(100 marks)
Subject Number: M131/II
, February Time Allowed: 8:00 – 10:30 am (2𝟏𝟐hrs)
Question Tick if Do not write
1. This paper contains 16 pages.
Number answered in these
Please check
2. Answer all the six questions in
Section A and any four questions in 1
Section B. 2
question. 5
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CANDIDATE NUMBER:_____________________________________________________________ FORM 4____________
b. A bag contain 3 red balls and X white balls which are identical except for the color. Two
balls are picked at random, the first one not being replaced in the bag. If the probability of picking
two red balls is 1/7. Find the value of X
(6 marks)
√27 − √75 + √48
a. Without using a calculator, simplify 1 + 7 √3 , giving the answer with a rational
denominator. (5 marks)
3. A. In figure 1.AC is a tangent to the circle and BE is parallel to CD. If angle ABE= 41º and angle
BDC = 59,
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Find angle BED and angle BCD (5 marks)
b. Due to a fault, the speed of a train was reduced by 10 km/hr over a journey of 100 km. The journey
took 20 minutes longer than usual. Find the usual speed of the train. (6 marks)
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4. a. Given that , find the value of k. (5 marks)
−7 −3
b. Given that 𝑎 = ( ) and 𝑏 = ( ), evaluate |2𝑎 − 3𝑏| (3 marks)
−3 2
5. The sum of the first three positive numbers which are in a G.P is 52. The square of the second
number is equal to four times the third number. Find the second term of the progression. (7 marks)
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CANDIDATE NUMBER:___________________________________ FORM____
b. Fig 1shows a triangle ABC with AB = (x + 3) cm, AC = (2x) cm and ∠𝐵𝐴𝐶 = 30°
If the area of the triangle ABC is 20 cm2, calculate the value of x (5marks)
6. A. Given that two similar bottles have volumes 32 ml and 500 ml. If their heights are x cm and
(2x + 3) cm respectively, calculate the value of x (4marks)
b. Using a ruler and a pair of compasses only, construct in the same diagram:
i. A circle centre O of radius 4 cm
ii. Two tangents to the circle at A and at B from an external point P which is 8 cm from the
centre O.
iii. Measure and state the value of angle APB. (6 marks)
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SECTION B (40 marks)
7. A boat leaves a port and sails 50 km due east. It changes direction and sails another 50 km on a bearing
of 200°.
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8. In a certain company, 3 newspaper are published , 20 % of the population read A, 16% read B and 14%
read C, 8% read A and B, 5% read A and C, 4% read B and C and 2% read all three papers.
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Fig 4
Express in terms of 𝑚, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑛
i. 𝑀𝑁 (3marks)
ii. ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
𝑂𝐾 (7marks)
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11. Table below shows some values of X and Y for the equation 𝒚 = 𝟗 − 𝒙 − 𝟐𝒙𝟐
X -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Y -6 3 9 6 -12
12. An employee works as a mechanic and a minibus driver at a company. The terms of
employment are listed below;
• To work for a maximum of 40 hours per week
• To spend at least 16 hours per week mending cars and at least 5 hours per week
driving a minibus.
• To spend at least twice as much time mending cars and driving a minibus
iii. If the employee spends 10 hours on driving, use the graph to find the maximum
number of hours that can be spent on mending cars.
(2 marks)
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