Learner Information System (LIS)
Learner Information System (LIS)
Learner Information System (LIS)
A learner has two or more LRN, what should the school do?An
issue of multiple LRN happens when the school or other schools
created another LRN of a single learner who already had an existing
LRN with different data sets. The data of these two or more LRNs
pertaining to a single learner should be merged into one.
To resolve this, the school should fill out RF01 or Request Form 01 -
Template for Reporting Multiple LRN. A birth certificate and Form
137/138 are also required if there are any discrepancies in data like
birthdate, name, previous school enrolment., etc.
This way, the private school can still track the learner in
another school without hindering enrolment.
A learner’s LRN was found to be
(was probably disapproved by the DPO).
Upon compliance with the requirements
and enrolment, should the school create
another LRN for the said learner?No, the
school should request for the reactivation of
the LRN by filling out RF 02 – Request Form
02 Template for Enrolment with Data Issues.
- All Private Schools that are legal and have permit to operate are registered in
EBEIS and uploaded in LIS, thus, if the Private School is not included in the uploaded
Masterlist, it should be immediately reported to your Division Office. The Division
Planning Unit will coordinate with the other Division Planning Unit (in case the said
Private School is not under your Division Office’ jurisdiction).
- If proven that the Private School has no permit to operate or not recognized, the
learner’s enrollment from the said school is unofficial hence, Form 137 or Form 138
and other documents issued by the said illegal Private School will not be honored and
accepted. For learners enrolled in illegal Private Schools they still need to take PVT or
PEPT examination - DECS Service Manual 2000 page. 77 par. 3.2.3 section A. Tracking
of illegal Private Schools is one of the benefits we can get if we continue to update LIS.
Updating EOSY
• What to do with learners included in
Masterlist but no appearance since day 1?
Also for learners that we don’t recognize but
were included in our advisory classes?
- Please report these learners to your Division Office
(Office of the Superintendent) and send a copy to
listrackermain@gmail.com on the learners’ details or a
copy of SF 1 for all the learners that you request to remove
from official registry. Please incude your explanation /
feedback why the learners were registered.
• TRANSFERRED OUT: when the learner
has transferred to another school within
the SY.
• DROPPED OUT: when the learner has
left the school and has not completed
the full term in said school for reason
other than transferring to another
• a) CCT RECIPIENT refers to learners whose
families are recipients of the Conditional
Cash Transfer (CCT) under the Pantawid
Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) of the
Department of Social Welfare and
Development (DSWD)
• b) ALIVE refers to learners who are enrolled
in Arabic Language and Islamic Values
Education classes.
• c) BALIK-ARAL refers to learners who finished a
grade level, stopped schooling and enrolled in the
next grade level after a year or more as of the
enrollment cutoff date i.e. June 6
• d) REPEATER refers to learners who failed or left a
particular grade level in any previous school year
and are enrolled in the same grade level where
they left or failed, as of the enrollment cutoff date
i.e. June 6
LIS Guidelines for Operation
School Head
• Monitor the progress of updating in the LIS and
“finalize” the School Register for a given school year
• Ensure that data on learners in the LIS and in any
form of storage is kept secure and protected from
any unauthorized access
• Designate a secondary focal person (School ICT
Coord., EBEIS Coordinator) who shall assist in
providing system admin. and technical support to
Class Advisers.
Guidelines for Operation
Class Adviser
• Only nationally-funded and locally-funded teaching
personnel can be assigned as Class Adviser.
Volunteers cannot be assigned as CAs
• The Class Adviser shall be responsible for the
– Enroll and update the profile of all learners in his/her class
in any given school year
– Finalize his/her Class Register
Guidelines for Operation
Creation and updating of Class Adviser record
• SH shall initially create a personnel record and
a user account for Class Advisers in the LIS.
– This personnel record is uniquely referenced by
the TIN No.
• After the personnel record and its
corresponding user account is created,
updating of personnel data can only be done
by the personnel him/herself.
Guidelines for Operation
Creation and updating of learner profile
• Class adviser shall be responsible for updating the profile
of all learners in his/her class in any given school year
• He/she must ensure that the learner profile is updated
and supported by acceptable documents (e.g. birth
certificate, etc)
• The LRN uniquely references a learner in the registry.
– An LRN must refer to one and only one learner
– A learner must have one and only one LRN
• The LRN must be attached to every learner’s school
record (Form 137, etc)