E-ISSN: 2321-9637
National Seminar on Ethics, Entrepreneurship & Sustainable Development on
19th & 20th March 2019
Available online at
A Study on Workplace Environment and Its Impact on
Employee Performance
C.Annai Amala Vidya,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Commerce, Dr MGR Janaki College of Arts and Science for Women, Chennai 28.
Abstract: A healthy workplace environment is ideal when it comes to maintaining a positive outcome in a
stressful atmosphere. It also includes poorly designed workstations, not suitable furniture’s, no proper
ventilation, inappropriate lighting, loud noise, no safety measures in fire emergency and lack of personal
measures. The most important thing that influences employee motivation and happiness, and how productive
and efficient they can be, all goes down to their working environment. By creating a good workplace the
employees will be more efficient to do their work and there will be lack of absenteeism. . The relationship
between work, the workplace and the tools of work, workplace becomes an integral part of work itself. The
management that dictate how, exactly, to maximize employee productivity centre around two major areas of
focus: personal motivation and the infrastructure of the work environment
Key Words: workplace environment, motivation, infrastructure, positive outcomes
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Special Issue, March 2019
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
National Seminar on Ethics, Entrepreneurship & Sustainable Development on
19th & 20th March 2019
Available online at
satisfy employees are different from the aspects
that dissatisfy them. The theory points out that 2. Temperature Factor
improving the environment in which the job is Good room temperature increases productivity and
performed motivates employees to perform better. reduces stress in workers as it plays notable role in
workplace environment. Effective temperature
5. WORK ENVIRONMENT indicates how hot or cold our environment really
According to Tripathi (2014) the work environment makes us feel
can be defined as the environment in which people
work that include physical setting, job profile, 3. Sound Factor
culture and market condition. Each aspect is inter Noise defined as unwanted sound, is the most
linked and impacts on employees overall common complaint in offices workplace. Many
performance and productivity. It is the quality of researchers indicate that noisy places and exposing
the employees’ workplace environment that most employees to such conditions can affect their job
impacts on their level of motivation subsequently performance quality.
performance. Work environment can be thought of
simply as the environment in which people work. 4. Light And Colour Factor
(Briner, 2000) as such; it is a very broad category Regardless of fit out design or building type,
that encompasses the physical setting (e.g. heat, daylight, is considered to be the number one
equipment), characteristics of the job itself (e.g. wanted natural feature in the workplace as
workload, task complexity). He adds that it also researchers always discovered that exposure to
encompasses broader organizational features (e.g. natural light in an office space impacts employees’
culture, history) and even aspects of the external quality of life. The amount of light needed in the
organizational setting (e.g. local labor market workplace depends on the kind of tasks being
conditions, industry sector, work life balance). performed, either outdoors or indoors, or when they
are performed, in the day, or at night. As a
6. EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE consequence, it will either increase or decrease the
Armstrong (2006) defines performance as the performance. Inconvenient lighting is a source of
development of quantified objectives. Performance distress, thus leading to poor job performance. That
is not only a matter of what people achieve but how happens when the employee is exposed to
they achieve. uncomfortable working environment in which there
Platt and Sobotka (2010) assert that employee is a high glare, or dim bulk, or a lack of natural
performance is the combined result of effort, ability light in the office
and perception of tasks. The factors that affect the
level of individual performance are motivation, 5. Space Factor
ability and opportunity to participate (Armstrong, The actual physical layout of an office is highly
2009). important when it comes to maximizing
He perceives performance as a function of ability productivity among employees. Nowadays, work
and motivation. There are a number of factors that environments support new ways of working and
affect employee performance, the workplace flexible workplaces which displays ease of
environment impacts most their level of motivation communication and interpersonal access contrasted
hence their performance. with fully enclosed private offices, and this change
Work Environment Factors that Influence the to open plan office has boosted employee’s
Performance productivity paralleled to closed office spaces.
Based on a description of what is meant by work
environment and literature review findings, a
strong interaction is found between job Workplace Factors That Affecting The Employee
performance and physical working environment. Performance
The physical environment at work is critical to Job aids
employees’ performance, satisfaction, social Goal setting
relations and health. It is generally understood that Opportunity to apply
the physical design of offices and the Support of the supervisor
environmental conditions at work places are Performance feedback
important factors in organizational performance. Workplace incentives
1. Air Factor Job Aids
The air in the work environment especially its The work environment is set up so that templates,
components can play a considerable function in guides, models, checklists and other such
relation to the work behaviour, specifically job
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Special Issue, March 2019
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
National Seminar on Ethics, Entrepreneurship & Sustainable Development on
19th & 20th March 2019
Available online at
workplace aids are readily available to help REFERENCES
minimize error rates and customer dissatisfaction [1] Brill M (1990). Workspace design and
Goal Setting productivity. Journal of Healthcare Forum,
Employees are involved in setting meaningful goals 35 (5), pp. 51-3.
and performance measures for their work. This can [2] Erez, M. Earley, P. C. and Hulin, C. L.
be done informally between the employee and their (1985). The impact of participation on
immediate supervisor or as part of an organization's goal acceptance and performance: A two-
formal performance management process. step model. Academy of Management
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Time and material resources are available to [3] Seema Sanghi Human Resource
employees, enabling them to perform to the best of Management, ISBN 978*93259-7561-3
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Support Of The Supervisor ndle/11295/93719/Nanzushi_The%20Effe
Immediate supervisors act as advocates for ct%20Of%20Workplace%20Environment
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to do a good job and providing positive ication%20Firms%20In%20Nairobi%20C
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Performance Feedback d=y
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Workplace Incentives ce-training/workplace_environment.html
The organization has determined what motivates its
employees and has set up formal and informal
structures for rewarding employees that behave in
the way required
1. To hire a great team members
2. To improve the lighting
3. Make the office comfortable
4. Improve communication
The important resource for an organisation is
human resource who are considered as employees.
When the employees give their full support to the
organisations they must be rewarded as part of
motivation. Based on the work environment in
which they operate will determine they perform or
not, and moreover the workplace environment will
determine the employees comfort to work and
boost their best performance. The employees wish
to be recognized for their work through fair
compensation. The employee’s performance is
deemed as a function of ability and, motivation.
The organisation can only realize their goals and
objectives through its employee’s performance
From the study it can be concluded that for an
organisation to have a competitive edge over
others, it must provide a positive work environment
in which all factors that influence employee
performance are in with their obligation