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Noun Phrase Interpretation (Scoping)

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Noun phrake intupretahon

Scapingin the intu pretation of noun phrases in NLP

the boundarie andcontext within
LinvolveA defining
which the n phrae shoulol be understaod
34 is about datumining the extunt to which th
intarpretation should caverincudling he entihes
involved, their rlatianships. with otther phraAeA and
theovvall oDntet.

Here an Som ondicerations forscopinq in the

intupetation of noun phrades
kocal ontert -

Defne the immediate centext

09ntext arouno the noun phrase.

considw the worola and phrase in proximity that

may infuna hainterprtation.

Syntacic scepe
Analyse the auyntache structure of te sentence to
Understand the gramm atical relahionship betweern the
phrase cund other parts of the Qentena.
Depen dancy posing can be particularty usoful in
detumining tha syntachie scop.
Corefarenc Resolution -
or other
Retalve careferencel t ensUree that pronouns
-Ore comctly
expressions nfemng to dhe noun phrase
ioleatihed and Iinked.
This he scope of tht AOMA by linkin9 the
epon da
noun ghnse wih Hs refrents

Named Entity Recognihon--

nmd pntihel cOnsilr
SH dhe noun phrase contains
he scope of dhose entitieu.

NERcan hulp identify entihed ond their boundarnes

conti butnq to more accurDA te intupretathion.

Semantic role labelling

Understand the ole played by he houn phase in

the cortext of the Suntenae

SRL can helpidunhy dhe semontic rolea of diffrent

consitunts thus providing insights into he acians and
relationships jnvolved .
Temporal and Spati¡l Context
Consioler the temaoral and spatial context to
oletumine if thwre are any time an paee Or

locaton conshaints on dhe interpreto hion of dhe

on phrase

This is eApecially elevont when the meaning

9r where the State ment is nmade
depndent on when

Knawkdae Baue Irtogration -

Use an he extanal knowledqe baes to enhanee the

his involves inking noun phrases to rlevant
enihies in knowledge base to extract aalaihonal
informaion and contxt.

Pragmatic Considlaratibns -

Take into account pragmatie foctors SUch as the

speakr's intat, Conyersathian al Cortext ond th
oVrall oliscourse shuoture.

Pragmatie considaratiand can help efine the scape

based on the spraku's camnmunicatve goals.
Domain - Specihe Scaping nules
Dalap dlanmain spacife scaping rulea if the intupretation.
tauk is facussed a parhulor olomain.

Diffurnt dlomaind Moy have aliffuent lu or constraints

that determine howhe noun phrases should be

Hiuarohical RulatianA hips

Explore. Hirarhical relationships within the txts
epecially in case where dhe no
phrase is gat
of a bgu struchue.
This invalves Understanding dhe hiuarchical organlzahon
of infomahon.

Dynamic scoping
Conside dynamic scaping where the scope of
intupretaton may evolve more
infarm ation is pra ceed
This is particulaty relevant in interaahve or Ral- tme
prncesing scenarios

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