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LEARNING AREA: Mathematics 8 1st QUARTER
NAME OF TEACHER: DATE/TIME:7:00am- 7:40 am
I. A. CONTENT STANDARD: The learners demonstrate knowledge and
understanding of rational algebraic expressions and
B.PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learners are able to simplify, and operate with,
rational algebraic expressions and solve simple rational
algebraic equations.
C.LEARNING COMPETENCIES: Perform operations on rational algebraic expressions using addition.
E.UNPACKED Specific Learning Objectives: Toward the
COMPETENCY/LEARNING development of the lesson, at least 80% of the
OBJECTIVE: learners shall be able to:
1. Define rational algebraic expressions; (KNOW)
2. Identify rational algebraic expression;
3. Solve and operate rational algebraic expressions
using addition; (DO)
II. CONTENT Rational Algebraic Expressions and Equations
Process skills: Analyzing, team work, communication skills, organizing,
collaborating, and critical thinking.
Materials: PowerPoint presentation, white board, and Instructional materials
References: Teacher's Guide (TG) in Mathematics 8, pp, 86-108,
IV. PROCEDRES Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activity 1.Greetings:

Good morning, my dear students! Good morning, ma’am!

Before we start our class, can we have a Princess leads the prayer.
prayer first to be led by Princess?

Good morning again class! Before taking your

seat, please pick up the trashes under your
chairs if there’s any and settle down after.
3. Checking of attendance:
Is everyone present Ms. Secretary? Yes, ma’am.

4. Classroom Rules:
Very good. So before we start,
everyone please read our classroom rules.

1. Show respect to anyone inside or outside of

the classroom. Everyone will read the classroom rules.

2. Listen attentively especially when the

teacher is discussing and don’t make disturbing
3. Actively participate in classroom discussions
B. Reviewing the
and activities.
previous lesson or
presenting the new 4. All cellphones must be in silent mode. Calls
lesson may be answered if they are important.

Yes, ma’am.
So before we begin with our new topic, let’s
have a short review. When you were in Grade
7, you have learned about rational numbers Expected answer:
right? (is any number that can be expressed as the ratio
denominator is not zero. This means it can b
And what are rational numbers? where p and q are integers and q ≠ 0.)

1 3 1
,− ,
2 4 5
And examples are?

Expected answer:
That’s right. And last time we discussed about
It is an expression which is made up of variable
algebraic expressions. What is its definition
algebraic operations (addition, subtraction, etc.).
and example again? terms. There are also three types of it which are clas
and polynomial.

One example of algebraic expression is

2 x 2+3 xy +4 x+7

Very good Ms. Cabalbag. Now, who can give

me an example of rational? Ms. Mababa, can
you give me one?

Can you tell me where is the coefficient,

variable and the constant?

Very good Ms. Mababa. It seems like everyone

do understand the basics and definition of
algebraic expressions, and are ready to proceed
to our next topic. Am I correct?

A. Establishing a Before anything else, let us know what are the

purpose for the objectives for today’s lesson.
At the end of the lesson (30 minutes), the
learners shall be able to: Everyone will read the objectives
1. Define rational algebraic
2. Identify rational algebraic
3. Solve and operate rational
algebraic expressions using
No, ma’am
Before we start our discussion, let me
read you a story first.

Have you ever heard about “Algie the

So here’s the story of “Algie the Algebraist. Expected answer:
Listen carefully. (he will make it acroos ma’am/simplify first ma’am)

Once upon a time, Algie needs to cross the

River of Rational Fractions, but to cross, he
2x+4 x
must first simplify the equation + .
4 4
Will he make it across, or will he need to learn
more about simplifying first?

So, for us to help Algie cross the river, let’s

first learn how to simplify.

B. Presenting Let’s have an activity!

s of the new lesson In this activity, your knowledge and skills
will be tested on our new topic.

ACTIVITY: Fill me in!

Direction: Solve the rational numbers and

write the letter that corresponds to your
answer inside the box to reveal the
mystery word.

1 4
B ⋅
2 3

1 3
A ÷
4 4

1 3
G +
4 4

1 4
A ÷
2 3

1 4
R +
2 3

4 1
E −
3 2

1 3
L ⋅
4 4

1 3 1 5 2 11
3 16 6 3 6
Mystery Word: ______________

In this
and skills on
how to
will be test
C. Discussing new So in that given activity, did you notice I noticed that we used different operations on solvin
concepts and anything? If there’s any, what is it or what are
practicing new they? Porfirio?
skill #1

Yes ma’am!
Yes, that’s right. If that so, I think you are
ready to dive into our new lesson which is
entitled Operations on Rational Algebraic
Expressions but we will just focus on
addition. Are you now ready to listen?


A quotient expressed as a ratio is an algebraic Yes ma’am

expression, specifically called a rational
algebraic expression. A number which is a
quotient of integers is said to be rational.

A rational algebraic expression is a ratio of two

polynomials Remember: Rational algebraic
expression is a ratio of two polynomials where
the denominator is not equal provided that
the denominator is not equal to zero. In
1. Rational
P 2. Not
where P and Q are polynomials and Q ≠ 0.
Q 3. Rational
4. Not
With that piece of information, can you
identify if the following are rational algebraic
expressions or not?

x−√ y

3. 5 x−6

4. √ a2−b2
E. Discussing new So I hope you all understand the concept of
concepts and rational algebraic expressions. Now, we will
practicing new start on how to solve rational algebraic
skill #2 equations using addition.

Rules in adding rational algebraic


1. Addition: The
rule in adding It’s the outside angles of the polygons, ma’am.
rational algebraic
expressions is the
same as in adding
 To add with the same denominator,
direct add the new numerator and
copy the denominator.
 Simplify the result Yes ma’am!

