Muscles in The Posterior Scapula Muscle Proximal Attachment Distal Attachment Nervous Supply Function
Muscles in The Posterior Scapula Muscle Proximal Attachment Distal Attachment Nervous Supply Function
Muscles in The Posterior Scapula Muscle Proximal Attachment Distal Attachment Nervous Supply Function
Most superior facet on Greater Tubercule of Humerus Medial 2/3rd of Infraspinous Middle Facet on Fossa posterior surface of the greater tubercule of the humerus rd on posterior Upper 2/3 Inferior facet on the lateral surface (inferior border) surface of the greater of scapula tubercule of the humerus rd on posterior Lower 1/3 Medial lip of the lateral surface (inferior border intertubuclar sulcus on and inferior angle) of scapula the ANTERIOR surface of the humerus Transverse Process of the Medial border of upper cervical vertebrae scapula between superior angle and spine Superior Nuchal line of Posterior aspect of the occipital bone lateral clavicle. Occipital Protuberance Medial border of the Ligamentum Nuchae Acromion and Scapula Spine of C7, and all Thoracic Spine vertebrae 55 Nervous Supply Suprascapular Nerve (C5, C6) Suprascapular Nerve (C5, C6) Axillary Nerve (C5, C6) Function Rotator Cuff Muscle Abduction to 15 degree at glenohumeral joint Rotator Cuff Muscle Lateral Rotation Adductor opposite Supraspinatus Rotator Cuff Muscle Lateral Rotation at glenohumeral joint
Teres Minor
Teres Major
Inferior Scapular Nerve Medial Rotation (C5-C7) Extension Dorsal Scapulae (C4,C5) C3/4 Cervical XI Accessory Lifts Scapula
Anterior border of lateral third of Clavicle Lateral border of Acromion Lower lip of scapular spine Spinous processes of TII-TV
Deltoid tuberosity way down lateral aspect of humerus Posterior surface of medial border of scapula from spine to inferior angle Posterior surface of medial border of scapula at spine
Abductor of scapula beyond 15 degree Flexion of arm Extension of arm Elevate Scapula Retract Scapula Elevate Scapula Retract Scapula
Muscles in the Anterior Scapula Muscle Subscapularis Serratus Anterior Proximal Attachment Medial 2/3rd of subscapular fossae Lateral surface of upper 8-9 ribs Distal Attachment Lesser tubercule of humerus Costal surface of medial border of scapula Nervous Supply Upper and Lower Subscapular Nerves (C5-C7) Long Thoracic Nerve (C5-C7) Function Rotator cuff muscle Medial Rotation of arm Protraction of scapula (punching) Rotation of Scapula Keeps medial border and inferior angle of scapula in place to thoracic wall Abduction above 15 degree
Muscles in the Anterior Chest Wall Muscle Proximal Attachment Pectoralis Major Medial of anterior clavicle (Clavicular Head) Anterior surface of sternum (Sternal Head) First 7 costal cartilages Sternal End of 6th Rib Aponeurosis of external oblique Pectoralis Minor Anterior, superior surface of Ribs 3-5
Function Flexion (Clavicular Head) Extension (Sternal Head) Adduction Medial Rotation Protract Scapula, Pulls tip of shoulder down (pick things up) Accessirt musle of respiration Flexor of arm Adduction of arm
Bicep Muscle Long Head of Biceps Brachi Short Head of Biceps Brachi Proximal Attachment Supraglenoid tubercule of scapula Apex of coracoid process Distal Attachment Tuberosity of Radius Tuberosity of radius Nervous Supply Musculocutaneous Nerve (C5,C6) Musculocutaneous Nerve (C5,C6) Function Flexor of Forearm Supinator of forearm Flexor (accessory) of arm Flexor of Forearm Supinator of forearm Flexor (accessory) of arm
Branches of Brachial Plexus; Anterior Rami of C5-T1 (pg 702-703) Carry motor, sensory and sympathetic postganglionic sympathetic fibers Plexus gathers in scalene muscles C5-T1, then enters as trunks to axilla at Rib 1 through axillary sheath.
