SW16-C o
SW16-C o
SW16-C o
Historical Development of Community
A. Western Beginnings:
1. The Charity Organization Period (1870-1917)
2. The rise of the Federations (1917-1935)
3. Expansion and Professional Period (1935-1955)
4. Community Organizations & Social Change
Historical Development of Community
A. Community Organization in the Phils.:
1. Inter-agency Level (Arthur Dunham) (CWAPI)
2. Grassroots Organizations (Ross Murray)
3. Urban Community Program
Elements of Community Organization
1. Client – Community
2. Problem
3. Process
4. Agency
5. Community Organizer
6. Philosophy
Theoretical base of
Definition of Terms
• Community-group of people gathered tighter in a geographic
area, large or small who have common interest, actual or
potential recognized in the social welfare field
• Two concepts of community
a. Geographic community-refers to people in a specific
geographic are as the village, barangay, sitio, district
b. Functional community-composed of people who hold
common values, share some common functions or express
common interest
• Organization-orderly arrangement of group effort to provide
unity of action in the pursuit of common purpose
Community Organization
• Part of a process that brings people together to
collectively address problems, concerns or issues with
the goal of enhancing self-determination, achieving
greater equality and affecting a shift in power
relationships to benefit member of oppressed
• According to Murray G. Ross, Community organization is
a process by which a community identifies needs and
takes action, and in doing so extends and develops
cooperative attitudes and practices.
Community Organization
• Arthur Dunham-defines as a process of matching
needs with resources and as conscious process of
social interaction concerned with three types of
objectives which are task goals, process goals and
relationship goals
• Perlman & Gurib-defines as process of defining
solutions to social problems by redistributing
resources, functions and decision-making power
Community Organization
• A method of social work that uses process to:
It deals with problem-solving in response to
problems & needs
It seeks social change for a greater good
It involves the process of social interaction
It involves people’s participation in planning
& implementation
Philosophy of Community
“Acceptance of the right of the community to decide
what it wants rather than having the organizer's view
imposed upon it, belief on the capacity of the people
to find richer and more satisfying ways of living if they
are helped to use the resources within themselves and
their environment which are and could be made
available to them”
Values of Community
Commitment of democratic processes and goals
The right of a client community to self-determination
Belief on the capacity of people to change
Belief on the innate dignity of the individual in the
The commitment to seek social justice
Goals & Objectives of
Goals of CO
Task Goals-concerned with concrete task to be undertaken to
meet specific needs & people’s aspiration of solve particular
Process Goals-concerned with helping people in a community or
group strengthen their quality of participation, self direction &
Relationship Goals-focused on changing certain types of
relationship and decision-making process in a community by
diffusing power to wider base.
These goals can be done simultaneously in
one community activity, example:
Task Goals Process Goals Relationship Goals
7. Contest Strategy- this would apply to crystallize the issues involved & to
get majority vote/support for one contestant's proposal which will be
considered the community’s adopted decision after the voting
Atmosphere of Freedom
People should be free to know their rights & privileges, law, policies
that had been enacted for their benefit in order that they would be
able to profit from them
Process for people empowerment
Social Justice
The government should have its credibility with the people to look
for alternative forms of governance to obtain social justice for the