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A Broadband Low-Reflection Metamaterial Absorber: Articles You May Be Interested in

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A broadband low-reflection metamaterial

Cite as: J. Appl. Phys. 108, 064913 (2010); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3485808
Submitted: 02 February 2010 • Accepted: 02 August 2010 • Published Online: 30 September 2010

S. Gu, J. P. Barrett, T. H. Hand, et al.


Ultra-broadband microwave metamaterial absorber

Applied Physics Letters 100, 103506 (2012); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3692178

Ultra-broadband terahertz metamaterial absorber

Applied Physics Letters 105, 021102 (2014); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4890521

An ultrathin and broadband metamaterial absorber using multi-layer structures

Journal of Applied Physics 114, 064109 (2013); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4818318

J. Appl. Phys. 108, 064913 (2010); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3485808 108, 064913

© 2010 American Institute of Physics.


A broadband low-reflection metamaterial absorber

S. Gu,a兲 J. P. Barrett, T. H. Hand, B.-I. Popa, and S. A. Cummera兲
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Center for Metamaterials and Integrated
Plasmonics, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27705, USA
共Received 2 February 2010; accepted 2 August 2010; published online 30 September 2010兲
Artificially engineered metamaterials have enabled the creation of electromagnetic materials with
properties not found in nature. Recent work has demonstrated the feasibility of developing high
performance, narrowband electromagnetic absorbers using such metamaterials. These metamaterials
derive their absorption properties primarily through dielectric loss and impedance matching at
resonance. This paper builds on that work by increasing the bandwidth through embedding resistors
into the metamaterial structure in order to lower the Q factor and by using multiple elements with
different resonances. This is done while maintaining an impedance-matched material at normal
incidence. We thus present the design, simulation, and experimental verification of a broadband
gigahertz region metamaterial absorber, with a maximum absorption of 99.9% at 2.4 GHz, and a full
width at half maximum bandwidth of 700 MHz, all while maintaining low reflection inside and
outside of resonance. © 2010 American Institute of Physics. 关doi:10.1063/1.3485808兴

I. INTRODUCTION timizations to synthesize broadband, multilayer FSS.8 These

FSS have been used in designs for a considerable time and
The properties of materials with electromagnetic proper- have been quite successful. However, due to their periodic
ties not found in nature were theorized by Veselago,1 who structure and structures comparable to wavelength, chal-
showed many of the unusual properties of materials with lenges remain with unwanted passbands, off-normal inci-
simultaneously negative permittivity, ⑀, and permeability, ␮. dence, and polarizations. These challenges have led to the
Recent research in metamaterials have led to practical imple- development of alternative materials and structures that ex-
mentations of such materials. One of the earliest approaches hibit bulk absorption, including metamaterial absorbers that
for realizing complex electromagnetic metamaterials utilizes are the focus of this paper.
split ring resonators 共SRRs兲 to generate a Lorentzian-shaped Metamaterial absorbers utilizing variations in three basic
resonant magnetic response, along with thin wires to gener- structures, SRRs, ELCs, and thin wires, can be used to ab-
ate a broadband electrical response.2 Alternating layers of sorb electromagnetic energy through resistive and/or dielec-
these electrically small SRRs and thin wires, with largest tric loss. Landy, et al.9 demonstrated a near perfect narrow
dimension Ⰶ␭, will produce a simultaneously negative ⑀r band absorber in the THz region by using an electric-SRR,
and ␮r.3 Subsequent experiments using a two-dimensional copper strip, and dielectric based metamaterial. It was shown
array of copper strips and SRRs experimentally verified the that most of the loss was due to dielectric loss.9 Subsequent
negative refraction properties of such metamaterials.4 An- work replaced the copper strip with a complete backplane,
other method of generating an electrical response is with an creating a 16 ␮m thick narrow band absorber with 96%
electrically coupled LC resonator 共ELC兲.5 Unlike thin wires, maximum absorption at 1.6 THz that had good off-normal
ELCs are resonant structures that exhibit a Lorentzian re- incidence performance for both TE and TM modes.10
sponse similar to that of the SRR, except in permittivity in-
stead of in permeability. Alternating layers of tuned SRRs
and ELCs have been shown to result in simultaneously nega- II. DESIGN
tive ⑀r and ␮r, resulting in negative refraction.6 In this paper, we present the design, simulation, and ex-
Prior to the introduction of metamaterials, most of the perimental testing of a gigahertz region metamaterial ab-
work on rf absorbers was focused on rf absorbing materials sorber that uses a combination of ELCs and SRRs to achieve
commonly found as carbon loaded foam pyramidal absorb- 99% absorption at 2.4 GHz with a full width at half maxi-
ers, ferrite tiles, and engineered frequency selective surfaces mum 共FWHM兲 of 700 MHz. The design of this absorber
共FSS兲. Pyramidal absorbers are relatively effective, and are differs from previous work in its use of lumped resistive
broadband, but are typically bulky because they need to be elements as the chief contributor of absorption. Furthermore,
on the order of ␭ / 2 or greater to achieve significant attenu- this absorber is designed to be a normal-incidence imped-
ation. A FSS derives its bandfiltering absorption/reflection ance matched material 共i.e., z = 1兲, both in and out of reso-
properties from its periodic spacing, and is typically imple- nance, and therefore does not have a reflective backplane.
mented using periodically perforated metallic screens or as This differs from the metamaterial designs used in Landy, et
metallic particles on a dielectric substrate.7 Recent advances al. and Tao, et al. which were perfectly matched at resonance
in FSS include the use of genetic algorithms and Pareto op- but had high reflection out of band. Thus, this metamaterial
design is an absorber/transmitter rather than an absorber/
Electronic addresses: sg58@duke.edu and cummer@ee.duke.edu. reflector. The use of resistors and a backplane-less metama-