Musculocutaneous Median
Motor Function
Sensory Function
Skin on lateral foreside of arm Skin over palmar surface of lateral three and digits Lateral side of palm Middle of wrist
Axillary Radial
MAJOR BRANCHES (terminal from cords only) C5-C7 Lateral Cord Muscles in anterior compartment of arm (corachobrachialis and brachialis) C5, C6-T1 Medial and Muscles in the anterior Lateral cords compartment of the FOREarm (exept flexor carpi ulnaris and medial half of flexor digitorum profundus) Three thenar muscles of thumb Two lateral lumbrical muscles C8-T1 Medial cord All intrinsic muscles of the hand (except three thenar muscles and 2 lateral lumbricals) Flexor carpi ulnaris Medial half of flexor digitorum profundus in the forearm C5-C6 Posterior Cord Deltoid Teres minor C5-T1 Posterior Cord All muscles in the posterior compartments of arm and forearm MINOR BRANCHES Rhomboid major Rhomboid minor
Skin over palmar surface of medial 1 and digits and associated palm and wrist Skin over dorsal surface of medial one and digits. C8 Aurichuli Skin over upper lateral part of arm Skin on the posterior aspect of the arm and forearm Lower lateral surface of the arm Dorsal lateral surface of the hand
Dorsal Scapular
C5 Root
Long Thoracic Nerve Suprascapular Nerve Subclavius Lateral Pectoral Medial Pectoral Medial Cutaneous of arm Medial Cutaneous of forearm Superior/Upper Subscapular Lower/Inferior Subscapular Thoracodorsal
C5-C7 Root C5-C6 Superior Trunk C5-C6 Superior Trunk C5-C7 Lateral Cord C8, T1 Medial Cord C8,T1 Medial Cord C8,T1 Medial Cord C5,C6 Posterior Cord C5,C6 Posterior Cord C6-C8 Posterior Cord
Serratus Anterior Supraspinatus Infraspinatrus Subclavius Pectoralis Major Pectoralis major Pectoralis Minor Skin on the mmedial side of distal 1/3rd of ARM Skin on medial side of forearm Subscapularis Subscapularis Teres Major Latissimus Dorsi
Arm Flexors Muscle Corachobrachialis Long Head of Biceps Brachi Short Head of Biceps Brachi Pectoralis Major Proximal Attachment Apex of coracoid process Distal Attachment Linear roughening on midshaft of medial humerus Supraglenoid tubercule Tuberosity of Radius of scapula Apex of coracoid process Medial of anterior clavicle (Clavicular Head) Anterior surface of sternum (Sternal Head) First 7 costal cartilages Sternal End of 6th Rib Aponeurosis of external oblique Anterior border of lateral third of Clavicle Lateral border of Acromion Lower lip of scapular spine Tuberosity of radius Nervous Supply Musculocutaneous Nerve (C5-C7) Musculocutaneous Nerve (C5,C6) Musculocutaneous Nerve (C5,C6) Medial Pectoral Nerve Lateral Pectoral Nerve (C5-T1) Function Flexor of arm Adduction of arm Flexor of Forearm Supinator of forearm Flexor (accessory) of arm Flexor of Forearm Supinator of forearm Flexor (accessory) of arm Flexion (Clavicular Head) Extension (Sternal Head) Adduction Medial Rotation
Arm Extensors Muscle Triceps Brachi (long head) Proximal Attachment Infraglenoid tubercule of scapula Distal Attachment Common Tendon on Olecranon Process Nervous Supply Radial Nerve (C6-C8) Function Extensino of the forearm Adductor (accessory) of arm Extensor of arm Abductor of scapula beyond 15 degree Flexion of arm Extension of arm Flexion (or extended arm by Clavicular Head) Extension (of flexed arm bySternal Head) Adduction Medial Rotation Medial Rotation Extension Adduction Medial Rotation Extension of Arm
