A Perfect Metamaterial Absorber
A Perfect Metamaterial Absorber
A Perfect Metamaterial Absorber
N. I. Landy
Boston College, Department of Physics, 140 Commonwealth Ave., Chestnut Hill, MA 02467.
W. J. Padilla
Boston College, Department of Physics, 140 Commonwealth Ave., Chestnut Hill, MA 02467.
(Dated: March 13, 2008)
arXiv:0803.1670v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 11 Mar 2008
We present the design for an absorbing metamaterial element with near unity absorbance. Our
structure consists of two metamaterial resonators that couple separately to electric and magnetic
fields so as to absorb all incident radiation within a single unit cell layer. We fabricate, charac-
terize, and analyze a metamaterial absorber with a slightly lower predicted absorbance of 96%.
This achieves a simulated full width at half maximum (FWHM) absorbance of 4% thus making
this material ideal for imaging purposes. Unlike conventional absorbers, our metamaterial consists
solely of metallic elements. The underlying substrate can therefore be chosen independently of the
substrate’s absorptive qualities and optimized for other parameters of interest. We detail the de-
sign and simulation process that led to our metamaterial, and our experiments demonstrate a peak
absorbance greater than 88% at 11.5 GHz.
the many possible applications. We have designed simi- direction of the incident wave to couple to the magnetic
lar metamaterials (not shown) as in Fig. 1 that achieved resonator. This resulted in variations between unit cells
comparable A(ω) to that shown in Fig. 2 operating at and less distinct absorbance peak.
94 GHz and 1 THz. NIL and WJP acknowledge support from the Los
While the creation of a metamaterial absorber is novel, Alamos National Laboratory LDRD program, DRS ac-
the technology to create highly absorptive materials in knowledges support MDA Contract W9113M-07-C-0078,
the microwave frequency range is well-established. The and DRS, SS, and JJM acknowledge support from a Mul-
material “chiroshield” is capable of very high absorption, tiple University Research Initiative sponsored by the Air
and reduces backscatter by 15 to 25 dB [23]. Chiroshield, Force Office of Scientific Research Contract No. FA9550-
however, has geometries on the order of one wavelength, 06-1-0279.
which is 35 times larger than our design at a given center
frequency. Some ferrites show reflection loss of -30 dB
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