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Historical Development of Community
A. Western Beginnings:
1. The Charity Organization Period (1870-1917)
2. The rise of the Federations (1917-1935)
3. Expansion and Professional Period (1935-1955)
4. Community Organizations & Social Change
Historical Development of Community
A. Community Organization in the Phils.:
1. Inter-agency Level (Arthur Dunham) (CWAPI)
2. Grassroots Organizations (Ross Murray)
3. Urban Community Program
Elements of Community Organization
1. Client – Community
2. Problem
3. Process
4. Agency
5. Community Organizer
6. Philosophy
Theoretical base of
Definition of Terms
• Community-group of people gathered tighter in a geographic
area, large or small who have common interest, actual or
potential recognized in the social welfare field
• Two concepts of community
a. Geographic community-refers to people in a specific
geographic are as the village, barangay, sitio, district
b. Functional community-composed of people who hold
common values, share some common functions or express
common interest
• Organization-orderly arrangement of group effort to provide
unity of action in the pursuit of common purpose
Community Organization
• Part of a process that brings people together to
collectively address problems, concerns or issues with
the goal of enhancing self-determination, achieving
greater equality and affecting a shift in power
relationships to benefit member of oppressed
• According to Murray G. Ross, Community organization is
a process by which a community identifies needs and
takes action, and in doing so extends and develops
cooperative attitudes and practices.
Community Organization
• Arthur Dunham-defines as a process of matching
needs with resources and as conscious process of
social interaction concerned with three types of
objectives which are task goals, process goals and
relationship goals
• Perlman & Gurib-defines as process of defining
solutions to social problems by redistributing
resources, functions and decision-making power
Community Organization
• A method of social work that uses process to:
It deals with problem-solving in response to
problems & needs
It seeks social change for a greater good
It involves the process of social interaction
It involves people’s participation in planning
& implementation
Philosophy of Community
“Acceptance of the right of the community to decide
what it wants rather than having the organizer's view
imposed upon it, belief on the capacity of the people
to find richer and more satisfying ways of living if they
are helped to use the resources within themselves and
their environment which are and could be made
available to them”
Values of Community
Commitment of democratic processes and goals
The right of a client community to self-determination
Belief on the capacity of people to change
Belief on the innate dignity of the individual in the
The commitment to seek social justice
Goals & Objectives of
Goals of CO
Task Goals-concerned with concrete task to be undertaken to
meet specific needs & people’s aspiration of solve particular
Process Goals-concerned with helping people in a community or
group strengthen their quality of participation, self direction &
Relationship Goals-focused on changing certain types of
relationship and decision-making process in a community by
diffusing power to wider base.
These goals can be done simultaneously in
one community activity, example:
Task Goals Process Goals Relationship Goals

Assessment of the To motivate people to To render wider

community through be aware of their participation &
data gathering by the condition, understanding through
use of survey, interview problem/need & collaborative & joint
with families & leaders, aspirations and be able effort of people in
informal conversation to concretize and solving problem
with people, group express them through
discussion. survey, interview or
group discussion
Objectives of Community Organization
1. Removal of blocks to growth
Negative social values/patterns/attitudes
Oppressive power structure

2. The release of potentialities in the individual, group, community

Provide the opportunities for tapping the said potentials through
involving to participate in community activities, group discussion,
problem-solving and decision-making sessions.
Objectives of Community Organization
3. To develop the capacity to Manage Community Life and be Self-
Identify community indigenous leaders then organized to form a
core group that would be entrusted to plan for community
development. This group will be responsible for the
implementation of their plan, monitor and evaluates the results
Formal leaders- elected officials of local government, heads of
different gov’t & private agencies/heads of different
civic/religious groups
Informal leaders-person whom the people have high regard &
go for advice by virtue of his past positions & high standing in the
community & those have strong influence.
Objectives of Community Organization
4. To develop the ability to function as an Integrated Unit
Bring disparate groups together in order that they can integrate
their programs & efforts so that their intended beneficiaries may
receive fair treatment & prevent their discontent

5. Encourage the full use of inner/indigenous resources before

tapping external resources

6. To Change/Modify existing policies & programs that are

oppressive, defective or irrelevant and to propos needed ones
Models of Community