Anterior border of lateral third of Clavicle Lateral border of Acromion Lower lip of scapular spine Medial of anterior clavicle (Clavicular Head) Anterior surface of sternum (Sternal Head) First 7 costal cartilages Sternal End of 6th Rib Aponeurosis of external oblique Lower 1/3rd on posterior lateral surface (inferior border and inferior angle) of scapula Spinous process of lower T6T12. Thoracocolumnar Fascia to L1-5 Ilia Crest Lower 3-4 Ribs
Deltoid tuberosity way Axillary Nerve down lateral aspect of (C5,C6) humerus Lateral lip of bicipital groove Medial Pectoral Nerve Lateral Pectoral Nerve (C5-T1) Inferior Scapular Nerve (C5-C7) Thoracodorsal nerve (C6-C8)
Pectoralis Major
Teres Major
Latissimus Dorsi
Medial lip of the intertubuclar sulcus on the ANTERIOR surface of the humerus Floor of Intertubercular Sulcus
Latissimus Dorsi
Medial of anterior clavicle (Clavicular Head) Anterior surface of sternum (Sternal Head) First 7 costal cartilages Sternal End of 6th Rib Aponeurosis of external oblique Spinous process of lower T6-T12. Thoracocolumnar Fascia to L1-5 Ilia Crest Lower 3-4 Ribs Apex of coracoid process
Lesser tubercule of humerus Floor of Intertubercular Sulcus Lateral Rotator Middle Facet on posterior surface of the greater tubercule of the humerus Inferior facet on the surface of the greater tubercule of the humerus
Teres Minor
Forearm Flexors/Extensors Muscle Biceps Brachii Proximal Attachment Long Head Supraglenoid Tubercle Short Head Apex of Coracoid process Anterior aspect of humerus and intermuscular septum Lateral supraepicondylar ridge of humerus Distal Attachment Flexor Radial Tuberosity Nervous Supply Function
Musculocutaneous (C5- Flexor of forearm C6) Supinator of Forearm Flexor of arm Musculocutaneous (C5- Flexor of forearm C6) Radial Nerve (C5-C6 before split into deep/superficial) Flexor (accessory) of elbow when forearm is midpronated Pronation when suppinated Extension of forearm Extend and adduct arm
Brachialis Brachioradialis
Triceps Brachii
Long Head Infraglenoid tubercule Medial Head posterior /superior surface of humerus Lateral Head Posterior/inferior surface of humerus
Extensor Olecranon
Forearm Pronators/Suppinators
Muscle Pronator Teres Proximal Attachment Humeral Head medial epicondyle and medial supraepicondylar ridge Ulnar Head medial side of coronoid process Linear ridge on distal anterior surface of ulna Lateral supraepicondylar ridge of humerus Distal Attachment Pronation Roughening on lateral surface, midshaft of radius Distal anterior surface of radius Lateral surface of radius Suppination Radial Tuberosity Nervous Supply Median nerve (C6-C7) Function Pronation
Anterior Interosseous Nerve (Median C7, C8) Radial Nerve (C5-C6 before split into deep/superficial) Musculocutaneous (C5-C6) Posterior interosseous (C6-C7, continuation of deep RADIAL) Radial Nerve (C5-C6 before split into deep/superficial)
Pronation Flexor (accessory) of elbow when forearm is midpronated Pronation when suppinated Suppinator when pronated Flexor of forearm Supinator of Forearm Flexor of arm Supination
Biceps Brachii
Long Head Supraglenoid Tubercle Short Head Apex of Coracoid process Humeral Head (Superficial part) lateral epicondyle of humerus; annular ligament Ulnar Head (deep part) suppinaotr crest of ulna Lateral supraepicondylar ridge of humerus
Lateral surface of radius superior to the anterior oblique line Lateral surface of radius