Example :
1. 2x+4 x
3 1 4 4 4
+ =
5y 5y 5y
2. 4
3 y 3x+ y
+ =
x−1 x−1 x−1

So now, do you think we can answer our story


That’s right. The problem is: Algie needs to

cross the River of Rational Fractions, but to
cross, he must first simplify the equation
2x+4 x
+ .
4 4

Therefore, Algie can now cross the river.

 To add with different denominator,

find the LCD and simplify the result.

2 3 4
+ +
ab a2 bc

a. Find the
ab=a ⋅b
a =a ⋅a
bc=b ⋅ c
LCD is a ⋅ a⋅ b ⋅c=a 2 bc
b. Solution:
2 3 4
+ +
ab a2 bc
2 2 2
a bc ( 2 ) a bc (3) a bc ( 4)
+ +
ab a2 bc
¿ 2
a bc
ac ( 2 ) +bc ( 3 ) +a (4)
¿ 2
a bc
2 ac+3 bc + 4 a
¿ 2
a bc
F. Developing Now, let’s apply your understanding about the
mastery (Leads to operations on rational algebraic expressions Yes, ma’am!
formative using addition. Do you want to play a game?
Okay. You’re familiar on BINGO cards, right? Yes, ma’am!

If that so, let’s play a 3 by 3 bingo card. I have

prepared here some equations and I’m going to
flash it on the screen. And after that, you will
look for the answer to that problem on your
BINGO cards. Put an X mark on the right
answer, if you have 3 in a row , it’s either
diagonal, horizontal or vertical, you can yell
Take note: You’re only given 30 second to
answer each question. Yes, we are always ready!

Are you guys ready to yell BINGO UWU!

Let’s start! Here are your questions.

3z 5 1.
1. +
8y 8y

7 3x 2.
2. +
3x 4 y
4x y
3. +
x−1 x−1
5 7
4. +
x x

9m 5
5. +
−12n 6 m 6.

25 a 16 8
6. + + 2
a b c

G. Finding practical Before we proceed to our next activity, let us

application of first connect our topic to the real-life situations.
concepts and skills
in daily living In your own opinion, how can you can you
connect rational algebraic expressions and Some students will raise their hand and recite.
equations on real-life situations? Anyone?

That’s correct!

We can see that rational algebraic expressions

may initially appear abstract, but they are
actually used and is applicable on any
situations that we encounter, like dealing on
proportions, rates, and shared resources.
Examples of it is on budgeting expenses,
calculating the speed of time travelled, and
dividing resources. By understanding how to
solve and manipulate rational expressions
allows us to solve variety of real-world
problems efficiently.

Now class, let’s assess if you all understand

our lesson. Let’s have a group activity. Your
group will be your row.

Now, here’s the instruction of the game.

Yes, ma’am!
Instruction: I have provided a
problem/situation here that you need to answer
and you will write your answer on your board
or paper. After you finish solving the problem,
you will just raise your board or paper. The Given:
first group who answer it correctly will be 1
rewarded. Are we clear?  Rent and electricity: x
 Groceries: x
Problem 1: Anna is planning her monthly 1
 Daily allowance: x
budget. If her monthly allowance is 6
represented by x, and if she will spend 1/4 on 1
rent and electricity, 1/3 on groceries, and 1/6  Utilities: x
on daily allowance. Additionally, 1/5 on her  Transpo: P200
utilities and the remaining P200 is for her  Total allowance: x
transportation. If her total allowance is
represented by x, find the value of x. 1 1 1 1
Solution: x= x + x+ x+ x +200
4 3 6 5
Get the LCD: 20
x= x +2
57 x
x= +200
57 x
To isolate x, subtract from both sides and rewrite the righ

57 x
x− =200

60 57
x− x=200
60 60


Cross multiply the equation to eliminate fraction:

3 x=200 ⋅60

3 x=12000

3 x 12000
3 3


∴ Anna’s total monthly allowance is P4000 per mon

H. Making
generalization and So now, let’s check what have you learned
abstractions about with our discussion today.
the lesson
Let’s have a quick recap on our discussion. Operations on Rational Algebraic Expression using
Who can tell me what is our topic all about?
Rational algebraic expression is a ratio of tw
denominator is not equal, provided that the denom

What is rational algebraic expression all about? Ma’am, I realized that rational algebraic expressions
daily life problems.

Can someone give me his/her realization about

the topic we just discussed? None ma’am.
That’s correct. I hope that everyone understand
how rational algebraic expressions work to
solve problem.

Are there any questions?

If there’s none, let’s move on.

I. Evaluating
Learning Now bring out ½ sheet of paper and answer the
following problem

Individual Work
Perform the addition operation on the
following problem. Show your complete Answer:

3x 9 x−3
1. + 1)
2 x−3 3−2 x 2x

b −4 b 2) b+ 2
2. +
b−2 b−2 2
5 a +2 a+4 b+1
5 a +1 4 b+2 a 3b−2
3. +
3 b−2 3 b−2
x−4 x +8 x−4
4. 2
+ 2
x −2 x−8 x −2 x−8 2
x −x−2
5) 2
x +1 x +1 x −7 x+12
5. + 2 a.
x−4 x −7 x +12

J. Additional A. To know more about performing

activities for operations on rational algebraic
application for expressions using addition, scan the

QR below:
B. List down at least three situations from
your experiences, wherein you can
apply the operation on adding rational
algebraic expressions in real-world
C. Study in advance the subtracting
rational algebraic expression.


Prepared by:

Elma G. Lunggat
Sherien Grace S. Manalo

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