(2.) Explain the tourism system flow of the given scenario based on your response in item #1.
Limit your answer to three (3) sentences.
The connection between supply and demand, via the extend components, happen a
two-way link. Demand is evaluating by the extend components, providing the essential
link between supply and demand. Travel person who negotiates make agreements
accompanying destination supply firms to support their buyer of goods while at the
destination. The tourism supply support the resources enjoyed and eat up by tourists.
Therefore, a travel for pleasure system is make as transactions middle from two points
these components are fashioned.
(1.) Identify the components of the tourism system based on the given scenario. Input answers
in the same template as the diagram below.
She immediately
contacted BGC Tours
Thalia wants to relax The package includes
to purchase the tour
at the beach with a full board meals,
package. In response
budget that must not accommodation,
to this, BGC Tours
exceed $4,000. transportation, and
will contact AC Beach
entrance fees to
Thalia saw a 3 days Resort to check for
attractions within the
and 2 nights in La resources, and Raya
Union tour package Transport to check
on a Facebook post the availability of
costing P3,500. seats in the vehicle.
The agency will then
get back to the
customer to confirm
the slot and proceed
with the payment of
the products and
services at the