Flexor (accessory) of elbow when forearm is midpronated Pronation when suppinated Suppinator when pronated
Anterior Interroseous (median C8-T1) (2-3) Ulnar (4-5) Anterior Interosseous (Median C7-T8) Anterior Interosseous Nerve (Median C7, C8)
Flex DIP joint 2-5 Flex MCP joint 2-5 Flex Wrist Flex IP joint of Thumb Flex MCP joint of Thumb Pronation
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis Extensor Digitorum Extensor Digit Minimi Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
Common Extensor Origin (lateral epicondyle and adjacent intermuscular septum) Common Extensor Origin Common extensor origin Common Extensor Origin Common extensor Origin and posterior/medial border of ulna Common Extensor Origin
Dorsal surface of base of M2 Dorsal surface of base of M2 and M3 Extensor hood at base of middle and distal phalanges of 2-5 Extensor hood of little finger Base of M5
Radial Nerve C6-7 before division into superficial and deep branches Posterior Interosseous (Deep branch of Radial) C7-C8 Posterior Interosseous (deep branch of Radial) C7-C8 Posterior Interosseous (deep branch of Radial C7-C8) Posterior Interosseous (deep branch of Radial C7-C8) Radial Nerve (C6-C8)
Humeral Head (Superficial part) lateral epicondyle of humerus; annular ligament Ulnar Head (deep part) suppinaotr crest of ulna Posterior surfaces of ulna and radius, distal to supinator; and intervening interosseous membrane Posterior surface of radius (distal to abductor pollicis longus) and adjacent to interosseous membrane Posterior surface of Ulna (distal to abductor pollicis longus) Posterior surface of ulna (distal to extensor pollicis longus) and interosseous membrane
Posterior interosseous (C7-C8, continuation of deep RADIAL) Posterior interosseous (C7-C8, continuation of deep RADIAL) Posterior interosseous (C7-C8, continuation of deep RADIAL) Posterior interosseous (C7-C8, continuation of deep RADIAL)
Abduct CMC joint of thumb Extensor of Thumb Extends MCP joint of thumb Extend CMC joint of htumb Extends IP joint of thumb Extends CMC joint of thumb Extends MCP joint of thumb Extends index finger
Dorsal surface of base of proximal phalanx of thumb; rounded by Listers Tubercle Dorsal surface of base of distal phalanx of thumb
Extensor Indicis
Tubercle of Trapezium and Flexor Retinaculum Tubercles of scaphoid and trapezium and flexor retinaculum Tubercle of trapezium and flexor retinaculum
Thenar Muscle Palmar Lateral of M1 Proximal phalanx and extensor hood of thumb Proximal phalanx of thumb Hypothenar Muscle Medial aspect of M5 Proximal phalanx of little finger Proximal phalanx of little finger Other Hand Muscles Dermis of skin on medial margin of the hand Extensor hood and base of proximal phalanges of 2-4 Extensor hood of thumb, index, ring and
Median Nerve (C8, T1) Median Nerve (C8-T1) Median Nerve (C8-T1) Deep branch of Ulnar Nerve (C8-T1) Deep branch of Ulnar (C8-T1) Deep branch of Ulnar (C8-T1) Superficial Branch of Ulnar Nerve (C8-T1) Deep branch of ulnar nerve (C8-T1) Deep branch of Ulnar Nerve (C8-T1)
Medially rotates thumb Abducts thumb at MCP joint Flex thumb at MCP joint Laterally Rotates M5 Abducts little finger at MCP joint Flex little finger at MCP joint Improves grip Abduction of 2-4 at MCP joint Adduction of thumb, index, ring and little
