community nominated by Secretary, ICAR Member Deputy Secretary (Admn.) Member Secretary
1. Name of the post PRIVATE SECRETARY 2. Classification Administrative Group B 3. Scale of Pay Rs. 6500-200-10500 4. Whether Selection Post or Non-selection Post Non- Selection 5. Age limit for direct recruitment Not applicable 6. Educational & other qualifications required for direct recruitment Not applicable 7. Whether age & educational qualification required for direct recruits will apply in case of promotees Not applicable 8. Period of Probation, if any. Not applicable 9. Method of recruitment whether by Direct Recruitment or by promotion or by deputation / absorption & percentage of Vacancies to be filled by various modes. 50% by promotion 50% by Limited Departmental Competitive Examination 10. In case of vacancies filled by promotion / absorption; grades / sources from which promotion / absorption is to be made. a) 50% by promotion of Personal Assistants in the pay scale of Rs.5500-9000 at the respective Institutes/Headquarters having rendered at least 8 years service in the grade on the recommendations of the DPC. b) 50% by way of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination confined to Personal Assistants in the pay scale of Rs.5500-9000 at the ICAR Hqrs. / Institutes having not less than five years regular service in the grades as on Ist January / 1st July respectively PROPOSED RECRUITMENT RULES FOR THE POST OF PRIVATE SECRETARY UNDER INDIAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH
CAO (in the absence of such officer, an officer of equivalent depending on the exam. being held during Ist/IInd half of a calendar year c) Failing (a) and (b) above by deputation of Private Secretary working in other Institutes/Headquarters or by deputation of Personal Assistants (Rs. 5500- 9000) having eligibility as per (a) above working in other Institutes/ Hqrs. The deputation will be for a period not exceeding three years.
11. If a DPC/Selection Committee exists what is its Composition.
Deputy Secretary(Admn.), ICAR Chairman An officer not lower in status than Under Secretary nominated by Secretary, ICAR Member An outside expert not lower in status than Under Secretary nominated by Secretary, ICAR Member An Officer not lower in status than Under Secretary belonging to SC/ST community nominated by Secretary, ICAR Member Under Secretary (Admn.) Member Secretary At the Institutes Chairman
Remarks status nominated by Director)
SAO (in the absence of such officer, an officer of equivalent status nominated by Director) Member An outside expert not lower in status than Under Secretary nominated by Director Member An Officer not lower in status than AO belonging to SC/ST community nominated by Director Member AO (in the absence of such officer, an officer of equivalent status nominated by Director) Member Secretary PROPOSED RECRUITMENT RULES FOR THE POST OF PERSONAL ASSISTANT UNDER INDIAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH
absorption is to be made.
1. Name of the post PERSONAL ASSISTANT 2. Classification Administrative Group B 3. Scale of Pay Rs. 5500-175-9000 4. Whether Selection Post or Non-selection Post Non- Selection 5. Age limit for direct recruitment 18 to 27 years [ The upper age is relaxable for SC/ST/OBC as per the Government of India rules. The upper age is also relaxable upto 45 years in the case of serving regular employees of ICAR in the administrative (ministerial) category] 6. Educational & other qualifications required for direct recruitment Graduation and one year diploma in computers. 7. Whether age & educational qualification required for direct recruits will apply in case of promotees No 8. Period of Probation, if any. Two years 9. Method of recruitment whether by Direct Recruitment or by promotion or by deputation / absorption & percentage of Vacancies to be filled by various modes. i) 75% by Direct Recruitment on the basis of the open competitive examination by the SSC. ii) 15% by Limited Departmental Competitive Examination confined to Steno. Gr.III (Rs.4000-6000) of the respective Institute / Hqrs. With at least three years regular service as on 1st January/Ist July respectively depending on the exam. Being held during Ist/IInd half of a calendar year iii) 10% by promotion of Steno.Gr.III (Rs.4000-6000) at the respective Institutes/Hqrs. Having completed atleast 5 years regular service in the grade. 10. In case of vacancies filled by promotion / absorption; grades / sources from which promotion / As given in col. 9(iii) above
