SEM 1 2014/2015
Manufacturing Engineering Lab IV
MME 4132
Group names:
Table of Content
Objectives.............................................................................................................. 3
Introduction........................................................................................................... 3
Apparatus.............................................................................................................. 4
Cim Start Up Procedure......................................................................................... 5
Milling Operation Procedures..............................................................................5
Results................................................................................................................... 6
Discussion.............................................................................................................. 7
Advantages......................................................................................................... 7
Disadvantages.................................................................................................... 7
Conclusion............................................................................................................. 8
References............................................................................................................. 8
List of Figures
Figure 1 FMS system................................................................................................... 4
To identify the components of flexible manufacturing system.
'FLEXIBLE MANUFACTURING SYSTEM - FMS' is a method for producing goods
that is readily adaptable to changes in the product being manufactured, in which machines are
able to manufacture parts and in the ability to handle varying levels of production. A flexible
manufacturing system (FMS) gives manufacturing firms an advantage in a quickly changing
manufacturing environment.
FMS can offer a lot of flexibility and the most common one is the machine flexibility
and routing flexibility. Machines flexibility made the system available to be changed to
produce new product types, and have the ability to change the order of the operations
executed on a part. In addition, routing flexibility allows the system to use multiple machines
to perform the same operation on a part and also allow the system to absorb large scale
changes, such as in volume, capacity and also capability.
FMS is as can be seen from the following figure.
1. Flexible Manufacturing System
2. Control Systems
- Milling station-to do milling process to the work piece
- Turning station-to do turning process to the work piece
- Quality Control station
- Storage System (AS/RS)-to store the finish product
3. Stepper Motor-to actuate the conveyor
4. Conveyor Belt-to move the work piece to the stations
5. Robot Arm-to move the work piece
6. Timing Belt-connect stepper motor to the conveyor
7. Sensors:
- Magnetic sensor-to detect pallet that move along the conveyor
- Position sensor-to detect the work piece in the station
- Signal sensor-to show whether the work piece is located or not
8. Pallet-to hold the work piece during travel along conveyor
1. Home Robot
2. Confirm home (Ready Position)
3. Run MAIN
4. Open WPLM1000 software (Mill)
5. Open TEST.NC
6. Cycle Start
7. OPEN WPLT3000software(Lathe)
8. Open Test.NC
9. Cycle Start
10. Pull all pallets back to storage rack
11. Make sure Mill feeder has stock
12. Make sure Lathe feeder has stock
13. Push blue switch to turn on conveyor
14. Push red switch for Cycle Stop
15. Push green switch for Cycle Start
Milling Operation Procedures
1. Press the push button in the control panel to ON the conveyor of the FMS.
2. The work carrier with the parts will move and until the work carrier is opposite to the
milling machine station the stopper will advance to stop the work carrier and the robot
will pick the part need processing and place it into the milling machine.
3. After the part is processed a sensor will send signal to the robot to take the part and
put it into the storage system.
4. The steps from 1-3 is repeated.
A flexible manufacturing system (FMS) is a manufacturing system in which there is
some amount of flexibility that allows the system to react in case of changes, whether
predicted or unpredicted. This flexibility is generally considered to fall into two categories,
which both contain numerous subcategories. FMS means the capability of producing different
parts without major retooling. It is also a measure of how fast the company converts its
process (es) from making an old line of products to produce a new product and the ability to
change a production schedule, to modify a part, or to handle multiple parts.
Faster, lower- cost changes from one part to another which will improve capital
Savings from the indirect labor, from reduced errors, rework, repairs and rejects
Despite of the numerous advantages for the flexible manufacturing system however, there are
many disadvantages which can be discussed here.
Limited ability to adapt to changes in product or product mix (ex. machines are of
limited capacity and the tooling necessary for products, even of the same family, is
not always feasible in a given FMS)
While an FMS has many advantages, it may not always be the most cost effective method
of manufacturing due to the high cost of developing the system and obtaining sophisticated
machinery. An FMS may be able to make up for this high cost with greater efficiency and less
down time. For example, a traditional manufacturing system may need to halt if a key
machine breaks down. However, an FMS may be able to adapt and keep production going
during repairs. The best application of an FMS is found in the production of small sets of
products like those from a mass production. It integrates metal-cutting machining, metal
forming, surface treatment, joining-welding, assembly, and inspection.
In conclusion, a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) is a manufacturing system in which
there is some amount of flexibility that allows the system to react in case of changes, whether
predicted or unpredicted. It is integrated to produce parts that are adaptable to be changed in
the way they are manufactured. In this experiment, we had the opportunity to know how to
control the gantry robot manually by using its touch pad panel. We got to know how
manufacturing flexible system is working. The movements of part from one station to another
have been recognized. We applied the knowledge from computer integrated manufacturing
subject on how to construct the ladder logic diagram for the milling process.
Manufacturing engineering lab iv manual.