Prepositions Vimp 2711
Prepositions Vimp 2711
Prepositions Vimp 2711
183. Read the following
sentences -
1, She came to me and spoke
2. Cho0se a watch or a against her husband.
3. It was a case of a clock.
4. Did you know thatmiser and his money.
5. He will pass if he she was a Harijan ?
6. Icannot see how she works hard.
All the italicized words are win.
called Conjunctions because they jo
together words and sometimes sentences.
In sentences 1 and 2, the
clauses that are independent ofConjunctions and and or join together the
each other, i.e., are of equal rank. Suc
Conjunctions are called Co-ordinating Conjunctions.
The sentence 2
means 'Chooe a wach or
sentences4,5and 6, the
(chooe) aclock.
In Conjunctions that,f, jpin clauses
duMgualrank One isthe main or independent clause,andhehow
oher is aclause
dependingonor limitingthe main
Subordinating Conjunctions, clause. Such Conjuncions are
L. Co-ordinating Conjunctions
I54,Co-ordinaling Conjunctions are of four kinds
Cumulative or
(1) Copulative.
SLatementor fact is simply addedto another ; as,
By these
Conjunctions one
And, -Trust in God and do the right.
Both.and, both fined and imprisoned.
He was
As well as, He as welll as
his brother is intelligent.
No lessthan.
,-He no less than his brother is
only..but also.He was not guilty.
Not only fined but also expelled.
2) Alternative or Disjunctive. By these
Conjunctions an
dlernative or choiceis offered between one statement and another
Either..or,-Either he is mad or he feigns ;as,
Neither..nor.Neither aborrower nor a lender be.
Or. -She must weep or she willdie.
0herwise, else,Work hard, else(or otherwise) you will not pass.
4) Adversative. These Conjunctions express
between twWO statements ;as,
opposition or contrast
But. -He is slow but he is steady.
Sill, yet, He is very rich, still (or yet) he is not contented.
Nevertheless, He had no chance of success ; nevertheless he
Whereas, while. Wise men love virtue; whereas (or while) fools
shun it.
Only. -You may stay in the room ; only make no noise.
9 llative,By these Conjunctions one statement or fact is
yerred or proved from another ;as,
Therefore. He was found stealing ; and therefore he was arrested.
D0, consequently.He did not work ;so (or consequently) he
For,He will pass ;for he works very hard.
I. Subordinating Conjunetions
classifiedas follows
185., Subordinating Conjunctions Can be
()) Time.
I would die before1lied.
Wait ill(or unil) Ireturn. heresinceyouleft
Many things have happened
Make hay while the sun shines. set.
Treturned home afler the sun had
(2) Causeor Reason.
Ilove her because she is desire it.
I willgo there since twelve,
bed as itis
Let usgotoConsequence.
3) Result or ill,
wept so much that she fell the first prize,
was so intelligent that hewon
(4) Purpose.
We cat that we may may pass.
Heworks hard that he lall.
Walk carefully lest you
(5) Condition.
are late again,
I willdismiss you if you
provided you agree to mine.
Iagree to these terms shot.
He ran as if he had been
(6) Concession or Contrast.
nothing in it.
A book's a book, although there is
He is an honest man although he is poor,
He is not contented though he is very rich.
He willnever pass however hard he may try.
(7) Comparison.
He is as clever as I [am].
Ilike her as much as you [Ilike you).
He likes me noless than you[he likes you).
He is more intelligent thanyou [are].
(8) Extent or Manner.
Men will reap as they sow.
He chose the candidates according as they were qualified.
186. Correlative Conjunctions. Certain Conjunctions are olte
used in pairs ; these are called Correlative Coníunctions.
Commonest are
(1) Either...or. 103
He is either a
rougeor a fool.
Either he is mistaken
or his
(2) Neither...nor.
He was neither gay nor sad,
He isneither a rogue nor a
(3) Though..yet.
Though He slay me, yet I
Though he is poor, yet he iswillcontented.
trust in Him.
(4) Both...and.
He is both a poet and a
We both loved and honoured her,
There is no such Country as you
She is not such a woman as you mention.
(6) Such...that.
Such was his love for her that he
sake. sacrificed even his life for her
(7) So,
He is not sorich as you think.
It is as clear as the sun.
(8) As. ..s0.
As you soW, so shall you reap.
As the child is, so is the man.
(9) So...that.
He was so tired that he could not walk any farther.
He was so honest that nothing would tempt him to take the
(10) Scarcely...when.
He had scarcely recovered from fever when he caught a bad cold.
He had scarcely reached the station when it began to rain.
(11) Not only...but als0.
He is not only a priest but also a doctor.
He is not only honest but sincere also.
He visited not only Bombay but alsowrites well also.
but he
Not onlydoes he speak well,
(12) No sooner...than.
didthe bellring than the boys left the class.
No sooner
No S00ner had she heard the news than she started off.
Nosooner does he arrive than he beginsto work.
187. When the Correlative Usage either..or, neither,..nor,
betaken to place
both.. and, not
member (ie., theonly.words
but either, uscd,
neither, care must
both, not only) immediately firs
also are
The word
likeis often wrongly used for as ; as,
like he was told| to do. (Say-'as'.]