Opponens digiti Minimi Hook of hamate Flexor retinaculum Abductor Digiti Minimi Pisiform, pisohamate ligament and tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris Flexor Digiti Minimi Hook of hamate and Brevis flexor retinaculum Palmaris Brevis Dorsal Interossei Palmar Interossei Palmar Aponeurosis and flexor retinaculum (superficial) Adjacent sides of M1-5 Side of M1-2, 4-5
Adductor Pollicis
Transverse Head M3 Oblique Head Capitate bases of M2M3 Tendons of flexor digitorum profundus
little fingers; Attachment to thumb commonly missing because have Adductor Policis Base of Proximal phalanx and extensor hood of thumb Extensor hoods of index, ring, middle and little fingers (links flexors to extensors)
Deep branch of ulnar (C8-T1) 4-5 (medial) deep branch of ulnar 2-3 (lateral) digital branches of median nerve
Adducts Thumb
Thumb Movements
Function Flexion Muscle Flexor Pollicis Brevis Flexor Pollicis Longus Extensor Pollicis Brevis Extensor Pollicis Longus Abductor Pollicis Longus Adduction Palmar Interossei Proximal Attachment Tubercle of trapezium and flexor retinaculum Anterior surface of radius and radial half of interosseous membrane Posterior surface of radius (distal to abductor pollicis longus) and adjacent to interosseous membrane Posterior surface of Ulna (distal to abductor pollicis longus) Posterior surfaces of ulna and radius, distal to supinator; and intervening interosseous membrane Side of M1-2, 4-5 Distal Attachment Proximal phalanx of thumb Palmar surface of base of distal pahalnx of thumb Dorsal surface of base of proximal phalanx of thumb; rounded by Listers Tubercle Dorsal surface of base of distal phalanx of thumb Lateral side of base of M1 Extensor hood of thumb, index, ring and little fingers; Attachment to thumb commonly missing because have Adductor Policis Base of Proximal phalanx and extensor hood of thumb Lateral side of base of M1 Proximal phalanx and extensor hood of thumb Palmar Lateral of M1 Nervous Supply Median Nerve (C8-T1) Anterior Interosseous (Median C7-T8) Posterior interosseous (C7-C8, continuation of deep RADIAL) Posterior interosseous (C7-C8, continuation of deep RADIAL) Posterior interosseous (C7-C8, continuation of deep RADIAL) Deep branch of Ulnar Nerve (C8-T1)
Adductor Policis Abduction Abductor Pollicis Longus Abductor Pollicis Brevis Opponens Pollicis
Transverse Head M3 Oblique Head Capitate bases of M2M3 Posterior surfaces of ulna and radius, distal to supinator; and intervening interosseous membrane Tubercles of scaphoid and trapezium and flexor retinaculum Tubercle of Trapezium and Flexor Retinaculum
Deep branch of ulnar (C8-T1) Posterior interosseous (C7-C8, continuation of deep RADIAL) Median Nerve (C8-T1) Median Nerve (C8, T1)
Gluteus Medius
Gluteus Maximus
Superior gluteal nerve (L4-S1) Nerve to Obturator Internus (L5-S1) Nerve to Quadratus Femoris (L5-S1)
Psoas Major
Posterior abdominal wall Lumbar transcerse process, interveretbral discs of T12 LV Posterior Abdominal Wall/Iliac Fossa Medial intertrochanteric line, pectineal line, medial linea aspera Upper 2/3rd of Anteriolateral femur Lateral intertrochanteric line Gluteal tuberosity Lateral Linea Aspera Straight Head: Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine Reflected head: Ilium above acetabullum ASIS
Lesser Trochanter
Lesser trochanter with Psoas major Quadricep femoris tendon Medial Patella Qaudricep femoris tendon and lateral margin of patella Quadricep femoris tendon Quadricep Femoris Tendon Medial tibia medial below to tibial tuberosity
