A Broadband Low-Reflection Metamaterial Absorber: Articles You May Be Interested in
A Broadband Low-Reflection Metamaterial Absorber: Articles You May Be Interested in
A Broadband Low-Reflection Metamaterial Absorber: Articles You May Be Interested in
Cite as: J. Appl. Phys. 108, 064913 (2010); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3485808
Submitted: 02 February 2010 • Accepted: 02 August 2010 • Published Online: 30 September 2010
0.9 −5
Power Absorbed
Magnitude (dB)
0.3 S21 ELC−SRR
0.2 S11 ELC
0.1 −40
2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3
Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz)
that the ELCs and SRRs were arranged in such a way as to fit reflection performance is due to the aforementioned similar-
as many of them in per unit volume, to maximize absorption ity between the ⑀r and r responses. These simulations were
per unit volume, while reducing cross coupling between the thus consistent with theory, and provided a basis for experi-
constituent particles as much as possible. mental testing.
The design that optimized these benchmarks is shown in
Fig. 2. Its simulated response, along with that of just the III. FABRICATION AND EXPERIMENT
ELC and SRR is shown in Fig. 3. 95% absorption was
achieved at 2.65 GHz, with a FWHM of 300 MHz. Further- The ELCs and SRRs were fabricated separately by using
more, the reflected power is below 5% throughout the range, optical mask lithography to etch 0.017 mm thick copper
indicating a well-matched effective medium. The parameter traces on one side of a 0.2 mm thick FR4 dielectric. Once
retrievals in Fig. 4 indicate that this high-absorption, low- fabricated, the lumped resistors and capacitors were soldered
0.8 1
0.4 0
0.2 −0.5
0 −1
2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 FIG. 4. 共Color online兲 ELC-SRR re-
Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz)
trievals. Permeability 共r兲 and permit-
tivity 共⑀r兲 have similar Lorentzian
resonances around 2.67 GHz. Z is
Relative Permeability, μ Re( μr ) Relative Permittivity, ε Re( ε )
r r r therefore near unity and Im共n兲 is large.
1.5 Im( μ ) 2 Im( ε )
r r
−1 −1
2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3
Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz)
064913-4 Gu et al. J. Appl. Phys. 108, 064913 共2010兲
Magnitude (dB)
0.3 S11 ELC
0.2 S11 ELC−SRR
−35 S11 SRR
0.1 S11 Air
−40 S21 ELC
−0.1 −45
−50 S21 Air
2.5 2.55 2.6 2.65 2.7 2.75 2.8 2.85 2.9 2.95 2.5 2.55 2.6 2.65 2.7 2.75 2.8 2.85 2.9 2.95
Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz)
on. One unit cell of the absorber structure was mounted on a since all of the experimental ELC-SRR, ELC, and SRR
foam support and measurements were taken on a WR340 peaks are shifted by approximately 70 MHz compared to
closed waveguide between 2–3 GHz, shown in Fig. 5共a兲. At their simulated peaks in Fig. 3. For the individual ELC and
these frequencies, propagation is confined to the TE10 mode. SRR results, one must remember that some of the discrepan-
Reflection and transmission measurements, S11 and S21, cies in performance are due to decreased coupling with the
were made for one unit cell of the ELC-SRR absorber as experimental TE10 mode wave 共i.e., less flux through the
well as for just the constituent ELC and SRR particles. Fig- SRRs compared to the plane wave simulation兲. In addition,
ure 5共c兲 shows that the ELC-SRR has the deepest and broad- the field distribution in a closed waveguide is stronger in the
est transmission minima, and moreover, has the lowest re- center than at the sides 共where the SRRs are located兲. Thus,
flection. This result is strong evidence that the ELC-SRR is the experimental SRR response is weaker than the experi-
able to achieve greater absorption with minimal reflection at mental ELC response in Fig. 5, in contrast to the stronger
resonance by being simultaneously well matched and lossy. simulated SRR response in Fig. 3.
