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Ave Maria College


HEI Unique Institutional Identifier: 09077


Prepared by: Christine S. Miral BEED

At the of the lesson, the student are expected to,:
a. define the concept of the double standard in the context of marriage;
b. recognize the importance of fostering equality and mutual respect within marital
c. Demonstrate an awareness of non- verbal cues and behaviors that may perpetuate
the double standard with in marital relationships.


Topic: The Elaboration of Differential Sexualities: Marriage and the Double Standard.
References: Gender and Society books/Handouts.
Materials: PTV, laptop and visual aid PowerPoint.


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer

Before we start our class, kindly all stand for

the opening prayer, andrie kindly lead the
prayer. Andrie: Please stand up, and let us pray, in the
name of the father, the son in the holy spirit,
2. Greetings our father who art in heaven.......

Good morning class! Student’s : Good morning ma’am.

Good morning classmates.
You may now take your seat.

3. Checking of Attendance

Is anyone absent from the class today?

Class monitor? Honey: No, ma’am.
Very good if there is none.

4. Setting of Classroom Rules

Before we proceed to our discussion, I want

to let you know our classroom agreement, in
order to have a successful discussion.
Kindly read all together. Student’s: Raise your hand if you want to
Raise your hand if you want to answer answer
Unusual walk must be avoided Unusual walk must be avoided
Listen Attentively Listen Attentively
Eyes on the teacher Eyes on the teacher
Speak only when told. Speak only when told.

Do understand class to our classroom

Very Good. All. Yes, Ma’am.

B. Motivation

So I have prepared a game called past

the ball, this game is related to our topic. So I
have her a crumpled paper it contains of
questions all you have to do is when I played a
music you past the ball into your seat mate ,
when I stopped the music for those student
holds the ball can pick 1
crumple paper and answer the following
questions being ask. For those student who
cannot answer the questions , can do the dance All. Yes, Ma’am.
Do you understand class?
Okay, lets get started.

1. Give your thoughts , what is double
2. Give your thoughts, what is the
difference between men and women?
3. What is sex?
4. For you what is Sex Role?
5. What is marriage?

C. Presentation

As I said earlier, our game is related to

our topic this morning, what do you
think is our topic for today? Yes
Andrie? Do you have an I dea? Andrei: I think Ma’am our topic this morning
is all about marriage?
You have a point Andri.

Who else? Yes, Ela? Do you have an

Idea? Ela: I guess Ma’am, our topic for today is all
Okay, all of your answer class are about marriage and double standard?
Our topic for this morning is all about
The Elaboration of Differential Sexualities:
Marriage and the Double Standard.
But before we proceed to our discussion,
I want you to know our objectives so that you
will be guided as we go through our
Read all together.

At the of the lesson, the student are expected


a. define the concept of the double

standard in the context of marriage;

b. recognize the importance of fostering

equality and mutual respect within marital

c. Demonstrate an awareness of non-

verbal cues and behaviors that may
perpetuate the double standard with in marital

Do you understand with our objectives


All. Yes, Ma’am .

Very good.

D. Discussion

The Elaboration of Differential

Sexualities: Marriage and the Double

The ideology of male sexual needs

inform s a broad range of male and
female sexual behaviour..

When marriage allows one of

its partners privileges the
other doesn't have, it is a
double standard. Most
marriages have quite a few,
by mutual agreement, which
is no big deal. It's a problem
when most of the double
standards favor the same

A double standard is a code or policy
that favors one group or person over
another. Double standards are unfair. If
a teacher lets all the boys bring candy
for lunch but not the girls, that's a
double standard. A standard is a way of
evaluating someone, and a double
standard is two-faced
All. Yes, Ma’am .
There are three types of marriage and
the Double Standard.
All. Yes Ma’am .
1. Female Monogony and Male
Marriage and the social relations between
men and women which flowed from this
contract, gave men a privileged command of
women’s labor.
Women can, cook,wash,iron, sew and so on
for their husband. But if society is to uphold
marriage and family life and at the same time
allow men to indulge in their sexual urge’s, it
had to find ways to gratify the latter without
sacrificing the former.

