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Module Number: BMP6004

Module Name: Learning and Development

Year/Trimester: 2023-24/ Semester 2/ Jan 2024 Cohort

Module Tutor/s: Dipen Rai /Mahnaaz Siddiqui / John Orji / Edidiong Emmanuel
Sidney / Muhammed Kamran / Khondokar Farid Ahmmed / Gift Kugara /Muhammad
Umar Farooq / Mohammed Chowdhury / Naveed Shah / Muhammad Sajid /
Mohammad Yousuf / Khawaja Salman Ishtiaq / Emmanuel Adiku / Fariha Quddus

Assessment Number 1
Assessment Type (and Individual Essay – 50%
(2500 words)
Assessment Name Topical Issue in L&D
Assessment Submission Date Sunday 21st July 2024 by 23:59

Learning Outcomes Assessed:

LO1: Evaluate the importance of organisational Learning and Development.
LO2: Critically appraise Learning Development theories, models and practices.

Assignment Brief:

You must choose a company that is engaged in the technology sector in the
UK (i.e. a UK-based tech company or company with operations in the UK).
Conduct a thorough analysis of the literature on organisational learning and
development (L&D) and determine how crucial L&D is to improving employee
performance in the context of your chosen sector or company. Critically
evaluate various learning development (L&D) theories, models, and practises
to support and suggest the best L&D strategy for your chosen company.

Secondary Research Requirement at Level HE6 - It is expected that the

Reference List will contain between fifteen to twenty sources. As a MINIMUM the
Reference List should include three refereed academic journals and four academic

Assessment Preparation and Submission:

See section 12 of the module guide for Guidelines on the Preparation and
Submission of Assignments.

Additional Submission Instructions:

You are required to submit a soft copy via “Turn-it-in UK” on the module Moodle
page. The software will allow you to check your work against other material on the
internet. It will also compare your work against other students work.
You will be able to upload drafts of your written work into turn-it-in as many times as
you wish before the deadline.
You will not be able to overwrite the final submission after the deadline. You can only
submit a single file.

Specific Assessment Criteria: (See Page 3 for General Assessment Criteria)