Femoral Nerve (L2, L3) Femoral Nerve (L2-L4) Femoral Nerve (L2-L4) Femoral Nerve (L2-L4)
Rectus Femoris
Hip: Flexor Knee: Extensor Hip: Flexor Hip: Lateral Rotation Hip: Abduction Knee: Flexor Knee: Medial Rotation (weak)
Inferior puboischial rami Pectineal Line of pectin of pubis Pubis Pubis, inferior pubic rami, lateral posterior to longus Adductor part ischiopubic ramis Hamstring part ischial tuberosity External surface (anterior of hip) of obturator membrane
Obturator Externus
Medial Proximal tibia (with Sartorius and semitendinosus) Oblique line between lesser trochanter and linea aspera Middle 1/3rd of shaft of femur on medial side Posterior of proximal femur, upper 1/3rd of linea aspera Posterior medial femur, linea aspera Adductor tubercle (medial posterior femur above medial condyle) Trochateric fossa
Obturator Nerve (L2-3) Hip: Adduction Knee: Flexion Femoral Nerve (L2-L3) Obturator nerve (anterior) L2-L4 Obturator Nerve (L2L3) Obturator nerve (L2-4) Tibial Nerve (L2-4) Hip: Adduction Hip: Adduction Hip: Medial Rotation Hip: Adductor Hip: Adductor Hip: Medial Rotator
Bicpes Femoris
Long Head Ischial tuberosity Short head lateral linea aspera Ischial Tuberosity
Head of fibula
Sciatic (L5-S2)
Knee: Flexion Knee: Lateral Rotation Hip: Extension Hip: Lateral Rotation Knee: Flexion Knee: Medial Rotation Hip Extension Hip: Medial Rotation Knee: Flexion Knee: Medial Rotation Hip: Extension Hip: Medial Rotation
Ischial Tuberosity
Psoas Major
Posterior abdominal wall Lumbar transcerse process, interveretbral discs of T12 - LV Posterior Abdominal Wall/Iliac Fossa Straight Head: Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine Reflected head: Ilium above acetabullum ASIS
Lesser Trochanter
Hip: Flexor Hip: Lateral Rotation Hip: Abduction Knee: Flexor Knee: Medial Rotation (weak)
Hip Extension
Muscle Gluteus Maximus Proximal Attachment External Ilium behind posterior glutelal line Fascia of Glut Medius, erector spinae Lower Sacrum, coccyx Sacrotuberous ligament Distal Attachment Posterior of iliotibial tract of fascia lata Gluteal tuberosity (posterior lateral linea aspera) Nervous Supply Inferior Gluteal Nerve (L5-S2) Function Hip: Extensor of hip Hip: Lateral Rotate Hip: Abduct hip Knee: Extension of knee Lateral Stabilizer
Bicpes Femoris
Long Head Ischial tuberosity Short head lateral linea aspera Ischial Tuberosity
Head of fibula
Sciatic (L5-S2)
Knee: Flexion Knee: Lateral Rotation Hip: Extension Hip: Lateral Rotation Knee: Flexion Knee: Medial Rotation Hip Extension Hip: Medial Rotation Knee: Flexion Knee: Medial Rotation Hip: Extension Hip: Medial Rotation
Ischial Tuberosity
Gluteus Medius
Middle 1/3rd of shaft of femur on medial side Posterior medial femur, linea aspera Proximal medial tibia (with pes ancerinus)
Obturator nerve (anterior) L2-L4 Obturator nerve (L2-4) Sciatic nerve (L5-S2)
Hip: Adduction Hip: Medial Rotation Hip: Adductor Hip: Medial Rotator Knee: Flexion Knee: Medial Rotation Hip Extension Hip: Medial Rotation Knee: Flexion Knee: Medial Rotation Hip: Extension Hip: Medial Rotation
Ischial Tuberosity
Nerve to Obturator Internus (L5-S1) Nerve to Quadratus Femoris (L5-S1) Femoral Nerve (L2L3)
Bicpes Femoris
Head of fibula
Sciatic (L5-S2)
Hip Abduction
