Int. J. Numer. Model. 2000; 00:1–6 Prepared using jnmauth.cls [Version: 2002/09/18 v1.01]
arXiv:physics/0508209v1 [physics.optics] 29 Aug 2005
key words: metamaterial, left-handed media, Yee scheme, wave scattering, singularities
Recent theoretical [1, 2, 3, 4] and experimental [5, 6, 7] studies have shown the possibility of
creating novel types of microstructured materials that demonstrate the property of negative
refraction. In particular, the composite materials created by arrays of wires and split-ring
resonators were shown to possess both negative real parts of magnetic permeability and
dielectric permittivity for microwaves. These materials are often referred to as left-handed
metamaterials, double-negative materials, negative-index materials, or materials with negative
refraction. Properties of such materials were first analyzed theoretically by V. Veselago a
long time ago [8], but they were demonstrated experimentally only recently. As was shown
by Veselago [8], left-handed metamaterials possess a number of peculiar properties, including
negative refraction for interface scattering, inverse light pressure, reverse Doppler effect, etc.
Many suggested and demonstrated applications of negative-index metamaterials utilize
unusual features of wave propagation and scattering at the interfaces. In particular, the effect
of negative refraction can be used to realize focusing with a flat slab, the so-called planar
lens [8]; in a sharp contrast with the well-known properties of conventional lenses with a
positive refractive index where curved surfaces are needed to form an image. Moreover, the
resolution of the negative-index flat lens can be better than a wavelength due to the effect of
amplification of evanescent modes [9].
Direct numerical simulations provide the unique means for a design of microwave and
optical devices based on the negative-index materials, however any realistic simulation should
take into account metamaterial dispersion and losses [10, 11, 12, 13] as well as a nonlinear
response [14]. Such numerical simulations are often carried out within the framework of the
effective medium approximation, when the metamaterial is characterized by the effective
dielectric permittivity and magnetic permeability. This simplification allows for modelling
of large-scale wave dynamics using the well-known finite-difference time-domain (FDTD)
numerical methods [15].
In this paper, we discuss the main features and major difficulties in applying the standard
FDTD numerical schemes for simulating wave scattering by wedges and interfaces of finite-
extend negative-index metamaterials, including a key issue of positioning of a discretization
grid in the numerical Yee scheme [16] necessary to obtain consistent convergence in modeling
surface waves at an interface between conventional dielectric and metamaterial with negative
dielectric permittivity and negative magnetic permeability. In particular, we demonstrate that,
in the framework of the continuous-medium approximation, wave scattering on the wedge may
result in a resonant excitation of surface waves with infinitely large spatial frequencies, leading
to non-convergence of the simulation results that depend on the discretization step.
The concept of perfect sub-wavelength imaging of a point source through reconstitution of the
evanescent waves by a flat lens has remained highly controversial [17] because it is severely
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z n 4
ε1 ε2 ε1
µ1 µ2 µ1 3 Ey
(a) -3 (b)
x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Figure 1. (a) Geometry of the scattering problem, the slab of the thickness d2 is made of a negative-
index metamaterial with both ǫ2 and µ2 negative. (b) Discretization scheme in the Yee method.
Then, we replace the continuum model by a closed set of the discrete equations for the field
amplitudes obtained by averaging equations (1) over the cells of discretization mesh, taking
into account the continuity of the tangential field components at the interface [15],
Hz |m+1/2,n − Hz |m−1/2,n Hx |m,n+1/2 − Hx |m,n−1/2 iω
− = hεim,n Ey |m,n ,
h h c
Ey |m,n+1 − Ey |m,n −1 iω
hµ im,n+1/2 = − Hx |m,n+1/2 , (4)
h c
Ey |m,n − Ey |m+1,n iω
= hµim+1/2,n Hz |m+1/2,n .
