BSI - Security Standards Brochure
BSI - Security Standards Brochure
BSI - Security Standards Brochure
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Security standards
BSIs Security
standards Security
Electronic services
About BSI
BSI is the business standards company that helps organizations all over the world make
excellence a habit. For more than a century we have been challenging mediocrity and
complacency to help embed excellence into the way people and products work. That means
showing businesses how to improve performance, reduce risk and achieve sustainable growth.
These standards are written by experts and based on best practice.
As a global leader in helping organizations improve, our clients range from high profile brands
They provide both strategic and practical tools to help organizations to small, local companies in 172 countries worldwide.
minimize their exposure to risk, reduce their insurance premiums, We are the UKs National Standards Body (NSB) and were the first national standards body.
avoid litigation and maintain regulatory compliance. We represent UK economic and social interests across all European and international
Please take some time to review the wide range of whats available. standards organizations and in the development of business information solutions for
Ultimately security standards will help your organization maintain British organizations of all sizes and sectors.
its reputation and save time, money and potentially lives.
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Security standards
Video surveillance can also be used inside and outside schools and private residences as an extra
security measure. Available systems offer varying levels of sophistication within a wide price range.
security products
BS 8418:2015 Installation and remote BS EN 62676-3:2015 Video surveillance BS EN 62676-2-1:2014 Video surveillance
monitoring of detector-activated CCTV systems for use in security applications. systems for use in security applications.
systems. Code of practice Analog and digital video interfaces Video transmission protocols. General
BS 8418:2015 gives recommendations for BS EN 62676-3:2015 specifies physical,
the design, installation, commissioning, electrical and software interface (non-IP) BS EN 62676-2-1:2014 introduces an IP
Video Surveillance Systems (VSS) maintenance, operation and remote specifications of analog and digital video network interface for devices in surveillance
monitoring of detector-activated CCTV interface in video surveillance systems applications. It specifies a network protocol
Access control systems, whether "permanent" or temporary/ (so far called CCTV) applications. for the full interoperability of video devices.
Remote centres portable. It assists in ensuring that the On top of the basic layers, protocols are
integrity and effectiveness of an installed BS EN 62676-4:2015 Video surveillance defined to accomplish the full interoperability
Installed alarm systems CCTV system are not compromised. systems for use in security applications. of video devices.
Transmission equipment and networks Application guidelines
BS 7958:2015 Closed Circuit Television BS EN 62676-2-2:2014 Video surveillance
Security system components (CCTV). Management and operation.
BS EN 62676-4:2015 gives recommendations
systems for use in security applications.
and requirements for the selection, planning,
Code of practice Video transmission protocols. IP
installation, commissioning, maintaining and
interoperability implementation based on
BS 7958:2015 gives recommendations for testing of video surveillance systems (VSS)
HTTP and REST services
the management and operation of CCTV comprising of image capture device(s),
within a controlled environment, where interconnection(s) and image handling BS EN 62676-2-2:2014 specifies a compliant
data that might be offered as evidence are device(s), for use in security applications. IP video protocol based on HTTP and REST
received, stored, reviewed or analyzed. services. It leverages the features of HTTP
It applies to the monitoring and management BS EN 62676-1-1:2014 Video surveillance and REST for IP video transmission.
of public spaces, including automatic number systems for use in security applications.
plate recognition (ANPR) and traffic System requirements. General BS EN 62676-2-3:2014 Video surveillance
enforcement cameras. systems for use in security applications.
BS EN 62676-1-1:2014 specifies the minimum
Video transmission protocols.
requirements and gives recommendations
BS 7958:2015 includes a long IP interoperability implementation
for video surveillance systems (VSS) installed
awaited update to this important based on Web services
for security applications. It specifies the
standard for the management and
minimum performance requirements BS EN 62676-2-3:2014 defines procedures
operation of CCTV. Primarily for the
and functional requirements to be agreed for communication between network video
public space environment, it equally
on between customer, law-enforcement clients and video transmitter devices based
applies to private schemes where the
where applicable and supplier in the on Web Services. This new set of
public have a perceived right of way.
operational requirement. specifications makes it possible to build
This latest update takes account of
network video systems with devices and
the work of the Surveillance Camera
BS EN 62676-1-2:2014 Video surveillance receivers from different manufacturers using
Code of practice and its 12 guiding
systems for use in security applications. common and well defined interfaces.
System requirements. Performance
Dave Wilkinson, Director of Technical requirements for video transmission
Services at BSIA
BS EN 62676-1-2:2014 introduces general
requirements on video transmission. It
covers the general requirements for video
transmissions on performance, security and
conformance to basic IP connectivity, based
on available, well-known, international
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Security standards
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Security standards
BS EN 50136-2:2013 Alarm systems. Alarm BS EN 50136-3:2013 Alarm systems. Alarm PD CLC/TS 50136-9:2013 Alarm systems.
transmission systems and equipment. transmission systems and equipment. Alarm transmission systems and equipment.
