26 Applied maths (1)
26 Applied maths (1)
26 Applied maths (1)
Real A nalysis: Sequence and series of functions, Pointwise and uniform convergence,
Reimann Stieltjes integrals with properties, Power series, Abel's theorem and Taylor
theorems, Functions of several variables, Partial derivatives, Jacobian, Multiple integrals.
Special Functions and Vector Calculus: Gradient, Divergence, Curl, Vector identities,
Directional derivatives, Line, surface and volume integrals,Stokes', Gauss and Green's
theorems, Bessel functions, Legendre polynomials, Gauss Hypergeometric functions, Hermite
and Laguerre polynomials.
Functional Analysis: Normed and Banach spaces, Inner product and Hilbert spaces,
Fundamental theorems, Fixed point theorem and its applications.
Partial Differential Equations: Lagrange's and Charpit's general method for solving PDE"s,
Cauchy problem for first order PDE's, Classification of second order PDE's, general solution of
higher order PDE's with constant coefficients, Method of separation of variables for Laplace,
heat and wave equations.
Graph Theory: Graphs, subgraphs & components. Degrees & distances. Operations on
graphs. Trees & cycles. Connectivity. Planarity.Eulerian & Hamiltanian graphs. Colourings.
Perfect graphs & Ramsey theory.
Polynomial Theory: The zeros of the derivative, the convex hull of critical points, zeros of
the polar derivative and its generalization to abstract spaces, Apolar polynomials, linear
combinations of polynomials, combinations of a polynomial and its derivatives, A two- circle
theorem for polynomials, two-circle theorems for rational functions and their general case.