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Metal Casting

Muhammad Qasim Zafar


 A process based on the property of liquid to

take up the shape of the vessel containing it.
 A cavity of desired shape is made, contained in
a mold.
 Carried out in a foundry.
History of Casting

 Ancient process, started

5000 years ago.

 Jaivana- 50 tons cannon

was built in 17th century in

 Used for making arrows,

coins, knives etc.
World’s largest Cannon in
Jaipur, made by casting
Have you seen any similar process be-

 What do we control?
1. Size & shape of cavity
and mold
2. Mixture composition
3. Temperature
4. Cooling time
5. Carefully remove it
Requirement for Casting?

1. Cavity of desired shape- Mold

2. Molten metal
3. Proper channel to fill the molten metal
Basic Casting Process
Basic Casting Process
Basic terms used in Casting
1. Pattern: Replica of the desired part
2. Mold- Container with a cavity within. Divided in
two halves: Cope and Drag.
3. Gating system- Network of channels that de-
liver molten metal to the cavity.
Basic steps in Casting

1. Pattern making
2. Mold making
3. Melting of metal and pouring
4. Cooling and solidification of metal
5. Cleaning of casting and inspection
 Replica of the desired product
 Has somehow different dimensions than the
actual part to be manufactured
 Used to form the mold cavity

1. Materials used
2. Types of patterns
3. Pattern Allowances
Pattern Materials

 Requirements:
1. Easily shaped, worked, machined and joined
2. Resistant to wear and corrosion
3. Resistant to chemical action
4. Dimensionally stable
5. Easily available and economical
Pattern Materials
1. Wood:
 Easy availability, low weight and low cost
 Can be easily shaped
 More than 90% castings use wood patterns
 Absorbs moisture. So, distortions and dimensional
changes occur
 Relatively lower life, hence suitable for small quantity
Pattern Materials
2. Metal:
Used for large quantity production and for closer dimen-
sional tolerances
Longer life
Aluminum is mostly used.
Other metals: cast iron, brass etc.
Pattern Materials
3. Plastic:
Low weight, easier formability, smooth surfaces and dura-
Do not absorb moisture. So, dimensionally stable
Corrosion resistance
Pattern Materials
4. Polystyrene:
Changes to gaseous state on heating
Disposable Patterns. Hence, suitable for single casting.
When molten metal is poured into cavity, polystyrene
transforms to gaseous state.
Used mostly for small and complicated shaped castings.
Pattern Types

1.Single piece pattern:

Used for simple shaped & large
Pattern and cavity produced by it
are completely in the lower flask (i.e.
Causes difficulty in making the
Pattern Types

2.Split pattern:
Split pattern models the part as
two separate pieces that meet along
the parting line of the mould
Two parts are aligned by Dowel pin.
Pattern Types
3.Loose Piece pattern
1. As pre The name Pattern Contain One or more than one loose piece
2. Loose piece is used to make removal of pattern easy from mould box
3. loose pieces are attached to main body with the help of dowel pins or
4. First main pattern is drawn and then carefully loose pieces
5. Moulding with this pattern is expensive and require more skill
Pattern Types
4. Match-plate pattern:
Similar to a split pattern, except that each half of the pattern is attached to
opposite sides of a single plate.
Match plate confirms the parting line
Ensures proper alignment of the mould cavities in the cope and drag and the
runner system can be included on the match plate.
Used for larger production quantities.
Ic Engines piston rings
Pattern Types
4. Cope-Drag pattern:
It is similar to split pattern
Each half of the pattern is attached to a separate plate and the mould halves
are made independently.
.Pattern is made in two halves and split along parting line
These two halves are known as cope and drag
There moulding done independently
After moulding they are assembled to form complete mould box
Often desirable for larger castings
Pattern Types
5. Gated pattern:
In this patters of gate and riser or runner are permanently attached to regular
They are used to manufacture multiple casting in on time
Each pattern is connected with common runner .
Suitable for pouring small castings and for mass production
It save labour and time
Pattern Allowances

1. Shrinkage or contraction allowance

2. Draft or taper allowance
3. Machining or finish allowance
4. Distortion or camber allowance
5. Rapping allowance
Pattern Allowances

 Shrinkage Allowance:

 Liquid Shrinkage
 Solid Shrinkage
Pattern Allowances
Pattern Allowances
 Shrinkage Allowance:
 Shrinkage means contraction of metal on solidification
 All metals shrink after solidification. (Except grey cast iron that
expands on solidification).
 It is expressed in mm/m.
 Shrinkage allowance Differs from material to material.
 Positive type of allowance.
Pattern Allowances
 Draft / Taper Allowance:

 Taper provided by the pattern maker on all vertical surfaces of the

pattern so that it can be removed from the sand without tearing
away the sides of the sand mould.
 Inner details of the pattern require higher draft than outer sur-
 commonly applied draught allowance is 1°to 3°
 due to draught allowance pattern can easily removed from mould
Pattern Allowances
 Draft / Taper Allowance:

 The amount of draft depends upon-

1. The length of the vertical side of the pattern to
be extracted;
2. The intricacy of the pattern;
3. The method of moulding
4. Pattern material.
Pattern Allowances
Pattern Allowances

 Machining / Finishing Allowance:

 The finish and accuracy in sand casting is generally poor.
 Extra material provided on the casting to enable their machining
or finishing to the required size, accuracy and surface finish.
 So it is Added in pattern dimensions.
 allowance is provided only in machining area
 Amount of machining allowance depends upon:
1. Method of moulding and casting used
2. Size and shape of casting
3. Casting orientation
4. Metal used in casting
5. Degree of accuracy and finish required
Pattern Allowances
Pattern Allowances

 Distortion / Camber Allowance:

 Due to their typical shapes (U,V,T,L shapes) , castings get distorted
during solidification.
 Distortion is observed in irregular castings so that it shrink in
uneven manner
 Distortions are caused by internal stresses which are generated
on account of unequal cooling of different sections of casting.
 To avoid this distortion allowance is provided
 It varies from 2 to 20 mm
Pattern Allowances

 Rapping / shake Allowance:

 Before the withdrawal from the sand mould, the pattern is
rapped all around the vertical faces to enlarge the mould cavity
slightly, which facilitate its removal.
 When pattern is rapped, mould cavity is enlarged.
 To account for this increase, pattern size is reduced.
 This allowance is important in large-sized castings and precision
 Amount of rapping allowance depends upon:
1. Extent of rapping
2. Degree of compaction of sand
3. Size of mould
4. Sand type
 It include carpenter tools and some special tool
1. Contraction scale- It is used to measure pattern dimensions include
various allowances.It is metallic scale of 300 or 500 mm length
2. Combination set- It generally used for pattern making.It is used to
measure angles,pependicularity,locate centre on cylindrical job.
3. Callipers- They are of internal or external type.Generally used to
measure internal or external diameters of patterns.
1. Ratchet brace- This is used to drill holes in horizontal and
vertical plane.
2. Wheel brace- It produce only small holes. It can drill small
holes accurately nd quickly.
3. Back saw and plane- They are used for Curtin and parting
 Pattern are coloured by using shellac paints.
 Colours gives protection and identifies the features
of patterns.
 colour scheme is given as bellow
Colour Indication
Black Unfinished surface on
Red Finished surface on casting

Yellow Core prints

Black Parting surface
Red/yellow strips Seats for loose piece
 The term moulding process refers to the method of mak-
ing the mould and the materials used.
 Moulding processes have certain features in common-
1. The use of pattern.
2. Some type of aggregate mixture comprising a refractory and
3. A means of forming the aggregate mixture around the pattern.
4. Hardening of aggregate or developing its bond while in contact
with the pattern.
5. Withdrawal of the pattern from the mould.
6. Assembly of the mould and core pieces to make a complete
mould, metal then being poured into the mould.
 Classification of Moulding Processes:
Types of Moulding Sands
 Green Sand:
 Natural sand prepared as a mixture of silica sand with 18-30 %
clay and 6-8 % moisture.
 Fine, soft, light and porous.

 The name ‘Green sand’ employs for damped i.e. it contains

moisture and the mould made of this sand is used immediately
to pour the molten metal.
 Easily available and has low cost.
Types of Moulding Sands
 Dry Sand:
 Green sand that has been dried or baked in between 250° to
550° in suitable oven after the making mould and cores, is
called dry sand.
 More strength, rigidity and thermal stability.

 Suitable for larger castings.

Types of Moulding Sands
 Parting Sand:
 It is used to keep away the green sand from sticking to the pat-
tern and to allow the sand on the parting surface of the flasks
to separate without clinging.
 It is free from clay and is dry.

