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Republic of the Philippines

Caraga Region
Surigao del Norte Division
Magsaysay, Placer, Surigao del Norte



A. Grade Level Standard: The learner demonstrates communicative competence

through his/ her understanding of literature and other texts types for a deeper
appreciation of World Literature, including Philippine Literature.

B. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs): Compose an argumentative

Essay. (EN10WC-IIh-13)

C. Specific Learning objectives: During and after the discussion, the learners will
be able to;

C.1.Define argumentative essay.

C.2 Value the significance of arguments in daily conversation.
C.3 Compose an argumentative essay applying the basic techniques.


A. Topic: Argumentative Essay

B. References: Textbooks
Self-Learning Module (English 10 – Modyul 1)

C. Learning Materials: Laptop, Projector, SLM, Textbook.


Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities


Okay class, before we start our lesson,

may I request everybody to stand and let
us pray. Will you please lead the prayer In the name of the father…

Good morning everyone! Good morning Ma’am Abuel!

How was your day so far?
We are fine ma’am!
That’s good to hear, can I expect a full
cooperation and participation from you
during our discussion? Yes ma’am1

Very Good!

Checking of Attendance

To start our day, let’s check your

attendance first. Who’s absent today? None ma’am!

Okay, thank you. I think everyone here

is present today. Very good!

Before we proceed to our discussion this

morning. I just want to remind you of
our classroom rules. Every kindly read
our rules. 1. Observe one-man speaker.
2. Refrain from making unnecessary
3. Be polite and respectful
4. Participate in the class discussion
and activities

Is that clear class? Yes ma’am!

Very good!


Before we proceed to our next topic, let’s

have a quick review of what we
discussed yesterday.

Who among you could still remember

our lesson from yesterday? Ma’am!

Okay Rhea, can you share to the class

the topic that we had yesterday? It’s about essay ma’am!

Okay, that’s right! Will you please An essay is a concise piece of

define, what’s an essay is? nonfiction writing that aims to either
inform the reader about a topic or
argue a particular perspective. It can
either be formal or informal in nature.

Very good, let us give Rhea a round of


Aside from defining essay, what else did

we discussed yesterday. Ma’am?
Yes Nash? What else did we discussed We also discussed the different part of
yesterday? an essay ma’am.

Okay, very good, what are the different The parts of an essay are:
part of an essay Nash? 1. introduction
2. body
3. conclusion

That’s right, very good. Is there any

question of clarification about our topic


Since you already understood our last

topic, today we will be having a short
activity that we will be calling “FACT OR
BLUFF” in this activity we will be
measuring your knowledge on the
different concepts in the different
learning areas. I will be showing some
statements and all you need to do is to
tell me if it is a FACT or a BLUFF. Am I Yes ma’am!

Okay statement number 1. (SCIENCE)

The sun is the center of the solar Fact!
system. Is it a fact or a bluff?

Very good, we all know that the sun is

the center of our solar system.
Statement number 2. (ARAL. PAN.)
Gloria Macapagal Arroyo was the first
woman president of the Philippines, Is it
a fact or a bluff? Bluff!

Very good it’s a bluff, because the first

woman president of our country was.. Corazon Aquino ma’am.

Correct! Statement number 3 (MATH)

4.1317 is the value of pi. Is it a fact or a
Bluff ma’am because the value of pi is
That’s correct very good Clyrstryn. Let’s 3.14…
proceed to statement number 4
Hugging someone with HIV is one of the
ways to transmit the virus. Is it a fact or
a bluff? Bluff!

Very good, you will never be infected

with HIV by simply hugging someone
with it! That is one of the common
medical misconceptions! Lets proceed to
our last statement (FILIPINO)
Alibata is an ancient writing system that
was used in what is now the Philippines.
Is it a fact or a bluff?
Fact ma’am!
Very good! I want you to give yourself a
round of applause.

Presentation/Discussion of the Topic

Our activity was in line with the topic

that we are going to discuss today. Fact
or having evidence is an essential facet
of writing an argumentative essay. That
will be the topic that we are going
explore and discover for this day and
our objectives with this topic are the
following. Everybody read!

1. Define argumentative essay.

2 Value the significance of arguments
in daily conversation.
3. Compose an argumentative essay
These are the objectives that we must applying the basic techniques.
accomplish at the end of our discussion.
To have a vivid understanding of the
topic let us define what’s an
argumentative essay is. But before we
define argumentative essay, let’s divide
this into two, the argument and essay.
Will you please read the definition of an
argument John?

“An argument is a presentation of your

opinion and reasons on a certain
Thank you! debatable issue.”

An argument sentence is the main

ideas, or the thesis statement presented
in a text, and which the author will
present evidence throughout the text.

Example: Teenage girl present an

argument to her parents regarding why
she needs a cellphone that will allow her
to text and to use the internet.

How about essay?

An essay is a short piece of writing

that expresses information as well as
Okay, I know all of you are familiar the writer’s opinion.
about essay because you already write
your own essay. So, essay is a short
piece of writing on a particular subject.
Did you get it class?

Now, after reading the definition of an

argumentative and essay, we came up Yes ma’am!
with argumentative essay.

Who can share their insights about

argumentative essay?

I think argumentative essay ma’am is

a type of essay that is based on your
Nice idea Marian! What about the opinion regarding a certain debatable
others? topic.