Hedanceslikee her mother does. [sayas)
Dcontracted sentences Conjunctions are often wrongly omitted
Incorrect. He is morepolite but notso kind-hearted as his father.
He is more polite than,but not so kind-hearted as, his father.
Incorrect. He isas strong if notstronger than Anil.
Corect. He is as strong as, if not stronger than, Anil.
195. Unless means if not. Hence the word not should not be
introducedinthe clause beginning with unless.
Incorrect. Unless you do not work hard, you will fail.
Corect. Unless you work hard, you willfail.
IncorrecL. Unless you do not apologize, I shall punish you.
Correct. Unless you apologize, Ishall punish you.
s06. Lest means so that ...not, for fear that, and is in modern Engish
followed byshould.
Take care lest you should fall.
He ran hard lest he should miss the train.
107. That should never be used before a sentence in the Direct
Narration, or after a Verb denoting a question in the Indirect Narration.
Incorrect. He said that, I amn not feeling well'.
Correct. He said, Iam not feeling well".
Incorrect. He asked that how I was feeling.
Corect. He asked how I was feeling.
Incorrect. He enquired that where was the school.
Correct. He enquired where the school was.
Incorrect. He asked me that whether Mohan had gone.
Correct. He asked me whether Mohan had gone.
198. Since. When it is used as a Conjunction, it is always followed
by a Verb in the Simple Past.
Incorrect Three years passed since my cousin has died.
Correct. Three years have passed since my cousin died.
Incorrect. Amonth passed since he hadcame come here.
Correct. Amonth has passed since he lefthere.
he had school.
Incorrect. Two months passedpassed sinceheleft school.
Correct. Two months have with reference10
199. Before. When it is used as a Verb in theFuture Tense, even ifSOmehe
future event, it is never followed by a
Verb in the Principal Clause is Future.
before the rains will fall. falles
Incorrect. The plantswillwilldie
before the rainsfall or have
Corect. Theplants
with appropriate Conjunctiong
Exercise 71. Fill p the you should come
to poverty.
1. Love not slecp,
2. Wisdom is apologize.
rather suffer will not pass.Icame here.
3. I would work hard, you
things have happened watch.
5. Many new that girl has stolen my
6. Either this boy the train stopped
-hestepped out.
7. No sooner had him to be.
clever - youthink you.
8. He is not so the truth, I shallpunish
you tell me he is honest.
10. Though he is poor, the school it began to rain.
He had scarcely reached wealthy prince.
11. good scholar
12. I would rather be a playing with the affections
hobby. that of
13. She had no other
of her lover.
14. No sooner had he left
a message was brought in.
15. He is neither an idler a gambler.
16. She is beautiful notvain.
17. Blessed are the merciful they shall obtain mercy.
you go.
18. you tell me the secret, I shall not let
19. Give every man thy car few thy voice.
20. Give me water to drink, Ishall die of thirst.
21. Icannot give you any money, Ihave none.
22. We waited the train arrived.
23. Many are called, few are chosen.
24. Either you are mistaken, Iam.
25. We ran fast, we missed the train.
26. Iwere you, I'd keep quiet.
27. Be just fear not.
28. You will get the prize you deserve it.
29, She has a lot of faults : Iadmire her very much.
30. She would not believe me; Hhad to give her proofs.
Exercise 72, Wrile out the following sentences, choosing the correct
conjanctionorthe sentence conneclor from those in brackets
would|have helped her I had enough money.
1.. I
attack (although, f, until)
Tigers won't they are hungry.
(unless, because,although)
1. The teacher punished -he had broken the window pane.
(although, if, because)
4, Ishall buy a new
Ican get to school on tine.
G, because, s0 that).
I would|have goneto party
Hhad been invited.
(s0 that,although. if)
tired Hat once fell asleep. (that, until, before)
6. Iwas so to her
7. Ishall not return the book -she asks for it.
f, wnless,although)
8. When I reached the bus stand, I discovered I had missed my usual
bus. -, Ireached the office on time.
(however, consequently, therefore)
9. He works -he may earnmoney. (lest, becauLse, in order that)
10. She went to the doctor she might be cured.
(because, therefore, so that)
11. She is a fine player she is so small.
(because, althrugh, unles)
12. I will wait for you you retun. (unles, until, provIded that)
youretun it tomorrow.
13.You can borrow the book
(provided that, nless, so that)
14. She walks she is slightly lame. (so that, as though, in
15.Such an act would not be appreciated it were just.
(as though, even if. so that)
16. Ashok hasn't answered all the questions. he hopes to pass
in Mathematics. (besides, nevertheless, in any case)
we should forgive
17. We want others to forgive our faults.
(consequently, nevertheless, sinilariy)
the faults of others. there
6, The officer was suspended for disobedience of orders.
was acharge of corruption against him.
(therefore, furthermore, conseguently)
lagreed to
D He apologized to me for his rude behaviour.
(moreover, however, consequentty)
g0 with him. train.
20: You should start early you are likely to miss the
(indeed, otherwise, in fact)