Phyana Activity
Phyana Activity
Phyana Activity
OCTOBER 9, 2017
Depressor anguli oris 1. Draws the angle of the mouth laterally and inferiorly as one
opens his mouth in an act of surprise
Frontalis 2. Raises the eyebrows, wrinkles the skin of the forehead
Orbicularis oris 3. Closes and protrudes the lips; shapes the lips during speech
Depressor anguli oris 4. Depresses the lower lip to express sadness
Leavator labii superioris 5. Elevates the upper lip to bare upper teeth
6. Wrinkles the skin of the forehead vertically as when one frowns
Levator palpebrae 7. Opens the eye
Zygomaticus major 8. Smile/ Laugh
Risorius 9. Elevates and protrudes lower lip as when one pouts
Obicularis oculi 10. Winks, squint
Buccinator 11. Whistles, blow up a balloon
Obicularis oculi 12. Closes the eye
Obicularis oculi 1. Muscle of the eye that contracts and relaxes as one gazes to the
left side without moving the head
Lateral Pterygoid 2. Muscle that moves the mandible from side to side to help grind
the teeth
Lateral pterygoid, 3. When your physician says, “open your mouth, stick out your
Depressor anguli oris, tongue, and say ahh”, the muscles contracting are ___.
Flexors 4. Muscle used to move the head as one would signify affirmation
Rectus abdominis, External 5. Muscle/(s) that compress(es) the abdomen to aid in
and Internal abdominal defecation, urination, forced expiration and childbirth.
oblique, Transversus
Brachialis 13. A powerful flexor muscle often called the workhorse of the
elbow flexors
Biceps brachii 14. Muscle used during weightlifting
Supinator 15. Muscle used to twist a corkscrew or turn a screw with a
Flexor and Extensor
muscles of the hand 16. Set of muscles involved in skilled activities such as writing,
typing or playing the piano
Erector Spinae 17. Muscle responsible for the prominent bulge on either side of
the vertebral column.
Gluteus Medius 18. Muscle that steadies the pelvis during walking