DFPD letter dated 26.07.24
DFPD letter dated 26.07.24
DFPD letter dated 26.07.24
\) F
Subject: sale of wheat and rice by FCI for Bharat Atta and Bharat Rice in the open
market under Open Market Sale Scheme (Domestic).
2 ln this context, it is stated that lifting of any stocks cannot be allowed now
As such all a me sma be and liftin
may be a owed onl with fres on n a er
eo SC eme stoc are liqu a
3. Declsions of corM regarding MRp for Bharat Atta and Bharat Rice have
1f1e-1oy_-o9en conveved vide retrer No. 1-1r2024-pyrv/pt(E-3869gs1--oaGo
23..07.2024 (copy enclosed) wherein it was also informed that the new rates
will be
effective on fresh Release orders after old stocks lifted at earlier rates are
Yours faithfully,
Encl: As above Signed by Deependra Singh
Date: 26{7-2024 16:50:12
_ (Deependra Singh)
Under Secretary to the Government of tnOii
Ph. 23383943
Copy to:-
Government of lndia
fvlinistrv of Consumer A{fairs, Food and Public Distribution
Department ol Food and Public Distribution
Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated, the 23-07'2024
.*k"i unOet Open Market Sale Scheme (Domestic)'
(E-382756) dated
am directed to refer to letter no, 1-612022-Py.lV/Pt.
l above and to say that
IS.OS.iOi:q ( copy encloseOl on the suble.ct mentioned the.prices
orrlJ * t,ri oeiiiion of trltommtttee of Ministers (cotvl) for reviewing Atta and
*"if"nifit, ol essentiat-co-m*oJiti"t it was decided that sale of Bharat
B*;; R;";ay oe continr-iJJ O"vo.o 30.06.2024. lt is further in{ormed
that Colvl
has decided as under: -
(i) MRP be tixed at Rs' 30/Kg for Bharat Atta,anda subsidy
oiRs' 235/Kg
for wheatto ensure retail
may be provided on'"'i"*rrB irice ot Rs..23lKo
issue price by FCI
sale at the rrrrnp oec'teJl-Thls'-would entail an ;ffective
of Rs. 20.65/kg for wheat'
(ii) MRP be fixed at Rs. 34/Kg for Bharat Rice and a
subsidy of Rs' 2'00/Kg
Riceto ensure retail
)"'rv U. [rovided on u *t"'J" frice oi Rs 24lKo for issue price by FCI
sale at the frlnp OeciJeO.-ifris woutO entail an eflective
of Rs. 22.00/kg for rice
(iii) The differential between the reserve price and effective issue