Course objectives
Study the concept of community and relevance of community organization
Understand the steps, process and skills of community organization
Learn the models and strategies for community organization practice
Understand the role of Social Worker in Social Action and Social Reform for social development
Course Outline
Unit 1 Community and community organization
Community: Concept, characteristics, types and functions Historical development of community
Understanding of community organization practices - Definition, objectives, values, principles
and ethics of community organization
Community organization and community development
Adams, Robert, Oominelli, Lena & Payne, Malcom (ed.1), Social Work: Themes, Issues & Critical
Debates. Ch. 17, Radical Social Work.
Cox M. F. & Erlich L, J. (1987).Strategies of Community Organisation. Illinois: F.E. Peacock Publishers
Dunham, Arthur E. 1970 The Community Welfare Organisation, New York, Thomas Y. Crowell.
Haynes, Karen S. & Mickelson, James S., Affecting Change, Social Movements Pub. 107 ff.
Jack Rothman and others (2001).Strategies of Community Interventions & Macro Practices – Peacock
Publications, 6th Edition
Lal, A. K. 1977 Politics of Poverty: A Study of Bonded Labour. New Delhi: Chethana Publications.
Mayo H., Jones D. 1974 Community Work, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
McMiller, W. 1945 Community Organisation for Social Welfare, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Patnaik, U. and Chains of Servitude, Bondage and Dingwaney, M. 1985 Slavery in India. Madras: Sangam
Books Pvt. Ltd.
Polson and Sanderson. 1979 Rural Community Organisation, New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Ross Murray, G., (1985). Community Organization: Theory and Principles. New York: Harper and Row Pub.
Siddhiqui, H.Y. (1997). Working with Community. New Delhi: Hira Publications