BSI certification
and testing for personal
protective equipment
PPE can be defined as “any device to be worn or held by users for protection against one or more health
and safety hazards”. To meet legislation requirements, PPE manufacturers must ensure their products
conform to the relevant National, European or International Standard or to a Technical Specification.
How BSI can help – With unrivalled experience, accredited certification and testing, and notified body
status, BSI is committed to helping manufacturers of PPE meet and demonstrate compliance with the
relevant standards legislation and international market specifications.
Facial protection
Hearing protection Respiratory products
In. BSI can test and certify a wide range Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE)
of hearing protection including various needs to offer protection against a wide
designs of earmuffs and earplugs. BSI has range of hazards, such as smoke and dust
Notified Body status under the PPE and inhalation to vapours and oxygen deficiency.
Low Voltage Directives which are relevant The protection factors provided by RPE
for this type of equipment as well as being are laid out in BS EN529: 2005; Guide to
able to provide BSI Kitemark certification. implementing an effective respiratory device
Typical testing by BSI includes: physical tests, programme.
active attenuation, insertion loss, passive
All respiratory equipment must undergo
type examination using a Notified Body
before CE marking can be affixed. Where
Eye Protection the respiratory device is incorporated with
BSI can certify test many forms of eye headwear, eyewear or hearing protection BSI
protection including welding masks and can offer an integrated test and certification
visors, protective goggles, and safety package. For products that incorporate
glasses. In many instances eye protection is electronic devices, BSI has an electrical
integrated into head protection to protect safety laboratory, proving a one stop shop
the face from impacts, sparks, molten metal for all needs. The BSI Kitemark certification
is also available for respiratory protection
or electrical arcs. BSI Kitemark may be
achieved for certain eye protection products. products.
PPE po
Hand and foot protection
Glove Protection Protective Footwear
BSI can certify and test a wide range of Some types of footwear are deemed a PPE
gloves and hand protection which protect Complex category. Therefore in addition
against hazards including chemicals, heat to satisfying the initial requirements of
and fire, cold temperatures and electric the Directive, the manufacturer must also
current. We are also able to test multi demonstrate annually to a Notified Body
hazard resistant gloves such as those used such as BSI that the product continues
by fire fighters characterised by additional to comply with the requirements of the
protection against upper hand impact, high standard it was initially tested against.
visibility strips, and watertight anti-slip BSI can test and certify footwear including
capacity. safety footwear, occupations footwear,
for footwear for fire fighters. We can also
provide BSI Kitemark certification for these
Impact protection
Sports Helmets Helmets
BSI works with manufacturers of both a BSI can certify and test a range of head
wide range of sports goods, covering sports protection products from a basic impact
including cycling, rugby, cricket, motorsports helmet for cyclists to sophisticated
and equestrianism. Our reputation for helmets with integrated respiratory and
excellence in standards is such that the communications equipment. BSI is also the
British Equestrian Federation and The Pony UK test authority for Standards Australia
Club will only allow riders to take part in Quality Assessment Systems for vehicle user
an equestrian event if they are wearing a helmets and visors to AS 1698 and AS 1609
BSI Kitemark Helmet. Helmet tests include: respectively. BSI Kitemark certification is
Impact absorption, retention strength available for vehicle user helmets.
and effectiveness, penetration resistance,
lateral crush (equestrian), flammability Body Armour
(motorsport). BSI Impact Protection Laboratory tests a
wide range of protective products for the
body. Products we certify include: knee
and elbow pads (for motorcycling), knee
and elbow pads (for sport), gaiters and
protective footwear, rugby clothing, cricket
boxes and football Shin pads. (Other types of
BSI impact protection that BSI can test include
playground surfacing).
Protective workwear
High Visibility Clothing Protective clothing
The standard for high visibility is BS EN BSI can test to a number of standards
471:2003+A1:2007. The tests for garments designed to assess the wide range of
and materials within the standard include products offering suit protection. These range
material tests which examine: colour – from those that protect against extremes of
chromaticity and luminance, colour fastness temperature or chemical exposure to splash
and physical tests, dimensional stability and proof aprons. BSI Kitemark certification is
breathability/waterproof. Protective clothing also available for this range of products
designed to provide protection against
risks, for instance flame retardant high Fall Arrest Equipment
visibility warning clothing, must be certified
BSI can help you certify to a range of
separately for each hazard. BSI can also
standards to cover the different types of
offer BSI Kitemark certification for this range
equipment used. This includes descender
of products.
devices, full body harnesses, work positioning
belts in addition to other products listed in
our standards sheet. We can also provide BSI
Kitemark certification for these products.
BSI Group
The trademarks in this material (for example the BSI logo or the
© BSI Group
Kitemark Court T: +44 8450 765606 word “KITEMARK”) are registered and unregistered trademarks
Davy Avenue, Knowlhill F: +44 1908 814920 owned byThe British Standards Institution in UK and certain other
Milton Keynes MK5 8PP bsigroup.com countries throughout the world.