Requirements for Supervised Premises Requirements for Receiving Centre Requirements for common protocol for alarm
Transceiver (SPT) Transceiver (RCT) transmission using the internet protocol
BS EN 50136-2:2013 specifies the general BS EN 50136-3:2013 specifies the minimum PD CLC/TS 50136-9:2013 specifies a protocol
equipment requirements for the equipment requirements for the for point-to-point transmission of alarms and
performance, reliability, resilience, security performance, reliability, resilience, security faults, as well as communications
and safety characteristics of supervised and safety characteristics of the receiving monitoring, between a Supervised Premises
premises transceivers (SPT) installed in centre transceiver (RCT) installed in ARC and Transceiver and a Receiving Centre
supervised premises and used in alarm used in alarm transmission systems. Transceiver using the Internet protocol (IP).
transmission systems (ATS).
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Security standards
Security services
Lone worker services
The use of general purpose security dogs
The use of detection dogs
Contracted security consultancy
Security guarding services
The provision of investigative services
Vacant property protection services
BS 8484:2016 Provision of lone worker BS 8517-1:2016 Security dogs. Code of BS 7984-1:2016 Keyholding and response BS 8584:2015 Vacant property protection BS 8549:2016 Security consultancy.
services. Code of practice practice for the use of general purpose services. General recommendations for services. Code of practice Code of practice
security dogs keyholding and response services
BS 8484:2016 provides recommendations BS 8584:2015 is for security measures and BS 8549:2016 gives recommendations on
for lone worker services (LWSs) for BS 8517-1:2016 gives recommendations BS 7984-1:2016 gives recommendations for services introduced when a property is at management, resourcing and operation for
customers who have identified a level of for the operational use of a dog by a keyholding and response services. It details increased risk of criminal attack because it is the provision of contracted security
risk to their lone workers (LWs). It recognizes security dog handler when providing the manner in which an organization vacant. A typical vacant property is a building consultancy services. It also assists procurers
two broad categories of risk that affect LWs: manned guarding services on a static manages the service provision of keyholding that has been occupied but is temporarily wishing to contract such services to ensure
environmental risk and people risk. site or mobile patrol, including records, and how it should respond to an event. not in use prior to a new owner or tenant the service fits the end user requirements
kennelling/husbandry, dog health and In addition to key management, it further moving in. and risk profile.
The need for BS 8484 to help welfare, equipment and clothing, details what is expected of a response centre
guide and advise employers of training and operational requirements. and vehicles used for the storage of keys. BS 102000:2013 Code of practice for the BS 8549 is the essential guidance for
lone workers is more important provision of investigative services security consultancy and their clients to
now than ever. Its review throughout BS 8517-2:2016 Security dogs. Code of BS 7984-2:2014 Keyholding and response ensure the highest standards possible.
BS 102000:2013 gives recommendations
2015/16 will lead to numerous useful practice for the use of detection dogs services. Lone worker response services
for the conduct, management, staffing and Eur.Ing. Jon Laws, Managing Director and
improvements, taking input from
BS 8517-2:2016 gives recommendations for BS 7984-2:2014 gives the recommendations operational accountability for the provision Consultant at The Lyndhurst Consultancy
industry, the Police, audit bodies and
the operational use of a detection dog by for the provision of a lone worker response of investigative services.
others. BS 8484 is one of the principle
a detection dog handler when providing service on a commercial basis.
reasons why false alarm management BS 7499:2013 Static site guarding and mobile
passive and proactive detection services
in the lone worker industry is well
(e.g. drugs, firearms, munitions, explosives, The BS 7984 series was split into patrol service. Code of practice
managed and the speed of escalation
pyrotechnics, intentionally concealed 2 parts with the development of
to Police via URN so quick (when BS 7499:2013 gives recommendations for
persons), including records, kennelling/ Lone Worker monitoring services
compared to 999). Its a valuable the management, staffing and operation of
husbandry, dog health and welfare, (BS 8484): Part 1 covering general
resource for any employer seeking an organization providing security guarding
equipment and clothing, training and recommendations for keyholding
to remove the risks associated with services on a static site and/or mobile patrol
operational requirements. and response services and Part 2
operating with lone working staff. basis. It isnt applicable to all security
specifically for Lone worker
services, for example cash-in-transit services,
Craig Swallow, Chairman BSIA Lone The BS 8517 series enables both response services. Both standards
secure parcel services, keyholding and
Worker Section & Managing Director suppliers and procurers of either have been developed to provide better
response services, door supervisors, close
of SoloProtect Limited Security Dog or Detection Dog Services, harmony with other related security
protection services, event stewarding and
to be aware of the skills knowledge management standards such as
the management and operation of closed-
and understanding required to ensure BS 7499 and to reflect current practice
circuit television (CCTV).
the provision of a professional level in this important security sector.
of services, as well as ensuring the
Dave Wilkinson, Director of Technical
efficiency, safety and control of
Services at BSIA
Dogs and Handlers.
Steve Hill, Director at NASDU
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