11. If a DPC/Selection Committee exists what is its Composition.
Deputy Secretary(Admn.), ICAR Chairman An officer not lower in status than Under Secretary nominated by Secretary, ICAR Member An outside expert not lower in status than Under Secretary nominated by Secretary, ICAR Member An Officer not lower in status than Under Secretary belonging to SC/ST community nominated by Secretary, ICAR Member Under Secretary (Admn.) Member Secretary At the Institutes CAO (in the absence of such officer, an officer of equivalent status nominated by Director) Chairman SAO (in the absence of such officer, an officer of equivalent status nominated by Director) Member An outside expert not lower in status than Under Member
Remarks Secretary nominated by Director
An Officer not lower in status than AO belonging to SC/ST community nominated by Director Member AO (in the absence of such officer, an officer of equivalent status nominated by Director) Member Secretary
ANNEXURE -VIII Minutes of the meetings of the Cadre Review Committee
MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CADRE REVIEW COMMITTEE OF ICAR FOR ADMINISTRATIVE AND ALLIED CATEGORY POSTS HELD AT BOARD ROOM, NASC COMPLEX, PUSA, NEW DELHI ON 13.10.2007 AT 1200 HRS. UNDER THE CHAIRMANSHIP OF SHRI N. PARTHASARTHY, FORMER FA, DARE/ICAR 1. Minutes of the meeting held on 13.10.2007 2. Minutes of the meeting held on 29.10.2007 3. Minutes of the meeting held on 31.01.2008 4. Minutes of the meeting held on 18.02.2008 5. Minutes of the meeting held on 03.03.2008 6. Minutes of the meeting held on 13.03.2008 7. Minutes of the meeting held on 26.03.2008 8. Minutes of the meeting held on 19.04.2008 9. Minutes of the meeting held on 29-30/4/2008
The following were present:- 1. Shri N. Parthasarathy, former FA, DARE/ICAR ........ Chairman 2. Shri M.K. Jain, Sr. A.O., IARI, New Delhi ........ Member 3. Smt. Rashmi R. Rao, Sr. F&AO, NAIP, New Delhi ........ Member 4. Shri Madan Sarup, Under Secretary (Per.), ICAR ........ Member 5. Shri K.N. Choudhary, Under Secretary (Admn.), ICAR ... Spl. Invitee 6. Shri M.R. Sharma, Secretary (Staff Side), CJSC ........ Spl. Invitee 7. Shri Davinder Kumar, Secretary (Staff Side), HJSC ........ Spl. Invitee 8. Shri P.S. Jina, Secretary, IJSC, IVRI, Izatnagar ........ Spl. Invitee 9. Shri Vijay Kumar Sharma, Member, CJSC ........ Spl. Invitee 10. Shri L.D. Thukral, Member, CJSC ........ Spl. Invitee 11. Shri Sanjay Gupta, Dy. Secretary (Admn.), ICAR ........ Member Secretary The Chairman initially invited suggestions/input in the matter from the Members of the CJSC and HJSC. Mr. M.R. Sharma, Secretary (Staff Side), CJSC explained about the existing stagnation level of various posts specially the AAOs and Stenographers level posts in ICAR institutes. He proposed that administrative category posts should be in some reasonable proportion to the scientific strength of ICAR and also proposed that the administrative category posts should be rationalized in appropriate proportion as per Brahma Committee Report for Central Secretariat Services (CSS). Mr. Davinder Kumar, Secretary (Staff Side), HJSC proposed that while making recommendations by this Committee, identity of the ICAR Hqrs., may be kept intact on the pattern of CSS. He also suggested that there should be a pooling system of posts on zonal basis. Views of Secretary, CJSC were also endorsed by other Members of the Staff Side, representative of IJSC. They also proposed that a Committee should recommend relaxation of age for serving ICAR employees for the directly recruited posts of AO, FAO etc., cadres. The Chairman listened to the views of representative of the Staff Side attentively and assured them that all efforts will be made to include their views in the final report of Cadre Review Committee as far as practicable and for this purpose he will hold a final meeting with the Staff Side representative before submitting its final report to the Council. At the same time, the Chairman requested them to bring out their detailed proposal in writing for the improvement of recommendations of this Committee as early as possible. The Chairman further directed to the Member Secretary that Institute wise profile of all category of posts including scientist, technical and budget level for each institute may be obtained and submitted before Committee in the next meeting. It was also considered to invite wide range of suggestions/input from ICAR Instts./Hqrs., for consideration by the Committee.
Thereafter, the Chairman further directed the Member Secretary to obtain the information like sanctioned strength of all the administrative and allied category post, their promotional avenues, existing salary structure, qualification criteria, vacancy position, recruitment rules, hierarchy details, mode of promotion, availability of training opportunities, details of post available in various projects of ICAR, existing provisions of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for various posts etc. He also desired to know the parallels of these posts in Government set-up and also in sister organizations like CSIR, AFHQ, ICCR, ICMR etc. He further desired to know the details of attrition level in various posts and also the implications for implementations of ADRP. The Chairman was also of the view that the Report should contain a provision for appropriate training in these categories of posts so that our manpower shall be able to discharge multi-skilling, duties and functions. This may facilitate abolitions of some posts at lower level and creation by upgradation of some higher level posts. He also wanted to know the details of categories of posts that can be made dying cadre. The Chairman further desired to have the details regarding all the isolated posts like Official Language posts, Legal posts, Sr. Sales Assistant etc., so that discrepancies in these cadres may be removed. It was unanimously decided that next meeting of the Committee will be held on 29 th October, 2007 at 10.30 a.m. at Board Room, NASC Complex, Pusa, New Delhi. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CADRE REVIEW COMMITTEE OF ICAR FOR ADMINISTRATIVE AND ALLIED CATEGORY POSTS HELD AT BOARD ROOM, NASC COMPLEX, PUSA, NEW DELHI ON 29.10.2007 AT 10:30 HRS. UNDER THE CHAIRMANSHIP OF SHRI N. PARTHASARTHY, FORMER FA, DARE/ICAR The following were present:- 1. Shri N. Parthasarathy, former FA, DARE/ICAR ........ Chairman 2. Shri M.K. Jain, Sr. A.O., IARI, New Delhi ........ Member 3. Smt. Rashmi R. Rao, Sr. F&AO, NAIP, New Delhi ............. Member 4. Shri Rajiv Mangotra, Under Secretary (Vig.), ICAR ........... Member 5. Shri K.N. Choudhary, Under Secretary (Admn.), ICAR ... Spl. Invitee 6. Shri Sanjay Gupta, Dy. Secretary (Admn.), ICAR ............... Member Secretary Initially the Committee deliberated on the status of the Group D employees of ICAR and also the isolated posts falling under Official Language, Medical Officers, Legal posts, canteen employees, security personnel and various other ex cadre posts lying at ICAR Hqrs. Details of the discussion regarding each have been given as