Excellent (70%+): Students will provide an in-depth analysis the role of

organisational learning in improving organisational performance, demonstrating
excellent critical reasoning skills. Focused and justified recommendations will be
made as to how advantages/challenges identified in the analysis may be overcome
or utilised. Extensive research demonstrating use of a wide range of current
secondary research sources will be evident. Academic style and referencing will be
Very Good (60 – 69%): Students will provide a comprehensive analysis of the role
of organisational learning in improving organisational performance, demonstrating
very good critical reasoning skills. Focused and justified recommendations will be
made as to how advantages/challenges identified in the analysis may be overcome
or utilised. Research demonstrating use of a wide range of current secondary
research sources will be evident. Academic style and referencing will be very good.
Good (50 – 59%): Students will provide a good analysis of the role of organisational
learning in improving organisational performance, demonstrating good critical
reasoning skills. Focused and justified recommendations will be made as to how
advantages/challenges identified in the analysis may be overcome or utilised.
Research demonstrating use of a wide range of current secondary research sources
will be evident. Academic style and referencing will be good.
Satisfactory (40-49%): Students will provide a satisfactory analysis of the role of
organisational learning in improving organisational perfromance, demonstrating
excellent critical reasoning skills. Focused and justified recommendations will be
made as to how advantages/challenges identified in the analysis may be overcome
or utilised Research demonstrating use of a range of current secondary research
sources will be evident. Academic style and referencing will be fair.
Unsatisfactory (1-39%): Students who do not meet the requirements of a pass
grade (40% or above) will not successfully complete the assessment activity. There
are deficiencies or omissions in the level of discussion and scope of the literature
relating to the study of Learning & Development. There is incomplete presentation,
inaccurate citing and referencing showing limited research and study skills. The
written style lacks fluency and comprehension. There is a poor grasp of the
theoretical and conceptual frameworks and models. The work shows little or no
analysis of the key issues, concepts and frameworks relating to International HRM.
There is poor integration of these areas in relation to the question set.
ssment Criteria - Level HE6
elevance Knowledge Argument/Analysis Structure Presentation Written English Re
rectly relevant to Demonstrates an exceptional Makes exceptional use of Coherently articulated The presentational style & An exceptionally well written Sou
e. Expertly knowledge/understanding of appropriate arguments and/or and logically layout is correct for the type answer with standard spelling in t
dresses the theory and practice for this level. theoretical models. structured. of assignment. Effective and grammar. An
umptions of the title Demonstrates the ability to Presents an exceptional critical An appropriate format inclusion of figures, tables, Style is clear, resourceful and con
d/or the requirements expertly identify and critically evaluation of the material results in is used. plates (FTP). academic. rele
the brief. appraise the most important clear, logical and insightful in t
issues, themes and questions. conclusions. Demonstrates cor
Demonstrates originality in distinctive or independent thinking.
conceptual understanding.
rectly relevant to Demonstrates an excellent Makes creative use of appropriate Coherently articulated The presentational style & An excellently written Sou
e. Addresses the knowledge/understanding of arguments and/or theoretical and logically layout is correct for the type answer with standard spelling in t
umptions of the title theory and practice for this level. models. Demonstrates some structured. of assignment. Effective and grammar. Aw
d/or the requirements Demonstrates the ability to distinctive or independent thinking. An appropriate format inclusion of figures, tables, Style is clear, resourceful and con
the brief. identify and critically appraise Presents an excellent critical is used. plates (FTP). academic. rele
the most important issues, evaluation of the material results in in t
themes and questions. clear, logical and illuminating cor
rectly relevant to Demonstrates a very good Uses sound arguments or Logically constructed The presentational style & A very well written answer Sou
e. Addresses most of knowledge/understanding of theoretical models. Presents a in the main. layout is correct for the type with standard spelling and in t
assumptions of the theory and practice for this level. sound critical evaluation of the An appropriate format of assignment. Effective grammar. Style is clear and ran
e and/or the Demonstrates the ability to material resulting in clear and is used. inclusion of FTP. academic. refe
uirements of the identify and critically appraise logical conclusions. refe
ef. key issues, themes and questions. cor
nerally addresses the Demonstrates a good Presents largely coherent For the most part The presentational style & Competently written with Mo
e/brief, but knowledge/understanding of arguments. Evidence of attempted coherently articulated layout is correct for the type minor lapses in spelling and cite
metimes considers theory and practice for this level analysis and critical evaluation, and logically of assignment. Inclusion of grammar. Style is readable and app
elevant issues. through the identification and with some descriptive or narrative structured. An FTP but lacks selectivity. academic in the main. is p
critical appraisal of some key passages. Conclusions are fairly acceptable format is larg
issues, themes and questions. clear and logical. used. styl
me degree of Demonstrates an adequate Presents basic arguments, but focus Adequate attempt at The presentational style & Generally competently written Som
elevance to the knowledge/understanding of and consistency lacking in places. articulation and layout is largely correct for although intermittent lapses in cite
e/brief. theory and practice for this level. Issues are vaguely stated. logical structure. the type of assignment. grammar and spelling pose
perficial An attempt is made to critically Descriptive or narrative passages An acceptable format Inappropriate use of FTP or obstacles for the reader. Style Som
nsideration of the appraise some key issues, themes evident which lack clear purpose. is used. not used where clearly limits communication and is refe
ues. and questions. Conclusions are not always clear or needed to aid non-academic in a number of
logical. understanding. places.
gnificant degree of Demonstrates weaknesses in Limited argument, which is Poorly structured. For the type of assignment Deficiencies in spelling and Lim
elevance to the knowledge of theory and practice descriptive or narrative in style the presentational style grammar makes reading refe
e/brief. for this level. Key issues and with little evidence of analysis. Lack of articulation. &/or layout is lacking. difficult.
ly the most obvious themes not identified or Conclusions are neither clear nor Format deficient. FTP ignored in text or not Simplistic or repetitious style
ues are addressed at appraised. logical. used where clearly needed. impairs clarity.
uperficial level and
unchallenging terms. Style is non-academic.
levance to the Demonstrates a lack of basic Inadequate arguments and no Unstructured. For the type of assignment Poorly written with numerous An
e/brief is intermittent knowledge of either theory or analysis. the presentational style deficiencies in grammar, sou
missing. practice for this level, with little Descriptive or narrative in style Lack of articulation. &/or layout is lacking. spelling and expression. refe
evidence of understanding. with no evidence of critique. Format deficient FTP as above. Style is non-academic.
e topic is reduced to Conclusions are sparse.
vaguest and least
allenging terms.

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