 It is washed and non sticky sand

Types of Moulding Sands
 Core Sand:
 Used to make core.
 Should be stronger than the moulding sand.
 It is made by mixing core linseed oil with silica sand,
 It is also called as soil sand
Backing sand
 It usually contains burnt facing sand, moulding
sand and clay.
 It is old and repeatedly used sand and used for
baking facing sand
 It is filled behind the facing sand in the mould box
or flask.
Facing sand
 It is mixture of floor sand and new moulding sand
with suitable binder and moisture.
 It is used next to the parting surface and comes in
contact with molten metal when poured into the
 It is used around a pattern to cover it upto 2.5 to
Properties of Moulding Sand
1. Refractoriness:
 The ability of moulding sand to withstand high temperatures
without breaking down or fusing.
 The degree of refractoriness depends on SiO2 content and
shape & grain size of the particle.
 To enhance the proporty, sand should have lower percentage
of lime, magnesia, alkali, oxides of metals.
 Refractoriness is measured by Sinter point rather than its
melting point. ( At sintering temperature, the moulding sand
adheres to the casting)
Properties of Moulding Sand
2. Permeability:
Also referred as porosity, is the property of sand allow the escape
of any air, gases or moisture present or generated in the mould
when the molten metal is poured into it.
Liquid metals cause evolution of gases due to their reaction with
moulding sand ingredients.
Permeability is a function of:
1. Grain size
2. Grain shape
3. Moisture and clay contents in the moulding sand.
Properties of Moulding Sand
3. Cohesiveness:
Also referred to as the strength of sand.
It is property of moulding sand by virtue which the sand grain par-
ticles interact and attract each other within the moulding sand.
Moulding sand should be capable of withstanding the compres-
sive and erosive force exerted by liquid metal while filling the cav-
Low strength mouldings result in defective castings.
It depends upon the grain size, sand particle shape and size,
moisture content and density,
strength inversely affect the porosity
Properties of Moulding Sand
4. Flowability:
It is the ability of the sand to get compacted and behave like a
It will flow uniformly to all portions of pattern when rammed and
distribute the ramming pressure evenly all around in all directions.
In general, flow ability increases with decrease in green strength,
an, decrease in grain size.
flow ability also varies with moisture and clay content.
It is also called as plasticity fluidity.
Properties of Moulding Sand
5. Adhesiveness:
It is property of moulding sand to get stick or adhere with foreign
material such sticking of moulding sand with inner wall of mould-
ing box.
It helps the sand to retain the mould cavity and stay in the box.
Properties of Moulding Sand
6. Collapsibility:
After solidification of the molten metal, the casting is required to
be removed from the mould.
If the moulding sand is easily collapsible, free contraction of the
metal as well as easy removal of the casting is possible.
If the sand is not collapsible, it will strongly adhere to the casting,
becoming very hard to separate after metal solidification.
Core and core print
 Core is metal or sand body, which is set into the
prepared mould before closing or pouring it .
 These are used to produce holes, projections, cavi-
ties in casting.
 core is kept on seat in the mould box prepared by
 Projection is made in mould box during moulding
 these projections made on mould box are known as
core print.
Types of cores
1. Horizontal core.
2. vertical core.
3. Balanced core.
4. Cover core.
5. Drop core.
Types of cores
1. Horizontal core.
• As par the name it kept horizontally in the mould
• Its position is along parting line.
• It is commonly used in foundary.
Types of cores
2.Vertical core.
• Its is placed vertical in mould box.
• It occupies cope and drag.
• both the ends are rest in the core seat provided in
the cope and drag.
• both the ends are tapered and maximum portion is
located in drag.
Types of cores
3.Balanced core.
• only blind holes or holes which are open at one
side are produced by balanced casting.
• Balanced core has only one core print to maintain
alignment of core
• core print and portion of core outside the mould
cavity is kept slightly larger and heavier
Cover core
 It is supported on drag and completely moulded in
 Core serve as cover for the mould
Drop core
 It is used to produce holes in casting above or bel-
low the parting line.
 taper is provided to side of core for way placement
Elements of gating system
Types of moulding
1. Bench moulding
• In this method small mould are made upon bench
• It is used to manufactured the green sand and dry
sand mould.
• loose piece patterns are used for moulding.
• Ramming is done manually.
• Slow process and requires labours.
• it is having types
1. Two box moulding.
2. Three box moulding.
3. stacked moulding.
Floor moulding
 It is used for medium and part casting.
 It is carried out on the floor.
 In this moulding floor is act as drag and cope is
 It is time consuming.
 It requires labour.
 green sand and dry sand mould are made by this
 It is also called as bending.
 Ex.wheels,pulleys,plates with ribs etc
Pit moulding
 It is used for large casting manufacturing.
 Pit is dug in the floor of foundry with bed of char-
coal placed at the bottom of pit to help the escape
of gases.
 cope is placed over the pit to complete the assem-
 Sand is rammed and wall of pit are bricklined and
plastered with Liam sand.
 Moulds are baked before pouring.
 Gates , runner, riser, pouring basin are made in
 crane are used to lift the cope and position over
Machine moulding
 It is suitable for large production
• It consist of following steps
1. Ramming of sand by jolting,squeezing in mould.
2. Rolling of mould through 180°.
3. Drawing of pattern from the mould by raising or
lowering mould halves.
4. Types of machines used for making moulds are
• Jolt moulding machine.
• Jolt squeeze machine
• sand slinger
Types of Casting Methods
1. Centrifugal casting.
• In this process mould is poured and allowed to so-
lidify during revolving.
• Due to rotation of mould the poured metal is sub-
jected to centrifugal force.
• Centrifugal force is allowed molten metal to flow in
the mould cavity.
• Dence metal is deposited on periphery of mould
and start sophistication.
• Lighter slag, oxides, inclusions are get separated
and moves towards centre.
Centrifugal casting
• There is no use of gates runner and riser.
• The axis of rotation may be horizontal or vertical.
• Applications
• Pipes , cylinder liners, bearings, bushes, gears fly
wheels, gun barrels etc.
Shell moulding
• This process is used for smooth surface finish
• It consist of dump box which is partially filled with
silica and thermoelectric resin.
• Then dump box is sealed with metallic pattern
which is preheated about 250°c.
• When dump box is inverted mixture is get melted
and forms the shell on pattern plate.
• Shell thickness varies from 5mm to 8mm.
• These two shells joint togather to form complete

