( 1st year)
What is Clothing?
Clothes or clothing are the terms used to describe the different types of materials
worn on the body.
It is a human characteristic to protect our bodies from cold, rain and other
climate change or weather conditions.
Early humans, who lived two million years ago used to cover and protect their
bodies by wrapping tree leaves, woven grass or tree barks, bones, skull and the
skin of dead animals, etc
Unit 1
Tools and Equipments
Tools and Equipments Used in Garment Construction:-
a) Measuring Tools.
b) Marking Tools.
c) Cutting Tools.
d) Sewing Tools.
e) Finishing tools.
Measuring Tools.
Measuring tape.
EMBROIDERY SCISSORS: These are light weight cutting scissors with 3 to 4 inches in
size with narrow blade tapering into two sharp points.
BUTTONHOLE SCISSORS: These scissors are adjusted to cut button holes of required
SNIPPING SCISSORS: These are used for trimming or clipping seams and cutting
corners, and are generally 15 to 17.5 cm long with narrow blades and tapered sharp
TRIMMING SCISSORS: These are spring-action clippers with or without a finger loop
featuring very short blades for cutting thread tails and clipping seams quickly.
Feed dog helps to feed the fabric to the required direction, either backward or
forward using its teeth. It is a metal-based product.
The take-up lever is located directly above the presser foot of a sewing machine.
It's the part of the machine that pulls the thread from the spool to feed it through
the machine and lifts the thread back up out of the cloth after a stitch has been
The presser bar lifter is used to raise and lower the presser bar, so that the
sewing machine foot is placed in contact with the feed dog
Maintenance and Defects of
Sewing Machine
Maintenance of Sewing Machine
Cleaning of sewing machine.
● Dust is the enemy of machinery. To keep your machine as clean as
possible, store it under a dust cover or in a hard case.
● Clean dust and loose thread after sewing.
● Change Needles Regularly.
● Use good quality accessories.
Oiling the sewing machine
● Quality sewing oil is clear and should not stain your garments.
● Oiling the machine will help these parts run smoother and for longer.
Annual Servicing
Common Sewing Machine Defects.
1. Thread break
● Sudden jerk while sewing ● Uniform smooth start of the machine
● A manufacturing defect in the needle with ● Use of good quality needle and replace in
‘eye’ being rough proper interval
● Use of poor quality thread ● Use of good quality thread
● Thread getting wrap around the spool ● Do proper threading in the machine
holder ● Use of recommended thread
● Improper selection of thread
2. Missed or irregular stitch 3. Fabric not moving forward
Causes: Causes:
● Needle put in the wrong way round ● Stitching has bunched forming a lump
● Insufficient pressure on the pressure ● Feed teeth not raised
foot ● Negligible pressure on the pressure foot
● Blunt or bent needle
● Stitch length set at Improper selection of
Remedies: Remedies:
● A needle inserted in the wrong way ● Zig-zag too wide for the thickness of the
● Fabric pushed or pull through machine
● Stitch length too long for thickness in
● Incorrect foot attachment fabric
● Incorrect needle plate attached ● High thread tension
● High SPI (stitch density)
● Insert needle as directed in manual
● Change to a narrower stitch width
● Allow fabric to feed at its normal pace ● Change to a shorter stitch length
● Attach foot as required ● Check the thread tension
● Check needle plate ● Set SPI based as per the material
Thank You
-Dikshita Chauhan