C14A L4 Unit 5 Accounting Principles
C14A L4 Unit 5 Accounting Principles
C14A L4 Unit 5 Accounting Principles
Assignment Brief
Credit Value 15
Submission Format
The evidence submissions for this unit are a Research Report, Financial
Statements, and Cash Budget.
This should be written in a concise, formal business style using 1.5 spacing and a
font size of 12. Preferably, you can use Arial or Calibri font style. You must use
appropriate headings, paragraphs, and subsections and ensure that the report
is justified and aligned. You need to bold the headings and subheadings, add
page numbers, and include a clear task and assignment/evidence title. You must
submit your assignments in MS Word format.
You must proofread the assignments for spelling, grammar, and function errors. You
may use digital proofreading, such as Grammarly. You may wish to sign up for a
free Grammarly account.
You must avoid using American spellings in your assignments or in any written work.
You are required to use British spellings only. You can use the following link to
see the difference as an example:
All tasks must be produced in a professional academic writing style and should
include evidence of your research with references. This includes linking research
coherently to your writing and using referencing, such as a bibliography, citing and
quotes. You are required to submit original work without plagiarism, and you need
to reference your work where required. You are required to use the Harvard
referencing style. You may wish to read the information on the link given:
Please remember the Turnitin Policy and that your similarity should NOT exceed
25%. Make sure you submit your assignment before the deadline, or as per policy,
you will be capped at a Pass for late submission. You should focus on command
words and key phrases in producing your evidence. Please refer to the document
provided in the glossary of key terms that define evidence requirements, as this
would be helpful. The document can be accessed on CANVAS.
The unit enables the students to develop the following skills and knowledge
Cognitive skills
• Theoretical and practical understanding • Problem-Solving
of a range of financial and management • Critical thinking/Analysis
accounting techniques. • Decision Making
• Students will be able to assist senior • Digital Literacy and Numeracy
colleagues in producing and analysing • Critical thinking and analytical skills
budgets, drawing up simple financial • Effective communication skills
statements and using financial ratios to
interpret performance. Intra-personal skills
• Planning and Priortising
• Self-Management
• Teamwork
• Independent learning
Assignment Tasks
Task A Scenario
Tesco plc has been a prominent player in the UK retail industry for decades, with
operations spanning multiple countries. As one of the largest retailers in the UK and
a multinational corporation, Tesco plc operates in a highly regulated environment,
with stringent oversight from regulatory bodies such as the Financial Reporting
Council (FRC) and the UK Government's Department for Business, Energy &
Industrial Strategy (BEIS). Additionally, Tesco plc is committed to upholding high
ethical standards in its financial reporting practices to maintain the trust and
confidence of its stakeholders.
In this task, you will conduct a thorough assessment of Tesco plc's accounting
function, focusing on its adherence to regulatory requirements and ethical
The working title you have been given for the report is ‘The role of accounting in
Tesco’. The report must be presented as a research paper that is engaging and
practical, covering relevant academic theory and using, for example, headings,
images, and illustrations. Your report should include the following but is not limited
● the purpose and scope of accounting in complex operating environments
● a critical evaluation of the accounting function in informing decision-making and
meeting stakeholder and societal needs and expectations
● the main branches of accounting and job skillsets and competencies
● accounting systems and the role of technology in modern-day accounting
● issues of ethics, regulation and compliance and the extent to which they are
constraints or threats to the organisation.
➢ Critically evaluate Tesco's compliance with the relevant accounting
standards, including the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
adopted by the UK.
➢ Critically assess the effectiveness of Tesco's internal controls framework in
ensuring the reliability of financial reporting and preventing fraudulent
➢ Critically review Tesco's code of conduct and ethics policies to ensure they
address key ethical principles such as integrity, honesty, and transparency in
financial reporting.
3. Conclusion: Summarise the findings to conclude your report.
4. References: Include references to link your analysis with current and
relevant academic research.
The research report should include contemporary examples, recommendations and
references to relevant academic theories and models.
Note: You are not allowed to use text boxes and page borders in MS Word. You are
expected to write your report in a professional academic writing style. You are
required to include academic references in Harvard style with in-text citations. An
academic form of writing includes linking research coherently to your writing and
using referencing, such as a bibliography, examples, citing, and quotes. You must
effectively use headings, sub-headings, bullet points and subsections as
appropriate. The recommended word limit is 1000–1500 words, excluding
references, although you will not be penalised for going under or exceeding the
total word limit.