under:- Group D posts Committee took a view that all Group D posts in ICAR should be abolished ultimately and no further recruitment in this grade should be made. Savings on account of this abolition may be shown as matching savings for upgradation of other posts. The job presently done by these staff can be got done by outsourcing. The chairman also informed that VI th CPC is likely to recommend a single pay scale for the existing three Group D pay scales. He desired to know the details regarding number of Group D employees who have already got or are likely to get first and second financial upgradation under ACP scheme so as to take a view on matching savings. Security Personnel It was noted that presently the security job in ICAR is being performed by the persons like security officer, security attendant, chowkidar, beldar etc. The Chairman desired to know the details regarding the qualifications, recruitment procedure, pay scales and promotional avenues of all these posts. It was also unanimously decided that no fresh recruitment should be made in this grade and the job can be got done by outsourcing. Medical Officers The Committee was informed that in ICAR system number of dispensaries/small hospitals have been established in various Institutes of ICAR and Doctors, para-medical itself and other supporting staff have been deployed there. Most of the medical officers are in the technical category whereas a few are still holding the auxiliary category post inspite of the fact that the Council has already abolished all the auxiliary category post. Chairman suggested to obtain following brief details - number of such dispensaries/ hospitals, - their locations, details of para medical and other staff working there,
- number of employees including pensioners to whom these dispensaries are providing medical facilities, - details on expenditure on medical treatment for last three consecutive years, - age profile of doctors (whether retiring soon or later), - total expenditure on running such hospitals, - details of medical facilities where such doctors/dispensaries are not available Legal Posts The Committee was informed that ICAR has presently the followings posts to handle large number of legal cases of ICAR Hqrs., and its institutes:- 1. Legal Advisor (Rs. 12,000-16,500/-) - one 2. Law Officer (Rs. 8000- 13,500/-) - one 3. Asst. Legal Advisory ( Rs. 6500-10,500/-) - one Jr. Law Officer (Rs. 5500-9000/-) - two Committee took a view that the possibilities may be explored to get the legal matters done by outsourcing by keeping counsel from different expertise/specialization in the approved panel. Some persons from Finance or Administrative Category who are legally qualified and have legal background can be posted in Legal sections and some sort of incentives or special pay may be granted to them. The Chairman, however, also suggested to obtain the details like qualification and pay scales available for the posts equivalent to those existing in the ICAR from the Ministry of Law or from other Government organizations. Further, recruitment in these categories of posts may be stopped forthwith. Official Language Posts Chairman suggested that complete profile of existing posts in official language category in ICAR may be obtained. Stenographer/PA Cadre posts A brief account of existing posts in the grade of steno, PA and PS in ICAR
was given to the Chairman. The Chairman desired to know the GOI (DOP&T) norms on the entitlement of an officer for the stenographic assistance so that the actual requirement of posts in various categories like steno/PA/PS/PPS/Sr. PPS can be identified. The Chairman desired to know the details of administrative responsibilities of various categories of officers in ICAR, level of budget handling by them, their workload and requirement for handling confidential records by an individual officer so as to assess the level of stenographic assistance required for various functionaries. Finance Cadre Posts The Chairman was given a detailed picture regarding number of finance cadre posts available in various grades in ICAR. He desired to know the total number of finance cadre posts initially sanctioned in ICAR and the concept behind the creation of these posts at initial stage. General Discussions As far as possible isolated posts may be either phased out and job can be got done by outsourcing or it may be made ex-cadre post and filled up on deputation basis. Minimum qualification at entry level even for Group D employees may be 10 th Pass with typing skill. Computer literacy should be made compulsory for fresh recruit in all cadre post and recruitment rules may be amended accordingly. Institute wise analysis may be done for assessing requirement of various posts in finance and administrative cadre including stenographic assistance. A comparison of ICAR with Central Secretariat Services may be made and a note may be prepared giving details of various anomalies that have crept in ICAR as a result of non-implementation of government decisions for CSS cadre posts. Similarly, a note may also be prepared on anomalies in pay scales and promotional avenues for ICAR institute based posts vis--vis ICAR Hqrs., based posts. Approval of the competent authority to include Canteen employees and