h c
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10 10
(a) (b)
10 mode 1
5 mode 2
mode 3
3 10
kz 2 1 -3
0 10
-10 10
16 32 64 128 256 512
-2 -1 0 1 2
kx N
3 3 3
mode 1 2 mode 2 2 mode 3
1 1 1
0 0 0
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
3 0.4 6
2 4
1 2
0 0 0
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
x x x
Figure 2. (a) Spectrum of wavenumbers kz for a negative-index layer: exact (circles) and discrete
(crosses, for N = 512) solutions. (b) Absolute differences between the exact and discrete values of kz
vs. the number of points (N ) along x for the marked points 1,2,3 in (a). Bottom: Mode profiles marked
1,2,3 in (a). The computational domain is 0 < x < 6.4, d2 = 1.4 is the width of the negative-index
layer with ε2 = −1.2 and µ2 = −1.5, and ε1 = µ1 = 1. The wavenumber in vacuum is normalized as
ω/c = 1.
Whereas the general form of the discrete equations (4) is well known [15], we point out a number
of specific features arising in numerical simulations of the waves scattering at the interfaces
with the negative-index media. Since the real parts of both ε and µ change sign at these
interfaces, the corresponding averaged values may become small or even vanish for a certain
layer position with respect to the numerical grid. In this case, Eqs. (4) may become (almost)
singular, leading to poor convergence. In this paper, we suggest that consistent convergence
can be achieved by artificially shifting the layer boundary with respect to the grid in order
to ensure that the averaged values do not vanish. This shift will not exceed h/2, assuring
convergence as the step-size is decreased.
Because the tangential component Ey of the electric field should be continuous at the
interface, is seems that a natural choice is to align the boundary position with the grid
points xm , where Ey |m,n is defined, and we use this configuration in the numerical simulations
presented below. However, we note that such a selection leads to singularities for averaged
values if ε1 = −ε2 or µ1 = −µ2 , which coincides with the flat-lens condition. Therefore, it
is necessary to take into account losses in the metamaterial, described by nonzero imaginary
parts of the complex values ε2 and µ2 , or to choose a different boundary alignment to the grid
for the numerical simulations of perfect lenses [1].
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z n
ε1 ε2 ε1 4
µ1 µ2 µ1 3 Ey
(a) -3
x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Figure 3. (a) Geometry of the scattering problem, the finite-extent slab is made of a negative-index
metamaterials with both ǫ2 and µ2 negative. (b) Discretization scheme in the Yee method.
2 cos(γ π /2)
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Re(γ), Im(γ)
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Figure 4. Dependence of (a) the cosine of the singularity parameter and (b) its real (solid) and
imaginary (dashed) parts on µ2 /µ1 according to Eq. (6). Shading marks the region with Imγ 6= 0.
layer is fully characterized by the properties of spatial modes, which wavevector components
along the layer (kz ) are conserved. These modes have the form
Substituting Eqs. (5) into Eq. (1) and Eq. (4), we obtain a set of corresponding continuous
and discrete eigenmode equations. For every kz , the mode profiles can be determined
analytically, e.g., using the transfer-matrix method [18]. The wave spectrum can contain
solutions corresponding to the guided modes of a negative-index layer [19], and extended
(or propagating) modes that should also be taken into account as well, in order to describe
scattering of arbitrary fields.
We solve the discrete eigenmode equations numerically for the slab geometry with periodic
Copyright c 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Numer. Model. 2000; 00:1–6
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Figure 5. (a) Amplitudes of reflected plane waves vs. the number of points; (b,c) Electric field profiles
for N = 64 and N = 256. Parameters are the same as in Fig. 2, except µ2 = −3.5.
boundary conditions, and compare the spectrum of eigenvalues kz with exact solutions of the
continuous model. In Fig. 2(a), we show a part of the spectrum of the discrete eigenvalues
(crosses), which indeed coincides with the exact values (circles). The rate of convergence can
be judged from Fig. 2(b), where the differences between the approximate and exact solutions
are shown in logarithmic scale.