Muscle Piriformis Obturator Internus Gluteus Minimus Proximal Attachment Anterior of sacrum Obturator Membrane Distal Attachment Medial Greater Trochanter (pass through greater trochanter) Medial Greater Trochanter Nervous Supply Branches from L5, S1, S2 Nerve to Obturator Internus (L5, S1) Superior Gluteal Nerve (L4-S1) Superior gluteal nerve (L4-S1) Inferior Gluteal Nerve (L5-S2) Function Hip: Lateral rotate extended hip Hip: Abducts flexed hip Hip: Lateral rotate extended femur Hip: Abduct flexed hip Hip: Abduct hip Hip: Medial Rotate Walking: prevent pelvic drop on swing side Hip: Abduct hip Hip: Medial Rotate Walking: prevent pelvic drop on swing side Hip: Extensor of hip Hip: Lateral Rotate Hip: Abduct hip Knee: Extension of knee Lateral Stabilizer Hip: Lateral Rotate Hip: Abduct flexed femur Hip: Lateral Rotate extended Hip: Abduct Flexed Femur Hip: Flexor Hip: Lateral Rotation Hip: Abduction Knee: Flexor Knee: Medial Rotation (weak)
External ilium between Lateral Greater Trochanter inferior and anterior gluteal lines External ilium between Lateral Greater Trochanter posterior and anterior gluteal lines External Ilium behind posterior glutelal line Fascia of Glut Medius, erector spinae Lower Sacrum, coccyx Sacrotuberous ligament External of ischial spine Ischial tuberosity ASIS Posterior of iliotibial tract of fascia lata Gluteal tuberosity (posterior lateral linea aspera)
Gluteus Medius
Gluteus Maximus
Obsturator internus tendon to medial greater trochanter Obsturator internus tendon to medial greater trochanter Medial tibia medial below to tibial tuberosity
Nerve to Obturator Internus (L5-S1) Nerve to Quadratus Femoris (L5-S1) Femoral Nerve (L2-L3)
Hip Adduction
Muscle Proximal Attachment Distal Attachment Nervous Supply Function
Inferior puboischial rami Pectineal Line of pectin of pubis Pubis Pubis, inferior pubic rami, lateral posterior to longus Adductor part ischiopubic ramis Hamstring part ischial tuberosity
Medial Proximal tibia (with Sartorius and semitendinosus) Oblique line between lesser trochanter and linea aspera Middle 1/3rd of shaft of femur on medial side Posterior of proximal femur, upper 1/3rd of linea aspera Posterior medial femur, linea aspera Adductor tubercle (medial posterior femur above medial condyle)
Obturator Nerve (L2-3) Hip: Adduction Knee: Flexion Femoral Nerve (L2-L3) Obturator nerve (anterior) L2-L4 Obturator Nerve (L2L3) Obturator nerve (L2-4) Tibial Nerve (L2-4) Hip: Adduction Hip: Adduction Hip: Medial Rotation Hip: Adductor Hip: Adductor Hip: Medial Rotator
Vastus Medialis
Medial intertrochanteric line, pectineal line, medial linea aspera Upper 2/3rd of Anteriolateral femur Lateral intertrochanteric line Gluteal tuberosity Lateral Linea Aspera Straight Head: Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine Reflected head: Ilium above acetabullum
External Ilium behind posterior glutelal line Fascia of Glut Medius, erector spinae Lower Sacrum, coccyx Sacrotuberous ligament Lateral Ilium crest
Quadricep femoris tendon Medial Patella Qaudricep femoris tendon and lateral margin of patella Quadricep femoris tendon Quadricep Femoris Tendon
Knee: Extensor
Rectus Femoris
Gluteus Maximus
Posterior of iliotibial tract of fascia lata Gluteal tuberosity (posterior lateral linea aspera) Iliotibial tract of fascia lata
Hip: Extensor of hip Hip: Lateral Rotate Hip: Abduct hip Knee: Extension of knee Lateral Stabilizer Knee: Stabilize knee extension
Knee Flexion