Medical Officers of ICAR in the terms of reference of this committee may be obtained. Detailed profile of canteen employees posted in various Institutes of ICAR may be obtained and compiled. The existing ex-cadre posts that are being filled up on deputation basis should be continued as far as practicable. Chairman also took the view that all the institutes of ICAR may be put into four categories depending on number of scientist posts available for them and also the budget level being handled by them for identification of various administrative and finance category post required by them. The four categories could be:- Number of Scientists Posts Category 0-50.1 First 51-100.1 Second 101-200.1 Third More than 200 Fourth MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CADRE REVIEW COMMITTEE OF ICAR FOR ADMINISTRATIVE AND ALLIED CATEGORY POSTS HELD AT CR-II, KRISHI BHAWANNEW DELHI ON 31.01.2008 AT 11:00 HRS. UNDER THE CHAIRMANSHIP OF SHRI N. PARTHASARTHY, FORMER FA, DARE/ICAR The following were present:- 1. Shri N. Parthasarathy, former FA, DARE/ICAR ........ Chairman 2. Shri M.K. Jain, Sr. A.O., IARI, New Delhi ........ Member 3. Smt. Rashmi R. Rao, Sr. F&AO, NAIP, New Delhi ............. Member 4. Shri Rajiv Mangotra, Under Secretary (Vig.), ICAR ........... Member 5. Shri K.N. Choudhary, Under Secretary (Admn.), ICAR ... Spl. Invitee . Shri Sanjay Gupta, Dy. Secretary (Admn.), ICAR ................ Member Secretary After welcome address the committee deliberated on the various issues relating to the cadre review. The individual members submitted their viewpoints before the Committee Shri M.K.Jain, Member pointed out that the ICAR must have a few higher level posts in the pay scale of Rs. 16,400 - 20,000 for the posts like Director (P), Director (F) and Registrars of all the four Deemed Universities of ICAR. He further suggested that since the post of Secretary, ICAR has been upgraded from Joint
Secretary to Additional Secretary, it would be, therefore, justified that the Committee may recommend two Jt. Secretary level posts viz., JS (Admn.)/(Pers.) and JS (Fin.) in ICAR also. The Chairman suggested to procure the recruitment rules of Jt. Secretary and examine the issue. Shri Sanjay Gupta, Dy. Secretary (Admn.) submitted his view that the recommendations of this Committee may be based on the Brahma Committees Report on CSS. ICAR may also consider the abolition of the lower level posts like LDC, UDC etc., and direct recruitment may be made only at the level of Assistant. It was further proposed by him whether the Committee may recommend the merger of administrative and finance cadre posts of ICAR. As regards the adoption of principle envisaged in the Brahma Committee Report the Chairman suggested that the issue may be examined with detailed justification whether administrative cadre of ICAR institutes and Hqrs., can start with the post of Assistant and the LDC/UDCs post may treated as dying cadre. As regards merger of administrative and finance cadre posts the Chairman suggested that there may be some practical difficulty in managing the affairs of the Institute under conflicting situation as both finance and administrative cadre posts function separately in balancing way. However, he favoured the merger of these grades from a certain level of posts. Chairman appreciated the views of members and expressed his views that the ICAR seems to have been sidelined in respect of the pay scales and other benefits enjoyed by the employees of the Central Government. He desired to explore the possibilities whether ICAR can be brought into the main stream and allowed to take its independent decisions in the matter of pay scales and service conditions on the pattern of Central Sectt. Service or other sister organizations like CSIR. He, therefore, wanted to have details regarding CSIR and also in Central Sectt. Services for drawing a parallel with ICAR. The Chairman further advised Ms. Rashmi Rao to draw a pyramidical structure of various administrative and allied posts available in ICAR and CSIR. The question of inter-institutional mobility and also between institutes and Hqrs., was also raised by the members. The Chairman suggested to explore the possibilities at what level of post such a mobility can be resorted to. Eventually the Chairman resolved that the committee may conclusively recommend on the following lines:- (i) Recommendations that can give immediate relief to the employees in the matter of pay scales and promotional avenues. (ii) To examine and explore possibilities that can be beneficial in the long term. For this, the committee can study the CSIR system as to how they have been able to carry out their organization structure satisfactorily even as an autonomous organization (like ICAR) and find out if we can recommend with justification either to adopt CSIR system or the system extended by the Govt. of India for Central Secretariat Services.
It was decided to hold next meeting of this committee on 18 February, 2008 at 2.30 P.M. Later, the Chairman and the Member Secretary had a brief meeting with Mrs. Sushma Nath, Member Secretry of the 6 th CPC in her officer wherein they submitted before her the case of ICAR that could be relevant for the recommendations likely to be made by this committee. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CADRE REVIEW COMMITTEE OF ICAR FOR ADMINISTRATIVE AND ALLIED CATEGORY POSTS HELD AT CR-II, KRISHI BHAWAN, NEW DELHI ON 18.02.2008 AT 2:30 HRS. UNDER THE CHAIRMANSHIP OF SHRI N. PARTHASARTHY, FORMER FA, DARE/ICAR The following were present:- 1. Shri N. Parthasarathy, former FA, DARE/ICAR ......... Chairman 2. Shri M.K. Jain, Sr. A.O., IARI, New Delhi ......... Member 3. Smt. Rashmi R. Rao, Sr. F&AO, NAIP, New Delhi ......... Member 4. Shri Rajiv Mangotra, Under Secretary (Vig.), ICAR ......... Member 5. Shri K.N. Choudhary, Under Secretary (Admn.), ICAR ........ Spl. Invitee 6. Shri Sanjay Gupta, Dy. Secretary (Admn.), ICAR ................ Member Secretary At the outset of the meeting the Chairman informed members about his recent discussion regarding anticipated report of this Committee with Secretary, ICAR and set a deadline of 31 st March, 2008 by which date the Committee must submit its final report to the ICAR. In other words, the Committee can no longer keep its report pending till outcome of the 6 th CPC Report. As desired in the last meeting held on 31.1.2008 two of the members submitted their brief summary of the draft recommendations in respect of finance cadre posts and administrative cadre posts respectively. Number and level of posts prescribed for various institutes/units of ICAR were based on the size of the budget being handled by the individual institutes/unit. After deliberate discussion on this draft recommendation, it was unanimously felt necessary to compile all the data regarding number of various level of posts available, its existing distribution/location. These data should be refined and made foolproof. Thereafter the Chairman suggested the members to work out the following exercises in respect of both ICAR Hqrs. oriented posts and also for institute oriented posts for giving final shape to the recommendations of this Committee. i) To look into the possibilities to bring down the number of pay scales in ICAR by merging near identical pay scales. ii) To identify the post that can be phased out and their respective services can be got performed by outsourcing.
