Later found two kingdom classification was not sufficient because in that
Habitats- omnipresent
1. Archaebacteria
3. Mycoplasma
Chemosynthetic bacteria – Oxidise nitrates , nitrites and ammonia release energy (ATP) help in
Heterotrophic bacteria – Decomposers – making curd from milk, antibiotics, nitrogen fixing (Rhizobium ) some are
pathogenic ( cause diseases ) cholera, T.B, diarrhea.
2.Kingdom protista
a)Chrysophyta :
· Microscopic – photosynthetic
· In diatoms , cell wall is indestructible (silica )form diatomaceous earth, its being gritty used for polishing, fitration
of oil and syrups.
1. Dinoflagellates. Marine photosynthetic, yellow, green, blue or red pigments - Cell wall is cellulosic – have 2 flagella
- Red dionflagellate (Gonyaulax ) forms red tides and toxins are released.
Fresh water – stagnant water – no cell wall but protein rich layer is present, called pellicle.
Pellicle is flexible with flagella – they are Myxotrophic, because Photosynthetic (in light) Heterotrophs (when no light).
3. Slime moulds.
During suitable conditions from aggregation called plasmodium (mass of slime moulds)
· Amoeboid protozoans. Fresh water, sea and moist soil -pseudopodia – marine forms have silica shells .
Entamoeba (parasite) cause Amoebic dysentery
· Flagellated protozoans - free living / parasites have flagella – parasites cause diseases – Sleeping sickness
(Trypanoroma) is a parasite of flagellated protozoans.
· Sporozoans – Spore stage in their life cycle. Plasmodium causes malarial fever.
3.Kingdom Fungi:
· Fungi are filamentous with long, slender thread like Hyphae and the net work of hyphae is known as Mycelium –
They can be septate or non septate (aseptate)
· Symbionts of algae and fungi (Lichens) and Pine trees roots and fungi (Mycorrhizae) on roots to absorb water.
1. Plasmogamy
2. Karyogamy and
Based on morphology of mycelium mode of spore formation, fruiting bodies , there 4 classes;
1. Phycomycetes
2. Ascomycetes
3. Basidiomycetes
4. Deuteromycetes
1. Phycomycetes :
· Grow in soil, logs, tree stumps, in plant bodies as parasitic (as rust and smuts)
· Reproduction by fragmentation
4. Deuteromycetes :
4.Kingdom Plantae :
Autotrophs – size varies from herbs to tall trees. There are different groups;
· Algae
· Bryophytes
· Pteridophytes
· Gymnosperms
It consists of two subkingdom Invertebrata with 9 Phylum and Phylum Vertebrata (Chordata) with 5 Classes.
Pasteur coined the term virus, which means Venom / poison. It is made of a outer protein coat and a centre genetic
material (RNA / DNA). A virus is a nucleoprotein and the genetic material is infectious. Virus that infect plants have
single stand RNA and those infect animals have either single or double RNA or double stranded DNA. Bacteriophages
are viruses that infect the bacteria. Viruses cause disease like mumps, small pox, herpes, influenza and AIDS. In plants
the symptoms can be mosaic formation, leaf rolling, and curling, yellowing, dwarfing and stunted growth.
T.O. Diener discovered a new infectious agent that was smaller than viruses and caused potato spindle tuber disease. It
has only a free RNA and lacked the protein coat, so named as viroid.
Symbiotic association between algae and fungi. Phycobiont is algal component, which prepare food for fungi and
Mycobiont is a fungal component, which provide shelter and absorb mineral nutrients and water for its partner.