0021-8979/2010/108共6兲/064913/6/$30.00 108, 064913-1 © 2010 American Institute of Physics

064913-2 Gu et al. J. Appl. Phys. 108, 064913 共2010兲

terial design was mentioned by Bilotti,11 but was not experi-

mentally tested and did not utilize the concept of using
impedance matching to decrease reflection.
The theoretical basis for this design comes from the re-
lationships between the effective relative permittivity, rela-
tive permeability, index of refraction, and impedance 共⑀r, ␮r,
n, and z兲 of the SRR and ELC based media. As long as the
SRR and ELC are electrically small, these bulk parameters (a) ELC (b) SRR
hold and are related by the following equations:
FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 The optimum single-cell ELC-SRR absorption was
z = 冑␮r/⑀r , 共1兲 achieved with 共a兲 ELC parameters of a1 = 0.35 mm, a2 = 1 mm, a3 = 0 mm,
C1 = 10 pF, and R1 = 10 ⍀, and 共b兲 SRR parameters of b1 = 0.7 mm, b2
n = 冑␮ r ⑀ r .
= 3 mm, b3 = 0.5 mm, C2 = 10 pF, and R2 = 5 ⍀.
To create an absorber, we are interested in the values of n, ⑀r,
therefore chose a relatively simple retrieval algorithm19 that
and ␮r where the incident electromagnetic field is attenuated
was shown to be successful in the design of various metama-
inside the effective medium of the particle. For a right
terial devices,22–24 and which implicitly accounts for com-
handed, passive material, using the e+j␻t time convention,
plex phenomena such as spatial dispersion or coupling be-
propagation loss corresponds primarily to Im共n兲 ⬍ 0. In
tween constitutive elements. This method is especially
Landy, et al.,12 it is shown that for materials with complex ␮
suitable for experimental retrievals and relies on estimating
and ⑀, the total loss depends on both Im共n兲 and Im共z兲. How-
the nonlocal effective refractive index and impedance from
ever, since our design aims for z = 1 to reduce reflection, loss
reflection and transmission measurements. Although this re-
is dominated by Im共n兲.
trieval method does not necessarily describe correctly the
Increasingly larger magnitudes of ⑀r and ␮r will result in
internal physics of the unit-cell response, it is nevertheless an
greater loss. The physical explanation is that a higher index
effective approach for describing the reflected and transmit-
material will have larger fields in the material, and thus more
ted fields produced by the composite, which is our interest.
loss from dielectric and resistive heating. In addition, we
One unit cell of an ELC and an SRR structure 共com-
would like to reduce reflection so that more power can be
posed of two identical SRRs for increased magnetic re-
absorbed. This can be achieved by making ⑀r = ␮r so that z
sponse兲 is depicted in Fig. 1. The FR4 dielectric was simu-
= 1 for all frequencies.
lated with ⑀r = 4.4 and is 0.2 mm thick. The copper traces are
In practice, loss is measured by the amount of electro-
simulated to be 0.017 mm thick. The capacitive gaps, lumped
magnetic power absorbed, where absorbed power, A共␻兲, is
capacitors, and lumped resistors were tuned such that the
related to the reflected power, R共␻兲, the transmitted power,
resonant frequencies of the ELC and SRRs were identical,
T共␻兲, and the reflection coefficient S11 and transmission co-
and to optimize for bandwidth and peak absorption. Please
efficient S21 by A共␻兲 = 1 − R共␻兲 − T共␻兲 and A共␻兲 = 1 − 兩S11兩2
note that for the initial ELC-SRR design, the width of the
− 兩S21兩2, where A共␻兲, R共␻兲, and T共␻兲 are relative to the in-
ELCs capacitive gap, a3, was adjusted so that the resonant
cident power. Furthermore, since the SRR and ELC particles
