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School: Grade Level: 9

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Learning Area: ENGLISH

Teaching Dates & Time: Week 3 Quarter: 2nd Quarter


A. Content Standards

B. Performance

C. Learning ‘’Explain how a selection ‘’Explain how a ‘’Explain how a selection ‘’Explain how a selection
Competencies/ selection may be may be influenced by
may be influenced by may be influenced by
( Write the code for culture, history, influenced by culture, culture, history, culture, history,
each) environment or other history, environment or environment or other environment or other
factors’’ other factors’’ factors’’ factors’’
II.CONTENT The content of this The content of this The content of this lesson The content of this
( Subject Matter) lesson will focus on lesson will focus on will focus on lesson will focus on
understanding how understanding how understanding how understanding how
cultural, historical, cultural, historical, cultural, historical, cultural, historical,
environmental, and other environmental, and environmental, and other environmental, and other
contextual factors can other contextual factors contextual factors can contextual factors can
shape and influence the can shape and shape and influence the shape and influence the
creation and influence the creation creation and interpretation creation and
interpretation of text. and interpretation of of text. interpretation of text.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource LR portal

Created by: GREG M, Et al

B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous Begin the lesson by Begin the lesson by Begin the lesson by briefly Begin the lesson by
Lesson or presenting briefly reviewing the briefly reviewing the reviewing the previous briefly reviewing the
new lesson previous lesson, which previous lesson, which lesson, which might have previous lesson, which
might have covered the might have covered the covered the basics of text might have covered the
basics of text analysis basics of text analysis analysis and basics of text analysis
and interpretation. and interpretation. interpretation. and interpretation.
B. Establishing a purpose Explain to students that Explain to students that Explain to students that Explain to students that
for the lesson the objective of today's the objective of today's the objective of today's the objective of today's
lesson is to explore how lesson is to explore lesson is to explore how lesson is to explore how
various factors such as how various factors various factors such as various factors such as
culture, history, such as culture, history, culture, history, culture, history,
environment, and others environment, and environment, and others environment, and others
can influence a selection others can influence a can influence a selection can influence a selection
of text. selection of text. of text. of text.
C. Presenting examples/ Provide students with Provide students with Provide students with Provide students with
instances of the new examples of texts that examples of texts that examples of texts that are examples of texts that
are influenced by are influenced by influenced by cultural, are influenced by
cultural, historical, cultural, historical, historical, environmental, cultural, historical,
environmental, or other environmental, or other or other factors. Discuss environmental, or other
factors. Discuss these factors. Discuss these these examples as a factors. Discuss these
examples as a class. examples as a class. class. examples as a class.
D. Discussing new Introduce the concept of Introduce the concept Introduce the concept of Introduce the concept of
concepts and practicing identifying and analyzing of identifying and identifying and analyzing identifying and analyzing
new skills. #1 how cultural, historical, analyzing how cultural, how cultural, historical, how cultural, historical,
environmental, and other historical, environmental, and other environmental, and other
factors impact the environmental, and factors impact the content factors impact the
content of a text. other factors impact the of a text. Engage students content of a text.
Engage students in a content of a text. in a discussion about the Engage students in a
discussion about the Engage students in a factors that might be at discussion about the
factors that might be at discussion about the play in a given text. factors that might be at
play in a given text. factors that might be at play in a given text.
play in a given text.