Social Planning Social Action

Community Development
Process by which the efforts of the people themselves united with
those of government authorities to improve their economic, social,
cultural condition of community.
Goal of this model is community competence and solution of
specific community problems and issues which affect them
Role of the community organizer:
• to enhance the involvement of the people in the community and
help the community to plan and help them find a solution to the
Basic elements of Community Development
1. Community is approached as a whole
2. Activities undertaken corresponds to the basic needs of the
3. The educational-organizational process moves from an awareness
of problem to a definition of problems followed by study
4. Community development activities are thought in a long process
5. Widespread of participation & involvement is sought
6. The resource both government & NGO are utilized
7. The identification , encouragement and training of local leaders is a
central feature of community development programs
Social Planning
It refers to the type of community work where a worker or agency
undertakes an exercise of evaluating welfare needs and existing services
in the area and suggests a possible blue print for a more efficient
delivery of services.
It is concerned with social problems For example. Housing, education,
health, childcare and so on. Its aim is to affect a large population. The
community planner works in greater capacity with the government and
is often identified with power structure of the community but interested
in the needs and attitudes of the community.
Its translating social goals into programs & services by an agency, public,
private in collaborative efforts with the community
Basic elements of Social Planning
1. Research (fact-finding, projection & inventory taking)
2. Value analysis & facilitation of expression of various positions,
sometime through political machinations
3. Policy formulation
4. Programming
5. Measurement & feedback
Objectives of Social Planning
1. New policies
2. Program & policy coordination
3. Innovations in programs
4. Administrative decisions
3 levels of action in Social Planning
Societal goals-selecting social goals & setting targets for their

Testing consequences-application social values & action criteria

to the assessment of program undertaken in pursuit of economic
& political goals or interpersonal relations from brad economic
development programs to redevelopment of specific projects

Social Programming-planning the more traditional welfare

activities of public & private agencies & the coordination by
many groups
Implementation process of Social Planning
1. Clarify goals, priorities & interest
2. Ascertain the facts, social realities, the trends
3. Inventory of knowledge, skills, resources available & obtainable
4. Analyze the alternatives & predictable outcomes of choices among
5. Formalize the expression of preference & process of choice
6. Translate policies into implications fro program or different levels of
7. Measure the outcome of the program
Social Action
According to Friedlander,W.A. ( 1963) " Social Action is an individual,
group or community effort within the framework of the social work
philosophy and practice that aims to achieve social progress, to
modify social policies and to improve social legislation and health and
welfare services".
According to Rothman social action is a strategy used by groups or
sub communities or even national organizations that feel that they
have inadequate power and resources to meet their needs. So they
confront with the power structure using conflict as a method to solve
their issues related to inequalities and deprivation.
• This has been used as a means to redress the social problems of
the nation, redistribute the resources and power to the poor and
powerless. Social action as model has an important role in
community organization.
• The community organizer uses all means to pressure the power
structure to give in to demands. The role of organizers may differ
depending the issues they get involved in. The role may be of
advocate, activist, agitator, broker or negotiator. It is a process. This
organizing process goes through different stage .So the role of the
organizer will also change as per the roles of the organizer at each
Social Action Approaches
1. Procedural or political social action- carried on through established
parliamentary or formal organizational procedure. The aim is
usually to obtain favorable decision by an executive

2. Direct Action- refers to personal activity of some type other than

procedural social action. Usually implies more physical and emotional
involvement on the part of the participants and often a deep
commitment and a militant spirit
Methods of Resolving Conflicts
1. Conquest-one party seeks to destroy, injure or remove the
opponent or render him powerless
2. Procedural Victory- victory established through parliamentary or
other procedure.
3. Award by Arbitration-in this situation the contestant decide to
submit their case to an arbitrator agreeing in advance to abide by
arbitrator’s decision.
4. Conciliation and mediation-resolution of a conflict by the parties
themselves but wit the aid of a neutral conciliator or mediator.
Methods of Resolving Conflicts
5. Compromise- a conflict may be resolved thru a process of direct
negotiation, bargaining and compromise by the parties to the conflict

6. Consensus- resolution of a conflict by agreement which represents

the thinking and the wishes of all parties to the conflict

7. Ending without resolving- a conflict may end permanently or

temporarily without being resolved that is without the real issue being
Function, Techniques &
Strategies of CO worker
Functions of CO worker
1. Fact-finding- secure & maintain adequate factual basis
2. Program development- initiate, develop new programs & services
& modify or terminate social welfare programs that had become
3. Establishment standards-maintain, improve social welfare
standards to increase effectiveness of the operation of social
welfare agencies
4. Coordination- improve & facilitate inter-relationship & promote
coordination between organizations
5. Education-to develop better understanding of social welfare needs,
problems, resources, methods and standards
6. Support & participation-develop adequate public support &
participation in social welfare activities
Techniques of CO worker
Technique-manner by which certain activities are executed based on
the mechanical or formal aspects
1. Structuring- employs the use of suitable structures to engage in
problem solving as councils, adhoc committee & others
2. Situational analysis-involves the breaking up of a problem situation
or collection of data, exploring the content & examining & setting
forth various aspects/issues
3. Problem Analysis-process of looking the cause of the problem and
their effects on those affected by it.
Techniques of CO worker
4. Role playing & socio-drama
Role playing- acting out a situation which would depict a problem and
their effects designed to change attitude & thinking of the target
Socio-drama-dramatic performance with psychological suggested to
change the values, attitudes, habit & thinking of the target audience to
desired manner

5. Education & Promotion-ways/approaches to enhance people’s

understanding & support the program & plans for community
Techniques of CO worker
6. Demonstration-illustrates ways of dealing with certain social problems
which can be subsequently adopted fro similar uses by community & other

7. Use of Group Dynamic & experiential learning in Training- employs

planned situations where they can experience a learning process and they
interact within a small group.

