Module-8(A) Adverbs
Module-8(A) Adverbs
Module-8(A) Adverbs
Adverbs of manner
Adverbs of manner tell us how something happens. They are usually placed either after the main verb or after the
• He swims well.
• He ran quickly.
• She spoke softly.
• James coughed loudly to attract her attention.
• He plays the flute beautifully. (after the direct object)
• He ate the chocolate cake greedily. (after the direct object)
If there is a preposition before the verb's object, you can place the adverb of manner either before the preposition or
after the object.
Adverbs of manner should always come immediately after verbs which have no object (intransitive verbs).
These common adverbs of manner are almost always placed directly after the verb: well, badly, hard, & fast
Adverbs of degree
Adverbs of degree tell us about the intensity of something.
Usage of "enough"
Enough can be used as both an adverb and as a determiner.
Enough as an adverb
Enough as an adverb meaning 'to the necessary degree' goes after the adjective or adverb that it is modifying, and not
before it as other adverbs do. It can be used both in positive and negative sentences.
Enough as a determiner
Enough as a determiner meaning 'as much/many as necessary' goes before the noun it modifies. It is used with
countable nouns in the plural and with uncountable nouns.
Usage of "too"
"Too" is always an adverb, but it has two distinct meanings, each with its own usage patterns.
Usage of "very"
Very goes before an adverb or adjective to make it stronger.
Adverbs of place
Adverbs of place tell us where something happens.
Sentence Meaning
Here and there are combined with prepositions to make many common adverbial phrases.
Here and there are placed at the beginning of the sentence in exclamations or when emphasis is needed. They are
followed by the verb if the subject is a noun or by a pronoun if the subject is a pronoun.
around The marble rolled around in my hand. I am wearing a necklace around my neck.
behind Hurry! You are getting behind. Let's hide behind the shed.
down Mary fell down. John made his way carefully down the cliff.
off Let's get off at the next stop. The wind blew the flowers off the tree.
on We rode on for several more hours. Please put the books on the table.
over He turned over and went back to sleep. I think I will hang the picture over my bed.
Adverbs of time
Adverbs of time tell us when an action happened, but also for how long, and how often.
Putting an adverb that tells us when at the end of a sentence is a neutral position, but these adverbs can be put in other
positions to give a different emphasis. All adverbs that tell us when can be placed at the beginning of the sentence to
emphasize the time element. Some can also be put before the main verb in formal writing, while others cannot occupy
that position.
In these adverbial phrases that tell us for how long, for is always followed by an expression of duration, while since is
always followed by an expression of a point in time.
Many adverbs that express frequency can also be placed at either the beginning or the end of the sentence, although
some cannot be. When they are placed in these alternate positions, the meaning of the adverb is much stronger.
Some other adverbs that tell us how often express the exact number of times an action happens or happened. These
adverbs are usually placed at the end of the sentence.
Using "yet"
Yet is used in questions and in negative sentences to indicate that something that has not happened or may not have
happened but is expected to happen. It is placed at the end of the sentence or after not.
• Have you finished your work yet? (= simple request for information)
• No, not yet. (= simple negative answer)
• They haven't met him yet. (= simple negative statement)
• Haven't you finished yet? (= expressing surprise)
Using "still"
Still expresses continuity. In positive sentences it is placed before the main verb and after auxiliary verbs such as be,
have, might, will. If the main verb is to be, then place still after it rather than before. In questions, still goes before the
main verb.
Adverbs of certainty
Adverbs of certainty express how certain we feel about an action or event. Adverbs of certainty go before the main
verb unless the main verb is 'to be', in which case the adverb of certainty goes after.
If there is an auxiliary verb, the adverb of certainty goes between the auxiliary and the main verb.
Sometimes these adverbs of certainty can be placed at the beginning of the sentence.
When the adverb of certainty surely is placed at the beginning of the sentence, it means the speaker thinks something
is true, but is looking for confirmation.
Viewpoint or At the start of a Before the main verb At the end of a sentence
commenting sentence
ADVERB - Chart
clearly Clearly, he doesn't He clearly doesn't know what he is He doesn't know what he is
know what he is doing. doing, clearly.
obviously Obviously, you are You are obviously acting silly You are acting
acting silly. silly, obviously.
personally Personally, I'd rather I'd personally rather go by train. I'd rather go by
go by train. train, personally.
presumably Presumably, he didn't He presumably didn't have time to go He didn't have time to go to
have time to go to the to the post office. the post office, presumably.
post office.
seriously Seriously, I can't give I seriously can't give this speech. I can't give this
this speech. speech, seriously.
surely Surely you tried to get You surely tried to get here on time. You tried to get here on
here on time. time, surely.
technically Technically, we We technically cannot fly to Mars We cannot fly to Mars and
cannot fly to Mars and and back. back, technically.
undoubtedly Undoubtedly, he has He undoubtedly has a good reason He has a good reason not to
a good reason not to not to come. come, undoubtedly.
carelessly Carelessly, she threw She carelessly threw her book into the *She threw her book into the
her book into the pond. pond, carelessly.
ADVERB - Chart
certainly Certainly you should You certainly should be there. / You You should be
be there. should certainly be there. there, certainly.
cleverly Cleverly, Sally hid the Sally cleverly hid the jellybeans. *Sally hid the
jellybeans. jellybeans, cleverly.
definitely *Definitely, you are You defintely are smart. / You *You are smart, definitely.
smart. are definitely smart.
foolishly Foolishly, they cried They foolishly cried out. They cried out, foolishly.
stupidly Stupidly, they played They stupidly played in the street. *They played in the
in the street. street, stupidly.
kindly Kindly, she fed the cat She kindly fed the cat first. She fed the cat first, kindly.
luckily Luckily, you got here You luckily got here on time. You got here on
on time. time, luckily.
naturally Naturally, you cannot You naturally cannot be in the circus You cannot be in the circus
be in the circus now. now. now, naturally.
wisely Wisely, she stayed She wisely stayed home to take a nap. She stayed home to take a
ADVERB - Chart
truthfully Truthfully, I don't I truthfully don't like chocolate I don't like chocolate
like chocolate much. much. much, truthfully.
disappointingly Disappointingly, she She disappointingly got fourth place. She got fourth
got fourth place. place, disappointingly.
unbelievably Unbelievably, she She unbelievably showed up late She showed up late
showed up late again. again. again, unbelievably.