Muscle Semimembranosus Proximal Attachment Ischial Tuberosity Distal Attachment Posterior medial surface of medial tibial condyle Head of fibula Nervous Supply Sciatic Nerve (L5-S2) Sciatic (L5-S2) Function Knee: Flexion Knee: Medial Rotation Hip: Extension Hip: Medial Rotation Knee: Flexion Knee: Lateral Rotation Hip: Extension Hip: Lateral Rotation Knee: Flexion Knee: Medial Rotation Hip Extension Hip: Medial Rotation Hip: Adduction Knee: Flexion Hip: Flexor Hip: Lateral Rotation Hip: Abduction Knee: Flexor Knee: Medial Rotation (weak) Knee: Flexion Foot: Plantar Flexion
Biceps Femoris
Ischial Tuberosity
Gracilis Sartorius
Medial Proximal tibia (with Sartorius and semitendinosus) Medial tibia medial below to tibial tuberosity
Medial head posterior of distal femur, superior to medial condyle Lateral head posterolateral surface of lateral femoral condyle
Medial Rotation
Muscle Semimembranosus Proximal Attachment Ischial Tuberosity Distal Attachment Posterior medial surface of medial tibial condyle Proximal medial tibia (with pes ancerinus) Nervous Supply Sciatic Nerve (L5-S2) Function Knee: Flexion Knee: Medial Rotation Hip: Extension Hip: Medial Rotation Knee: Flexion Knee: Medial Rotation Hip Extension Hip: Medial Rotation Hip: Adduction Knee: Flexion Knee: Weak Medial Rotation Hip: Flexor Hip: Lateral Rotation Hip: Abduction Knee: Flexor Knee: Medial Rotation (weak)
Ischial Tuberosity
Medial Proximal tibia (with Sartorius and semitendinosus) Medial tibia medial below to tibial tuberosity
Lateral Rotation
Muscle Biceps Femoris Proximal Attachment Long Head Ischial tuberosity Short head lateral linea aspera Distal Attachment Head of fibula Nervous Supply Sciatic (L5-S2) Function Knee: Flexion Knee: Lateral Rotation Hip: Extension Hip: Lateral Rotation
Knee: lateral rotation when extended knee bearing weight; unlocks knee
Tibialis Anterior
Lateral surface of tibia and interosseous membrane (most medial) Fibula and interosseous membrane (b/w TA and EDL) Upper medial fibula and lateral tibial condyle (most lateral) Distal part of fibula (usually part of extensor digitorum longus)
Medial and Inferior Medial Cuneiform Metatarsal 1 Dorsal surface of distal phalanx of great toe Distal and Middle phalanges of lateral 4 toes Dorsomedial base of metatarsal 5
Deep Fibular Nerve (L4,L5) Deep Fibular Nerve (L5, S1) Deep Fibular Nerve (L5, S1) Deep Fibular Nerve (L5, S1)
Dorsiflexion of foot Inversion of Foot Support of medial foot arch Extension of great toe Dorsiflexion of foot Extention of lateral 4 toes Dorsiflexion of foot Dorsiflexion and eversion of foot (because attached to metatarsal)
Plantaris Soleus
Medial Head: posterior medial femoral condyle Lateral head: posterolateral lateral femoral head Inferior posterior femur Oblique popliteal ligament Soleal Line, medial tibia Posterior fibular head Tendinous arch between fibula and tibia head
Proximal Attachment
Plantarflexion of foot Flexion of Foot Plantarflexion of foot Flexion of knee Plantarflexion of foot
Calcaneal tendon to Tibial Nerve (S1, S2) posterior calcaneus Via Calcaneal tendon to Tibial nerve (S1, S2) posterior calcaneus
Interosseous Membrane
Plantar surface of Tibial Nerve (S2-S3) distal great toe phalanx Plantar surface of Tibial Nerve (S2-S3) bases of distal phalanges of lateral 4 toes Navicular tuberosity Tibial Nerve (L4-L5)
Unlocks knee (lateral rotation) Stabilize knee Flexion of great toe Flexion of lateral toes