Ma’am, I think it is a kind of writing

that aims to make the readers agree
Okay, that is right! with the writer’s opinion about a
An argumentative essay is a piece of certain issue.”
writing that takes a stand on an issue. A
writer attempts to persuade readers to
understand and support their point of
view about a topic by stating their
reasoning and providing evidence.


Okay, class, since we already

exemplified what’s an argumentative
essay, we will assess your own
arguments, I prepared a short activity
entitled, "What is your stand?" And in
this activity, I will show some issues
that are rising nowadays in the
Philippines, and I want you to take your
stand on whether you agree or disagree
with those issues that I will show.
Is that clear? Are you ready?

This is our first issue.

Yes ma’am!
1. Lowering the criminal liability to 12
years old.

“Ma’am, I am not in favor because

they are too young to be in jail. They
Okay, why can you say that they don’t don’t even know what is right and
even know what is right and wrong? wrong”

Okay, thank you! According to her, they Because they are still immature and
are too young to be in jail because they vulnerable ma’am.
are still in the process of maturing, and
they don’t even know what is right and
What else?

“I am in favor because even though

Thank you! Okay, he’s in favor with this you are still young, crime is a crime
issue because, according to him, age and you have to face your
doesn’t matter, if you commit a crime, consequence.”
you have to pay for it. Let’s now proceed
to the number 2.

Mandatory military service for Filipinos.

Okay, nice insights! “Ma’am! I am not in favor because they

have the right to choose what they
How about the others?

“Ma’am, I agree to her answer, they

have the right to choose and I think it
Okay! The two of are against with this should be voluntary and not
issue because they have the right to mandatory.”
choose what they want because it is
their own life.

Okay, thank you everyone for your

cooperation! Can we give them a round
of applause!

So now, what you have observed in our


“Ma’am, I think giving our own

Very good, what you did is giving a opinions about what we like and what
claim, reason and evidence on a certain we do not like.
topic. These are the basic components of
an argumentative essay.

Let us define them individually.

First is claim. Will you please read the


A claim refers to the argument that

you make in an essay. All essays
Thank you!’ contain a debatable topic that the
A claim or the thesis statement refers to writer wants the reader to agree with
what you believe to be true or good. or disagree with

Example: High school life is the

best part of a student’s education is
a claim, while I like high school life is
not. People can argue the pros and cons
of high school life but nobody can
dispute what you like or what you
don’t like.

Okay next is reason, will you please

read the definition?

Reasons are statements of support for

Let’s go back to the example claims, making those claims
from a while ago. High school life something more than mere assertions.
is the best part of a student’s
education (claim). Then our reason here
is that it is where the learners learn
much in life.

Now that we have the claim, we have

already supported our claim. Now we
should supply some evidence. But what
is the evidence? Will you please read it? In argument, evidence refers to facts,
documentation or testimony used to
strengthen a claim, support an
argument, or reach a conclusion.
So, those are the basic components ofan
argumentative essay.

Did you get it, class?

Any question
Yes ma’am


Now since you have already discussed
the different components of an
argumentative essay we will have a
short quiz. Kindly read the direction. Directions: In this activity, I want you
to identify whether it is a claim, a
Just write your answer in a ¼ sheet of reason, or evidence.
paper. Understood? And please consider
our rules; do not cheat and work
silently. Am I clear?
Yes ma’am!

ACTIVITY 1 Yes ma’am.

1. Studies have shown that exposure to
media is a risk factor for violent
behaviors. (EVIDENCE)

2. Bob should be elected as a class

President because he’s a natural leader.

3. Smoking cigarettes should be illegal


4. Dora the explorer is an Educational

T.V show for kids. (CLAIM)

5. Scientists found that smoking

cigarettes causes damage to your body
in just minutes (EVIDENCE)

Are you done? Kindly exchange your

papers with your seatmate.

Who can answer statement number 1?

(checking papers)
Why can you say that its an evidence?

Ma’am? Its an evidence maam!

Do you agree? Because that statement was based on

studies maam thus it was already
Correct, how about number 2? proven.

Yes maam.

Right, let’s proceed to statement Maam? It’s a reason because you are
number 3. simply giving your opinion based on
what you perceived about Bob.
Correct. Number 4?
It’s a claim ma’am!
That’s is right because both statements
are opinionated.
It’s also a claim maam.
The last statement?

Very good. Count the number of correct

answers. Who got perfect score?
Evidence ma’am.
Wow, majority got a perfect score. Very
good, I want you to give yourself a round
of applause.


For our last activity, I want you to

compose a short argumentative essay
about this photo. Do not forget to apply
the basic components of an essay. I will
give you 5 minutes to finish the activity.
You may now start writing.

Time is up, kindly submit your output.

Tomorrow I will be choosing 5 learners
to read their essay.


Before we end our discussion, do you

have any questions about our topic for

Okay, if you do not have any questions, “None, Ma’am.”

then I’ll be the one to ask some

What are the basic components of “Okay, ma’am”

argumentative essay?

Yes Jackielyn?

Good job!

And what is a claim? “Claim, reason and evidence.

Okay, that is right! And what is reason?

“Claims are statements about what
Very good! And for the last one is should be done or believed.”
“A reason tells the importance of the
Okay, excellent! claim and the argument.”

AGREEMENT “Use to support or prove a reason”.

Kindly study our next topic. If you don’t

have any question. Everybody stand let
us pray. Kirk, lead the prayer.

Goodbye class.

In the name….

Goodbye and thank you maam Abuel!

Prepared by:
Master Teacher I

Checked by:

Secondary School Principal

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