Weekend Tourism in Bandipur
Weekend Tourism in Bandipur
Weekend Tourism in Bandipur
Tourism in
The abundance of Eco Tourism places in India often confuse vacationer to pick the
perfect destination for holidays. Karnataka, rich southern Indian state in its natural
resources, has plenty of options for a splendid getaway. Bandipur National Park along
with Nagarahole National Park constitutes India's one of the most extensive tract of
protected forest. The rich greenery, exquisite flora and plenteous wild animals of this
national park is quite suitable for giving you a perfect weekend getaway. Weekend
getaway of Bandipur is worth giving you a reason to gain a great change this weekend.
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Research review
Literature review 1: Pintilii, R. D., Peptenatu, D., Drăghici, C., & Schvab, A. (2010). Weekend tourism as an instrument of local
development. GeoJournal of Tourism and Goesites , 5(1), 44-51.
Literature review 2: Ustymenko, L. (2016). Weekend tourism as a cultural phenomenon. Культура і мистецтво у сучасному світі ,
(17), 11-16.
Literature review 3: Kádár, B., & Gede, M. (2022). The Measurable Predominance of Weekend Trips in Established Tourism Regions
—The Case of Visitors from Budapest at Waterside Destinations. Sustainability, 14(6), 3293.
Literature review 4: Ramchurjee, N. A., & Suresha, S. Biodiversity Conservation Problems And Their Consequences On Sustainable
Ecotourism: A Case Study Of Bandipur National Park, Karnataka, India.
Literature review 5: Karanth, K. U., & Karanth, K. K. (2012). A tiger in the drawing room: can luxury tourism benefit
wildlife?. Economic and Political Weekly , 38-43.
Research design
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• Objectives
To study about the willingness of tourists to pursue weekend tourism.
To understand the significance of Bandipur as a weekend tourist destination.
The perspective of tourist in local residence view.
To identify the impact of weekend tourism.
• Data collection
1. Primary: Questionnaire with tourist who visits Bandipur during weekends.
2. Secondary: Outlook traveller (Charming weekend getaways) magazine, Research
articles in google scholar, Meet Bandipur wildlife of India magazine by Sujit Shivadas.
• Scope of the research : Weekend tourism has its own way of style were most of the
people follow and enjoy weekend tourism. How weekend tourism is used in Bandipur.
The advantage and disadvantage of weekend tourism in Bandipur, how tourist enjoys
the shot with wildlife. And how weekend tourism is promoting wildlife and how famous
its been. How tourist experience the beauty of Bandipur and how tourist covers the
place. And the significance of Bandipur as a weekend tourist destination. How we can
enjoy the weekend tourism without disturbing animals.
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• Sample design
Non- probability sampling method: Questionnaire
Why they chooses to visit Bandipur during weekend?
What attracted tourist to visit Bandipur?
Can Bandipur be called as a tourist spot for weekend tourism?
Experience in wildlife with safari?
How to experience the whole tiger research and national park in weekends?
Tourist objectives
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Research Instrument
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The holiday weekend is taking an adverse toll on animals of the Bandipur and also in some
other wildlife places like Nagarahole tiger reserves near Mysuru and the Cauvery Wildlife
Sanctuary near Bengaluru which are bustling with tourists. With most visitors being either
ignorant or unaware of rules, both the habitat and the wildlife have been adversely affected.
Despite induction of more staff at the ground level and with activists keeping a vigil of the
protected areas during holiday season, forest officials say it is still very difficult to control
the unruly crowds, especially youth who trespass and enter prohibited areas and disturb the
wildlife. Week-end tourism is a branch that is hard to be defined and quantified, just
because some of the related activities are not used exclusively in tourism consumer.
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Finding and Outcome
• Importance of weekend tourism
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Thank you
Sheril I
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