Noun Phrase Interpretation (Scoping)
Noun Phrase Interpretation (Scoping)
Noun Phrase Interpretation (Scoping)
Syntacic scepe
Analyse the auyntache structure of te sentence to
Understand the gramm atical relahionship betweern the
phrase cund other parts of the Qentena.
Depen dancy posing can be particularty usoful in
detumining tha syntachie scop.
Corefarenc Resolution -
or other
Retalve careferencel t ensUree that pronouns
-Ore comctly
expressions nfemng to dhe noun phrase
ioleatihed and Iinked.
This he scope of tht AOMA by linkin9 the
epon da
noun ghnse wih Hs refrents
his involves inking noun phrases to rlevant
enihies in knowledge base to extract aalaihonal
informaion and contxt.
Pragmatic Considlaratibns -
Dynamic scoping
Conside dynamic scaping where the scope of
intupretaton may evolve more
infarm ation is pra ceed
This is particulaty relevant in interaahve or Ral- tme
prncesing scenarios