One of the fundamental problems in the theory of negative-index metamaterials is the wave
scattering by wedges [20], where convergence of numerical methods can be slow due to the
appearance of singularities [21]. In this section, we demonstrate that the nature of such
singularities has to be taken into account when performing FDTD numerical simulations.
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Figure 6. (a) Amplitudes of reflected plane waves vs. the number of points; (b,c) Electric field profiles
for N = 64 and N = 256. Parameters are the same as in Fig. 2.
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However, the case of complex γ corresponds to the fields that oscillate infinitely fast near
the corner because
ργ−1 = ρRe(γ−1) exp [i Im(γ) log(ρ)] .
The second multiplier indicates the excitation of infinitely large spatial harmonics, however
such a situation is unphysical because the effective-medium approximation of the negative-
index materials is valid for slowly varying fields only. Therefore, in numerical simulations it is
necessary to take into account the physical effects that suppress such oscillations, in particular
we discuss the effect of losses in Sec. 4.3 below.
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where j is the number of eigenmodes. Here the summation is performed over the propagating
modes (Imkz = 0) which transport energy away from the interface, and evanescently decaying
modes with Imkz < 0. In free space at z < 0, the field is composed of incident and reflected
plane waves,
N/2 N/2
(in) (refl)
Ey |m,n = Fj exp(i2πjm/N + iK zn ) + Fj exp(i2πjm/N − iK (j) zn ).
j=−N/2+1 j=−N/2+1
Here N is the number of points in the x direction, and the discrete wavenumber is K (j) =
±sin−1 h2 ω 2 /4c2 − sin2 (jπ/N ) 2/h [15]. The sign of K (j) is chosen with a proper wave
asymptotic behavior, i.e., we choose Re(K (j) ) > 0, if K (j) is real, and Im(K (j) ) > 0 if K (j)
is complex. The magnetic field at z < 0 is found from Eq. (4), with homogeneous parameters
hεi = ε1 , hµi = µ1 , hµ−1 i = µ−1
1 . Then, we substitute Eqs. (8), (9) into the first of Eq. (4),
and using the condition of the continuity of the electric field, obtain a set of equations for all
(ref l)
m = 1, . . . , N that are used to calculate the amplitudes Fj and Aj of the reflected and
transmitted waves,
(in) (refl)
Aj Ey |m,0 (kz(j) ) = (Fj + Fj ) exp(i2πjm/N )
j j=−N/2+1
X h i
Aj Hx |m,−1/2 (kz ) + Hx |m,1/2 (kz(j) ) (10)
−2c X (in) (refl)
= (Fj − Fj ) sin(K (j) h) exp(i2πjm/N ).
ωµ1 h
These equations are solved using the standard linear algebra package.
We now present results of our numerical simulations for the scattering of normally incident
(in) (in)
plane waves, with F0 = 1, Fj6=0 = 0. First, we consider scattering by a negative-index slab
with µ2 < −3. In this case, we observe a steady convergence of numerical solutions, as shown
in Fig. 5. This demonstrates that even simplest finite-difference numerical schemes can be
successfully employed to model the scattering process when the sinularity parameter γ is real,
is in a full agreement with earlier studies of wave scattering at dielectric wedges [22].
However, the situation changes dramatically when γ is complex, i.e. for µ2 = −1.5. According
to the analytical solution, in this case the magnetic field should oscillate infinitely fast in
the vicinity of the corner, corresponding to excitation of infinitely large spatial harmonics.
However, such behavior cannot be described by discrete equations, and we find that in this
regime solutions of finite-difference equation do not converge, as demonstrated in Fig. 6.
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non-vanishing losses, and we have studied whether this important physical effect can regularize
the field oscillations at the corner. However, our results demonstrate that even substantial
losses may not be sufficient enough to suppress such oscillations, as presented in the example
of Fig. 7.
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Copyright c 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Numer. Model. 2000; 00:1–6
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The authors thank Alexander Zharov and Pavel Belov for useful discussions and suggestions.
This work has been supported by the Australian Research Council.
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