iii) To identify the posts at which level the finance cadre post and the administrative category posts can be amalgamated by framing a common recruitment rules and other aspects like minimum number of years of services required in a particular grade in administrative or finance for such merger. The Chairman further suggested the members to examine the following issues and come out with recommendations with full justifications:- i) Whether the lower level posts like LDC, UDC and isolated posts like security assistant, security officer, Gr. D Stenographer, legal posts in institutes, data collector, research assistant, sr. sales assistant, medical officer, dispatch rider, junior accounts officer can be phased out and job performed by them can be, if required, got done by outsourcing. There shall be no future recruitment in these grades of posts. ii) Some norms may be decided for recommending various level of stenographic/personal assistant required for various level of functionaries. iii) The Committee may fine tune its norm as to which level and size of manpower from administrative and finance category of posts should be required to handle different level of budget provisions by the institutes iv) How many posts in various grades can be upgraded at those institutes who are not having adequate level of required posts in relevant category. v) For making recommendations regarding PA/PS positions also some norms should be developed, also after taking into account the existing Government norms for deployment of PA/PS in various Ministries/Departments. Eventually the Chairman suggested the members to prepare a draft report of this Committee and submit it before the next meeting of this Committee. It was further decided that the Committee may meet again on 3 rd March, 2008 at 11:00 a. m. and thereafter on 13 th March, 2008 at 1:00 p.m. at Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi. Members of the CJSC may also be invited for attending the meeting scheduled for 13 th
1. Shri N. Parthasarathy, former FA, DARE/ICAR ......... Chairman 2. Shri M.K. Jain, Sr. A.O., IARI, New Delhi ......... Member 3. Smt. Rashmi R. Rao, Sr. F&AO, NAIP, New Delhi ......... Member 4. Shri Rajiv Mangotra, Under Secretary (Vig.), ICAR ......... Member 5. Shri K.N. Choudhary, Under Secretary (Admn.), ICAR ........ Spl. Invitee 6. Shri Sanjay Gupta, Dy. Secretary (Admn.), ICAR ................ Member Secretary On this date, the Committee mainly deliberated on the draft report including norms for recommendations. Institute / Unit wise requirements of manpower to various grades was discussed thoroughly. It was also decided that we may mention special justification for the provision of additional manpower for those Zonal Coordinating Unit with low annual budget. However, on enquiry it was confirmed that all the ZCUs have almost identical budget. Therefore, the manpower in all the ZCUs be same. While considering the requirement for NAARM, Hyderabad, the Chairman suggested that the Director, NAARM may be requested to attend the next meeting of this Committee alongwith related documents/information scheduled to be held on 13 th of March, 2008. The Chairman also suggested to examine and identify the stage at which a central cadre of ICAR can be formed by merging field and Headquarters. He further suggested to obtain the views of staff representative also before making any recommendation on this matter. In the context of formation of a merged cadre of administrative and finance posts, the Chairman suggested to examine whether a common cadre may be continued for a certain period of time (say 10 years or so) with the option that individual may go back to the separate cadres of administration and finance. As regards provision for the creation of JS level post, the Chairman suggested that special mention may be made in the recommendations of this Committee that these posts will be filled up in due course of time only when departmental candidates are available. The next meeting the Committee may be held on 13 th March, 2008. Meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CADRE REVIEW COMMITTEE OF ICAR FOR ADMINISTRATIVE AND ALLIED
CATEGORY POSTS HELD AT CR-II, KRISHI BHAWAN, NEW DELHI ON 13.3.2008 AT 10:00 HRS. UNDER THE CHAIRMANSHIP OF SHRI N. PARTHASARTHY, FORMER FA, DARE/ICAR The following were present:- 1. Shri N. Parthasarathy, former FA, DARE/ICAR ......... Chairman 2. Shri M.K. Jain, Sr. A.O., IARI, New Delhi ......... Member 3. Smt. Rashmi R. Rao, Sr. F&AO, NAIP, New Delhi ......... Member 4. Shri Rajiv Mangotra, Under Secretary (Vig.), ICAR ......... Member 5. Dr. P. Das, DDG (Agrl. Extn.), ICAR ........ Spl. Invitee 6. Dr. Mruthyunjaya, ND, NAIP ......... Spl. Invitee 7. Dr. S.M. Ilyas, Director, NAARM, Hyderabad ........ Spl. Invitee S. Shri H.C. Pathak, Director (Fin.), ICAR, Hqrs. Spl. Invitee 9. Shri K.N. Choudhary, Under Secretary (Admn.), ICAR ........ Spl. Invitee 10. Shri Sanjay Gupta, Dy. Secretary (Admn.), ICAR ................ Member Secretary After welcome address the Chairman further outlined the norms for positioning of the manpower in administrative and finance category for various institutes. He pointed out that the total strength of the scientists should also be taken into account for recommending manpower in administrative/finance category. The criteria may be Institute having scientists strength below 20, between 21-50, between 51-100, between 101-200 and for deemed universities. Number of assistants/UDCs/LDCs etc., should also depend on the institutes having more number of regional centres/stations. For example, NBSSLUP, Nagpur; CMFRI, Cochin; CSWCRTI, Avikanagar; IARI, New Delhi; IVRI, Izatnagar; CPRI, Shimla; CPCRI, Kasargod; ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Barapani should have special consideration for availability of manpower in this category. Chairman was of the view that requirements for new projects can be got done only by outsourcing of administrative staff as provided under GFR.
