57 Maths
57 Maths
57 Maths
FACULTY OF SCIENCE------------------------------
Syllabus for Ph.D. Admissions Test 2022-23 onwards
C a lc u lu s
Lim it o f a function, Continuous functions, Derivative o f a function, Applications o f derivatives,
R o lle’s Theorem, mean value theorem o f differential calculus and their applications. Functions o f
several variables, level curves and level surface, partial derivatives and directional derivatives,
linearization and differentials, extrema o f two variables function, curl and divergence o f a vector
field. Double integral and triple integral, line integral, Green’s theorem, surface area and Stokes
Countable and uncountable sets, Equivalence relation and partition, Fundamental theorem o f
equivalence relation, functions, their restrictions and extensions, Equivalent sets, Infinite sets, the
continuum, Cardinals, Cardinal arithmetic, Inequalities and cardinal numbers, Cantor’ s theorem,
Schroeder Bernstein theorem, Continuum hypothesis.
Ordinal numbers and their inequalities, Addition and multiplication o f ordinals, Distributive laws,
Structure o f ordinal numbers, Axiom o f choice, Zom*s lemma and well ordering principle,
Fundamental theorem o f arithmetic, divisibility in Z, congruences, Chinese Remainder theorem,
Euler’ s <t>-function, primitive roots.
L in ea r A lgebra
Vector space, Subspace, linear dependence, Basis and dimension, Linear transformation, Kernel o f
a transformation, Rank and nullity o f transformation, Vector space L(U,V), Matrix associated with
a linear transformation and vice-versa, rank and determinant o f matrices, Eigen-values and Eigen
vectors, Diagonalization o f Matrices, Cayley-Hamilton Theorem, Linear functional, Dual basis,
Computing o f a dual basis, Dual vector spaces, Annihilator, Second dual space, Dual
transformations, Minimal Polynomial, Invertible Linear transformation, Invariant Subspaces,
Canonical form, Jordan Form, Forms on vector spaces, Bilinear Functionals, Symmetric Bilinear
Forms, Skew Symmetric Bilinear Forms, Rank o f Bilinear Forms, Quadratic Forms, Classification
ofReal Quadratic forms.
G ro u p Theory
A d vanced R ing T heory
Examples and fundamental properties ofrings. Direct and discrete direct sum o f rings. Ideals
generated by subsets and their characterization in terms o f elements o f the ring under different
conditions. Sum and direct sums o f ideals, Ideals products and nilpotent ideals. Minimal ideals,
Complete matrix ring, Ideais in complete matrix ring. Residue class ring. Homomorphisms,
Subdirect sum o f rings and its characterization, Zorn's Lemma, Subdirectly irreducible rings.
Boolean rings, Prime ideals and m-systems. Different equivalent formulation o f prime ideals.
Semiprime ideals and n-systems, equivalent formulation o f semiprime ideals. Necessary and
sufficient conditions for an ideal to be a prime and semiprime ideal, Prime radical o f a ring, Prime
rings and its characterization in terms o f prime ideals, Primeness o f complete matrix rings. D .C.C.
for ideals and the prime radical, Jacobson radical and simple properties, Relationship between
Jacobson radical and prime radical o f a ring.
Field Theory
Field Extensions, Algebraic extensions, Splitting fields, Normal extensions, Multiple roots, Finite
fields and separable extensions, Automorphism groups ad fixed fields, Fundamental Theorems o f
Galois Theory, Fundamental Theorem o f Algebra. Einstein’s criterion, Gauss theorem.
R eal Analysis
Lim it o f a function, sequential approach, Cauchy’s criteria for finite limits, Continuous and
discontinuous functions and their properties, Uniform continuous functions, Increasing and
decreasing functions, Darboux’ s theorem, Taylor’s theorem, Maculaurin’s theorem, Taylor’ s and
Maculaurin’ s infinite series with applications, Functions ofbounded variations and their
properties, Variation o f functions, Jordon theorem. Limit points o f a sequence, Types o f limits,
Convergent and divergent sequences and related results, Cauchy’s general principle o f
convergence. Algebra o f sequences and related results with applications, Monotonic increasing
and decreasing sequences, Infinite series, Convergence o f infinite series, Positive term series,
various type o f tests for convergence o f series, Alternating series, Leibnitz test, absolute and
conditional convergence, Series o f arbitrary terms, A b el’s and Dirichlefs tests. Riemann integral,
Darboux’ s theorem, conditions o f integrability, Mean value theorems o f integral calculus, Change
o f variables, Fourier series, Fourier series for even and odd functions, Sequences and series o f
functions, pointwise and uniform convergence, tests for uniform convergence: Cauchy criterion,
Weierstras’ s M-test, A b el’ s and Dirichilet’ s test, uniform convergence and continuity, uniform
convergence and differentiation, uniform convergence and integration, Weierstras’s
approximation theorem, existence and properties o f Riemann-Stieljes integrals, intergration o f
vector valued functions, rectifiable curves, power series, uniqueness theorem, A bel’s and Taylor’ s
theorems, rearrangement o f terms o f series and related results, inverse function theorem and
implicit function theorem.