frequency of the ELC was similar to that of the SRR. The
are essentially RLC resonators,2 one can change the resonant
frequency ␻0 = 1 / 冑LC and Q factor Q = 共1 / R兲冑L / C by
optimal solution was actually a3 = 0 mm for that particular
ELC-SRR arrangement, as noted in the caption. However,
changing R, L, and C. Inductance and capacitance values, L
subsequent designs such as the ELC-SRR sandwich depicted
and C, are adjusted in order to tune the strong, Lorentzian
in Fig. 6 were composed of various ELCs with a3 ⬎ 0 mm in
magnetic response of the SRR such that it overlays the
order to match resonance with the sandwiched SRRs.
strong Lorentzian electric response of the ELC to create a
By combining these two types of particles, an ELC-SRR
lossy, yet perfectly matched effective medium. Once this is
was created and simulated using Ansoft HFSS, a commercial
accomplished, R can be adjusted to achieve the desired Q
finite element solver of Maxwell’s equations. Several ar-
factor, whereby an increase in R yields a flatter, lower Q
rangements were simulated, with the constraints that the
factor, and a decrease in R yields a sharper, higher Q factor.
ELC-SRR had to be much smaller than the wavelength, and
Since the design of the absorber depends on optimizing
the bulk parameters of ⑀r and ␮r, an appropriate retrieval
method is required. There exist several homogenization
schemes that attach effective material parameters to media
obtained from replicating elements such as those presented
in Figs. 1共a兲 and 2. Thus, both theoretical2,13–17 and
numerical18–21 approaches have been proposed that retrieve
these effective parameters either directly, from the geometry
of the particles, or indirectly by averaging the fields pro-
duced by them. For the purpose of our study, we need a
retrieval method capable of characterizing the scattering off
the absorbing media, as opposed to a method that describes
in detail the physics of how individual cells behave. We FIG. 2. 共Color online兲 ELC-SRR.
064913-3 Gu et al. J. Appl. Phys. 108, 064913 共2010兲

0.9 −5
Power Absorbed

Magnitude (dB)
0.3 S21 ELC−SRR
0.2 S11 ELC
0.1 −40

2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3
Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz)

(a) Power (b) S11 and S21

FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 Simulated separate and combined ELC-SRR performance. 共a兲 ELC-SRR absorption is higher and broader than individual ELC and SRR
particles. 共b兲 ELC-SRR achieves high absorption through decreased transmission 共S21兲 and low reflection 共S11兲.

that the ELCs and SRRs were arranged in such a way as to fit reflection performance is due to the aforementioned similar-
as many of them in per unit volume, to maximize absorption ity between the ⑀r and ␮r responses. These simulations were
per unit volume, while reducing cross coupling between the thus consistent with theory, and provided a basis for experi-
constituent particles as much as possible. mental testing.
The design that optimized these benchmarks is shown in
Fig. 2. Its simulated response, along with that of just the III. FABRICATION AND EXPERIMENT
ELC and SRR is shown in Fig. 3. 95% absorption was
achieved at 2.65 GHz, with a FWHM of 300 MHz. Further- The ELCs and SRRs were fabricated separately by using
more, the reflected power is below 5% throughout the range, optical mask lithography to etch 0.017 mm thick copper
indicating a well-matched effective medium. The parameter traces on one side of a 0.2 mm thick FR4 dielectric. Once
retrievals in Fig. 4 indicate that this high-absorption, low- fabricated, the lumped resistors and capacitors were soldered