Subsequently, Director, NAARM was apprised of the broad outlook of the Committee that may be part of its recommendations and was requested to express his viewpoint that may be relevant for the Committee. His views are summarized as under:- (i) He was in agreement with the Committee's view for phasing out the posts like LDCs, UDCs and get these jobs done through outsourcing. The post should start from Assistant level and nomenclature of posts could be different on the pattern of corporate sectors. (ii) The Committee should make sincere efforts for removal of stagnation in all cadres, as unsatisfied lot of manpower will hardly be productive. Further, the promotional avenues for both finance cadre personnel and administrative cadre personnel should be the same. (iii) There is no need to copy Government system, and ICAR having autonomous status can have its own policy for governing administrative and finance cadre personnel as well. (iv) Since there are no posts of officers in finance cadres at many institutes of ICAR, all efforts should, therefore, be made to provide a finance cadre post as well at par with the administrative cadre posts. (v) There should be some kind of ratios between total number of scientist strength and administrative posts strength except for peculiar institutes like NAARM, Hyderabad, where this ratio could be different. (vi) There are number of anomalies in the system that should be removed. For example, it has been observed that in most of the institutes no Stenos/PAs with shorthand efficiency are required in the present scenario. Only the people trained in computer and also to manage the modern office are required. Therefore, number of PA's post could be reduced and at their place Assistants with multi-level proficiency may be recruited. There could
be a pool of stenographers and individual officer as and when feels necessary can get benefits from this. (vii) Mobility between ICAR Hqrs. to Institutes and vice-versa and also between institute to institute atleast at a same city/station should be encouraged at higher level posts like S.O./AAO, US/Sr. A.O, DS/Ch.A.O. etc. (viii) There is no incentive for those who have passed ICAR Audit and Accounts exam. There should be, therefore, some kind of promotion to higher post, not merely advance increments. (ix) Promotion and assessment system should be irrespective of vacancies also for administrative and finance personnel. (x) Periodical training specially multi-skill training should essentially be imparted to all the employees to have a share knowledge and experiences. (xi) In the last, the Director, NAARM was apprised of the draft recommendations in respect of NAARM, Hyderabad and he broadly agreed to the same. Views expressed by ND, NAIP may be summarized as under:- (i) Talented persons are looking for opportunities outside ICAR due to lack of adequate avenues of promotion. This should be addressed properly with long term strategy. (ii) Administrative and Finance cadre posts should be separate. It can be merged provided the manpower to be recruited can have the common skill and qualification. Entry level post in ICAR should be Assistant. (iii) All employees should be given training preferably at outside their working place atleast after every 3-4 years. Training should also be through constant interfacing with the employees to give them a feeling of individual's importance in the organization. (iv) Some kind of financial incentives or reward/recognition including oral appreciation for good work should also be provision for given to the
employees. (v) Promotion should be based on the performance and there should be fast track promotion for excellent performer. Talented candidates from other organizations can also be recruited through lateral entry. (vi) There could be no stenographers post attached to Directors or senior officers but some kind of person with skill in public relations and knowledge of office management, liaisoning and communication skill can be recruited. Views of DDG (AE) DDG (AE) was apprised of the disparity in budget allocation for different ZCUs as noted by the Committee earlier and was requested to enlighten the position. Thereafter the DDG (AE) explained the detailed background regarding creation and functioning of ZCUs. He also informed the Committee about a recent proposal for the upgradation of some of the ZCUs to PDs. His views may be summarized as under:- (i) At number of ZCUs, virtually there is no administrative or finance wing causing lot of difficulties in managing the ZCUs. He proposed that there should be adequate number of finance and administrative cadre post proportionately for ZCUs also. (ii) Atleast one post each of AO and F&AO should be available for each institute of ICAR. (iii) Administrative cadre post could start from Assistant with all all-India transfer liability. It was unanimously decided that the next meeting of this Committee may be held on 26.3.2008 at 10 a.m. at ICAR Hqrs., Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi. DDG(Fy.),
DDG (CS), DDG(AS), Director (Per.) and both the Director (Fin.) may be invited to attend the next meeting. The meeting ended with the vote of thanks to the Chair. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CADRE REVIEW COMMITTEE OF ICAR FOR ADMINISTRATIVE AND ALLIED CATEGORY POSTS HELD AT CR-II, KRISHI BHAWAN, NEW DELHI ON 26.3.2008 AT 11:00 HRS. UNDER THE CHAIRMANSHIP OF SHRI N. PARTHASARTHY, FORMER FA, DARE/ICAR The following were present:- 1. Shri N. Parthasarathy, former FA, DARE/ICAR ......... Chairman 2. Shri M.K. Jain, Sr. A.O., IARI, New Delhi ......... Member 3. Smt. Rashmi R. Rao, Sr. F&AO, NAIP, New Delhi ......... Member 4. Dr. S. Ayappan, DDG (Fy.), ICAR ......... Spl. Invitee 5. Dr. K.M. Bujarbaruah, DDG (Animal Sciences.), ICAR ....... Spl. Invitee 6. Dr.P.L. Gautam, DDG (Crop Sciences), ICAR ....... Spl. Invitee 7. Shri K.K. Bajpai, Director (Per.), ICAR Hqrs. ....... Spl. Invitee 8. Shri H.C. Pathak, Director (Fin.), ICAR Hqrs. ....... Spl. Invitee 9. Shri Devendra Kumar, Director (Fin.), NAIP ....... Spl. Invitee 10. Shri K.N. Choudhary, Under Secretary (Admn.), ICAR ....... Spl. Invitee 11. Shri Sanjay Gupta, Dy. Secretary (Admn.), ICAR ................ Member Secretary After welcome address the Committee noted that the recommendations of the VI CPC have already been published and this has to be examined thoroughly. The Chairman advised the Members to go through these recommendations, identify the problem of ICAR that has not been solved through these recommendations and think for the alternatives. The Chairman further suggested that instead of making cadre restructuring in ICAR, the Committee may now recommend a work oriented organizational structure of ICAR with functional justification for various posts. For this a suitable norm may be evolved with the sole motive of enhancing organizational efficiency which will ultimately increase productivity. Recommendation of the Committee may include, the 'Existing Organizational