Note that S11 for air exhibits some reflection below ⫺15 dB. Additional design and experimentation was performed to
This error is due to imperfect waveguide matching and is increase the bandwidth of the ELC-SRR absorber. This was
small enough to not affect experimental results. Figure 5共b兲 accomplished by increasing the lumped resistances on the
shows the calculated absorbed power, and the ELC-SRR is individual ELCs and SRRs, and by sandwiching individual
able to achieve 86% absorption at 2.74 GHz with a FWHM particles with different resonances closer together to create a
bandwidth of 170 MHz. These experimental results in Fig. 5 denser, and more broadband absorber. One of the benefits of
agree well with the simulated results in Fig. 3. Most impor- a low-reflection absorber design is that additional absorber
tantly, the combined ELC-SRR has the highest and broadest can be placed in the propagation direction to increase absorp-
absorption. One does note, however, that the ELC-SRR ex- tion performance. However, the goal was to increase band-
perimental peak of 2.74 GHz is shifted approximately 70 width while maintaining the same form factor as a single
MHz higher compared to the simulated peak of 2.67 GHz in cell, thus sandwiching in the transverse direction was pre-
Fig. 5. This higher resonant frequency is likely due to the ferred. This method is more difficult because of rapidly in-
smaller experimental capacitances 共e.g., in the lumped ca- creasing mutual inductances between the cells, especially for
pacitors used兲 than what was simulated. This is consistent the magnetically coupled SRRs, which decreases 0 of the
064913-5 Gu et al. J. Appl. Phys. 108, 064913 共2010兲
Magnitude (dB)
Absorbed Power
0.6 −15
cells, and also blends the resonances together. Thus, multiple frequencies. This unusually high absorption is likely due to
SRRs and ELCs with distinct individual resonances that the sandwiching of the ELC, since a single ELC would have
cover a large frequency range will have a narrower fre- substantial reflections. This is especially true at the peak of
quency range when packed closely together. Another key 2.4 GHz, where the close sandwiching of the ELCs may
limitation is that the absorber no longer functions if the have generated enough current to create a magnetic response
SRRs and ELCs are mixed together in close proximity. In in the electrical-response dominated ELC such that r was
order to overcome these challenges, a 4-SRR cell was de- comparable to ⑀r, resulting in near-perfect matching at 2.4
signed whereby only SRRs of the same resonance frequency GHz and near perfect absorption.
were placed in parallel, as shown in Fig. 6共b兲. ELCs and
SRRs were also segregated. The final structure in Fig. 6共c兲 IV. SUMMARY
was also experimentally adjusted so that the broadband ELC
resonance was of similar magnitude and bandwidth as that of We have thus designed, simulated, and experimentally
the SRRs. verified the performance of a broadband low-reflection
The final ELC-SRR sandwich was able to achieve a peak metamaterial absorber, with a peak absorption of 99.9% at
absorption of 99.9% at 2.4 GHz and 700 MHz FWHM band- 2.4 GHz, and a FWHM of 700 MHz. Although conventional
width as shown in Fig. 6共d兲, while maintaining low reflection rf absorbers such as pyramidal absorbers have larger band-
of below ⫺10 dB as shown in Fig. 6共e兲. The “bumpiness” in widths, the ELC-SRR sandwich has several advantages. One
Fig. 6共d兲 also indicate that the ELC-SRR responses are com- advantage of the ELC-SRR sandwich is its relatively thin
posed of many distinct resonances, which is consistent with 共⬇ / 5兲 thickness in the propagation direction, compared to
the fact that the ELC and SRR sandwiches were composed the typical 共⬇ / 2兲 or greater thickness of carbon loaded
of 13 and 56 individual ELCs and SRRs with 13 and 10 foam pyramidal absorbers. The biggest advantage however,
different resonant frequencies, respectively. Note that the is the ability to add lumped circuit elements to introduce
ELC by itself in Fig. 6共d兲 has a high peak absorption and tunability and other active performance enhancements. For
bandwidth as well, although lower than the ELC-SRR at all example, MEMS 共Micro Electrical Mechanical Systems兲
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