Impedance Z Refractive Index, n

1 1.5

0.8 1

0.6 Re(z) 0.5 Re(n)

Im(z) Im(n)

0.4 0

0.2 −0.5

0 −1
2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 FIG. 4. 共Color online兲 ELC-SRR re-
Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz)
trievals. Permeability 共␮r兲 and permit-
tivity 共⑀r兲 have similar Lorentzian
resonances around 2.67 GHz. Z is
Relative Permeability, μ Re( μr ) Relative Permittivity, ε Re( ε )
r r r therefore near unity and Im共n兲 is large.
1.5 Im( μ ) 2 Im( ε )
r r




−1 −1
2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3
Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz)
064913-4 Gu et al. J. Appl. Phys. 108, 064913 共2010兲

(a) ELC-SRR in WR340 Waveguide

0.9 ELC−SRR 0
Air −5
0.7 ELC−SRR Simulated
Absorbed Power


Magnitude (dB)
0.3 S11 ELC
0.2 S11 ELC−SRR
−35 S11 SRR
0.1 S11 Air
−40 S21 ELC
−0.1 −45
−50 S21 Air
2.5 2.55 2.6 2.65 2.7 2.75 2.8 2.85 2.9 2.95 2.5 2.55 2.6 2.65 2.7 2.75 2.8 2.85 2.9 2.95
Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz)

(b) Power (c) S11 and S21

FIG. 5. 共Color online兲 Experimental separate and combined ELC-SRR performance. 共a兲 ELC-SRR measured in a WR340 closed waveguide. 共b兲 ELC-SRR has
the highest and broadest absorption with a 86% peak at 2.74 GHz, and FWHM bandwidth of 170 MHz. 共c兲 ELC-SRR has deepest transmission 共S21兲 dip and
maintains comparatively low reflection 共S11兲.

on. One unit cell of the absorber structure was mounted on a since all of the experimental ELC-SRR, ELC, and SRR
foam support and measurements were taken on a WR340 peaks are shifted by approximately 70 MHz compared to
closed waveguide between 2–3 GHz, shown in Fig. 5共a兲. At their simulated peaks in Fig. 3. For the individual ELC and
these frequencies, propagation is confined to the TE10 mode. SRR results, one must remember that some of the discrepan-
Reflection and transmission measurements, S11 and S21, cies in performance are due to decreased coupling with the
were made for one unit cell of the ELC-SRR absorber as experimental TE10 mode wave 共i.e., less flux through the
well as for just the constituent ELC and SRR particles. Fig- SRRs compared to the plane wave simulation兲. In addition,
ure 5共c兲 shows that the ELC-SRR has the deepest and broad- the field distribution in a closed waveguide is stronger in the
est transmission minima, and moreover, has the lowest re- center than at the sides 共where the SRRs are located兲. Thus,
flection. This result is strong evidence that the ELC-SRR is the experimental SRR response is weaker than the experi-
able to achieve greater absorption with minimal reflection at mental ELC response in Fig. 5, in contrast to the stronger
resonance by being simultaneously well matched and lossy. simulated SRR response in Fig. 3.
Note that S11 for air exhibits some reflection below ⫺15 dB. Additional design and experimentation was performed to
This error is due to imperfect waveguide matching and is increase the bandwidth of the ELC-SRR absorber. This was
small enough to not affect experimental results. Figure 5共b兲 accomplished by increasing the lumped resistances on the
shows the calculated absorbed power, and the ELC-SRR is individual ELCs and SRRs, and by sandwiching individual
able to achieve 86% absorption at 2.74 GHz with a FWHM particles with different resonances closer together to create a
bandwidth of 170 MHz. These experimental results in Fig. 5 denser, and more broadband absorber. One of the benefits of
agree well with the simulated results in Fig. 3. Most impor- a low-reflection absorber design is that additional absorber
tantly, the combined ELC-SRR has the highest and broadest can be placed in the propagation direction to increase absorp-
absorption. One does note, however, that the ELC-SRR ex- tion performance. However, the goal was to increase band-
perimental peak of 2.74 GHz is shifted approximately 70 width while maintaining the same form factor as a single
MHz higher compared to the simulated peak of 2.67 GHz in cell, thus sandwiching in the transverse direction was pre-
Fig. 5. This higher resonant frequency is likely due to the ferred. This method is more difficult because of rapidly in-
smaller experimental capacitances 共e.g., in the lumped ca- creasing mutual inductances between the cells, especially for
pacitors used兲 than what was simulated. This is consistent the magnetically coupled SRRs, which decreases ␻0 of the
064913-5 Gu et al. J. Appl. Phys. 108, 064913 共2010兲