Structure' and the 'Proposed Organizational Structure' with adequate justification in respect of budgetary position, number of scientists posts, overall existing manpower strength etc. Management tools like job enrichment through job rotation, multi- skilling training may also be stressed. Some kind of leave like study leave etc., may be granted to deserving candidates to give them opportunity to acquire adequate and desired qualification. All existing vacancies except in promotional post may be frozen until decisions on VI CPC recommendations are taken. Subsequently, the Chairman briefed all the Special Invitees of this meeting regarding the broad views of the Committee and its likely recommendations on many issues and invited their points of view on the same. The views given by them have been summarized as under:- DDG (Crop Science) There may be problem after the complete abolition of Gr. 'D' posts as, a large number of casual labourer with temporary status who have been working since long will loose opportunity for getting regular job/post. He, although, agreed to the outsourcing of jobs wherever possible but suggested that wherever possible some Gr. 'D' job can be got done only through regular manpower. Administrative and Finance/Accounts personnel in ICAR Institutes should be rationalized. If required, there may be a common cadre for certain level of posts. A common pool of manpower with combined seniority may be created at a place where two or more Institutes of ICAR are located. He agreed for the inter- institutional transferability of AAOs/AF&AOs. DDG (Fisheries) Number of Institutes/Centres of ICAR which are particularly located in North-East or other backward areas are facing problems in getting their job done through outsourcing as contractors are not readily available. No adequate manpower is available even for the discharge of minimum level of functions. These problems should be addressed suitably. Staff should be imparted adequate training particularly in-house/tailor made training in the matter of procurement, supply management especially where certain institutes are functioning in partnership environment. He also supported the inter- institutional transferability of AAO/AF&AO. DDG (Animal Sciences) Ratio between the sanctioned strength of administrative staff and scientists may be rationalized. He also supported the proposal for the inter- institutional transfer of AAOs/AF&AOs. He broadly agreed to the views of the Chairman on the availability of manpower for various institutes/centres on the basis of functional requirement. The Chairman suggested the DDGs to give their inputs in writing also if they
feel so necessary. Director (Finance), NAIP He submitted his view points in writing that included need for the development of human resources through proper training, orientation course etc., requirement of same level of finance personnel as of administrative personnel at all the units of ICAR, creation of Jt. Secretary level posts both in administration and finance divisions at ICAR Hqrs. All the Institutes of ICAR must be headed by at least an F&AO level officer. Director (Personnel) Level of leadership in administrative and finance cadre posts in institutes have deteriorated in recent years. It should be upgraded atleast at deemed universities. Regional stations also require better leadership. Manpower positions may also be based on land area component, hierarchy. Officer oriented system may be adopted phasing out lower level posts in corresponding and phased manner. AAO/AF&AOs posts may also be made cadre based posts with All-India transfer liabilities. He broadly agreed for a common pool of administrative and finance personnel at certain level of posts. Norms for common cadre for administration and finance should be more clear. Director (Finance), ICAR Hqrs. Each section in Finance Division should be headed by AF&AO, not S.O. Supported the views on inter-institutional transfer, common cadres for finance and administration, phasing out of some posts, multi tasking of jobs. All the Institutes of ICAR must be headed by atleast an F&AO level officer. It was decided to hold next meeting of the Committee on 19.4.2008 at KAB- II/NASC and DDG (Hort.), DDG (NRM), DDG (Edn.) and members of CJSC/HJSC may be invited to attend the same. The meeting ended with vote of thanks to the Chair. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CADRE REVIEW COMMITTEE OF ICAR FOR ADMINISTRATIVE AND ALLIED CATEGORY POSTS HELD AT CR-II, KRISHI BHAWAN, NEW DELHI ON 19.4.2008 AT 11:00 HRS. UNDER THE CHAIRMANSHIP OF SHRI N. PARTHASARTHY, FORMER FA, DARE/ICAR The following were present:- 1. Shri N. Parthasarathy, former FA, DARE/ICAR ......... Chairman 2. Shri M.K. Jain, Sr. A.O., IARI, New Delhi ......... Member
3. Smt. Rashmi R. Rao, Sr. F&AO, NAIP, New Delhi ......... Member 4. Shri M.R. Sharma, Secretary, CJSC ......... Spl. Invitee 5. Shri L.D. Thukral, Member, CJSC ....... Spl. Invitee 6. Shri P.S. Jena, Secretary, IJSC, IVRI ....... Spl. Invitee 7. Shri M.G. Sivadasan, Secretary, IJSC, CMFRI ....... Spl. Invitee S. Shri Davinder Kumar, Secretary, HJSC, ICAR Hqrs Spl. Invitee 9. Shri K.N. Choudhary, Under Secretary (Admn.), ICAR ....... Spl. Invitee 10. Shri Sanjay Gupta, Dy. Secretary (Admn.), ICAR ................ Member Secretary After welcome address, the Chairman explained to the staff representatives about the progress of the Cadre Review Committee so far and also the salient features of the likely recommendations of this Committee and invited their suggestions in the context of the recommendations of the VI CPC. Shri M.R. Sharma, Secretary (SS) submitted that where the VI CPC has recommended a unified pay scale of Rs. 6500-10,500 for the post of Assistant posted at both ICAR Hqrs. and in ICAR institutes, the Commission has discriminated with AF&AOs and AAOs of ICAR institutes vis--vis Section Officer of ICAR Hqrs. although both these posts are presently in the same pay scale of Rs. 6500-10,500. He suggested that like S.O.s and AAOs, AF&AOs should also be given the pay scale of Rs. 7500-1200 and Rs. 8000-13,500 (after 4 years). He submitted that since Assistants at ICAR Hqrs. and Institutes are being recruited from the same exam conducted by Staff Selection Commission, the above differentiation in their promotion post of AAO/SO will, therefore, bring serious anomaly. He also requested for the parity in the pay scale of steno/PA cadres posted in ICAR Institutes vis--vis at ICAR Hqrs. Staff representative from IVRI highlighted about the present level of stagnation in IVRI and also at other Institutes of ICAR and requested for rationalization of various promotional posts in administrative cadre.