Created by: GREG M, Et al

E. Discussing new Dive deeper into the Dive deeper into the Dive deeper into the Dive deeper into the
concepts and practicing analysis by examining a analysis by examining a analysis by examining a analysis by examining a
new skills #2.
specific text. Discuss specific text. Discuss specific text. Discuss how specific text. Discuss
how each factor how each factor each factor influences the how each factor
influences the content influences the content content and interpretation influences the content
and interpretation of the and interpretation of the of the text. Encourage and interpretation of the
text. Encourage students text. Encourage students to share their text. Encourage students
to share their students to share their observations. to share their
observations. observations. observations.
F. Developing Mastery Assign students to small Assign students to Assign students to small Assign students to small
(Lead to Formative groups and provide each small groups and groups and provide each groups and provide each
Assessment 3)
group with a different provide each group with group with a different text. group with a different
text. Ask them to identify a different text. Ask Ask them to identify and text. Ask them to identify
and discuss the various them to identify and discuss the various and discuss the various
factors that influence discuss the various factors that influence their factors that influence
their assigned text. Have factors that influence assigned text. Have their assigned text. Have
groups present their their assigned text. groups present their groups present their
findings to the class. Have groups present findings to the class. findings to the class.
their findings to the
G. Finding practical Lead a discussion on Lead a discussion on Lead a discussion on how Lead a discussion on
application of concepts how understanding how understanding understanding these how understanding
and skills in daily living
these influences can be these influences can be influences can be these influences can be
valuable in various valuable in various valuable in various valuable in various
aspects of life, such as aspects of life, such as aspects of life, such as aspects of life, such as
critical thinking, cultural critical thinking, cultural critical thinking, cultural critical thinking, cultural
appreciation, and appreciation, and appreciation, and appreciation, and
empathy. empathy. empathy. empathy.
H. Making Generalizations Summarize the key Summarize the key Summarize the key points Summarize the key
and Abstraction about points of the lesson and points of the lesson and of the lesson and points of the lesson and
the Lesson.
encourage students to encourage students to encourage students to encourage students to
make generalizations make generalizations make generalizations make generalizations
about the impact of about the impact of about the impact of about the impact of
culture, history, culture, history, culture, history, culture, history,
environment, and other environment, and other environment, and other environment, and other
factors on text. factors on text. factors on text. factors on text.
Created by: GREG M, Et al
I. Evaluating Learning Assess students' Assess students' analyze a specific text and Cultural Influence:
understanding by understanding by explain how cultural,
assigning them an essay assigning them an historical, environmental, Read a short story from
or project where they essay or project where or other factors have a different culture.
must analyze a specific they must analyze a influenced it. Explain how the cultural
text and explain how specific text and explain background of the
cultural, historical, how cultural, historical, characters and setting
environmental, or other environmental, or other influences the plot,
factors have influenced factors have influenced themes, and character
it. it. motivations in the story.

Analyze a piece of
traditional music from a
specific culture.
Describe how elements
such as rhythm,
instruments, and lyrics
are influenced by the
cultural context in which
the music originated.

Historical Factors:

After reading a historical

speech from the Civil
Rights Movement,
discuss how the
historical context and
events of that time
influenced the message
and rhetoric used in the

Examine a primary
source document from a
historical period, such as
a diary from the
American Revolutionary
War. Explain how the
Created by: GREG M, Et al
historical circumstances
described in the diary
impact the author's
perspective and

Environmental Impact:

Read an environmental
report on the effects of
climate change in a
particular region. Explain
how the environmental
factors and changes
mentioned in the report
influence the
communities and
ecosystems in that area.

Analyze a poem that

portrays the beauty of
nature. Discuss how the
natural environment
described in the poem
shapes the poet's
emotional response and
the themes of the work.

Social and Economic


After reading an article

about income inequality,
explain how societal and
economic factors
contribute to disparities
in wealth and
opportunities within a
given society.
Created by: GREG M, Et al
Reflect on a short story
that explores issues of
poverty and social class.
Discuss how the
socioeconomic context
depicted in the story
influences the
characters' choices and

Political Influence:

Read a political essay

discussing government
policies. Explain how
political ideologies and
decisions mentioned in
the essay impact
citizens' rights,
freedoms, and quality of

Analyze a historical
document related to a
political revolution.
Describe how the
political environment of
the time influenced the
motivations and actions
of those involved in the

Cultural Diversity:

Examine a piece of art

created by an artist from
a minority culture.
Discuss how the artist's
Created by: GREG M, Et al
cultural background and
identity are reflected in
the artwork's themes
and symbolism.

Reflect on a short story

that explores cultural
clashes. Explain how
differences in cultural
norms and values shape
the conflicts and
resolutions in the

J. Additional Activities for Provide additional texts Provide additional texts Provide additional texts or Provide additional texts
Application or or resources for students or resources for resources for students or resources for students
who need extra practice students who need who need extra practice who need extra practice
or offer further guidance extra practice or offer or offer further guidance or offer further guidance
to those who are further guidance to to those who are to those who are
struggling with the those who are struggling with the struggling with the
concept. struggling with the concept. concept.
A. No. of learners
earned 80%in the
B. No. of learners who
required additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Created by: GREG M, Et al
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I
wish to share with other

Prepared by:
Checked by:

Teacher III
School Principal I

Created by: GREG M, Et al

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