Chip Formation 2
Chip Formation 2
Chip Formation 2
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OBJECTIVES OF THE EXPERIMENTS o To observe different types of chip produced during turning operation at different cutting speeds, depths of cut, and feed rates. APPARATUS REQUIRED o 35 cm mild steel workpiece o HSS cutting tool o Lathe machine METHOD AND PROCEDURE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Select a mild steel workpiece of length approximately 35 cm. Remove the oxide layer from the workpiece. Measured the workpiece diameter. Using marker pen, divide the workpiece into 6 parts which each part is 4cm. Cut the workpiece with different cutting speeds and observe the type of chips produced. 6. Measured the workpiece diameter. 7. Using marker pen, divide the workpiece into 4 parts which each part is 4cm. 8. Cut the workpiece with different feed rates and observe the type of chips produced. 9. Measured the workpiece diameter. 10. Using marker pen, divide the workpiece into 4 parts which each part is 4cm. 11. Cut the workpiece with different depths of cut and observe the type of chips produced.
RESULTS AND OBSERVATION a) Different cutting speed Feed Diameter = 0.1 mm/rev = 26.9 mm Depth of cut = 0.2 mm
10 Continues
25 Continues
40 Continues
60 Continues
80 Continues
125 Continues
b) Different feed rates Speed Diameter = 50 m/min = 25.5 mm Depth of cut = 0.2 mm
0.2 Discontinues
0.4 Continues
0.6 Continues
0.8 Continues
c) Different depth of cut Speed Diameter = 50 m/min = 25.3 mm Depth of cut = 0.2 mm
0.4 Continues
0.6 Continues
0.8 Continues
1 Continues
DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION From this experiment, we know that there are many causes that can effect chips formation for example cutting speed, depth of cut and also feed rates. We want to know the types of chip that can be produced with that cause, is it continuous, discontinuous, build-up edge (BUE) and also serrated chips. For part (a), we change the cutting speed while the depth of cut and feed rate are same. It varies from low to high cutting speed. We also need to calculate the number of rotation per minute, N, by using this formula:
V = ( D N) / 1000;
Where D: diameter of workpiece V: cutting speeds For this part, we observe that all chips produces are continuous. Increasing the cutting speed make more curly at the chips (see the example of the chips at Appendix A). But make sure that the rake angle is correct because if it is not correct it will affect the final result and also the chips formation. For part (b), we use same cutting speed and depth of cut but different feed rates for each part. In this experiment, since the feed rates vary from fine to course, we should have discontinuous chips. Unfortunately, we just get the discontinuous chip for the first test. For the second, third and fourth we get continuous chips. It might be cause by the present of coolant and also the angle at the tool bit.( Example chips at Appendix A) . For part (c), we use different depth of cut while the cutting speed and the feed rates remain constant. Actually, we should get the discontinuous chips for this experiment but for this part we get continuous chips for every part. It might be cause by the present of coolant. Large of depth cut will produce this type of chips.( Example chips at Appendix A ).
The examples of the chips at Appendix A have got chemical reaction which is corrosion because of the glue that used to paste the chips on the paper. It should be free corrosion because the factors that can make something got corrode are water and air. So that, the color of the chips should be silver or sometimes the chips are like blue to purple color not brown color. There are four types of chips produced during machining which are: 1. Continuous chip 2. Discontinuous chips 3. Built-up edge (BUE) chips 4. Serrated chips A continuous chip is like a long ribbon with smooth and shining surface. This type of chips is usually formed under these conditions: a. With high cutting speed ( N= 100 rpm & above) b. With high rake angle c. Ductile work material Due to less vibration, continuous chips will produces good surface finish, but it is not desirable for automated machine tools. Discontinuous chips consist of segment that may be firmly or loosely attached to each other. The conditions for formed discontinuous chip are: a. Very low or very high cutting speed b. Low rake angle c. Large depth of cut d. Brittle work material e. Work material that contains hard inclusion and impurities. f. Lack of effective cutting fluid
Based on the nature of chips formation, cutting forces continually vary during cutting operation. This might cause vibration. Due to the vibration, it will produce poor surface finish and poor accuracy. It also can cause excessive tool wear. Built-up edge (BUE) chips may form at the top of the tool during metal cutting. It have rough and dull surface. It is gradually deposited on the tool. As it becomes larger, the built-up edge becomes unstable and breaks up. The conditions for produced this type of chips are: a. Medium cutting speed ( 20-40 m/mm) b. High depth of cut c. Low rake angle d. Blunt tool e. Absence of coolants f. Ductile work material BUE has positive and negative aspects. BUE will increase the effective rake angle that will make chip easily remove and reduce the cutting force. Since cutting force is reduced, less power is consumed. It also protects the edge from tool wear because it covers the cutting edge. The hardness of BUE is 2 or 3 times higher than work material. So it can easily cut the work material. Besides that, BUE also can cause inaccuracy in machining. As it builds up, it increases the depth of cut and removes more materials but when it breaks up, it removes the calculated amount of material. Sometimes when we removed BUE particles, it will sticks to the finished surface. So it will rough the machined surface. Serrated chips also know as segmented or non-homogeneous chips. They are semi continuous chips and having zone of low and high shear strain. It exhibits on metal that have low thermal conductivity and strength that decrease sharply with temperature. The chips also have saw-tooth.
RECOMMENDATIONS/SUGGESTIONS: 1. Tool wear can affect the type of chips formation. So, to get accurate result we need use coolant during the cutting operation to avoid tool wears occurred. 2. Before starting any new cutting operation, we need to clean up the machine to avoid the chips mix with the previous one. 3. While sharpen the tool bit, we must aware about tool geometry. As we know, rake angle also can affect the chips formation. CONCLUSION: Finally, we had finish our experiment about chips formation. The objectives of this experiment that had mention above has successfully achieved. From the experiment, we can conclude that the types of chips produce during any operation depends on many factors such as cutting speed, feed rate, depth of cut, work material, rake angle and present of coolant. We also can know the type of surface finishing from the chip formation that we get from this experiment. Sometimes we did not get the accurate result because of the geometry of the tool. When the geometry is not correct, it will affect the surface finishing and also the chips formation. REFERENCES: 1) 2) 3) Manufacturing process 2 lab manual. Slide note from Dr. Ahsan Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, Mikell P.Groover , 3rd edition.