M etric Spaces
Metric spaces, Properties o f metrics, Distance between sets, Limit points, Closed sets, Exterior
points, Boundary points Boundary o f a set, Subspaces, convergent and Cauchy sequences,
Complete metric spaces, Cantor’s intersection theorem, Completion o f a metric space, Countable
metric spaces, Separable metric spaces, nowhere dense sets, Baire’ s category theorem, Compact
metric spaces and related results, Sequentially compact spaces and related results, Continuous
functions their characterizations, Continuous functions on compact spaces, Uniform continuous
functions, Elomeomorphism and equivalent metrics.
Complex Analysis
Functions o f a Com plex variable, Limits, Continuity and Derivatives o f functions, Cauchy-
Riemann equations and related results, Analytic functions, Harmonic functions, Harmonic
conjugate, complex valued functions, Complex line integrals and contour integrals, power series,
Taylor’ s series: Laurent’s series, fundamental theorem o f line integrals (or contour integration),
Cauchy’s theorem, Cauchy-Goursat theorem, symmetric, Cauchy’ s theorem for a disk, Cauchy’s
integral theorem, index o f a closed curve, advanced versions o f Cauchy integral formula with
applications, Cauchy’s estimate, Morera’s theorem, Convergence o f sequences and series o f
complex valued functions, Weierstrass’ M-test, power series as an analytic function, root and ratio
test, uniqueness theorem for power series, zeros o f analytic functions, identity theorem and related
results, maximum/minimum modulus principles and theorems, Schwarz’ lemma and its
consequences, isolated and non-isolated singularities, removable singularities, poles,
characterization o f singularities through Laurent’s series, Calculus o f residues, residue at a finite
point, results for computing residues, residue at the point at infinity, Cauchy’ s residue theorem,
residue formula, meromorphic functions, number o f zeros and poles, argument principle,
evaluation o f integrals, Rouche’s theorem, Mittag- Leffer expansion theorem and their
Conformal mappings, basic properties o f Mobius maps, images o f circles and lines under Mobius
maps, fixed points, triples to triples under Mobius maps, cross-ratio and its invariance property,
mappings o f half-planes onto disks, Inverse function theorem and related results.
O .D .E . and P .D .E .
M easure T h eo ry
Functional Analysis
properties, algebraic and topological dual spaces, examples and properties o f dual spaces, weak
convergence and strong convergence, reflexive normed spaces, Hahn-Banach theorems and their
consequences (analytic and geometric forms), pointwise and uniform boundedness, uniform
boundedness principle and its applications, open and closed maps, open mapping and closed graph
theorems, their consequences and applications, Banach contraction theorem with its applications,
Inner product space, parallelogram law, polarization identity and related results, Schwartz
inequality, Hilbert space, orthogonality o f vectors, orthogonal complements, projection theorem
and related results, orthonormal sets and sequences, Bessel’s inequality, total orthonormal sets,
Parseval formula, separable Hilbert spaces, Riesz representation theorems for bounded linear
functional and bounded sesquilinear form, Hilbert adjoint operators, se lf adjoint operators, unitary
and normal operators.
Definitions and examples o f topological spaces, basic definitions, Bases and subbases, Topology
generated by the subbasis, subspaces and relative topology, Continuous functions and
homeomorphism., first and second countable spaces, Lindelof spaces, Separable spaces, Second
countability and separability, Separation axioms, T o,T i ,T2,T3,T4 spaces and their
characterizations and basic properties, Urysohn’s lemma, Tietze extension theorem.
Compact spaces and their basic properties, Separation o f a space, Connected spaces, Connected
sets in the real line, Totally disconnected spaces, Intermediate value theorem, path connected,
Components, Path components, Locally connected spaces, Locally path connected spaces, Totally
disconnected spaces, Continuous functions and connected sets.
Product topology (finite and infinite number o f spaces), Tychonoff product topology in terms o f
standard sub-base and its characterizations, Projection maps, Separation axioms and product
spaces, Connectedness and product spaces, Compactness and product spaces (Tychonoffs
theorem), Countability and product spaces.
Curves, curvature and torsion, Seret-Frenet Formulae, fundamental theorem o f curves, surfaces,
first and second fundamental forms, Gaussian curvature, curves on surfaces, geodesic, normal
curvatures, principal curvature, Charts, Atlases, Manifolds, Differentiable structure on a manifold,
Smooth maps, Tangent vectors and Iangent space, Vector fields, L ie product ofVector fields,
Jacobian o f a smooth map, Integral curves on a manifold, Cotangent spaces, pullback ofl-forms,
Tensor fields, Differential forms, Exterior product and derivative, Connexion, parallelism,
Geodesic, Covariant differentiation, Torsion, Curvature, Structure equation o f Cartan.