It is often urged that the essence of the double

standard and therefore of the crime of
adultery is the confusion of progeny.

Are you listening class?

Very good, listen to me carefully
because after this discussion I have a question
for you.

The main ingredients in the sexual

relationship between men and women then is
the actual and potential property of men in
women and therefore of the control of
women’s sexuality by men. Men have the
right to demand sexual satisfaction from


2. Social and Behavioral


The double standard was only one aspect of a

whole code of social conduct for women
which was based primarily on their place in
society in relationship to men.
The value of women was relative to their
function as a sexual being.

The differences between men and women that

exist today are developed in relation to this
view male and female sexuality. Women treat
sex as unimportant in marriage. Girls are not
as free as boy .
Women need a man to depend on financially
and emotionally they are no defined primarily
interms of their relationships to men.
Example: consequence is what happens
immediately after a behavior.
Consequences can be both positive and
negative. Positive consequences show
your child she has done something you
like. Your child is more likely to repeat
the behavior when you use positive

All. Yes, Ma’am .

All. Yes, Ma’am .

Are you still with me class?

Do you understand with our discussion?
Very good, prepare yourselves for my
questions after this.

3. Contemporary Configurations

Today, while the double standard is pervasive

on the Philippines society it is not found in
the same degree at all social levels and with
all ethnic groups. It seems less matked among
the peasantry, for example ,where the
connection between sex and morality was not
as effectively embedded and among whom
sex usually occurs with the weight of an
obligation towards marriage or a permanent


Do you understand class? All. Yes, Ma’am.

Very good, to measure that you really

understand our topic for this morning.
E. Application

I will group you into 3 groups, I have

here a box with a different colours, the
yellow green,the purple and the
yellow. All you have to do is to pick
one color inside the box. The color
yellow green seat here, the color
purple seat here and the color yellow
seat here.

I will give you a marker and 1 piece

of cartolina,each group in order for you to
write your answer. The first group who can
finish first is have a extra points. I will give
you 5 minutes to complete your task.
Timers starts now!
Group yellow green: Give an example of
Social and Behavioral Consequences and
explain it.

Group purple; Give a summary of the topic

based in your understanding.

Group yellow: Explain why is important?

F. Generalization

What is out topic once again class?

Yes, Andrie? Andrei: Our topic for this morning Ma’am

was all abou The Elaboration of Differential
Sexualities: Marriage and the Double
Very good! What is The Elaboration
of Differential Sexualities: Marriage
and the Double Standard.

Yes, Reggie? Reggie : The ideology of male sexual needs

inform s a broad range of male and female
sexual behaviour.
Very good! What are the three types of
marriage and double standard?
Yes, Vanessa? Vannesa: The Female Monogamy and Male
Promiscuity. And Social and Behavioral
Consequences the last one is Contemporary
Very good class. Configurations.

Do you really understand class? All. Yes, Ma’am

Do you have any questions or concerns All. Non Ma’am .
about our topic class?

If there is non, kindly get a ½ sheet of

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Write true if the statement of the sentence is correct otherwise False.

1. Marriage and social relations between men and women which flowed from this contract
gave men a privileged command of women’s labor.
2. It is often urged that the essence of the double standard and therefore of the crime of
adultery is the different of progeny.
3. The double standard was only one aspect of a whole code of social conduct
4. Through the years the ideology of the male sexual needs and its practice in the double
standard waxed and waned and varied inintensity according to social class.
5. The difference between men and women that exist today are developed in relation to this
view of male and female sexuality.

Answer key:
1. True
2. False because of the word different.
3. True
4. True
5. True

V. Assignment
1. Direction: Explain: what is the difference between social and Behavioral
Consequences.And Contemporary Configurations

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