8. Use of Expert/Consultant-utilizing the knowledge & expertise of others

9. Formal Study-influence public opinion & motivate people yo act on

certain community issues by gathering & analyzing data in connection to the
current issues.
Strategy of CO worker
Strategy-tactic or careful plan or a method devised to achieve a
desired goal
1. Management of Power- helping create new centers of power in
communities where leadership is indifferent or ineffective
2. Training of Leaders for their Role functions- indigenous leaders
training on their roles, functions and responsibility
3. Organizing People for specific Tasks, Roles & functions-this
facilitates the attainment of goal & objectives & at the same time
pooling of thinking, expertise & resources
4. Use of conflict-design to awaken the people from their lethargy and
trigger the desired action on their part to do about community
Strategy of CO worker
5. Collaborative Strategy- based on assumption of consensus/common base
of values & interest among the parties of disagreement

6. Campaign Strategy- applicable when the people are not in agreement on

how to resolved issues, its involves educating, persuading into agreeing with
the group’s proposed solution/approach

7. Contest Strategy- this would apply to crystallize the issues involved & to
get majority vote/support for one contestant's proposal which will be
considered the community’s adopted decision after the voting

8. Social Brokerage- it is employed when the problem is disruptive, it needs

the worker’s intervention as a broker with the involvement of relevant
groups to help diffuse a crisis situation.
Strategy of CO worker
9. Use of Integrative Mechanism-integration of other's group efforts &
support t strengthen the cause of another group.

10. Social Protest to Support Social Movement-influencing change or

modification of policies, legislations/ordinances, programs/services
that are deemed irrelevant to the greater sector of the community.

11. Lobbying-presentation of position paper to the deliberating

committee where their stand is detailed in a concise & incisive manner

12. Use of volunteers-effective strategy to answer the lack of

People empowerment
People Empowerment
• Process of releasing the potentials of people through appropriate
programs, services and strategies

• removing blocks that deter their growth and development and

accessing them for the enhancement of heir highest interest
capabilities that they would be freed from the fetters of poverty,
ignorance, oppression, social injustice and fear to stand up for their
rights and pursuits fro happiness as a member of a free and just
Sources of Power
1. Freedom
-a free man has the power to carve his own destiny as he is not
inhibited or prevented to think an plot the ways or means fro him to
achieve his goal in life.

2. Knowledge & Wisdom

-People respect them & believe in their wisdom & would therefeore
follow thei exhortations, advices & command
Sources of Power
3. Mental & Moral Efficacy
-They can influence thinking of the other people & their behavior to
the desired positive end.

4. Capability for Leadership Roles

-such individual has charisma and leadership capabilities that enable
them to make people act & follow them
Sources of Power
5. Ability to Act & produce an effect
-role model as they have the powe to influence & mdify behavioral
papter fro productive pursuit. An act & delivery of goods are greatly
admired fro their capability especially those who weak and

6. Prestige & Wealth

-they can make or unmake because of their powerful connections
Sources of Power
7. Possession of Authority & Control Over Others
-persons in positions of authority as government official have power b
virtue of the authority attached to their position since their policies and
decision have great effect on the people’s lives

8. Physical Might as Individual Controlling an Armed Group

-individual whose power emanates from barrel of gun
Process for people empowerment
4. Accessing the people fro the enhancement of their potentials to its highest
and productive level
-they should be given opportunities to be more learned & productive, such
opportunities are:
Wide latitude to decisions on matters that would affect their interest &
Access to attain capability building
Access to greater economic resources
Access to technological knowledge & modern equipment to boos
Access to higher institutions of learning with quality education and value
Spiritual enhance seminars
Process for people empowerment
1. Identify the blocks that hinder people’s growth and development
-blocks of people’s growth & development cutail their freedon

2. Removal of the blocks to growth & development

3. Releasing the potentials of people

Process for people empowerment
Holistic approach
People empowerment should be approached through an integrated
& inter-disciplinary effort since a person’s total well-being is attained
through his physical, social, economic, mental & spiritual needs

Atmosphere of Freedom
People should be free to know their rights & privileges, law, policies
that had been enacted for their benefit in order that they would be
able to profit from them
Process for people empowerment
Social Justice
The government should have its credibility with the people to look
for alternative forms of governance to obtain social justice for the

Conduct in Government Service

The officials & workers in the government service should be
impressed upon that they are there to serve the people and not to be
their masters as many of them believe & behave

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