Key tips: In Task A, you can consider taking further support from the prompts below:
• The accounting function in an organisation: Different branches of accounting, e.g. financial,
management, auditing, tax and forensic accounting. Career opportunities in accounting and roles and
responsibilities, e.g. accounts clerk, accounts assistant, qualified accountant. Roles in commercial
finance, e.g. cost analyst, business controller, pricing professionals and global business services, e.g.
purchase pay (P2P) professionals and report-to-report (R2R) professionals.
• Users and uses of financial information. Interrelationships between the accounting and finance
functions of other areas of the organisation and increasingly complex operating environments. Context
and purpose of financial and management accounting: The purpose and scope of accounting include
recording, reporting, and analysing information to inform decision-making. Role of supporting and new
information technologies to support accounting and decision making. Management accounting
information, including systems, e.g. cost accounting, inventory management, and job costing. The
benefits (streamlined reporting, accuracy), risks and limitations (security threats, loss of data through
power outages) of management accounting information.
5. Recommendations
6. Conclusion
7. References
• Critically interpret financial statements and provide explanations or additional
information to support your calculations and conclusions.
• Use appropriate headings, titles, and formatting to make your assignment
easy to read and understand.
Part 2- Task B Compulsory Instructions:
➢ Data is the same as for Part 1, given in the Excel sheet as Trial Balance.
The formulas and explanations for the given ratios have been given as
➢ Calculate the following financial ratios for each organisation:
1. Profitability Ratios: Gross Profit Margin, Net Profit Margin (for sole trader
and partnership)
2. Not-for-Profit Specific Ratio: Program Expense Ratio, Administrative
Expense Ratio (not-for-profit organisation)
• Present the financial ratios in a clear and organised format, labelling each
ratio appropriately.
• Interpret the results of each ratio analysis, discussing what the ratios reveal
about each organisation's financial health and performance.
• Based on the financial ratio analysis, provide recommendations for each
organisation, highlighting areas of strength and areas needing improvement.
Task C- Cash Budget
Scenario: You are a financial analyst at BlueSky Enterprises, a consulting firm
specialising in financial management. Your task is to prepare a cash budget for an
organisation and provide an in-depth discussion on the benefits and limitations of
budgets and budgetary planning, as well as the importance of budgetary control for
organisational success.
Cash Budget: Data has been provided on an Excel sheet.
➢ Prepare a Cash Budget based on the data, considering the January
opening balance.
• Use a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to calculate the net cash flow at the end
of each month.
• Compare the monthly cash flow over the three months.
• In the next step, identify and evaluate the current problem that will affect
profitability and liquidity.
• Propose and justify a solution to the problem that has been identified and
explain why.
• Discuss the benefits of budgets and budgetary planning for organisations
(see the tips given below to explain your answer).
Key Tips:
• Advantages of budget planning (how much cash is coming in and going out) and how much
money is left at the end of the month (liquidity) to meet expenses.
• Through budget and budget planning, we can make core decisions about the running of the
business. For example, if we want to increase the net cash flow, we can either increase the
sales revenue or reduce our expenses. The amount can be determined based on the net
cash flow we want to achieve. We can also have an estimate of money left (net cash flow)
for the business if we want to expand, which costs money.
• Limitations- the budget planning and budget may be affected by other unforeseen external
factors (PESTEL), and therefore, any decisions made on budget planning can be inaccurate.
• Propose and justify a solution to the problem that has been identified and explain why. (For
example, if you want to increase sales or reduce expenses, explain why.)
• Identify the current problem (e.g., cash flow is falling, and the company has less money to
spend on other expenses) that will affect profitability and liquidity.
Please note that the resources listed are examples for you to use as a starting
point in your research – the list is not definitive.
• ATRILL, P. and McLANEY, E. (2018) Accounting and Finance for Non-Specialists.
11th Ed. Harlow: Pearson.
• DRURY, C. (2015) Management and Cost Accounting. 9th Ed. Cengage Learning.
SEAL, W. et al (2018) Management Accounting. 6th Ed. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill.
• WEETMAN, P. (2019). Financial and Management Accounting: An Introduction.
Harlow: Pearson.
P1 Examine the purpose of M1 Evaluate the context and D1 Critically evaluate the role
the accounting function purpose of the accounting of accounting in informing
within an organisation. function in meeting decision-making to meet
P2 Assess the accounting organisational, stakeholder organisational, stakeholder
function within the and societal needs and and societal needs within
organisation in the context of expectations. complex operating
regulatory and ethical environments.
P6 Prepare a cash budget from M4 Identify corrective actions D3 Justify budgetary control
given data for an organisation to problems revealed by solutions and their impact on
using a spreadsheet. budgetary planning and control organisational decision-making to
ensure efficient and effective
for effective organisational
deployment of resources.
P7 Discuss the benefits and
limitations of budgets and,
budgetary planning, and
control for an organisation.