Staff representative from ICAR Hqrs., submitted that the grant of non- functional pay scale of Rs. 8000-13500 should have a mention in the recommendations of the Cadre Review Committee. He further submitted that there should not be any transfers for the post below the level of US from ICAR Hqrs., to institutes even at one station as ICAR Hqrs. functions as Secretariat of ICAR. The Chairman agreed that the discrimination in respect of pay scales for officers/staff in ICAR Institutes vis--vis at ICAR Hqrs. should be removed as far as possible. He raised hope that many issues will be resolved through the recommendations of VI CPC. The Chairman further suggested that our recommendation may contain a separate Chapter indicating the specific recommendation of VI CPC which are relevant to ICAR and should be hence implemented. He also suggested the staff representatives to go through the recommendations of the VI CPC and identify the issues which have not been addressed in it but are relevant for ICAR. The Committee also observed that the post of Hindi Translators in ICAR are under technical category whereas the higher post like AD(OL), DD(OL) and Director (OL) are in administrative category. Hence, there is a need for rationalization of all these posts also in the light of recommendations of VI CPC for CSOLS. The Chairman suggested that detailed information about Hindi Translators may be sought from the Institutes for examination of this issue. The concept of corporate pool based on DRDO was also discussed. Chairman told that these posts are called cadre balancing posts, hence, the roster/seniority problems in this new concept have also to be understood. Staff Side unanimously stressed for the need of effective training to the employees specially for Gr. 'D' employees. The Chairman agreed that the Committee
should recommend a provision to encourage them to get more educational qualification and multi-skilling training for which they may be given a kind of leave like study leave etc. for six months or so. At some places where there are 2-3 or more institutes, staff should be moved from one institute to another for exposure and to learn in different work culture. The meeting attended with a vote of thanks to the Chair. Minutes of the Meeting of the Cadre Review Committee of ICAR for Administrative and Allied Category Posts held at KAB-II / KB, New Delhi on 29 th and 30 th April 2008 under the chairmanship of Shri N. Parthasarathy, former FA, DARE/ICAR.
Chairman, CRC alongwith DS(A) visited and met Chairman, ASRB to solicit his suggestions, views regarding the ongoing cadre review exercise. 2. Chairman, CRC explained to the DDGs about the norms etc. being formulated by the CRC for the cadre restructuring of the ICAR Institutes/Units on functional basis. Chairman, CRC requested the DDGs to submit their suggestions in view of the proposed cadre structures in respect of the Institutes under their Divisions. It was observed that in view of the recommendations of the Sixth CPC, we will have to follow the Assistant based system. 3. DDG (Hort.) explained the importance of the Horticulture sector in the present and coming times. There has been a quantum jump in this sector. Secondly, a lot of coordinated Projects have been merged, so the structure should The following were present on 29.4.2008: 1. Shri N. Parthasarathy ............... Chairman 2. Shri M. K. Jain, Sr. AO .............. Member 3. Smt. Rashmi R. Rao, Sr.FAO .... Member 4. Shri Rajiv Mangotra, US Member 5. Shri Sanjay Gupta, DS(A) Member Secretary 6. Dr. HP. Singh, DDG (Hort.) ..... Spl. Invitee 7. Dr. Nawab Ali, DDG (Engg.) .... Spl. Invitee 8. Dr. S.P. Tiwari, DDG (Edn.) ..... Spl. Invitee 9. Dr. A.K. Singh, DDG (NRM) ..... .. Spl. Invitee
be such that the work should not suffer. Thirdly, DDG(H) suggested Division- based or Region-based seniority of the staff. 4. DDG (Engg.) pointed out that at some places, promotions are not carried out timely. Therefore, timely promotions should be ensured. Secondly, DDG (Engg.) observed that the purchase system should be made more efficient and accountable. He also suggested that in the deemed universities, there should be at least one post of JD(A). 5. Chairman, CRC took note of the Ministry of Finances letter regarding strengthening of the Internal Audit. 6. DDG (Edn.) pointed out that NAARM is an Institute of educational importance. He said that Education and HRD are two different things. Our focus should be such that the training of the staff helps in meeting the organizational goals. We should keep on sharpening the saw. Promotions should not be allowed if the employees have not undergone the specified training prescribed for their level. Our efforts should be for knowledge building, skill development and attitude building. 7. DDG (NRM) pointed out there are some regional stations where there is no administrative staff. He discussed the status / size / working of the Institutes in the NRM Division. He agreed to the proposed structure in respect of the NRM Division. 8. It was discussed that there should be motivation increments and at least three day outstation training should be must for all. 30.4.2008 Chairman, CRC asked the members to review the relevant recruitment rules and for examining its parity on the pattern with CSS. He reviewed the progress of the work done by the member of the Committee and directed all concerned to complete the work for finalizing the Report timely.
Innovative Strategies in Technical and Vocational Education and Training for Accelerated Human Resource Development in South Asia: Sri Lanka: Sri Lanka
Innovative Strategies in Technical and Vocational Education and Training for Accelerated Human Resource Development in South Asia: Sri Lanka: Sri Lanka