Shell moulding
 Applications.
• small pulleys ,motor housing, fan blades, cylinders,
cylinder heads, break drums.
Investment casting
• It is also known as lost wax casting precision casting.
• This method is used for manufacturing jewellry,dental
• It involves following steps.
1. Making of wax pattern sometimes mercury or plastic may
be used.
2. provide wax made gates, runners, riser to the pattern.
3. Complete wax pattern put in box and filled with liquid
mould material.
4. liquid around wax pattern solidifies and form mould
5. Then mould is heated to 150°to 800°c to remove wax
Investment casting
 Applications.
• surgical instruments.
• vanes and blades for gas turbine.
• costume jewellery.
• valve bodies.
• Reciprocating slides for cloth cutting machine.
Casting defects
Following are the casting defects arises during faulty
processes in casting.
1. Blow holes.
2. Pin holes.
3. Shift.
4. Short runs.
5. Hot tears.
6. cold shuts.
Blow holes
• Blow holes are spherical, flattened or elongated cavities present in
the casting .They are formed due to following reasons.
• Reasons.
1. Rapid evolution of gas from mould.
2. Lack of porosity in mould box.
3. Excess moisture in sand.
4. Hard ramming of sand.

• Remedies
• Moulds and cores are properly vanted.
• Avoid hard ramming.
• Proper amount of moisture in sand.
• Proper grain size of sand.
• Pin holes are small holes of less than 2mm diameter which are on surface or
bellow the surface of casting.
• Causes.
• High pouring temperature.
• Gas dissolved in molted metal.
• gases are not removed properly from molted metal.
• Sand with higher moisture content.
• Remedies.
• Maintain pouring temperature.
• increase flux proportion.
• reducing moisture content in sand.
• Effective regarding.
 It is external defect arises due to mis allotment parts of casting.
 Causes.
• Core displacement.
• Misalignment of cope and drag.
• warn out or burn out of clamping pins.
• Misalignment of two halves of pattern.
• Remedies.
• Repair or replacement of dowel pins.
• Proper alignment of pattern.
• Proper alignment of cope and drag.
• Repair clamping pins.
Short run
 It is also called as Morin.
 when cavity in mould is filled incompletely then short run introduces.
 Causes.
 Insufficient metal supply.
 lack of fluidity in molten Merkel.
 Molten metal temp is low.
 faulty gating system.
 Remedies.
 Adjust pouring temp.
 Adjust rate of pouring.
 Modifications in gating system.
Hot tears
 It is also called as pulls or hot crack.
 They may be internal or external.
 They having dark blue in appearance on surface.
 Causes.
 Lack of compatibility of core.
 high temp of casting metal.
 incorrect design of batting system.
 Lack of fillets and corner redii.
 Remedies.
 Improved design of casting.
 Improved compatibility.
 Proper solidification.
 correct pouring temp.

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