(a) ELC Sandwich (b) SRR Sandwich (c) ELC-SRR Sandwich

Air −5


Magnitude (dB)
Absorbed Power

0.6 −15


−25 S21 ELC

0.2 S21 ELC−SRR
S21 Ai r
S11 Air
2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3
Frequency (GHz)
Frequency (GHz)
(d) Power (e) S11 and S21
FIG. 6. 共Color online兲 ELC-SRR sandwich experimental performance. 共a兲 ELC sandwich. 共b兲 SRR sandwich. 共c兲 ELC-SRR sandwich. 共d兲 ELC-SRR sandwich
peak absorption of 99.9% at 2.4 GHz, with FWHM of 700 MHz. Distinct absorption maxima and minima are due to component particle resonances. 共e兲
ELC-SRR sandwich absorption due to transmission 共S21兲 decrease. S11 remains low, but varies throughout band due to imperfect matching of ELC and SRR

cells, and also blends the resonances together. Thus, multiple frequencies. This unusually high absorption is likely due to
SRRs and ELCs with distinct individual resonances that the sandwiching of the ELC, since a single ELC would have
cover a large frequency range will have a narrower fre- substantial reflections. This is especially true at the peak of
quency range when packed closely together. Another key 2.4 GHz, where the close sandwiching of the ELCs may
limitation is that the absorber no longer functions if the have generated enough current to create a magnetic response
SRRs and ELCs are mixed together in close proximity. In in the electrical-response dominated ELC such that ␮r was
order to overcome these challenges, a 4-SRR cell was de- comparable to ⑀r, resulting in near-perfect matching at 2.4
signed whereby only SRRs of the same resonance frequency GHz and near perfect absorption.
were placed in parallel, as shown in Fig. 6共b兲. ELCs and
SRRs were also segregated. The final structure in Fig. 6共c兲 IV. SUMMARY
was also experimentally adjusted so that the broadband ELC
resonance was of similar magnitude and bandwidth as that of We have thus designed, simulated, and experimentally
the SRRs. verified the performance of a broadband low-reflection
The final ELC-SRR sandwich was able to achieve a peak metamaterial absorber, with a peak absorption of 99.9% at
absorption of 99.9% at 2.4 GHz and 700 MHz FWHM band- 2.4 GHz, and a FWHM of 700 MHz. Although conventional
width as shown in Fig. 6共d兲, while maintaining low reflection rf absorbers such as pyramidal absorbers have larger band-
of below ⫺10 dB as shown in Fig. 6共e兲. The “bumpiness” in widths, the ELC-SRR sandwich has several advantages. One
Fig. 6共d兲 also indicate that the ELC-SRR responses are com- advantage of the ELC-SRR sandwich is its relatively thin
posed of many distinct resonances, which is consistent with 共⬇␭ / 5兲 thickness in the propagation direction, compared to
the fact that the ELC and SRR sandwiches were composed the typical 共⬇␭ / 2兲 or greater thickness of carbon loaded
of 13 and 56 individual ELCs and SRRs with 13 and 10 foam pyramidal absorbers. The biggest advantage however,
different resonant frequencies, respectively. Note that the is the ability to add lumped circuit elements to introduce
ELC by itself in Fig. 6共d兲 has a high peak absorption and tunability and other active performance enhancements. For
bandwidth as well, although lower than the ELC-SRR at all example, MEMS 共Micro Electrical Mechanical Systems兲
064913-6 Gu et al. J. Appl. Phys. 108, 064913 共2010兲

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